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4.6k · Oct 2013
Jacobson Gland
JL Oct 2013
Here she come
Don't catch eyes
She's a jaguar in disguise

Back on my feet
Money in my pocket
The apparatus
Of social status
He buys drinks for the girls all night
And he goes home alone and over

She's peered down dark Chicago alleys
She's driving and planting her garden
Sunday afternoons-so hot touching in
The parking lot.

Blue skies Cloudless
She. Is in my passenger sest
Her bare feet beneath her in her seat

I swear a kiss I'd long in order
Patient lips
Patient trigger finger
Ive thrown up the poison
The definition of her hair up
And a neck
Sunglasses dark
Blue veined
Blowing kiss bullets
In the rain

She's dancing to the radio
She's playing
Shaking like a fool
A gun to my head /I don't twitch
Looking into the eyes
Lisyening. Waiting
JL Dec 2011
Oh yes I fully understand
The sounds of this world are good and bad
Good and bad
Good and bad
Nothing like the sound of a good rhyme
A chime
A dime
The sound of a kiss
The sound of a forest
The branches scrape and scratch
Ratta tat tatting on the window
I love to hear the ones I love
Say I love you too
But  bad sounds are just as bad
A breaking bottle of good *****
A child crying in a store
A branch
Ratta tat tatting on my window at night
A car crash
A crying girl
Or your parents fighting
So I guess  to put it all into a rhyming couplet

If a sound is bad I hates it
If it’s good I loves it
3.2k · Nov 2011
The Oxycodone Whisper Kiss
JL Nov 2011
Today I walked in from work
Making my way throught the strange and quiet house.
I couldn't understand when I walked into my room and saw you snuggled in my blanket
My bed has never looked so warm and so inviting
Your red hair spilling all over the pillows
Cascading into the shadow
I laid down fully dressed
Laying there in a dream
You are evreything that I will ever need
My best friend
rain cloud
kissing booth

So strange to see your lips agian
Pursed and perfect
Red stained Beautiful

All so warm and simple
Not like the others
Her whole life is sweet and gentle

You can watch the parts of my life you touch
Turn away from the stoney lonesome
Your vines, your ivy, sweet smelling flowers
Wearing angel soft petals bloom in the pale moon

So what is left for me?
What more do I need?
I have my "Shelter from the Storm"

a long tired kiss is in order
on sleeping lips
soft and unkowing

Curling up in the warmth next to her
The flower wrapping her warm petals about me
I need nothing else in this world
As I begin to drift off into sleep so complete
A rustling on the bed beside me
Warm lips touch my ear
I hear her breathe "thank you"
and like that she left me there

I wake up alone
On this old couch
Sunlight creeping in through the broken blinds
In this trash apartment
In this nowhere town
3.1k · Jan 2013
klep.. klept.. kleptomania
JL Jan 2013
Do you really
Blowing smoke into my face
In my pocket a razor blade
I run my finger against it
Pick anything
Anything you want

Cough Syrup
As if you weren't white trash enough

Walk in
You are calm and no one cares
Pick anything
Anything and walk out
You own it

Some lie to themselves
Pseudophilisophical teenage masturbations
As if shoving a couple cold beers into your boxer shorts
And downing a bottle of robo in the toy section of wal-mart
yeah bro, youv'e totally thrown a wrench into the gears of the corporate machine while we drink these cold cans of beer that were pressed against your *****

I wish I was alive for once
Then I wouldn't waste my time typing poems on my cellphone
While you finger your girlfriend on the couch
Sleeping on the floor is great for a while
You appreciate a safe place to sleep
Something different than the bus seats and train stations

I wish the universe didn't
Whose idea was this whole life thing anyway

Tomorrow you will wake up
And stealing DVDs from Best Buy will consume the day
I found a little bag of ****
And we are kings
Of a personnel universe
Your girlfriend
She still thinks I'm cool
Cause my General Education Diploma
I hate everything in my life
It's all breaking apart
The seams I have carefully sewn
I need to get out of here
I am tired of January
Appreciate each moment
Appreciate each moment
Because the tumor on my brain waits on nobody
I cant overcome the sense of meaninglessness
It's just the comedown
Cigarettes 1:12 a.m
1:13 a.m
Follow my noble eightfold path to oblivion
#1 go **** yourself
JL Mar 2013
The men line up
Up against my brain
Too big for its skull
They bleed out my eyes
And eyelashes become their noose.
But you don't ever get in line.
So you won't be finished off.
Done, you sewn up creature,
Will you keep this name?

Go ahead
Finish me off with your broken
Neck intentions
I see how your eyes flutter and shut
Like a hospital bed curtain
I see the hangmen
Dangling from your

Slowly fire red
blood dries to a maroon
and, there, a raccoon
mocks your crawling carcass

Ha ha you know the rhyme then
Again and again
I'm looking for someone who can understand
Awkward crisscrossing needle and thread
Your hands are stained red with my blood
Now you are gone
Your absence leaving
Bleeding bullet holes
That anyone can walk
By and put their fingers in
I love the quick high
The exasperated rush but
I wish now you did not leave
Such a perfect exit wound

Needle and thread shaking
But Why? Haven't I done this before?
A thousand times
Change his name.
Sew him up.
Scared every time.*

You changed your name
A thousand times since last we met
I am cold and tired my wounds deep
I love you no-name
Sew me up
Annie's words are in italics
While mine remain in boring old Times New Roman...eww
2.8k · Jan 2012
Hipster Poem
JL Jan 2012
I have waited for so long
To find something to make it go
I was looking for a way to make it all go
And so I saw your picture and read your words
I felt them wrap around my heart

I used to go out looking for something to do
Just to get my mind off of you
But now the sun shines
In the afternoon
I haven't felt like things could work
In a really long time
All my gears seemed broken
My engine out of steam
Nights were getting shorter and shorter
I think I forgot how to dream
I saw your picture go around my head
Take me once or twice
I have nothing to lose and everything to gain

What is money to me
What are objects to me
A waste
Of time that I could spend
Looking at your hair
Living in your eyes
And dying in your smile
2.8k · May 2013
JL May 2013
Needle in the hay stack
The spin of the weather vane
I took a drink of you
And felt heavy to the touch
With my last bit of strength
I split the seed coat
Topsoil coaxing me
Come here, young one
Come here

