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4.6k · Nov 2013

Discreet words confuse,
Hidden phrased ruse,
Foolish trickery,
Ridiculous mimicry,
Idiotic comprehension,
Obvious ironic intention.

3.0k · Mar 2014
“Vehicular Favouritism”

Opinion is how to know the best kind,
        What preference hath thee of the best car?
For best may be based on the ****ny find,
        Is best not simply what takes thee so far?
The sights we see attract thine eye of gold,
        Why pay unemployable hope and dream?
The best is but the one in heart found bold,
        Doth it raise heart and soul? Or self-esteem?
The ride you find to be at utmost high,
Is this the one that you daily befriend?
May it differ how thine neighbor doth fly,
Do you favour the ones they recommend?
Think of this thought now short-- which is the best?
Four wheels and an engine-- matter the rest?
-- Jacob Dexter Coffey --
2.1k · Nov 2013
Decimating Destitution

Ravaged wreckage,
Ruins and rubble,
Depressing debris,
Ashes about,
Sky soaring shroud,
Misery maxed,
Fallen freedom,
Corroded cache,
Pillaged poverty,
Explosive extremities,
Covert corruption,
Dystopic dynasty,
Unknown utopia,
Infinity is inept,
Forsaken faith,
Rejected religion,
Cataclysmic calamity,
Decimating destitution.
1.9k · Nov 2013
The Four Harbingers.
The storm– she will come,
Oh- by the roar of the drum,
The boom of the beat–
Now cometh defeat,
Four seals are now shattered,
The ground will be battered,
Come forth thy lost line,
Thou shall face His divine…
The sky opened to set them free–
The creature like thunder: “Come and See!”
Foremost in the lead–
Upon the White steed–
Arrow of the Bow,
All obstruction fall low,
Striking the weaker down–
The fire glistens about his crown,
Above all the rest,
Behold all victory; CONQUEST…
The bizarre of the steeds–
The color that bleeds–
A Fiery red that burns in the eyes,
As each soldier dies–
The civil war spark,
As if for a lark!
In the fight of the four,
The second is WAR…
Come and See! Come and See!
Now the count is to three,
The black horse doth ride,
The third horseman as guide,
The hand bears balance not gore–
The sole vocal of four;
“…And see thou hurt not the oil and the wine”
The third–oh the third–John! The third is FAMINE…
Oh the horror– the horror– the fire filled eyes!
All that follows in path now simply just dies,
The pale green beast is a savage- a monster- no heart,
The ending- the rebirth- the salvation doth start,
The fourth rider tears– ravaging all the land,
The unholy Reaper with scythe in it’s hand!
The harvester hath expelled mankind’s final breath–
With Hell at the rear– the fourth and final is DEATH…
The war now to heaven and Hell now to Earth,
The charcoals are black and red hot in the hearth,
Cast forth by the Lion of Judah- the Lamb of the Lord!
With all of existence- the Divine became bored,
The Harbingers of the Last Judgment- the servants divine,
The living creatures cometh to steal all hope from thine,
Cometh One then come Two from the mythical Seal,
Cometh Three then come Four from the seven rumored to be real…
CONQUEST– the archer- the first rider of pure WHITE,
Crown capped with unholy deception of light…
WAR– the swordsman- the second rider of fiery RED,
Blood and betrayal as thou mark thy brother dead…
FAMINE– the balance- the third rider of pitch BLACK,
Food and resources all man will soon lack…
DEATH– the reaper- the fourth rider of pale GREEN,
Hell guiding scythe ridding Earth of all souls unclean…
The horsemen they triumph in biblical tale–
Consider an alternate story and detail,
Think not of no hope in the book Revelation,
Rather- imagine the truth of a war of no rotation,
The power unbalanced to alter dimension,
A different battle scene with a similar intention…
– Written By:  Jacob Coffey –
Just my take on a Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Hope you enjoyed it!
– Jacob Coffey
1.8k · Apr 2014
Allusions of Inspiration.
Allusions of Inspiration
--Jacob Dexter Coffey--

To strive or slay-- question my thought,
The sleep eternal-- 'tis which I fought//

I trouble through the dual choice of tree,
Decide in wood of yellow fall-- which path will be?//

