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Jackie Mar 2015
I hope she sees herself the way I see her
Because I see an amazing woman who has overcome everything
And she doesn't always believe it but she is my everything
I could never be content with anyone else
She lifts me up and helps me see the light
I would fight till I die just to make her mine forever
And if I get the chance to be her forever I swear I will not disappoint
I was always told that good things come to those who wait and all I've ever done is wait
And now she is here and it's real
I would watch movies about great love stories and think that they were full of ****
But now I have my own
How did I go from having nothing to quickly having my whole world right next to me
She is the greatest piece of this universe that I could ever find
I tell her everyday that I'm her's forever
And even after forever I'm still her's
I look at her and the world around me quickly fades into a blur and she is the only clear thing
The only thing that makes total sense in a life that is constantly changing
And when I doubt myself she comes in full force with reassurance and a smile
Because she knows confidence doesn't come easy and we've both been down that road
How can I even explain her properly
She is like walking into the sunlight after being trapped in the shade
She is a night sky full of stars without anything to block it's breathtaking beauty
She is the voice in my head telling me to keep going
She is the finish line after every race I have to run
The winning shot at the buzzer and the crowd cheers but I am the lucky one
The one who gets to look over and know that she is all I want
And how could someone ever ask for more when you are given nothing but perfection
Being happy with you is like finding a golden ticket
You never think it will happen but when it does, it changes your life forever.
I found my golden ticket
My one true love
Amberlyn Walsh
Jackie Mar 2015
You question things to the point where your head fills with doubts and misconceptions
I understand that
I told you that you needed to find someone to change your expectations
I'm trying to be that person
I will always be the one to reassure you
If I can't tell you then I will show you
I have never been the one to fall without even jumping
If I didn't have you the world would never hold as much beauty as it does when I look at you
Never think that I want someone else
I would rather have you and nothing else then have everything without you
You bring light where there is darkness and if I have the privilege to have you forever I can die happy
I will better myself for you because you deserve the world wrapped in a bow
My heart is yours and even though it's damaged, you still find it beautiful
I will never let you down
I leave the past in the past and I won't look back because you won't be there
I never imagined this happening but I would never ask for a redo
Jackie Mar 2015
I love you
With all your flaws and your complicated past
You could never drive me away
Only drive me closer to you
I want to be the one who changes your expectations and your reality
I don't plan on fixing you but I will fix myself for you
I only want you to cry because you are happy otherwise I will be crying right next to you
I love when you get excited about crafts and scary movies
I love sitting next to you in the van so I can glance over at you
I love when you lay next to me on my cot that barely fits both of us so I have to pull you in close
Our round is ending soon and the thought of leaving you makes me sick to my stomach
I don't want to leave you
Even 6 weeks feels like our entire life
Having you with me every day makes each day the best one of my life
Even when you act crazy I still just want to smile at you
Everything I've wanted is sitting right across from me
And I have never seen something so beautiful
Jackie Mar 2015
You keep me on my toes to the point where you brush past me and I jump
Our future brought untold fear and I was never okay with it until now
Everything you say to me somehow registers deeply
If you aren't always near me I feel this growing hole in my stomach
I want this to work out more than I want to eat peanut M&M;'s or play basketball
You seem to read me like one of your books but your books usually take longer
Your past presents itself greatly in your present
If I wasn't ready for that I would have ran
I try to hide my past so it doesn't effect you
I only want my present and future to reach you
I might have almost said those 3 words but I never regret what I say
But then again you almost said it too so we're even
I just want you close to me because my life has never been stable and you seem like a rock compared to everything else
I know you check my poems to see if there is something about you
If I could properly find my words there would be something new everyday
You are just perfect to me and I guess it took me awhile to see perfection
I guess I just really... like you
Maybe I'll say it one day
If you're happy, I'm happy
Jackie Jan 2015
I know that I can never fully give my heart
I haven't quite found all the pieces yet
I came on this journey to find my bliss
And instead I found you
This beating black hole inside me can't grasp enough light to make this work
Without ******* you in and losing you to the void just like everyone else
I put you first so you have a better chance of surviving
If that means being the sacrifice well then I will do that
Don't think I think less of myself
I just think highly of you
I hate when you say "I'm used to it"
That should never be your normal
I want you to find someone who changes your expectations
Sadly I still need to change mine
I'm not sure if I still believe in fate or true love
Being here makes you rethink your true intentions
I just hope I didn't leave you wanting more
I couldn't possibly show you this without having to fully express myself out loud
I just hate that you were my next victim
Another name to add to my list of fallen hearts
The way you look at me has changed
But then again I don't blame you
I would hate me too
In fact we both seem to have the same views now
You don't want to be near me and I don't either
But unfortunately I am trapped
You on the other hand have a chance to forget about me
Everything written couldn't possibly be said out loud
No one needs to know how much I hurt right now
So please be okay and walk away
You are too special to be a pawn in my game
Jackie Dec 2014
I remember that everything I knew disappeared when I looked at her
Love in all its forms never quite kept it's innocence
The line we drew became twisted and blurry
And in the end nothing seemed real
She took pride in her image as if it were all she had
People stood in line to get glimpses of her smile for comfort
We ventured off hoping to find something our parents never gave us
But somehow it lead us nowhere
We never quite got the hang of letting go or even holding onto something with value
And if you asked us what we believed in, we would stand and face each other
Not knowing that we would be each others kryptonite
We danced around the word 'forever' as if it was our only source of energy
Never realizing how suffocated it became
If only we knew how tangled our lives would become
Weaving in and out of commitment only resulting in a war that ended with two casualties

I never understood this unrelenting undeniable love I had for her
Until my only option was to walk away from something so beautiful yet so self-destructive
They all looked at me and thought I was strong
That I did it for myself
The love I had for her outweighed my own pain
It was for her
My one true love who saw me even when our lives went dark
She was the love of my life
Jackie Dec 2014
This is for the people who have had their dreams crushed
Bagged up and thrown away like they didn't mean much
For the boys and girls who sit in school and daydream of space and make believe
You are the real hero's
I often wondered what I dreamed of when I laid in bed
But not very often I remembered what went on in my head
And people said I wouldn't amount to much
Only just 10 months of my life given out of love
And you say I'm wasting my time
Even though this brings me closer to the finish line
All the negativity that they said to me
They look at me and I bet now they see
So please don't worry there is much out there
Just look at what I found here
And when people look down on you
They're only scared to think of what you'll amount to
This is for the people who still believe in love
Even though they've had their hearts crushed
For the ones who still hold faith in the world
You're the ones I look up to
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