The first color I have ever known
In awe I watch as birds fly over
Like painted die-cast wind-up toys
The warmth fills me to the brim
Free among unbroken hills
Neither late nor early
But still
On time with the cosmic dance of fire  color rain
Earthquake Heartache Lust and pitty
I took a drink of you and blooms sprout from my chest cavity
Sunlight flooding protons upon the hillside
Into my eyes smiling

*A nap on the grass until half-past two
As if I don't have work to do
Important things come and go
They melt away as winter snow
Drink you deeply from life's river
Not even death can make it bitter
**** Erectus
In three piece suit
Dead in a box
Maggot food
A veritable
Carrion drive thru
Just as fate would have it
Do you need
Ketchup packets?
2.8k · Jan 2013
The Lycanthrope's Fate
JL Jan 2013
I was fifteen when my father was knighted and we moved to an estate near the castle
I began working in the court as his squire. The months speed as I learn. I sharpen swords and shine boots; I listened to the servants stories of court gossip and political intrigue. My favorite though was the court magician who talked about lightning and planets. I knew each constellation in the night sky. I was sixteen and my father was killed. The older ones were afraid of me then. All the boys in the castle met in front of the blacksmiths forge after chores were finished. We fought each other sometimes one on one, other times in piles of bodies and limbs. Black eyes, split lips and broken knuckles were common. In fact a visiting duke once noticed out loud about all the servant boys having black eyes. They were badges of honor of course, worn with pride.
Sometimes we would sneak into the cellar and drink ale. I was a boy without a care in the world until I turned seventeen years of age. One night I escaped the castle with my bow to hunt. A storm came off of the sea, I had not noticed it rolling but it struck with fury. I was lost and soaking wet and the cold was setting in. Lightning flashed and I could no longer see the moon.
Something attacked me. I remember nothing of it except waking later leaned against the castle wall. No marks on my body. I became violent and detached. I shattered the jaw of a boy one afternoon. All the court laundry girls were watching us from the windows, and he cursed my father. I was blind with rage, and it was beautiful. I never felt so alive in my life. I could smell the sweat of the boy as I slammed a right hook into his jawline. I could smell the blood and it's sensual dripping warmth on my knuckles. It took every bit of strength not to lick it from my hand. I dreamed of it that night in my room. It's aroma melded with the memories already as clear as a painting in my mind. Each detail elongated and dramatized with a feral edge.
The dreams were haunting at first, but I soon relished them. I dream of the moon first always reflecting in the lake brimmed by ancient pines. Then I was chasing a deer or a rabbit through the brambles and down old paths that only beasts know. Then, the taste of warm blood in my mouth, the pulsing of lifeblood beneath my teeth.

In my dream I watch the phases of the moon cycling through the dark. Until, on the full moon. I was lying in my bed, hoping for the pleasure of the dreams again. I was warm all at once and colors began to brighten. Then it seemed as if daylight were pouring in through the window although surely it was the moon. I gazed at her. Until within me the locks began to break, and it seemed as if chains were falling from my being. Until blackness, so infinite and complete filled with the most terrible and beautiful visions I had ever experienced.
I could taste everything in the universe and I watched the wind blow through the pines from a tall rock rustling the needles into a symphony of movement and sound. Such beauty I have never known. Then a golden flash between the trees.
An old buck moved through the boughs. I tested his scent on the wind he smelled of earth and roots. Then I am chasing him.
Into a clearing he staggers as I toy with him. He breaths deeply, his sides heaving. I can see his hot breath as a cloud in the cold air. Then his cry, and the spray arterial. The taste of life.

I awaken leaned naked against a pine. Claw marks adorn the trunks of the great trees around me. Deep claw marks as if a bear...
I was terrified
I was alone

I work in the stables. I lock myself away and I feel guilt  for the pleasure of my dreams. As if they were tangible sins.
Then the kings daughter visited me and asked about the foal that was born earlier that morning. She was curt and spoke down to me. My chest was hot. I was nervous that I would insult her and be executed. We watched the newborn stand next to its mother. I thought she was watching me from the corner of her eye, but her next words proved me wrong."How dare you look at me, slave."
She returned the next day, and the next each day she seemed more angry than the last. She and her handmaid wanted horses readied for a ride. The king arrived and I dropped to my knees in fear. "You boy will protect these girls as they ride."
The hole in my chest fills with melted iron, as the young princess thanks her father with a kiss on the cheek. He leaves and my anger is complete. She will have me killed; ****** girls will probably ride directly down a hill and break a neck. Then who shall be blamed

They controlled the horses in a strangely feminine manner. Their sweet purring to the horses made them flick their ears. Their light touch turning the great beasts with ease. Such beauty I had never seen. Their delicate figures like full bloomed flowers and the hanging tassels of silk blow in the wind. Her scent...unmistakable.
She watches me.

The night before the full moon I was slipping into the beauty of the dreams. Sleep pulled me downward, and suddenly a small rap on the door.
I fully expected guards upon the other side. They somehow had found out I was the beast and Would cut my head from my shoulders.
My heart races as the door opens. A shadow slips inside as I crack the door. It pushes past me. The scent...
She stands in the moonlight of the window with dark eyes piercing. Thank the gods it was not a full moon.
I light a small lamp with shaking hands and she slides towards me, removing her dark cloak showing her nightdress. The curves of her body...not left up to the imagination against the silk.
My head swims, and the beast inside me growls deeply. She pushes herself against me, but my mind races to the headsman's axe, to the kings eyes.
I push her away and hand her her cloak. Telling her it was much too late for such foolishness.
I am a slave after all...

I could not sleep
but the dreams slipped in anyway
Like leaves in the wind they twist and float
Pulling me into their strange likeness
I am enthralled by the the scent of a nightdress
And the warmth of a body pressed against me
In moonlight I am bathed
My hands with blood soaked

She does not visit me at the stalls, and I do not see her face peaking at us from the tower window as we wrestle in the courtyard.
Inside me a strange ache at her absence. I drink ale that night and stumble to my room. The door I forget to lock, and the windows swung wide.
So cloudy
I could not stop
The feeling so pure
I could not banish it

She was found by her handmaiden in pieces around the bedroom. Her white night dress shredded and stained scarlet.
Twenty dead soldiers, each with their throats torn out or their heads smash in. As if some bear they whispered...
I was found naked out in the wheat fields covered in blood. They followed the trail straight to me.