Tick-thud-in thought- a pain of mind,
From the deed done- now sound will bind//

Can think I not with rap-tap-tapping on the door?!
Is it a caw and crow again once more!?//

Out-out- brief challenge of the soul,
The stupid stranger- heartless- fueled by coal//

The trek through story of the fake,
The triggers put all things at stake//

Resist the trickery of Death and Man,
For he will surely betray all he can//

The riders- harbingers of apocalypse,
The horsemen out the seal as open it rips//

The untold portend of yet to happen,
Dystopia of burning books and a futuristic den//

Crimson capes and men of steel,
Slinging spiders- super speed- mutants in a fantasy so real//

Cameras watching with no privacy,
We turn on ourselves in the future destined to be//

The epic tale of bearing no sword against beast,
Then celebrate with a bountiful feast//

Directing death- divided district devolution,
Dictatorship to demolish over-population or revolution//

And swish and flick of age old oak,
Concealing magicks from the eyes of mortal folk//

The tragic tale of lovers true,
Dream to die rather than unite house of red and blue//

Burning bright in rotting night,
Iron immortal eyes with symmetrical bite//

A scarlet alpha letter to curse thy name,
Illegitimate life and local negative fame//

The sparkling thirst of blood in stone cold skin,
The fight with fur borne beasts will not reach fin//

A man of sonnets- from script to theatre talent flew,
To dictation adding words-words-words two-thousand new//

A women locked her mind and skill away with antisocial tone,
Nameless arts with punctuation by dash and riddle unknown//

Another woman wrote of girls and loves,
But denied herself the gift of white dress and doves//

A peaceful New Englander with flawless inks,
A name of winter's harsh bite that sinks//

The fiction scientist that will foretell,
He said we all will be free only with the knell//

The man of the grotesque and gore,
Filling heads with horror and gruesome lore//

The speakers and tellers and sharers of tale,
Impression and inspire each time without fail//
An ode to the many great influences and influencial works of brilliance. Enjoy.
--Jacob Dexter Coffey
1.0k · Nov 2013
I'm Radioactive at Heart
All the words to my heart they bind,
The chemicals are out of sync,
Chopped down broken link,
Stopping all my flow and show,
The poetic words fight into the pen they go,
All being smoothing to one tone,
Facade of stone,
A genius drone,
Emotion built bone,
Cold mountain air that's dead,
Foundation crashing down like lead,
The tower has seen is day,
The castle rebuilds in order to stay,
The colours flash in a magnificent array,
919 · Nov 2013

hide the face that shows the state
don’t let it humiliate,
everyday put on the hidden facade
and pray to god,
that they don’t shout
and let it get all out,
i never forget the words they said
let my mind erupt until someones dead
i wonder if that’s their goal
to crush every soul
and the victims they seek
seem happy never leak
a cent of depression
warning viewer discretion
is advised
events resized
forget the scripts i read
follow me, i’ll lead
but if you agree to follow
you just drop down below
clear your own path
don’t sit and suffer their wrath
lost nation
to conclude; i’m dead inside
from everytime they lied
internal eruption…

- JacobDexterCoffey--
892 · Jan 2014
"The Felled Heart"
Your face-- it comes in the dead of night,
Those falling eyes-- that fleeting light,
What on earth gave you the right,
To push and pull-- to claw and bite,
The fight-- the fight-- of blood and knife,
You came in here in search of strife,
Just live your life- why can't you go,
You cannot bring me down so low,
Talk after talk-- everything you didn't show,
Don't push it back and expect it not to blow,
Your heart just oh so deadly,
Open your eyes so you can see,
Every stupid thing you did to me,
The end of months comes naturally,
Who caused the fall?
Does it really matter at all?
You’ve said your part— get up and go,
You have nothing left here to show,
All the words and up at night,
You know— looking back it doesn’t feel right,
The feeling I took from the time we spent,
Explains the way that my heart bent,
It was bent and burned,
Twisted and turned,
Ripped and wrought,
Left in it’s place an empty slot,
The time I lost will not come back,
But bad memories need not stay in as a rogue thumbtack.
Silver linings stay in every dark day,
Just close your eyes the clouds don’t have to stay...

