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 Jul 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Emma S
Another night without stars
I can't stop wondering where they are

I feel empty tonight

Maybe my soul is lost
Maybe my heart is surrounded by frost

I feel empty tonight
I just want to fall asleep,
to be able to do that,
without the help of drugs
or extreme exhaustion.
To get rid of the deep set bruises
beneath my eyes,
and the things that i keep seeing.
So many images, and figures drifting in and out
of my consciousness.
Why can't i just fall asleep,
and not feel all of this pain
and just not feel at all?
Why can't i just make it stop?
Just please make it stop.
It's lonely here.
The silence is deafening, really.
Can you hear the wind?
Or am I just imagining it?
...come back...
Is anyone there?
Can anyone hear me?

Inspired by both my own feelings and from the quote (someone I knew's last words to me)  "Stay with me until I die. It's lonely here."
Also, this poem is meant to be confusing and cryptic.
The dots are supposed to be there. I could've just used spaces but in my opinion the dots had a better effect.
 Jul 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Emma S
You're not mine
I'm not yours
Still jealousy is here

It doesn't hide in the dark shadows
But stands right next to me
Holding my hand
Leans in and whispers slowly

How could you ever be so stupid?
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