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Jade Lima Dec 2020
Can’t find meaning in life.
Too much to lose and too much strife.
No more blades, should I ditch the knife?
I want to feel the crimson streaming away my life.
So as I try to find some purpose,
I’ll realize some things in life are always worth it.
But until I reach the final page,
All I can hope for is to stay sane and not let the days escape this untimely play.
Jade Lima Apr 2017
Some days i sit around and ponder life.
Is my existence a complete waste of time?
Will i ever feel whole?
Will i ever get so lucky as to love another soul?
It's these things that bring me so close to the other side.
What else am i doing other than wasting valuable time?
The days seem to go by as a blur.
And most of the time i feel unsure.
But it seems the only constant pattern in my life,
Is never feeling good enough.
Friends come and go and sometimes things get rough.
**** what i would give to feel a gentle touch.
When you've been isolated time and time again,
It's hard to feel like you have any friends.
But at least i can say that i had some chance to mend.
Jade Lima Jul 2019
Why do I try? No one ever cares. My whole existence was planned and their only answer is that “life isn’t fair” why don’t you try going through this with no way to think. I don’t care anymore this is ******* insane
Jade Lima Jun 2019
Corrupted minds.
Clouded judgement.
What happened to the true things and feelings?
It’s like smog, polluting everything it comes into contact with.
What happened to purity?
Everything is meaningless.
My tainted being is no better.
But my mind wants to find a way out.
But I can’t fathom it.
At the point of being crippled or tied down and locked in a cage.
What’s the point of this labrynth of a maze?
There’s no point to these mindless games, or all of life’s charades.
What are they covering up?
Does it matter?
I’m always the odd one out.
So why the **** am I still here?
It’s clear that no one wants me here.
So as I hope they suffer for the torture they put me through, I’ll hope the ones who never got involved live the lives they deserve.
Because everything they do feels like a curse.
Jade Lima Oct 2019
What is your nonsense about being elite?
There’s nothing just or of value about tearing apart someone’s lives at the seams.
You people are filled with superiority complexes and greed.
Will this place ever see peace?
So as you stay blind even after admitting you were wrong, I’ll just hope nothing brutal goes on for too long.
But there’s no more salvation in life or many songs.
But these peoples views on life are contorted because they see everyone else as wrong.
So as I try to come to terms with the life I could never truly live.
I would trade your played out tragedy for my own life that’s never been mine to live.
Jade Lima May 2020
Life is filled with remorse and disdain.
Would it matter if I went by a different name?
The parasites that infested my already dull life make it impossible to stay sane.
I guess I’m doomed because no matter what I do everything gets worse by the day.
So as I come to find I’ll never get off this page, I’ll wonder why there was never another way.
This life is a petty charade.
And I can’t believe life can be like this, I should have never had the wits to call you people “the masquerade”.
Jade Lima Mar 2019
Too many places colliding with faults.
It’s best to take everything with a grain of salt.
Why won’t the masquerade stop at any cost?
It’s not you or me, but nothing should get lost.
Jade Lima May 2020
There’s no sense coming from any direction.
What’s lacking is the good and any sense of recollection.
Life is misconstrued because the liars cover everything up.
There will never be good or any meaning if everyone is so corrupt.
Before it ever started I already had enough.
I’m sick and tired of living through everyone’s bluffs.
What is life if it’s only based on lies?
If you scratch their surface there’s nothing that’s theirs inside.
So why the **** are all of these parasites bringing my demise?
They made me like them because they hate what they hide.
Any sort of value never existed.
Because these bigoted sadists have life twisted.
It’s not survival of the ******* fittest.
It’s their ignorant cult like army who can’t accept anything unless they’re “winning”.
So congratulations on ruining life.
It’s safe to say nothing will ever matter if this is seriously what you all make life.
Jade Lima Jul 2019
Where am i going?
Everything keeps changing.
I get lost in the days.
I can't tell if i'm going insane.
What will happen in these passing days?
I just want to break free, but it's something that's hard to conceive.
So why are things still so misconstrued?
I feel like i was born to lose.
I just want to find something true.
But what's there left to do?
I guess i need to figure out what to do, while i find my shoes.
As i keep my eyes along the skyline to search for a brighter hue.
Jade Lima Jun 2020
Life is tiring because all it ever is, is people tearing it apart.
There’s no hope to last, and lack of heart.
So how did it unfold into this merciless charade?
**** it all you people deserve to get slain.
Jade Lima Nov 2019
Why are there so many lies?
A web stitched together with their contorted deception.
They don’t care, as long as they get their way.
Stealing from who they feel is beneath them when they deserve to get slain.
So why the **** did I ever have the wits to call you people the masquerade?
There’s no mystery, just a bunch of fakes with their petty games.
So as I hope your insides will get torn out, while I tear out your tongue and split your knees, pull your eyeballs out of the sockets from tearing my life apart at the seams.