Thoughts can be made anew,
Those memories can be slew,
The time I look may not be waste,
Just because it my poor taste,
We all may learn from what we do,
We push and pull as life’s working crew,
Life will fight back in return to every hit,
As the wall is broken— the room will be lit,
The sunshine will enlighten thee,
Close your eyes— One… Two… Three…
Now open— slow— and hold your tongue,
Hold your breath within your lung,
Exhale the air out to the sky,
Breathe in like its the last before you die,
Always live it like this one’s your last chance,
But never do the stupid fool’s dance,
If you do— you break the code,
You ruin everything since the start of the road,
There is a clear difference between the two,
You know— accidentally it and intending to,
Don’t do the dance— join the free,
Live your life how you want it to be,
Don’t ruin it with lies and fake,
You know— there might just be a soul at stake,
The end is clear from the start,
Though the middle is the most fun part.

--Jacob Dexter Coffey--
848 · Nov 2013
An Angel's Epoch.
An Angel’s Epoch.
–Jacob Dexter Coffey–
The feathers fall as sun draws dim,
The clouds then spark the songs so grim,
A knock–knock knock–knock way up high,
The thunder cracks–open the sky,
Once clouds hath cleared from Heaven’s view,
The tablet breaks to start anew,
The Haloed Stars doth cloth Earth’s floor,
Consequence of Metal- Blood- and Gore,
The brief battle- ******- scarlet blur,
Tread alow- anon- holy messenger,
When Heaven’s Wings protect the Gate,
The Light shall burn upon ******-Hate,
Time’s chant fails not of constant beat,
Bow forth else face an ironclad fleet,
The hallow grounds doth plague the sight,
By severed ties- commence stellar fight…
On this very day so dreary,
While I wrote poetry weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, there came a tapping,
As of some one gently r-r-r-rapping at my bedroom door.
''Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'rap-tapping at my bedroom door -
Only this, and nothing, oh I say Poe Nothing- more.'

This is what happens when we improvise Edgar Allan Poe. on dark days.
798 · Dec 2013
"Tyger Tygre" switch-up
My rendition of Blake's "Tyger Tyger":

Tyger Tygre, burning bright,
Beast of darkness in the night;
Pure immortal skin and sight,
How to define thine fatal might...

Where in far lows or distant highs,
Scorched the burning in thine eyes?
Whereby oh how doth he aspire?
Who dare challenge the power of his fire!

And what shoulder and swift art,  
Could trash the fibres of thy heart?
And when thy blood began to beat,
What deadly hand and frightened feet?

What new steel? And rusted chain,
In what hearth, thy rotting brain?
What the molten? And what hold,
Dare spark a soldier oh so bold,  

When the Lights denounce their fears,
And drench the hallows with corrupt tears:
Did he grin his soul to see?
Did maker of the made make thee?

Tyger Tygre, burning bright,
In dark depths of deepest night:
What infinite curse or dye,
Dare fault thy monstrous symmetri?
It’s 4 AM - I see - eyes wide open,
        Thought wander round to where your mind has been,
Dry worn out sight pitch black no light,
Just to think of sleeping is a big fight,

And now it’s 8 AM - time for a test,
        Take now your second to pray for the best,
’Twill be a shame to see my grade just go,
        Your fault - you should have seen this coming - No?

The time is 12 at noon - it’s time to eat,
        Down to the cafe - collapse into your seat,
Twenty-two minute- all I have- to rest,
No time- you should study for your next test!

I wish I could have got more sleep last night,
        Well is it not your fault - now its your fight,
My war against the pillow in my room?
        The fact of the matter is that you are doom[ed],

Found am I a lover - with sleep - star-crossed,
        Like Romeo and Juliet - love lost,
Why can I not rest for one night right now,
        WAKE UP! You have homework to do tonight!

Hold forth - but now - I think - that did not rhyme,
        You know you are asleep and have no time…
My point is I am deprived of my time,
        Oh and you say that my rhymes do not chime?

Throughout a day I lose sanity,  
        I assume that you always lose your way?
Each morning when I walk through that school door,
        It makes you want to go home even more?

More so to get some rest than to get out,
        The sleep is not what school is all about…
-- Jacob Dexter Coffey --
777 · Nov 2013
i am from...
I am from coffee,

from warm mugs and caffeine.

