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Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
In her eyes, and just in her eyes,
did I ever feel at home—
She would look at me, always,
with such warmth and pride—
such that I never wanted
to lose that from her. Ever.
And because of such need
of wanting to make her proud,
it made me want to do
and become a better man.
Even on my darkest days,
she would hold me,
nurture me with her love,
and would say,
"I believe in you."
She was my,
what many refer as to,
greatest love.
That kind of love that only
comes once in a lifetime.
The kind that you fight for.
Oh, Anastasia. I dream of you endlessly.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Love her
                                               enough to
                                              keep her fire
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016

                                                       ANGELS FROM
                                                        THE HOPE OF
                                               FUTURE MELODIES.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
You'll be alright, love of mine.
        That I swear it to the stars.
            And whenever you lose hope,
                simply look up to the sky.
                   You will be safe.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
How could this be love
       when you're leaving me?
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Someday I'll be a father
who never had a father.

There are some times
when I wonder what
would my life be like
if my father had stayed.

Would I have gained
such confidence at an
early age to swing a bat,
or someone whom I could
go camping with and taught me
how to start a fire
instead of being such
a timid kid growing up.

Would my mother
have not such burden
to work twice as hard
just to feed my brother
and I by herself?

Such thoughts flooding
my entire mind—
but then I snap to reality
and say to myself:

"**** that guy."
"Hey, if you see my dad, tell him I said I slit his throat in this dream that I had." -Eminem.
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