*He stands before the king making his statement
Explaining how he was attacked by some beast
Only two months 'ore. He explains how he could not control.
The king shakes with rage. A black cover is brought to hide his face.
He goes quietly to the block and death. His body burned to ash
2.7k · Dec 2013
JL Dec 2013
It didn't make sense
It felt Fingers
Chain link fence

So the moon dim
Gibbus tide riddle

Keep your wheel in the hairpin
Bite  a hook
You'll be my friend

Go ahead
Spike the ocean
A drop of salt blood
The wolf of horizon runs
Spilling fangs of
red dwarf sun

Can you water:
Crash against the rock
Until pieces of you break off
Pristinely lying on my skin

Think air until you hear
Grandeur breath of leaves
Mountain or dog
Sing songs of love

White cheek
Spun in moonlight
Foot to the path
Song on the tounge
Free til I'm dog
Whiskey til I'm drunk
Hold my breath
Count to ten
Blue eyes / begin again
2.6k · Mar 2012
JL Mar 2012
The house once called home is empty
The garden is overgrown and tangled
Circling dragonfly
Falling leaf
Monarch butterfly

The floors no longer echo footsteps
Sunlight floods empty bedrooms
2.6k · Jan 2013
A Mortician's Apprentice
JL Jan 2013
I was young foolish and just out of the cookie cutter medical school at the community college.
I work in the mortuary much better than watching the old women who die from cancer
I've spent hours pumping radiation into their frail bodies
"Fighting Cancer"
I watched some die with terrible gasps of blood in the emergency rooms during a long internship
A sheet thrown over
As if we are already trying to forget it happened
Death seemed to touch everything in my life
Regrettably, it has yet to touch my life itself
I am exhausted with the process of death
But... I was both discomposed and
...aroused by its product
The dead were just that
Silent cold white
And we covered their private areas with a white cloth
If not under examination
She was not dead though
The mortician
Warm with long black hair
But almost just as white
She leans over a cadaver before me
Her voice echoing in the sterile
Rubber scented universe of the examination rooms
Her voice settling into the running tape recorder on the table
I check off endless boxes on the clipboard I hold
Only half paying attention
Her scent lulls me
I swear I smell her hair
As if I were at the nape of her neck
Seeping through the pungent and intoxicating scent of formalin
A spark of life in the void
She seems to realize all at once
The gravity of my gazes
She chides
Please Stay Focused
Countless hours we work together beneath the bright examination lights
Sometimes working late into the night
If a terrible car accident were to happen on the interstate

On a dark night on just such an occasion
She enters the examination room in a rush
Approaching a corpse I had already cleaned and undressed on the table
A male somewhere in his early twenties with an unnatural ark in a few of his ribs. I was looking forward to photographing the anomaly for my

Most secret collection

She holds a 20 gauge syringe prepare with an odd violet colored solution
She injects it into a dark black vein in the hand

I remain silent
She stares at the injection sight intently
Bead of crystal sweat falling down her forehead
"We are never to speak of what we may see her tonight."

Her hair pulled into a tight bun
A serious gaze in her dark eyes constrict me
Somewhere far in the dark basement in the back of my mind
A flare of something strange to my soul
I am flooded with adrenaline and she seems satisfied with the dilation
of my pupils and a smile stretched across my face

The corpse
The skin begins to brighten
Oxygenated blood running through starving veins
A sigh
A breath
My hand pressed to the neck
An arterial pulse
Weak beneath warm flesh
The thing breaths its breaths ragged at first
Then faster
She holds a cold stethoscope above the heart
Each beat of it seems to reverberate in her eyes
She stares at me
Both terror and elation on her face
She looked terrifying and beautiful
Her face seemed chiseled of marble
A shadow falling perfectly on her face
Beneath the fluorescent glow
It sits up at a back breaking speed
Its eyes shooting wide open revealing
A massive black pupil in a sea of jaundiced yellow eyes
It's mouth opens wide
And a deafening scream tears through his throat
Reverberating through the two of us for eternity
And echoing among the dull fluorescent halls of the mortuary only for a moment
It's final word
2.4k · Mar 2012
JL Mar 2012
Spread thin between the trees
Waiting for the sun to set
And gentle night to begin
Crystal dripping as the thunder far away tumbles
The cold night wind
Playing in the dark

Would you believe though
That I could be broken
As quiet as the click
Of demons claws
On hardwood floors at night
I could be shattered
Like a crystal dish
Lying broken
And silver handled
Dust collects
Sunshine comes in bright
Until her voice comes in
Until the calling wind
Until the river bend
I'm home again
Back between the trees
Waiting for the night time
So gentle and sweet
2.4k · Aug 2018
Heroin is my heroin
JL Aug 2018
In brief: scalpel words so cheap
Misanthropic cold compress
Jaded and hard in denial
Heavely Medicated without

Mute Pain
Guilt soaked peace
Once more
At least
On this rock
I’ve built my church
And drunk of this poisoned cup

Salted sigh the spike
Do not resuscitate
For the bones of it
Are a pistol cool pressed
To a temple

Sleep without rest
Please, one more breath
Vein or scar
Blood loss
And the cost:
The cracks and lines from where you gave up, they make an easy man to read
2.4k · Feb 2016
JL Feb 2016
I retreat into myself
Into the corridors of me
I lounge on the well worn flagstones
Gazing on the marble columns
Arranging tapestries and paintings in
A more perfect order
I stalk down old hallways and explore unnamed galleries with a
Single candle to push back the deep
Sometimes rooms are filled with old Furniture
Sometimes entirely empty
Once feeling brave I held onto
The threshold of such a room and
Stretching out I hold the candle aloft in the chasm. Nothingness, darkness complete the light puddles at my feet pitiful.
When I recall that yawning abyss the silence of
It persists.
In ballrooms I play Chopin's waltzs' for no one  in particular
Yet I take my bow and my place at the head of a table set for a score of kings
I lay on marble steps trying to guess the riddles that my echo whispers
I climb the  towers and the spires to dizzying heights and many weeks I was lost in the labyrinth of cellars of basements of tombs beneath
I have seen strange things lately: a chair upturned or
Bed unmade, quills still wet, and doors open and shut of their own volition in the inky black
I swear I have seen before
A tall figure in a hooded cloak dart
Into the shadows, and it did not seem
Altogether human