I am from the water in the pool,

Cool, soothing,

heavy scent of chlorine.

I am from the chattering birds

the buzzing summertime bugs

all the sounds hypnotically inducing sleep

every warm evening whilst drifting into dreamland.


I'm from support and jokes,

from Mark and Susan.

I'm from loud-talkers and long-laughers 

and proud people,

from tradition and habit.

I'm from He was looking out for us

with unconditional love

and the memorized word in His name.


I'm from Shovel-Town and the Little Town,

hidden stale crackers and homemade cappelletti.

From Papa's white hammock

for napping on Thursdays,

the playground and pond and church along the walk.


Under the layer of dust is the photo book

preserving the people long past,

a stream of days before my time

to ignite curiosity all throughout my mind.

I am from those people and friends--

the twists and turns and decisions they made--

shaped from the very same stone from long ago.
Adaptation and personalized version of I Am From
761 · Nov 2013
"Shifting Life's Light"
Light leaked through the aperture,
Little to no exposure,
Bide of color and light within,
Containing it longer will define a sin,
Release the spectrum of flow,
Break all barriers and let it show,
The spin and the swirl,
Compose a whimsical whirl,
The colorful confection,
A pleasant infection,
Watch the wonderous waves,
Sounds of clicking claves,
Incredible creativity,
Peaceful serenity,
Meditating mind,
Shifting to find,
Running to discover,
Suddenly uncover,
Live life and never regret,
Wasting time to self-pity and you’ll never forget.

758 · Nov 2013
Fyt thru Th payn
Never thought that this song
Would make me feel so wrong,
Make me feel like you left me,
Look at me now, see?
I’m living dead,
No more words to be said,
Lost in my mind,
Sanity I just cannot find,
Corrupting my soul,
Set on fire; stop, drop, roll–
You cannot undo the done,
You cannot crush my fun,
You cannot **** me more,
Stay around-see what I have in store,
Look at the skin on my wrist,
Ravaged in a scarlet mist,
The words I say,
Listen they may
Teach you morals or light and dark,
wait- forgot you beat for a lark,
I watch you take it all and bide,
You think you can hide
you heart and mind that are on the floor,
I don’t know if I can Take much more,
Who says everything I write is of gore,
You know it all has an allure,
This pain can no longer be endured
Yet how are you yet to be bored?
The ghostly beasts have roared,
The howl of the wind lured
All of those from dark to light
Finally learn from your horrid mistake,
Open chest, the heart is not fake.
Open chest, the blood ridden lake…
755 · Jul 2014
Spinning sights and broken tongue,
Buzzing mind and punctured lung,
Blotted ink and battered word,
Confusion nearly all absurd,
Incomprehensible speech,
Brain draining leech,
Lost in each second I stand,
Breaking the land,
Earth-shattering sounds on repeat,
Static shock in the feet,
Losing all my stability,
No more time feeling free,
The gear don't grind the way they once did,
The thoughts and the pain of which I cannot rid--
Myself of inside,
The rippling has died,
I use the same rhymes,
The same sounds are my crimes,
I can't find anything fresh,
The old and the new just mesh,
An endless war in cycle,
The past holds on as a barnacle,
Dead and decrypt--
Yet a living enigma the bites,
These are just not winnable fights,
I hear the tunes and raps each day,
The same beat comes back to stay,
I ramble and shoot the time away,
The loss of cognitive play,
Running myself deeper in dirt,
The spotless stains on my shirt,
Coating all spots with sugar sweet,
Hiding the blatant signs of defeat,
No holding back this noise anymore,
The bide developing more in store,
Inside it all begins to roar,
More and more until it hits the floor,
Inspirational deficiency sets in--
The internal daemons begin to grin,
Power beyond uproars a din,
Edging closer to the ending fin,
Rockstars crash and singers scream,
Sun will shine and moon will gleam,
The spectrum of emotion--
The pyramid of devotion--
The dictator of feeling--
The reaper of stealing--
Glass cracks to shatter//
Rings clink to clatter//
Cars crash to crumble,
Players pray to fumble,
Runners fly to fall,
Underdogs lose it all,
Dark horses seem to stay in last,
Dreamers hold close to the past,
Daredevils cheat the very laws--
That haunts us all within out flaws,
We can't keep on the cleared path,
Hidden roads hold heavy wrath,
Silent soldiers protect the shy,
Outspokens embrace the lie,
The sky is green a color so few--
Can see that grass is blue,
Like tears of the ghosts,
The lost on the posts,
The graffiti is art on the street,
A cunning feat,
The masterpiece of unknown,
Now to all optics shown,
We hide in sheep skin,
All in the lost and found bin,
The wolves are shot down,
The cities are made from town,
Built dreams on land of soils,
Gleaning earth of all spoils,
Vampiring dry the life of other one,
Conquering totals sole for fun,
Parasitic beasts roaming free,
Nothing here that I can see,
All is lost beyond the creeds,
Damaged souls pray to their beads,
Pleading to the heaven power,
Silent gods chose hell to shower,
Nothing free in all my vision,
Temporal lobe incision--
Lobotomized and clueless drone,
Rusted metal on broken bone,
Unbreakable wooden boards,
The words are inundating my life,
Sparking repetition and strife,
The double edged blade of a knife,
Out forth the bleeding is rife,
There's nothing left to say//
More will come another day...
Jacob Dexter Coffey
746 · Nov 2013
The Twilight Thief
"The Twilight Thief"

