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I like haunting sights
Their beauty lingers with you
Their pale form delights
Laughing ghouls walk among us
Wearing masks of men
Their hollow eyes betray their guise
Revealing where they've been

From the darkness of our dreams
Sad emotions gently seep
Infecting those with tepid lives
Too afraid to creep

Joints creek and bones rust
As silent souls begin to fade
Dry lips crack fetid grins
As men they masquerade
A pitch black blanket of unwound strands
Lays splayed before broken words in impotent rage
Breathing ragged against a winter window

Mirrors outlined in dark silk mock all they reflect
And tell no truths in their unwashed humor
But smile like cats eyes at the moon

A four chambered cavern sits sealed in frozen stone
With faded cave paintings raving in the dark
Hinting at old fires that burned

Simmering thinly and frail beneath a calm front
A snap on the edge of the cusp is only a
Sudden strike away and expecting the spark

So the frail crescent scratched in sand fails its promise
And gives away all it said it stood for
In the name of some sad joke
This poem's evolved a lot.  kind of a very early experiment in objective correlative for me so it might seem opaque in meaning. while it's very open to interpretation, and I welcome those, for me it's really just describing or creating an impression of a girl I briefly knew back in the day. We were never close but she did leave a deep imprint at the time.  Each stanza is supposed to describe a feature of hers while together summing up what I concluded, right or wrongly, about her character and mindset.  In
corresponding order, I hope people might picture her hair, eyes, heart, mind, and smile with each new stanza.  The reader can judge how successful I was, though the possible need for this explanation may be a bad indicator
Her skin is a smooth
European pale
Spent in the shadows of rugged mountains

Her eyes are gorgeous
Deep pools of dark
Reflecting light like roman fountains

Her hair is a soft
Black velvet curtain
That entangles me in wavy passions

Together they come
In unity
To haunt the dreams of my minds mansions
Edge head on the edge of reason
A stalled mind trying to turn over
Still feels like it's spinning
When it's really only reeling
Fire and Brimstone
My words go off
With frag grenades,
A molotov cocktail
In every phrase.
Fuses lit and burning
Towards the bomb,
Anarchy's dumb
But so much fun.
Catch fire and go with it
Burn the grass
Under foot and don't
Look back cause
What's burned can't
Be fixed and doesn't
matter anymore.
Move with it
Flow with it
In a heated dance
And don't stop till
You're ash and cinders
and then, at the end
Pause, rest and smile.
Burned and out of breath
The Black Birds baked them selves today
To miss their morning flights
They wished to keep the king away
They say he's scared of heights
The Queen she keeps their beeks at bay
A scraper when she fights
The maid nev'r saw it comin they say
It's just some black birds rights
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