I read for years inside my library  
And have spoken at length to Shakespeare and Plato
I have seen Yggdrasil and the seven hells
And sped through time with
H.G Wells. Of death and moon, of birds and galaxies I am enamored.
Tea with Julius Ceaser, chess with Captain Hook.
Breakfast with The Buddah
Coffee with The Christ
Did you know that Captain Ahab takes His water with a squeeze of lime? No Ice. Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain know me by my first name, I have fenced with the Gods of Olympus and of Asgard and I remain undefeated. The divine crowd my hearth and many nights have been passed here in quiet conversation, with Confucius, with Archimedes, with Epictetus, Davinci, and the brothers Grimm
I have lived ten thousand lives and Will live another ten

-Without a single thought of you-

I wander
To my garden
Gently lit by paper lanterns
The path is smooth and heady
The amber blossoms
And weathered sculptures
Make my eyelids heavy
Monuments with fists clenched beat my
Ego ******
New flowers sprout from the ivy throat
Always things are grown but never overgrowing
I steal through the hedge maze that only I know
To the secret center where no plant grows
Pavilion and pond
Where no bird sings year long
In that quiet I endeavor
To look without fear
Into the pupil of forever
Some say writing is a good outlet
Some say writting is a good inlet
JL Mar 2012
You've gone slack
You stare in your compact
Putting lipstick on
You feel you've won
On the run
When he wakes up alone
He's gonna call you on the phone
He's gonna get the busy tone
Cause youre tryin to talk down your middleman
On the high and heavy price
You say you feel hungry
But that's your nerves running
With your arm out the window
The radio waves come to stay
In the antenna of your brain
Daughter of a prison gaurd
Trying to act hard
2.2k · Apr 2013
JL Apr 2013
Atoms compressed to molecules
Carbon based vehicles of reality
Hello, my name is Jacob I am the sum of my parts
And a bit of you.
In fact I have a piece of everyone inside me! Is it not wonderful to share, human?
I love you and this is the vector:
English Language confounded by a single moment of actual existence!
What is this feeling? We shall call it love/hate!
Can you remember before you remembered?
You lie naked in your crib laughing at the shape of fingers against the pale backdrop of the nursery wallpaper. You gazed through the window at a bird on the branch! Joy!
Existence! It sings so wonderfully it's song of life. Perfect pitch notes! Sing with me being! We are alive together on this plane!
But mother comes in to see why you are laughing.
She follows your eyes to the dancing blue jay!

That's a bird, Jacob (your name here!)
No longer a miracle, Jacob (your name here)
Just this label you must place upon the miracle.
Name it. Name it.
Once we knew how to listen
Before we were taught to "live"
Once we were humans only being
Until we learned the names and feelings
Placing them in file cabinets Alphabetical
2.2k · May 2013
JL May 2013
This is where we cross paths
Is it meant to be?
When you speak the hooks sink deeper
Echoings inside of me

Eyes of pure desire
Masked by double-meanings
I saw her say she loves me
But I was only dreaming

I will light your house on fire
If you do not give me your name
I trace the length of your fingers
The grace of hips leave me insane

I still do not dare touch you
Your coy smile slipping on and off
Your words hint at love and grandeur
The joy of simple life

As if the Norns have snipped a thread
Bony fingers knot us together
I feel the hands of fate
Upon the tapestry eternal
Vibrations I know you must feel
Vibrations I know you feel
2.2k · Jun 2013
JL Jun 2013
Feeling fine
I am a paper cup full of ice
An inter-dimensional (being)
Take off your disguise,
Let me see those pearly-eyes
Ruby lips
Diamond cheek bones
May I kiss?
May I sit?
Good to see you
Great to be here
Can I pour you some tea?
Two cubes of sugar
A tad of cream
A little rat poison
To help you dream
Half-closed eyes
And leaning
Gossamer dreaming
As you play piano
For no reason at all
You play with the treble
Line to line
Perfect pretty rhytm
Dancing in time
The melody of your thin dress
And the shape it reveals
Limbs and weeds
The music swells
A dash of lust
Your summer smell
A fragrant perfume
The jump of eyes
The spark of  fingers
A flash electric blue
The kitchen light
Is dripping on you
The teeth of your smile
The color of white
*No my love
I cannot stay
With summer here
It's time to play
If your mother says you can't come out
I'll stand outside
I'll scream
I'll shout
Over radios
And t.v screens
Shooting cap pistols
At everything
Because last night I had a dream
You called on the phone
I heard your  whisper
Infinite dial tone
On the reciever
Lie dreamer
JL Apr 2013
Death shhhh Come to me I am sleeping Beneath this Leaf Shhh Forget me Quickly Put my cold Smiling corpse Among The twigs And dry leaves Aim your Magnifying Glass At my breast Until the smoke Becomes flame Until the flesh Becomes ash The ants carry Me away burying Me in the belly of Their queen Breakfast to newborn larvae Maybe they will Find my rhymes Enjoyable for a while If one more soul Laughs with me! Laughing in the face of death I leave to you here My last lines It is not so serious Fall in love Climb the tree Scrape your knee Shhhh I love you Forget me
2.0k · Jan 2012
Blue was the sky (Mailman)
JL Jan 2012
Blue was the sky
Blue was the sky
The sky was so blue
I wanted to cry

But I kept my chin up
My feet to the road
Acting like someone
With nowhere go

Stones and dust
Stones and dust
Walking past cars
Covered in rust

I'm feeling fine
As I watch a cat stretch
I can't think of a day
Better than this

The girls and the boys
The girls and the boys
Skipping and yelling
Playing with toys

A black cloud came out
And it started to rain
Puddles and pavement
Thirsty storm drain

Gray was the sky
Gray was the sky
The sky was so gray
I wanted to cry

But brown grass turned green
Flowers could drink
And everything dripping
Started to gleam

Letters and kisses
Letters and kisses
A mailman got tired
And sat for a minute
2.0k · Feb 2012
JL Feb 2012
It's break time again
The steam whistle blowing
All hands stop
Stacks of boxes
Not growing

