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Jackie May 2014
You came out of nowhere
You came darting through my blind spot
You definitely caught me off guard
Talking turned into flirting
Flirting turned into I like you
I like you turned into I love you
How did we get there
How did everything fall apart
You said I hurt you
I know I did
My feelings were unclear and I dragged your heart around like it was a rag doll
I understand what I did, believe me
I used to stay awake at night with pains in my chest
It felt like knives but I knew I deserved it
You were crazy
You still are crazy
But I can't say that I was completely sane
And I did love you
But I wasn't ready for the love that you wanted to give me
Now we are on opposite sides of the playing field
You hate me
You wanted to die because of me... well and other people
You thought I was your saviour
I just wanted you to be healthy
Now you text and call my phone explaining how worthless I am
And how much you hate me
You talk about my insecurities like they are yours to tell
I trust you with my secrets and you play them like your favorite song on repeat
You try to get to me
I'm sorry for what I did
I hope you can forgive me
Forgive me so you can focus on yourself
I don't hate you
But I can't save you
Jackie May 2014
A friend once asked me what my closet was like
I paused and looked at him
What was my closet like?
Oh it was a lovely place
Full of crushed dreams and self hate
Maybe I'll take you there sometime
What was my closet like?
It was full of people's words
People's judgement
People stare like there is something wrong with me
What was my closet like?
It was a jail cell
Where my individuality was suffocated by societies hands
Wrapped around my neck
Screaming at me to be normal
What was my closet like?
It was a small room in my parents house
I ran there when their fighting became unbearable
I'll just come out at a better time
What was my closet like?
It was a scary place
Like the deeps of hell
I tried to climb out
But the devil had me *******
******* by own fears
If I get out people will hate me
My friends and family will abandon me
I will have nothing
When this boy asked me what my closet was like
I wanted to punch him
As if my closet were an old friend who I hadn't seen in awhile
Like I was supposed to list detail after detail of my life inside this cage
Like it wasn't a big deal
How can you be so blind
My closet
Killed everything inside me
When I came out I was reborn
What was my closet like?
He asked
I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't talk
That's what its like
I said
Jackie May 2014
I find myself always over thinking
Does she like me?
What does this mean?
Does this make me look gay?
Why are you doing this to me?
My thoughts overflow like a waterfall
Constantly going going going
Stop just take a deep breath
Don't freak out
Don't let them see you bleeding
Don't show signs of weakness
Blink less
Stay calm
If they see you crumbling
They will fill in your cracks
With hate and jokes
Like negative cement
Until you are stiff
With hatred towards yourself
Causing you to over think some more
Do they like me?
Why are they whispering?
Did I do something wrong?
My thoughts cave in my subconscious
And I can't help but sit there and worry
Pacing back and forth
Mind racing
Hands shaking
Heart pounding
Don't let them hear you breathing
Don't let them see you sweating
They can't get to you
Words become knives
Rumors become wounds
Jokes become scars
And I'm left there
Over thinking
Why did they say that?
Why did they treat me this way?
Over thinking back into depression
Why do they hate me?
Why am I even here?
I cause myself to reevaluate
Until I'm questioning my motives
I tell myself I'm a fighter
Pull all nighters
Until I'm calm enough to face the world
People hate because you are doing something great
I'm great right?
Why let people get to you
When everything they say doesn't have to define you
I'm in the eye of the storm
The worst part is behind me
Funny how the things you said didn't blind me
You're okay
Stop over thinking
Why can't they just leave me alone?
Why do I let my over thinking show?
Jackie Apr 2014
She remembers peeking through the blinds as her mom pulled out of the driveway every summer morning
She remembers attending the same school for nine years with the same people
She remembers how her grandparents basement smelled like smoke and after her grandpa died, it no longer smelled like smoke
She remembers sticking her head between the railings in her cousins house and getting stuck
She remembers her grandpa teaching her how to play basketball
She remembers being afraid to go to sleep because she thought she would forget to breathe
She remembers losing her friend in 9/11
She remembers learning about what death was
She remembers asking if there was a playground in heaven
She remembers asking if she had to come inside when the street lights came on
She remembers sitting in the back seat of her dads truck, thinking that the moon was following her
She remembers getting a concussion during basketball when she was a freshman and not remembering anything after that
She remembers coming out and how her parents didn't accept her
She remembers falling in love and how it hurt like hell
She remembers her parents fighting and covering her ears
She remembers wanting to die
She remembers when her memories were too painful to remember
Jackie Apr 2014
The past is the past for a reason
Difference in seasons
Lock me up for treason
My on going thoughts leave me heavily breathing
I cannot believe what I am seeing
We are all addicted to something
I'm addicted to the need to capture things
Like your heart
I'm addicted to this art
It pulls me apart
Just to put me back together
I am a rubber band
Don't stretch me too far
I don't continuously expand
I get pulled then slowly snap back
I don't wear snapbacks
They mess up my hair
My mind is a mess
Constantly moving and excluding
You can't sit here
What if I just disappeared
Into thin air
Magic is everywhere
Just look at us all here
That's pretty magical
Like Cinderella and the ball gown
Haters go straight down
You'll find them all there
Along with my fears
When people stare
I must be doing something right
I take flight
Go beyond air
Makes me feel alright
I don't do well with goodbyes
It means the end
I'm not good with see ya later either
Later is never promised
Do I just end things
Or pray that I make it to later
I would never date her
She's to stuck up for me
Stuck in a tree
Of high expectations
And I'm afraid of heights
Like continuously falling
Without reaching the end
Does time really end
Or do we just give up
It's a funny story
Actually it's pretty tragic
My love for you is like the Lost City of Atlantis
I believe in it
But you will never see it
My heart opens just to snap
Like a mouse trap
Don't get trapped
Unless you are able to adapt
The endings of poems are always the hardest
Is this a good place to rest my subconscious
****, why not
It's my poem
Jackie Apr 2014
I want to write something for you
But sometimes I feel my words don't do anyone justice
I want to connect with you
But connection for the sake of connection seems unrealistic
But there's nothing unrealistic about the way someone feels
I see you
And you are looking at me
I want to know what you are thinking
But knowing the truth can be a double edged sword
I would take that pain from you
I could endure

I want to look into your eyes
For more than a second
Because making eye contact and then turning away
Doesn't bring me any less pain
And if we could just look
Maybe we would fall in love
And if we found each other
If we found the missing piece
We could both agree to disagree
But life isn't always that easy
So just look at me

I want to show you this
Your feelings might be hit or miss
But I want you to see
Seeing is believing
So believe me when I say
You were the only thing on my mind today
I know its real
When I can write about someone
You aren't just anyone
But being someone to someone can backfire
I can handle being your target for awhile
Jackie Apr 2014
Over time
You forget how to rhyme
You start to lose sight of what's right
And go for what's easy
And believe me
Everything I write
Consists of everything I've been through
I used to be a hopeless kid
Drowning in all the negatives
Blinded by the scary thought that I wouldn't make it out alive
But I needed that drive
That motivation
To motivate my determination
Everything that was crushing me
Ended up helping me fly
The things that were holding me back finally let go
And my hope is being restored
Along with my flow
And over time
We can forget who we are
Forget what got us this far
But if we stick close to our hearts
We will never fall short of greatness
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