Light will leave the shining sky,
Night on a cycle- rebirth and die,
Glance upon this twisted place,
Trance- emotionless blank face,
Dead- her life now has been souled,
Red are the words that made her cold,
Her heart now beats but lacks a flow,
Stir the water- down the red river they go,
He stands above- black blind vacancy,
Free no more- depart, shall we?
Bone talons grasp-- a fatal choke,
Stone are the bodies-- they should not have spoke,
To tell-- time ticks away the clock,
Few make it out from beneath the rock,
Sold are the lives-- many sit in grief,
Old is the tale- I told it brief,
Bold are the acts of the Twilight Thief...
738 · Nov 2013
that's just life
August 9, 2012
Thats just Life

one way street
heart has a messed up beat
theres no way out from it
u feel the hurt of every bit
u give up the fight
u know its not right
she doesnt love you
remember the shot you blew
now theres no chance to renew
you find yourself down and blue
sink into the heart that left
snatched away a grand theft
let go of her now
time to take a bow
exit the stage
time to turn the page
there are more catches in the sea
trust and listen to me
what you love you must set free
she is as gone as can be
love is lost love is light
its not always worth the fight
you get up and go
middle of the lake time to row
time to show
dont hang so low
depression can ****
or leave a great hospital bill
either way is not worth the loss
show the sadness who’s boss
shake it off and step up
its now a half full cup
ride the wake
pride is at stake
i am not wrong
you are very strong


if you think you aren’t worth it, whether it be a breakup, depression, or bullying. shut up. stand up. and forget them. WHO CARES WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY. who are they anyway?!
live your life. you are your own. be strong. Stand up for yourself. You can be and do whatever you want. You are the author of your own autobiography. Create yourself!
729 · Nov 2013

I can't remember the last time we talked,
last conversation i stood and you walked,
away from my heart,
to my chest a poison dart,
lock all the doors and trash the key,
and then that there is the last of me,

toxic dagger in the night,
you'll never see the light,
the dawn of day,
is just so far away,
from the nightmare holding you,
dragging you through,
can't you hear the knell,
****, you're going down to hell,

to stitch a shattered heart,
you can't even start,
inevitable outcome,
ruined and outrun,
on route death-row,
innocence won't show,
Azure painted sky,
its about time you die,
Scarlett dyed vicinity,
in ruin for infinity,
pain from a lash,
atmosphere full of Ash,

come read this lament,
think of my heart's false content,
struck by a soul,
mindset control,
reluctant demise,
successful surprise,
undead reign,
excessive blood stain,
a brill decease.
crimson flow release,
depart my love,
holly and white dove,
an unhealthy strife,
covert peace in my life.
664 · Nov 2013
"Beaten down Dream."
This one is out to you,
Ya, the very few,
Wreck it down and stand up new,
Forget about every shot you blew,
The sky is shifting,
Consider it uplifting,
The strict seconds hold you fast,
The soul binds to the body until your last,
The ship is still standing; intact mast,
Never dwell upon your past,
Lost shadow; it will not cast,
The spring bides back until the blast,
Ponder on the nightmare,
Face up, stand tall, no one will stare,
Is it nothing but a dream?
Strengthen your self-esteem,
Rise above,
Inundate the world with love.