We walk outside
To have a smoke on the wharf
Where grass grows up through concrete
And the sea is green and dark

Hobnail boots ping ping
On metal stairs
Wrinkled scarred hands zip up jackets
Old dogs who know nothing but work
Blow smoke in your face
And call you "boy" in thick accent

They don't scare me like they used to
Because I have cuts on my hands now
From diving over a railing
To save an impatient old man

It seems just when life gets to where you want it
You have a dream about someone
And your jumping over railings
Into the teeth of a cutting board

It seems just when life gets to where you want it
You have a dream about a girl
And your waking up alone in the dark
Drinking water and taking pain pills
Even when nothing really hurts at all
2.0k · May 2013
Blue Eye
JL May 2013
I have love for you
Rooted in my jawbone

Your secret perfume
Convection heat in a back seat

I want your thin fingers
Tangled in the web of my ribs

I want to lose you
In the honeycombed purple layers of my heart tissue

I will cradle your head on my sternum
Letting my lungs do the work

If only
Your elbows were not so sharp

Then I would crave the dig of your fingernails
Your pastures of hair
The butterfly tremble of your lips

Speechless- words no longer hold the weight
My tongue on the novel curves of your sigh
Tasting the twenty summers of your growth

Trembling due to lack of oxygen
Trembling at the onset of lust

The kneading want of knuckle bones
Drawing me ever closer to the colors of light

Static in the stereo of the
Cerebral cortex

Bunched nerves
Shocked into submission
By your bleached bone canines

Open and breathe
The quick pinch endocrine valves
Releasing steam

Drape me with your skin
Wrap me up in your pulsing warm veins

I bleed blue
On every day of the week

I am deafened
By the rage of your heartbeat

I am stricken dumb
The symphony of your eyelids
Swelling in my chest a familiar lust

The wind from your eyelashes
Could blow us out of this winter
And right into spring

All the days of the year
I bleed blue

The dedication of your palm
On my cheek
Warms me like a leaf in sunlight

Peel me layer from layer
You will find no lies in between the pages

I am your machine
Waiting to be properly lubricated
I cannot wait for our first day under the sun
I can't wait to get you out of the fluorescent lights
Of the Assembly line
We will journey together to forgotten realms
And sleep beneath the strange constellations
2.0k · Jan 2012
JL Jan 2012
Pillow talk
Dogs barking
Quiet kissing
I didn't know where I was
But I know where I am going
Dogs scratching at the door
God ****** dogs scratching at the door
1.9k · Apr 2015
Carnation Carnation Lily
JL Apr 2015
I am too bold the obsession of our seperation
A child torn from childhood shattered hourglass
In her eyes I see myself swinging from a limb
Her words tying the noose and the smiles pull it tight
She would have me gasping goodbyes spittle laced
Bullet hot fingers tracing the blown out blue veins
Dopesick for her cracked lips I would lick them clean of venom
But she is too bold for such infatuation
She would rather pick the lock
The cage in my chest where  it quietly rests
One yellow eye open fangs glimmer scarlet hues
Her neck hangs back in laughter
Nape porcelaind frail statuesque
She would snap my fingers
Like a branch and I would laugh
At pain syringed and sterile
Alcohol stained breath
I think you've  found the sweet spot
Hot barrel to my temple
Do me one last favor
Release me from this tabernacle
Facing the Gorgon
1.8k · Jan 2012
No officer
JL Jan 2012
Son, do you know why I pulled you over
Because I noticed that your lungs collapsed
And you were choking begging pleading for
one single breath
So enjoy the air while you got it...
Go ahead take a moment
For a good deep breath
Feel that clean country air just tickling your insides

Son, do you know why I pulled you outta class?
Cause your bein a *****
Every time we try to bring up a good topic
you start crying
******, *******, mutation, abortion, cloning, ******, violence, masochism
Stop bein a ***** boy, everybodies daddy gets drunk and beats them at night

Son, you know why I'm not letting into heaven?
Because you are a pretentious selfish ****
1.8k · Jan 2013
JL Jan 2013
I leave the warmth of the feast
Out into the pleasant night air
A cat walks in the garden
Quietly atop a stone wall
It's eyes reflect in torchlight
Like two carved emeralds
I watch from the stone bench
As he snags a damselfly from the air
Pinning it to the mossy stone
1.8k · Jul 2013
JL Jul 2013
Beyond dilation scuttle eyed pin hole magnetic stigmata
I swear if you rub red the right way it scores points with the Almighty
Crystalized She used to run around with ***** fingers
She was made in a bathtub
Towhead floating face up  

Like a deep breath doll laugh goodnight
I'm balanced hypodermic in the chamber
Reading from the black stenciled numbers 100cc
Here is the end's beginning
A brand new case of rigs
She's dancing on the counter
Dancing in my head
She's won't let me sleep
And my dreams become electric
25% oxygen not counting waste
Or the tingle on the back of my throat
25 seconds until we reach the half life Wear the dunce hat.
Bruised arms  
and a 90% isopropyl bath
Two weeks non sleep
JL Feb 2012
Twisted up in thread
Cobweb train tracks
From the window
You waved back
In your hand
Bye bye to the moonlight
I'll close your eyes
Good... Good.... Come on sleep
I've spent so many nights
Up wide and awake
In a lab coat
Lookin for some answers
But all the test tubes are broken
The white rats have run away
So come on sleep
Take me
Punch my ticket
On the goodnight express
Train tracks on the cobwebs
And you lean out the window
To wave and ******* kisses
Goodnight, darling!
1.7k · Mar 2012
Washed up
JL Mar 2012
My lungs are full of seaweed
Back upon the beach
Waves still reach up to lick
To my feet

Sunset spirals
Seashell seas
Salt crusted fingers
Crack in the heat
Lips bleeding thirst
A touch or kiss

Window latcher
Lightbulb catcher
Lover in a dream
Barefeet on hardwood floor
A warm bed
Above my head
Spiders build a thousand webs
1.7k · Dec 2011
Highway Robbery
JL Dec 2011
Your purring pheremones reach across the passenger seat and touch me with perfume flower scents
On this freeway thick covered in early morning fog
We are two shooting stars glowing as headlights repeating down the somber black asphalt river