I’ll try to figure out what this all means, but there’s no way because all you people want are silent screams.
So I can’t **** you to hell because I’m too weak.
But life will never work out because you people don’t know the meaning of fair.
Jade Lima Apr 2020
What does it take to ruin people’s lives?
Stealing their soul and what they keep inside?
You people play dumb with all of your petty lies.
Stop torturing the once deserving to bring their demise.
It doesn’t take another person to let the sun shine.
If you people weren’t so entitled to other people’s lives, maybe life wouldn’t be so chaotic and there would be hope for everyone in time.
Jade Lima Oct 2019
As life unfolds it seems like a contorted trick.
I don’t know where I’m headed but most of these people are making me sick.
How do I find a brighter hue to live?
I don’t know who I am but there’s nothing in me to give.
But what could I give when all they used to do was take?
This life is so twisted I never thought it could ever be this type of charade.
I know I can’t take it so what’s with all the lies?
No one shows their true colours, it’s distorted through their disguise.
So how did things get so out of hand?
It’s like a deformed form of torture and there’s no place for me to stand.
So while I try to dodge their master plan, I’ll try to climb out of this pit, any way I can.
But it seems I’m tied down and maybe in a cage, I’m sorry for getting so bad but these people always seem to fill me with rage.
Jade Lima Dec 2019
Stuck living my life with the liars and the snakes.
I’d slit your ******* throats with the rustiest blade.
Yes I want your blood.
But it doesn’t matter because it’s all of you and I’m only one.
Nailing your eyeballs into their sockets would never suffice.
For all of this conniving *******, just to take any every single part of my life.
Well I’d tie you to a post, sawter your arms to see what hurts the most.
Only after skinning you alive, I’d get the gasoline and torch you to death for pre determining my existence only to lead me to my demise.
So does anyone deserve a life of torment?
Maybe it’s like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if your the ones who play god or karma or whatever the **** it is.
You people should live like the people you keep in remiss.
But no one wants to cut your ties, because it’s always your word against anyone else whose trying to change the tides.
So go ahead and keep people suffering.
It’s only a matter of time until there’s nothing left but everyone’s demise.
Jade Lima Jan 2019
Faces come and go, I’ve lost almost all my hope.
Will I ever have anyone I can count on?
I guess I’ll have to find another song.
But everything I do and say is wrong.
And I have no idea how I’m still going on.
I’m stuck drowning in a sea of misery and hate.
If only I could find a way to escape.
But no ones around, just locked gates.
Maybe one day I’ll come across someone with a smile on their face.
So until I find new scenery,
I’ll try to figure out what it means to be truly me.
Jade Lima Feb 2019
Taken apart piece by piece, why isn’t there room to grow?
I lost my mind, I lost my heart, and what about my soul?
So how do I get out of this mess I call my life?
I feel like a dead corpse, just stumbling around with seldom sights.
It seems that every feeling I ever get to feel, gets ****** right out of me.. **** I just want to feel real.
But with every fibre of my being, slowly being taken away.
There’s little hope to continue, so I guess I’ll just continue trying to be okay.
Jade Lima Dec 2015
Losing my voice, losing my mind, losing the grace that's been keeping me safe all this time.
Everything I've known is slowly fading.
My world is shaking.
I'm slowly breaking.
So i'll drain my eyes and hope for a better life.
Everyone's against me but i'm still keeping away from the knife.
I'm sick to my stomach from all these people who claim to be my friend.
Why don't you just leave me alone and let me mend?
So i'll keep my lips glued to the bottle.
For these problems, i hope i can solve them.
In the meantime i'll keep searching for something real.
Let's go our own ways, be ourselves, do we have a deal?
Jade Lima Jun 2016
And it seems as though everything is smoke and mirrors.
Stumbling through different paths, although the destination is unclear.
Things always seem to get better but is that the reality of it?
Am I climbing or sinking?
There's still hope somewhere in my soul.
But I'm growing so tired, **** this is getting so old.
What do I have to do to get my tainted heart and broken mind whole?
Is there any hope to mend?
I guess I'm waiting for a godsend.
But what is God?
I know I'd like to believe but when all you see is darkness it's hard to be at peace.
So in the meantime I'll try to clean up this mess.
Forget about the bad and put my woes to rest.
Jade Lima May 2019
I’m getting sick of dragging my corpse around.
I tried to find another sound.
But everything’s been crashing down, and I don’t even want anyone around.
So how do I breathe some life into my soul?
I’m so ******* tired and this is getting so old.
If I could I’d be the light and try to live life right.
But the horizon is out of sight, and it’s hard to make it through the night.
Jade Lima Aug 2019
As I try not to think of the storm, I’ll try not to think about my being becoming so worn.
It’s a relief I’m no longer so torn.
But I can’t take the torment, what’s left in store?