658 · Nov 2013
3®®0® ©0D3 $+®355
3®®0® ©0D3 $+®355

System overload,

Power down mode,

Err– Err– Error c-code,

Not processing download,

Memory wipe,

Test failed prototype,

Language lost,

High end cost,

Stress meter blown,

Fail increase; expanding cone,

System failure eminent,

This was not the intent,

Corrupted file detected,

Reboot device rejected,

Device now infected,

Device Powering Down,

Operating user produces a frown,

Product replacement instead,

The former, permanently dead.

625 · Nov 2013

i can’t tell you how to live,
how to care and/ or give,
or say its fair,
that you don’t share
time on anyone but yourself
you live life on a shelf,
i’m bound to break
trusting you was a mistake
from every time you fake
you put it all at stake
you cannot compensate
your actions deviate
beyond the paved road
making otbers carry the load
your huge ego
you push them below
won’t let them go
you think you put on a show
you mock the cleaning crew
they claim that you’ll rue
the day you wreck them
reject them
neglect them
they bide their hate
to condemn your fate
you will be sent underground
to not be found
not a sound
even a choice of your own accord
not one word
can appologize
or synthesize
from carelessness
you’re destined to a volatile state
i have spoken your fate

Broken wing.

For one\ to fly \with bro\ken wing-
The strug/gle and/ the stol/en fight--
The sound \ of fear \ in tone \ they sing-
The dead/ of dawn/ and sil/lent light--
Of all /the right/ and word/ they spill-

Of shat/tered speak/ and lone/ly thought--
The dead/ly breath/ and rust/ed wraught--
All dust/ to dust/ and blood/ to boil-
Break bread/ and tile/ defy/ the toil-
All work/ is use/less in/ the end--
The words/ are those/ to not / contend--

Broken busted battered brain/
Dusty deadly destructive drain/
Mashed mattered molding mane/
Replenished ruined royal reign/

Defying complicity in notion,
Rapture from the droning motion,
Blasphemy in daily dream,
Politics of moonlight gleam,
Corruption in the tortured tone,
Crawling fear with broken bone...
--Jacob Coffey--
594 · Nov 2013
Glass Heart

Carefully crafted crystal,
A heart of glistening glass,
Fabulously flawless fixture,
Shifting shafts of sunshine,
Twists and turn through the aperture,
Lovely light laughing,
Perfect patterns,
Marvelous masterpiece.

"The World Doesn't Know"

Nobody knows that these words I spray–
Everything I say,
It all never goes away,
Lost in my head and I may
Remember it all at any day,
Each letter I write,
Gives me an advantage in the fight,
Between darkness and light,
You know I don’t get the people here,
I don’t want anyone near,
Let my mind be or you will see
And explosion of stress break free,
I’m in a different world of my own,
Everything in me from skin to bone,
When lost in the daily dead drop zone,
I back it up to when I wasn’t yet grown,
Or to a current parallel to just get away,
I told you my mind cannot just stay
Here or there its everywhere,
These aren’t lies,
Mind your eyes,
Please don’t stare,
Scratch that– I don’t care,
Open ground, life is fair,
Lost in the pit of despair,
You say like is an unjust game,
I cannot say that I believe the same,
Life is a trip through uncharted sea,
Wide, unknown, far, and free,
Waves are high and drops are deep,
Some things you ditch; some you keep,
At times, it is relaxed and sweet,
At times, survival is a feat,
This place is insane,
One way trip on a ****** train,
From creation until you are done,
Who said it would be fun?