We are going to need to find a motel soon
So I can put you down on a bed
And teach you epic ballads of a sweating sting
The ***** willow switch
Snatching up your breath
The golden raking song  of digging nails
A wet honey kiss
Tattooed as teeth marks
On my begging neck

But you tell me to keep my eyes on the road
My **** in my pants
And my searching fingers out of your lace
1.7k · Aug 2012
Trailer Trash
JL Aug 2012
Barbed wire fence runs into town
A rusted fence that reaches from two counties down
Dirt roads fall miles apart
I walked each one
Dusty and hot
The sun is settining
Shadows growing, snakes and dogs
I cut through a pasture
Keeping eye for the farmer
With his twelve gauge double barrel
Waiting for the kids to hop the fence
And pick the glowing mushrooms
Growing at the woodline

A tree in the center where the cows sleep soundly
I wandered and sat near as the moon was rising
It's just me alive
And the millions of stars
The headlights of old trucks
The crickets chirp tonight
Fast and loud
As I lay back and study a long silver cloud
Why do I make things so complicated?
Why do I find myself turning onto dead end roads?
The headlights reflect bright in the mirrors
As the car speeds by
A girl watches me stand up from the tree
And wipe the dirt from my pants
JL Apr 2013
All of the pencils in the drawer are broken
Friday Night I'm sick of being alone
Hopping off the curb in search of the killer
Sniffing out the house parties
They like the bass loud and it swells
******* us inside past ten parked cars
They freestyle about
Gun fire and blood on concrete
He said I didn't believe him
Cracked out beyond repair
He shows me the scythe and hammer tattoo on his left breast
I laugh with the proletariat
Cheers and some soul passes me the bottle
Cigarette smoke contained by plaster walls
I'm eight days sober
Don't tread on me
Says a ***** blond next to me on the couch
All strung out she is searching
Searching for a bent spoon and needle in the tall grass
Back yard a bonfire
Walking barefoot on broken
Heineken bottles strewn in the shadows
Popping molly and sweating
She called me a hick
Her dopamine receptors
Rubbed flat by heavy grade sandpaper
I called her nothing
I was too busy watching
The rats scurry against the wall
To their safe warm nest
In the insulation
A hand around my wrist
Milk white incubus
With breath like puked whiskey
I escaped through a hole in the couch
I fell between the cracked leather cushions
And slept with the rats in piles of pink
Fiberglass insulation scratching at the flesh
I slip outside through the cracked window
A woman stands at a console
Turning dials that cause the streetlights to dim
And bleed storefront windows fractals of neon
She asks me what else I would like to know about the world.
Someone tells me to get in and the door shuts
A sound like gunfire I perspire sweat with cough
Syrup scent peaking on the dark road to Okeechobee
I should **** myself or run barefoot again through your head
Where the forest floor is warm and the trees are alive always with birdsong
April 6, 2013
4:31 A.M
Love is about giving
Lust is about getting
JL Jan 2012
Since you said goodmorning
My day has been tip-top
Birds shine so much brighter
The sun dives and sings
In the belly of the sky
Afternoon waves its delicate hand
We greet blowing dandelion kisses
Little pieces of beauty scattered all about
Your words, darling, are one thing
Your silence is another entirely

Sunset tore the sky
Like tissue paper
"Hey what's up honey?"
"Cat got your tongue?"
So you turned your eyes
Towards me
- broke a little smile
It's the only thing more perfect
Than the mountains and the sky
Lost among the boughs
Your laughing turned to echoes
Breathing in the sound*of dawn, which is they say, the darkest part of the night
What about the night? The dark of your pupils is far more
''What do you see?''
Kiagen's magical words are in italics
While Blanket's remain...normal
1.7k · Jan 2012
Space Ghost coast to coast
JL Jan 2012
Let's stand around and talk about taxes and crime
Or watch it on t.v
Cool people only getting cooler
As alcohol leaks

I think I remeber leaving a party with you and falling asleep
on a dew covered hill

But I woke up in my bed

The shirt you had warn
Was pink and white through the haze
Remebering your face
But I still couldn't think your name
...I remember that you said you liked only
The old starwars
And your favorite Zelda
Ocorina of time
You got high with me and watched adventure time
And talked to me about the effects of ether on the human mind
You liked ska and doc martens
With only black laces
Japanese tea pots
BC ***
Black Jack Davey
Tattooed on your neck
You told me you were fourteen
When you last wore black lipstick.
"Far out"  
Yellow Submarine
Mushroom picker
Tingling of your spine
As it creeps up your neck
I was about to fall away to oblivion
Until I saw your smiling teeth

I got all the way to work without noticing
And your number on my wrist
1.6k · Mar 2013
JL Mar 2013
Once I dreamt
The sky was blue and deep
And dragonflies circle
I saw you lie back on a
Green patch of grass
I mean/ there was so much light about you
a circle around you of unbroken golden light
Your features were hand drawn
Shadows vignette And the sun looked +
On your skin

Thick white clouds of your laughter
Leak from the sides of your lips
You clap your hands along with the thunder
Imitating the lightning upon my heart
words of fire burnt into my skin

You stand in the middle of  the river
        Stags drink from your eyes
        Lighting bugs and bees circle your marble fingertips
I invite you to the garden
To see the statues
Swallowed by grasping hands of ivy that glow golden in the morning dew
Ask me to carry your sorrow.
Mingle blood with me beneath the full moon
The Golden circlet of your soul
The ecstasy of birdsong at first kiss
We dream as one
She and I
Suns and moons twist about us
The stars gentle culling us to join
In dance and song
We dream as one she and I
The sun
The River
The Grass
The Sky
Our son she holds upon her hip
A sweet song falling
From her lips
Summer June
A garden swing
My heart soars
On golden wing
‘Til autumn sigh
We dream as one she and I
1.6k · Apr 2012
JL Apr 2012
And she opened that window
And hands came out and dropped
A book of spells in my lap
And I lit another cigarette
Opened it up
Right there on your firefly soaked back yard
Reading about spells that could bend the whole world to what I wish
I shook my head and said no
Don't call me honey
Because real love never lasts
Things twist
And pull
The gears that hold you together
Somehow shifted
And i can see golden sunlight pour through
Window good morning
I fell asleep with you open last night
A praying mantis is having a battle with my fingers
And honey bees swim around the whiskey
Birds call and look like tiny painted toys on the deep blue
You could be
Are everything to me?
Put in my pocket for later
Like a soda tab
And a square head nail
A knife
A brass tack and a pair of pliars
My hands are cut and *****
Dried blood
Black spraypaint
A phone number written in pen
A single cigar burn scar
1.6k · Apr 2013
Expiration Date
JL Apr 2013
Don't touch
Don't Hate
I will
Eat it
I will
I cut
Her into
And Put
Her in the
A *****
1.6k · Jul 2015
I am
JL Jul 2015
Newborn lungs of lush green pasture
All the pain
Birds of prey; laughter
Little song torrential rain