Maybe I’m not golden but I still have a conscience.
Maybe I want to get up but I already lost it.
Maybe I want to breathe some life into my being, but this petty ******* makes everything hard to keep conceiving.
So as I try to pick myself up off the ground, I’ll try to find a happier sound.
Maybe I’ll find someone who wants me around.
But until then I’ll keep hiding until I’m found.
Jade Lima Jan 2016
How painful is it really?
To feel alone.
To feel broken beyond repair.
To feel nothing at all.
When the numbing sets in it's hard to tell.
Is there really a path that will get me out of this cycle?
It's hard to believe in anything anymore.
And i will never be worth anything.
Jade Lima Aug 2020
When the bend in the road leads to a brutal demise what’s left if you never had enough time?
Maybe things are misconstrued but I wish it didn’t lead to a merciless doom.
If I could escape I’d try to get things right.
But it seems I won’t make it through the night.
So as I wish I could have watched the flowers bloom, I’ll remember that I was always alone in every room.
So as I hope life gets better for those who deserve it. I’ll ponder on why I was always worthless.
Jade Lima Nov 2021
life is trash when I'm just you peoples corpse of a slave.
it doesn't matter what I do, you people only care about things that's only your way.
you daft ******* imbecillic wastes should not be everlasting.
you took every ounce of my being, why the **** am I getting dragged through the dirt but somehow standing.
so let me nail your eyeballs into your throat, for taking away any chance of finding my own home.
and torch your skin until it blisters because this is so petty it's somehow sinister.
and I hope you bleed from everywhere at once, because you not only killed me but you plan on killing everyone I may have ever had any amount of love.
******* people. life is a waste of ******* time. the only good was lost throughout time. all the horrendous excuses of daft flesh completely ripped life out of so many people's hands. and guess the **** what? most of you imbecillic wastes were never even supposed to exist. and if you were none of life would be like this. but look at that, corruption won and I'm left dragging my corpse through hell and dealing with your meaningless, valueless, senseless, useless, imbecillic and entitled ******* OVER AND ******* OVER AGAIN. and all of you ******* idiots are so ******* ******* that all you care about is taking whatever the hell you all want from whoever the hell you feel like. I'll put it this way once again, IF YOU DONT LEARN YOUR LESSON YOU DONT ******* CHANGE YOURE STILL A DAFT IMBECILLIC WASTE OF ******* DESPICABLE FLESH WHO ARE SO ******* SELFISH THAT IT. WILL. NEVER. *******. END. STOP MAKING PEOPLE ******. yeah you're all idiots. go to ******* hell. Also none of this ******* will solve any problems. you can solve what you did, you can fix the way you think, but you can't fix what you are. And by that I think you should all bite the dust. But look at that, even I will too because of you selfish entitled *****.🖕 meaning Medusa people should have never existed. The biggest mistake of the worst kind of glitch in existence.
Jade Lima Nov 2021
life is trash when I'm just you peoples corpse of a slave.
it doesn't matter what I do, you people only care about things that's only your way.
you daft ******* imbecillic wastes should not be everlasting.
you took every ounce of my being, why the **** am I getting dragged through the dirt but somehow standing.
so let me nail your eyeballs into your throat, for taking away any chance of finding my own home.
and torch your skin until it blisters because this is so petty it's somehow sinister.
and I hope you bleed from everywhere at once, because you not only killed me but you plan on killing everyone I may have ever had any amount of love.
******* people. life is a waste of ******* time. the only good was lost throughout time. all the horrendous excuses of daft flesh completely ripped life out of so many people's hands. and guess the **** what? most of you imbecillic wastes were never even supposed to exist. and if you were none of life would be like this. but look at that, corruption won and I'm left dragging my corpse through hell and dealing with your meaningless, valueless, senseless, useless, imbecillic and entitled ******* OVER AND ******* OVER AGAIN. and all of you ******* idiots are so ******* ******* that all you care about is taking whatever the hell you all want from whoever the hell you feel like. I'll put it this way once again, IF YOU DONT LEARN YOUR LESSON YOU DONT ******* CHANGE YOURE STILL A DAFT IMBECILLIC WASTE OF ******* ****** FLESH WHO ARE SO ******* SELFISH THAT IT. WILL. NEVER. *******. END. yeah you're all idiots. go to ******* hell. Also none of this ******* will solve any problems. you can solve what you did, you can fix the way you think, but you can't fix what you are.
Jade Lima Nov 2015
Wasting all my time drowning in these bottles.
Hoping for a chance to start all over again.
Stomaching the bitter taste to forget what i'll never get back.
But forgetting is easier said than done.
And darling, i'm a wreck.
Just waiting for a chance to redeem myself.
Get out of this place, and start a better life.
Forget the pills, forget the knife.
Death is no salvation.
Just an easy way out for the ones who just can't take it.
