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Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
A true relationship
isn't just about spoiling
each other
with lavishing gifts
or going out
to fancy restaurants,
but helping
one another grow
each and every passing day
as a person
physically, emotionally, spiritually,
and most importantly
A true relationship
consist of two souls
who sees one another
in each other's eyes;
where if one moves,
the other moves as well.
A bond so unbreakable
that it could be bent,
twisted, and twirled
but never break.
A relationship where
the two of you
can see genuine beauty
where others failed to,
and simply loving
one another unconditionally.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Your soulmate
isn't someone who comes
into your life
in a peaceful manner,
nor are they expected,
but is sure is someone
who makes you
question life-
your life.
Your soulmate
is someone who changes
your reality.
Somebody that marks a
"before and after"
in your life.
It is not the human being
that everyone has
but an ordinary person,
who manages to revolutionize
your entire world
in mere seconds.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
So as I was at work today,
this old man
asked for my assistance
and as I got closer
he squinted his eyes
and asked me,
"Are you someone important,"
and as soon as he asked that
I was more than puzzled
by his question.
Then he said something
"One day you'll be a Billionaire".
As soon as he said that,
I blushed like I have never blushed
ever in my life.
I asked him why?
He responded,
"Your name. You have an stupendous name.
Make sure you make the world remember it"!

Now that made my night and life!
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
She embodied
by the way she
still believed in love
after she has been hurt
too many times
in the past by men
who couldn't see the true beauty
that she was blessed
Her soul was a rose:
beautiful, delicate,
and symbolic.
  Oct 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Josh Bass
I am afraid
Not just of getting old
Not just of dying
Not just of being alone
I am afraid of dying,
old and alone.
But worst of all
with nothing to show for

Poetry is a start.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
One night
I told her
we'd never die,
in that moment
we lived
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Even when I have
absolutely nothing to lose,
I still pretend
that I have a billion things
to lose.
I don't know why,
but I do.

Even when I'm happy,
I get in too deep
in a zone that can trigger
all my bad experiences
and just bad things
that has, or had,
ever happened to me
in the past.
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