Of horses mane
Impossibly tamed

As wasps they sting

The music plays
In dripping caves

I'd shut my mouth
Then I could kiss
And watch you breathe
As golden seas

Expensive rush
Tap your watch

A king of rats
A rat of kings
Hear me play
In this way

Home at last
Cut down the mast
For fire

This moonlight beach
No man may reach
This sky of blue
It tastes of you
But sadder
JL May 2013
I don't waste my time trying compare myself
I've pulled the trigger
Gone off the deep end
Smoking dancing blue pills on tin foil and watch her eyelids flicker
Smoke in my eyes
From the gaze inanimate and perfect
I can't let go
Standing up straight half-rate I've been carried out of Captain Jacks
Before all my fake friends who come running when I have the money
I can drink all night when I give Rick a nickel bag ol' molly
Out of house and buisness
I drink him into the ground
1.6k · Oct 2011
JL Oct 2011
I boldly laugh at darkness
Boldy it laughs at me
In the black of
I have seen the moth kiss
I have seen it kiss
the naked

If it rains
Tonight I know you will think-of-me
I used to smile in the dark
When you whispered in the rain
Your eyes were shining
bottle caps
in the passenger seat

the moon
is closed in dark clouds
Soaking feet in our shoes
The rain falls on the roof so loud
I feel it in my head

but you ask to be held

I would smile when you looked and said
"Do you think it's funny how the rain kisses my skin"
and I would answer slowly

and you asked to be held
1.6k · Mar 2016
JL Mar 2016
I have drempt:
Lucidly, she dyes the edges clay-colored  
Eyeing eye she aligns her body with the North Star
She shivers without notice
        Ocher eyes alive
she speaks in new forms of divination
And the weather is in her palm
Trick of light    trick of eye
Her sigh awakens 9 Ravens
     without thought
            She is
    Caught in the spider web
Autumnal ghost
Beneath Harvest moon
    swoons at the bark of the dire wolf
Without care
making eye contact
Running fingers through the silver fur
  Paying close attention to scars
Letting him drink
From lips of pink
The milk of first-kiss
And leads him home  
To a palace of bone
Humming tunes that only dogs know
Her head is light on his chest
She listens to his heart beat
Beating Eagles wing
In time
In rhyme
A tune
Of runes
Smooth Aquarius
Flowing through the toes
Of purple mountains
Spilling waterfalls and
Filling frigid
Black pools rimmed
By moss caked stone

Leaves scarlet, and hay colored
Float aimlessly on the surface of her

Ears Stung and bit of wind
She listens whole body tensed
bow string
face    Sun stained
swimming in the aphotic
Lake of his soul
He plays the dulcimer of shadow
Next to fire
& the light of her blossom
Through snow mountains
His attention
When she dances languid
Forgetten tunes that only the owl knows
she dances star soaked
Scarlet tulips pressed
Fill every page of her mind
Preserved eternal
You can find her poetry here
1.6k · Nov 2011
The Sappy Poem
JL Nov 2011
Has it really been so long
Since I last felt love
I worry some
That I won't feel it anymore
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry with
Someone to die with

When I die I will be reborn
As a star off in the north
Will I then begin to understand
Love is not a feeling
Love cannot be planned
Love is a single time and moment
Caught inside my chest
JL Jan 2012
I call it a crick
when I was ten- no eleven

Maybe ten and a half

My dad worked as a I do now

I remeber he came home one day and kicked off his ***** workboots by the front door
His hands were always dirtier than a *******

He always had grease and dirt under his nails when he got home
and would run them under hot water and glo-jo like I do now

Them hands were COVERED in scars
....mine aren't that scarred yet
and I'm hoping they never will be

I got out of this town once and made it half way around the ******* planet

But I came back when aunt mary-lou died
the only thing I remember from that funeral
....the girl across from me was wearing a red thong
her name was Megan (I had a dog with that name once)
She was aunt mary-lou's friends **** *** stepdaughter

She had that look like
"I am way too good for this trailer park *******"
And I smiled and thought
"I know you are"

Well my dad came home
To find out that I had broken the bb gun he got when he was fourteen

And instead of yellin' at me
or beatin' me
he told me to go get him a beer
and he let me have a sip

I thought he was gonna tear me up and down like a red headed step-child
Or put his cigarette out on my palm

But he didn't
He just sat there
and still to this day I wonder why I didn't get the usual

Truth is:
when I came back from getting his beer on that fateful day
I thought I might have seen my dad wiping a tear from his cheek
JL Feb 2013
Hello there my ******* friends
******* chimpanzee keyboard slamming 
Children of The Machine
Mirror effect
I see said the
Poor and the Gentry
But guess what guys the sun inside is still burning for a touch of your
And cue Wolfmother-Woman
1.5k · Jan 2012
Smoke-Break Blues
JL Jan 2012
I have been hard-pressed for words
An adverb modifiying a verb
So I threw in a
For good measure
In bad taste

Work was hard
And my bones ached
They said
"Come to dinner with us down off the highway"
Seems fine to me

Hold on a minute-
Tick Tick Tick Tick

"Where did y'all say we were goin'?"


