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Maximus Tamo Feb 6
Venom droplets spot her violet lips,
Dark eyes faceted like garnets hold her prey,
She glides silently with corrupted grace,
As a spider approaches it's entangled victim,
Aura as subduing as oppressive smoke,
Long locks of alabaster hair sway with her gate,
Standing just before, her gaze deepens,
Like a wild dog ogling it's next meal,
The slightest lilt could be seen in her brow,
And the very tip of her lips curve a cruel smirk,
She does not speak, or make a sound,
As she stoops forward and temps an eye,
The wafting aroma of tobacco and wine,
Her movements fluid and deliberate she leans yet closer,
Her crystalline breath ****** hairs to their feet,
Cool steel in the dark is drawn from her silk sheath dress,
And with alluring seduction her silence is broken,
Feigned vulnerability, and such sweet innocence,
Her words seem a veil blown gently in the breeze,

"My dear, Do you know what comes next"
Maximus Tamo Feb 4
I'm retired to watch from above,
Set on this lofty board,
My glory is displayed,
Those beneath me bend knee,
My beauty is deeper than paint,
My elegance more than my form,
Value as deep as sentiment,
I have such a simple vocation,
But fulfilled with quiet grace,
I usher in the sunrise,
As the day yawns and quickens,
I help close the somber nights,
Resting nearby on the diner's counter,
Accompany those at the cafe,
With the aroma of beans and bread,
I stand beside and read along,
With the light from a crackling hearth,
A loyal and reliable companion,
When you need a boost,
Come spend some time with me,
Relax and pour yourself a cup.
Maximus Tamo Feb 1
So many days have passed,
Since I could touch your face,
Days and nights fly by,
As others run this race,

But I am left in clouds,
Of dust and poison gas,
You took my breath away,
And left me in the past,

That night you left our bed,
I closed my eyes to pray,
I never could have thought,
That you could stay away,

I feel the screams and tears,
As my heart was rent that night,
Alone I beat my chest,
With all my strength and might,

My mind is still in shock,
I'm clutching at my heart,
I hear the pop and tear,
My soul is ripped apart,

I still hear my screams,
I still feel bullets in my chest,
They're echoes in the dark,
That never let me rest,

There is a pain I endure,
That is a breed it's own,
I carry it everywhere,
A death I'd never known.
Maximus Tamo Feb 1
Why are you on my mind everyday?
I swear to everyone that I am over you.
I've convinced myself that it's over,
Or have I? Here we are again...

In moments of silence I hear your voice.
When I'm alone at night I see your shadow.
When I look in the mirror, you stand behind me.
Your smell lingers in my bed at night.

When I gave my heart to you I gave all that I was.
I don't know how to get myself back.
Now that you've left me, I'm just "me" again.
But "me" is supposed to be "us".

I wish I could talk things over.
I can't find any closure in this separation.
Yet any contact is sure to make nothing but pain.
How could we not have prevented all this.

Why did you lie to me?
What made that OK?
How did you live with that?
When you could see how much I cared.

I don't want your answers,
Even though I scream the questions,
Your words are poison in my head,
And your memories are bullets in my heart.
Maximus Tamo Feb 1
Run away with me
You're my ride or die
Put my heart in gear

Turn the music up
Blow my thoughts away
All I want is here

Headlights glinting by
Might be shooting stars
Signs and bridges flash

Heartbeat in my ears
Perfume in my nose
Red lights on the dash

Tighter, grip the wheel
Exhale, focus now
Find my quiet place

Press the pedal down
Screaming through the dark
From our demons race

Strong hand on your thigh
Fingers squeeze my arm
Sparks beneath my skin

Feel my engine roar
Push me toward the edge
Make me want to sin

I would stay right here
Never want to leave
Nothing I can do

Starburst in my gloom
Shimmer and sparkle
All because of you
Maximus Tamo Jan 28
I see your number on my phone,
Suddenly I can't make any sense.

Where there once was cool composure,
Now is a sea of uncertainty.

After all I'd done for you,
While I set you on a throne.

You told me you were at your lowest,
I held your hand, I pulled you out of your dark.

I took your cross,
And I walked up your hill.

And now I sit alone,
Order coffee and sit in the corner.

Life is watching black and white tv,
How do I find the sparkle I used to love?
Maximus Tamo Jun 2024
How do I know the touch,
Can I feel your heart,

When life is grey and dull,
Hold my hand a while,

I need a friend to stay,
And see me through this dark,

The torrent swirls around,
Thoughts they drag me down.
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