573 · Nov 2013
"Blood Pulse"
Blood Pulse

Heart pump fast,
Soon won’t last,
Stopping the flow,
Metal sharp blow,
Shred through the skin,
A silent destitute din,
Static; Clear; shocked,
Current status locked,
Clear; jolt the heart,
Pulse won’t restart,
Pounding on the chest,
Death has found his interest,
Clear; now zap the soul,
Pull from the gates of Heaven and Hell,
Save the friend who has fell,
Clear; revitalize the pump of red oxygen,
Remember every moment; each place you have been,
Clear; the final chance revise,
Hope is gone in exchange for his demise.

572 · Nov 2013
"That girl"
that girl.

regret every second i lost
the debt a great cost
the eyes of brown gold
fell for each word she sold
outstanding girl
whimsical whirl
i’ve lost control
missing heart and soul
when you know that they don’t care
you only think that it is not fair
i am still waiting for a day
when she might come back to stay
I am a fool to state
the longer i wait
is love reality
or a missing morality
i miss the world i lack
the stress will stack
up on my back
and i will carry it all
until i fall
vague face of beauty and wonder
I love her, my heart has sundered

550 · Nov 2013
"Missin' You"
Missin’ You

I’m still missing you,
There is nothing I can do,
I’m dead here feeling blue,
You wanted a change- something new,
I’m one of the few,
You love him– it’s true,
Wait who?
My mind is always on you,
Like paper to glue,
Boo hoo,
I hate not having you in my view,
My life now like a *****,
Twisted– broken too.
I was forced to say bye to you,
Now I’m knelt down praying at a pew,
My soul crushed up and swirling in a stew,
There it went, took off and flew,
I’m dead without you.

532 · Nov 2013
I can’t stop this inside me,
You just don’t get what you can’t see–
This crazy curse controlling me,
A Push and Pull– I. am. not. free,

In the room of dusk and dirt,
Ripped stained old tarnished shirt,
I can’t believe the steps you took,
Plagued in ruin as the Earth shook,

My Memories will always bleed,
Caged– they’re never to be freed,
Broken buildings were miles high,
Soaring scraping through the sky,

Blinding light will flood the world,
Around the mind the ideas swirled,
Endless crushing flowing sea-
A curse to last eternity.

-Jacob Coffey-
508 · Nov 2013
"Oh My-- Oh My--"
“oh my oh my”

oh my oh my what have we here?
eyes in high beams like a stunned deer,
you must not live like this,
so scared as though awaiting death’s kiss,

oh my oh my what have we here?
passed out on the floor out from the bottles of beer?
that’s what not to do!
oh haven’t they told you?

oh my oh my what have we here?
what a large group; yet you stand in the rear?
why are you separated from them?
when eyes look there’s one thing; REM.

oh my oh my…
don’t you just want to die,
look at your life just rushing by,
every word you speak; a proven lie,

oh dear, oh dear,
what do we have here?
universe crashing down,
the corrupted royal crown,

oh my oh my do you think of that lass?
you heart is made of glass,
her followers make a mass,
you know the test, but will you pass?

oh my oh my oh my oh my,
this place is a pig sty!
clean up your person,
lobotomic insertion?

looky here looky here,
come over near,
oh my oh my what a knife,
this is not the proper way to end a strife!

oh lord oh lord,
no life shall be bored,
look at all this legend and lore!
we must explore!

504 · Nov 2013
Universal Soul
The light shifts off the sky in the nighttime,
Reflecting off the moon-like sunshine on a dime,
Silver streaks of life and soul,
The mind must hold but be open like a bowl,
The stars in the blanket of infinite universe,
More than man or machine will ever traverse,
The distance above and the distance below,
Around each body the energy will flow,
Rotating and twisting the gravity go-
Beyond the point of what we all know.
489 · Nov 2013
you closer to its core,
The world in your hands witnessing life cannot bore,
Upon you the powerful force will be infinitely bound,
So heavy and strong that you stay on the GROUND.

Above in the sky with ultimate freedom to fly,
The symbol and signal that in theater one will die,
The RAVEN it sores in the shadows of life,
Screeching above striking through gravity like a knife.

The skies they grow black with the terrible roar,
AMIDST the chaos the raven will soar,
Up high in the world the beast will fly,
Its darts and it dashes above clouds in the sky.