All could think was **** **** ****
I know you work on Saturday nights
I looked down at my watch

And I knew right then
Tock Tock Tock
I would be seeing you again

The car ride seemed gigantic
All tires wheels highway
Saftey glass peppered the cross lights
From an accident the other day

Broken bottles poking in the grass
Dirt road and trees
I was looking but not seeing all of that

The parking was almost empty
...if it had not been for your car
I remember when I replaced the radiator in that thing
I remember how it had'nt felt like work
Fixing your car under a blazing sun

But you just hugged me and said thank you
Well at least I got the hug

Its been a little bit since then
I rember as I washed the grease from my hands
I wanted to wash off your hug

You put me in the Friendzone
You would probably laugh at me
For thinking I was the only one

I rember how I followed the boys into Deenos
I felt like a zombie
A prisioner led to the block

and just
******* luck
you look up
and smile the biggest smile I have ever seen

You seemed to talk so fast
I tried to keep up
Listening intently for single syllable words
My mind might comprehend
And your soft gentle palms
And a desk fan
blowing a strand of your hair
I felt like I was at the fair
Riding the FIREBALL
You talked in your embarrassed voice
And your soft pink lips
Smiled a song right through me

So we sit down
Well I pretended to eat
Whenever I wasn't trying to chance a peak at you

The guys were getting drunk
Because your uncle Oscar came out and was giving us
free beers
soon he locked the door
and pulled out a deck of cards
I pretended to play
When I wasn't busy, looking at you
And uncle Oscar brought out clear Russian
Liquor and in between jokes and shots
I pretended not to notice you
Being beautiful as you counted down the till

I had to pretend to ****
It was just an excuse to talk to you
"Hey, I'm about to have my break in a minute meet me outside"
I walked to the bathroom
Staring at myself in mirror
My heart tick tocks tick tocks
Shaking my head at this stupid shirt

Outside you were sitting cross-legged leaning your back against the wall
Nursing a coffin nail
I wanted to hold you
I wanted to tell you
I wanted to write some story
Where me and you talk all night

Sitting only a subtle reach away
I sat and smoked and watched you talk
Under the 75watt lamp
1.5k · Apr 2013
The Crown Is Not Heavy
JL Apr 2013
For I've another soul to help me bear it.
The walls were built about my heart
But they were only tinder burnt away by first-glances
The eyes
Glacial blue piercing as the two edged sword between my ribs
Hair flame red long cascading upon her marble shoulders
The steeple of her breastbone shall I worship
Burning incense to the name of her lips carnation petal pink
Her Laugh as an hundred bird songs caught within wings flapping
Honeysuckle lashes droop curled dancing in a summer wind
Cheekbones apple carved blushing at my foolishness
Her hands well known to children
Sewing needles and pens
With hips seaside water crashing
She bumps against me in the ancient dance
Testing me to see if I'll withstand the winter wind
Who am I to boast?
What have I to offer?
She looks into my eyes only
Not into my coffers
1.5k · Mar 2012
Morning Light
JL Mar 2012
Waves across the pasture
Where new sprouts of grass reach up
From black soil cool and wet
1.5k · Mar 2012
JL Mar 2012
Deep.                  It's been such a while without company

Where I sit here next to the stone wall...

                       Peaceful as the tree branch
The ivy climbs my wall
                        I can see
                             How it grows through the cracks
Blood vessel trees
Still pumping life        
                                       Breathing you in and out
                                  I feel tired
                                    My eyes are heavy
                                         The wine in my belly
        Moss hangs down
           Ghosts on a wind
                      Do you care to listen
                          ...To the tears of God glisten
Dripping from the leaves
                  The moment you drink the poison
                   You realize what alive means
                    A forest
                      Savor each beating of your heart
                       Every breath in your lungs
                The sun is starting to set
                     And although you hear its noises
                 The forest grows quiet
Your eyes close
Falling asleep on the leaves
1.5k · Jul 2012
I apostrophe M
JL Jul 2012
to me
for a s
You  a
re her
e with
me. T
getting stingy
stay forever here with me
In thelights
crashing car
I swear I see
A shootingstar
It leads me now
to believe
Pavement is the enemy
Lukewarm god
Spat me out
So I lay still
There's stars to count
I love you gasoline
I want to soak
The flame in me
Spark enough
Just one blue spark
Then I could see you
In this dark
JL Nov 2011
I used to get asked the same question all of the time.
Even now time is a funny word.
I was a boy once so long ago I cannot remember
I was given a chance to see the face of God
He came to me in a dream one night and told me
Well…that’s just between us
Let’s just say that now
I have a handicap
God told the universe that it isn’t allowed to **** me
Nothing can **** me…well cause it was my turn to be God
Sounds great hunh?
I thought so too at first
I learned pretty quick that immortality was the only attribute God gave me
Before he left for good
Whatever you wanna call it

So here is my life in a nutshell. I’m immortal. I did it all, I saw it all I got it all.
There was not a place on earth I hadn’t seen but
Then my dad died
Then my mom
Then my brothers
And sisters
And friends…
All tasted sweet death
I tried to make more friends
But after ten or twelve lifetimes of that I said ***** it
I just read every book man had ever written
Humans are smart I must say and there is nothing  they won’t do
To stay alive
Glass skyscrapers went up
Towering into space
Teleportation, artificial intelligence, interstellar  space travel
Next thing you know humans got a hold on every planet from here to the A6
People if that’s what you want to call them
Cause they are half machine, half pure energy
Had the setup
I traveled to every planet man had discovered
People began to live so long I could have conversations with all of them
Then one day somewhere on the outskirts of the known universe
The biggest ******* explosion since well…I don’t know. It just demolishes a couple colonies.
People long ago were no longer programmed with fear so everyone just went on as normal
Until all around us
Suns began to explode
Creating more and more black holes
I returned to earth, and watched as the milky way began to get ****** in
It was so hot when we got near the sun I could swear ….whatever
Suddenly I’m alone floating through space the few remaining stars were not easy to get to
We’re talking millions of years of bouncing off of space debris while suffocating in the vacuum
I glided slowly to the surface of some blazing blue star
Experiencing the fun of being constantly vaporized and then pulled back together
Until one day….the last star got too hot and then it shattered
It was the most incredible explosion since…well
I think I flew for a few billion years, I kind of lost count after awhile
I was surrounded by blackness forever in all directions.
A blackness so perfect.....a darkness that is so complete
Maybe God is around here somewhere…
It’s been trillions and trillions of years like this. By myself
By myself.   Billions and Trillions of years
The Holy Stillness
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