So what's left for me?
I guess time will tell.
And in that time i'll try not to fully immerse my being in the poison that surrounds me.
Jade Lima Aug 2019
It seems the plot is still distorted.
These people must be demented because there’s no way in hell the same would be for it.
I find it hard to show truth.
But I’ve been lost for so long in the fact that my existence is so misconstrued.
So as I figure out what went wrong and where to go next,
I’ll try to regain my lost feelings in my chest.
As I hope that the plot doesn’t turn into more of a wreck.
Jade Lima Nov 2019
I’d take a tile cutter to your face, because all you are is a slimy disgrace.
None of us have our true face, because you’re a liar and a thief who deserves no place.
So as you snake your way into what your despicable mind leads you to, I’ll hope I can find my shoes.
And I hope you die a brutal death for making things so misconstrued.
Jade Lima Nov 2021
So while you wait in my head in any move I make next, I'll wonder why I still have my ******* ******* head.
It's only a matter of time until I only see red.
And everyone knows that you all deserve the most horrifically and excruciating deaths.
So while you daft imbecillic nymphotic wastes of skin, keep this conspiracy going while life is just dim witted grim.
I'll wonder why you all gave away what you all had within.
If you were all that valueless then what the **** is there left to win?
The mess is a pit of fire and you drag and push people to their mercilessly torturous doom, because it's the good hearted or pure you all want to consume.
So while you all act like parasites feeding on life, I'll just try to find a way to save my daughter while I get the job done right of taking my life and never again seeing any one body in or on any plane of existence in any ******* ******* point in time.
LEAVE ME THE FUCKIMG ******* HELL ALONE. Yeah, still not *******. Still don't give a **** *** this poem does unless it's to my daughter or any baby for that matter. **** Medusa ****. **** every person I've ever come across. I'm done. You people are wiping me the ******* ******* hell out and off of every plane of existence imaginable. I wish each and every one of every single person who did any amount of any of this ******* the absolute worst and most excruciating torture. Karma. **** yourselves. Why don't you people try getting what you ******* give. GO TO HELL.
Jade Lima Nov 2021
Life is vain, people deserve to get slain.
What's with all the childish games?
And contortions life to get your way.
Everything is petty, there's no point to this mess.
You people are too greedy and conniving.
This is no way to live life.
So as I hope they have you peoples heads, and rid you all from my being and life.
I'll try to not lose all of my brain cells, from every daft ******* thing you did to everyone you people felt like putting through strife.
I hope you all get thrown into the sun. This Medusa ******* is sickening.
Jade Lima Sep 2021
Life is a curse, and you all started it first.
Never left alone, when the **** will I find a home?
Belligerence around every bend.
You're all so petty and morbid that no one can mend.
Life is not to be sacrificed.
If it were I'd never cease to end your lives.
Don't tarnish the pure and good hearted.
Just because you peoples good will has already departed.
I guess I'm a one person army.
But for anything that wasn't planned, by my hands to you people, I will never be sorry.
You people all deserve to rot and burn in ******* hell. Stop this belligerent and childish *******. This is life not a ******* death sentence. I'm sick of being you peoples puppet like toy. Yeah rot.
Jade Lima May 2020
Keeping someone suffering is a sadistic and petty ploy.
You people play the good guys and **** out any joy.
I’m not your puppet or slave but you treat me as your toy.
There’s nothing left in this vessel, just a worn out void.
So as I hope you all stop spreading your parasitic hate,
I’ll hope you all suffer worse because with you bigots it doesn’t matter what’s at stake.
Jade Lima Nov 2021
How many souls do you plan to torture before you reach your outdated demise?
I hope you don't drag in too many babies before we all run out of time.
But what has life ever meant to you?
You take what's not yours, and leave everything misconstrued in deafening daft and ****** hues.
So why feel sorry for yourself when all you do is feed on the weak?
I hope my time comes soon because you make life so horrendous and bleak.
You prey on the pure, and mislead those who may have innocence.
You turn things around, so it's what you want in the cards.
You're a pompously entitled and daft waste of flesh.
I can't stand the sight of you, you're just a disgusting deepening sore.
Call it what you may, but your existence sickens me.
Everything that you stole, only made you last another day.
But with your twisted mind and heart, I wish you'll soon depart.
Because with people like you, it's your lives that should fall apart, and never remain to ever restart.
Stay the **** out of my sight. You are the epitome of literally everything I hate, or the things I hate that I can't comprehend. I don't know what the hell your problem is, but you should probably stop bringing **** upon people. Maybe that's why you're so ******* sickening. Maybe that's why I can't stand sensing any part of your presence. You're a waste of daft pompous entitled imbecillic trainwreck of a psychopath. You deserve nothing but the worst. I hope you enjoyed ******* me off the whole time I was writing this. Love you🥰🖕

— The End —