The winds oh they change and turn the bird's fate,
Pick up VELOCITY and turn before it's too late,
The creature how it moves and seems to float,
The sailors of sky-- an aero-feathered-
482 · Nov 2013
The new day is tomorrow,

Today is now just hollow,

So goodbye to the friends we lost today,

Nobody wanted to stay,

Rest away from my line of sight,

I walk away out of fright,

Insult me and I just might-

Do what I know is RIGHT,

Stay away from me right now,


Just shut up and get down,

I’m making my tour out of town,

Get so low you go to the ground,

If you don’t I’ll give you a pound,

Get out of this place,

I don’t even want to see your stupid face!

475 · Nov 2013
Music is a sound for all to hear,

Something that pulls and draws you near,

The flows of tone-

All make sound their own,

Incomparable feeling and emotion,

Noise and chords tides in the ocean,

Not like anything I have experienced before,

I must listen, please, give me more,

The sound of music comes to comfort me,

Can you not see,

It makes me happy let me be,

Oh gee,

I cannot believe that you won’t take it in,

Turn it up now, Make a din,

I stood there while around me it whirled,

Stand for what fuels you, Music runs the world.

458 · Nov 2013
Wrecked and Broken
Wrecked and Broken.

What has the world here come to these days,
The hype of some worry is just getting enough sun rays,
To fit in-- to be liked-- to be one of the group,
Doesn't even matter when they don't keep you in the loop,
They just keep saying about all this news,
Battle after battle-- is there any that man doesn't lose?
With the drugs and the hatred and the guns in the street,
Say something wrong and someone will get beat,
People act stupid and make up their mind,
One bad decision-- to life that poor record will bind,
What can you do when its all there about to occur,
In 1-2-3 seconds into motion blur.
These people do things beyond my comprehension,
All of them leave the house with the same intention,
"It won't be me"- out the words the drop like lead,
By the end of the day the very same teen is dead,
The endless acts the plague my vision,
From one stupid little avoidable decision,
All I'm here to say is put the thought before you play,
Wake up tomorrow early and plan out your day!
424 · Jul 2014

Every blink in brain-
Goes by a separate name,
All song you speak-
The lies spark leak.

Each time you find you're lost again-
Blink twice to find yourself back but then,
A shaken mind that breaks won't mend-
Broke is shattered to no end.

I thought The Curse was hex of past-
It boomerung to strike so fast,
Escape deceits the very sights-
The vision we call the optical lights.

The undertow's relentless force-
Riptide begins a taunting coerce,
A labyrinth captivated the very one-
One to whom the war was yet won.

Spinning cycles before the eyes-
Again/Again/Again/ time flies,
Seconds come days to years-
Time heals all but scars and tears.

Burning cry upon the skin-
Inception of the sin,
Memories in discolored tissue-
Each notes a different break in you.

I'm alone on this road I tread-
Heart departs a ****** trail of dead,
A gruesome horrid thought in plan-
Lost and broken dysfunctional man.

This never was a thing to pride-
It minds not to the tongue that lied,
The score it counts against the clock-
The key forever without a lock.

I can't explain at all this speech-
Engraved in stone beyond my reach,
Need not one encounter this wretched lore.

Crimson fires burn eternal-
The thought live and breathe nocturnal,
Bloodshot veins throb continuum-
Mind now trapped in cold dark slum.

What differs ink and blood drop stain?
For parted by the pen and vein.
Which bird defines the silent din?
The jet-black wings of the Raven.

Centimeter by inch the basin fills,
The uselessness of fishlike gills,
Drowning in one's own despair,
Masked by average breath and flare.

One by one they drop from the sky,
Like fallen angels and soldiers die,
Busted wings and battered by-
The sounds of screech and rusted try.

Nothing stops the scream of fear,
The blood curdled wrenching leer,
A ghostly ship that sails in air,
Words the run the bones all bare.

Nothing ends the thoughts that stay,
Nothing keeps the sound away,
Nothing breaks the bashing blow,
Nothing ends this damaged flow...
--Jacob Dexter Coffey--
421 · Nov 2013
"Blood on the Floor"
Blood on the Floor

Blood on the floor,
Pleading no more,
Shoved to the edge,
Endless pit below the ledge,
Lost in yourself,
Life on a shelf,
Heart is no more,
Death is for sure,
Forget your legends and lore,
Blood on the floor.


— The End —