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Jackie Jun 2013
Friendship is like the glue that holds  a cracked vase together
You know that you will never be perfect again
But that glue will always remain
And in times of need
Friendship is the sun that warms you up
Lifts you up
Keeps the clouds away
And when the bond is strong
Drama nor distance can rip it apart
Strong today
Strong from the start
And when you've hit a bump in the road
Friendship is your tow truck
They always say lift your head up
And at the end of the day you can look back at all the pain
Realize where you are now and smile it away
Friendship is that smile on your face
So appreciate it everyday
Jackie Jun 2013
You made me feel so small
You tried to take my voice
You waited for me to fall
You acted like this was a choice

I started to crumble
I started to break
I wanted to hide
I couldn't be fake

But I am rising
And you are so low in the ground
That you can't reach me
I am not hiding
So come find me

I will not let that word define me
And deep inside of me
I know that I will overcome this
And you will be stuck
Between your hatred and your ignorance
And while everyone else is moving forward
You will get left in the dust
And I'll look back
Shake my head
And wish you luck
Jackie May 2013
People everyday experience hate
Others will never fully understand our pain
And all we want to do is dance in the rain
Like others do
But how am I supposed to react
When someone I don't know
Tries to fight back
Sticks and stones
Even though those words hurt just as bad
And you try so hard to be yourself
But people can never be fully satisfied unless you're someone else
And I didn't even do anything to you
But you felt the need to make a statement
Growing up I was taught to love everyone
But people like you make me want to run
Hatred is a result of what society has put upon us
"Everybody needs to be perfect"
But its still not enough
And what if in my eyes I'm ok
But you have to beat me down until I'm silent
I will never be someone else
Call me ******
Or call me something else
But in my eyes I am beautiful
And you are nothing more then a single lonely pathetic voice
Trying to state an opinion
An opinion that no one wants to hear
An opinion that will make everyone around you turn their backs and close their ears
Jackie May 2013
People talk like they know
People explain but never show
And what do you do when your blood runs cold
Everyone wants what they can't have
But no one wants to give back
And they don't realize how time runs so fast
And just like that
We are the new past
People always argue
But never stop and thank you
People want to get ahead
Leave others for dead
And if you just took the time to smile
Instead of running your mouths
People try to bring you down
People watch as you drown
Society is falling apart
And we are all watching
Like a falling house of cards
Jackie May 2013
I always looked for a sense of belonging
A calling
Something I could claim as my own
I searched for something inside me
But never felt at home
And as people started to find themselves
I was stuck in a hole
Not knowing who I was
Searching long and hard
For my soul
People told me to be whoever I wanted
And I just wanted to be free
But this secret kept a hold on me
It latched on and wouldn't let go
And I knew I had to let it go
But this whole feeling of belonging
Stopped me in my tracks
I couldn't look back
See it turns out that I knew who I was
But I hoped along the way
It would change
I would hopefully outgrow these feelings
Even though deep down I knew they would stay the same
So my sense of belonging quickly went away
And I had to be ok with it
The sad thing is
I spent so much time pushing it away
Instead of smiling and being ok
So much time lost trying to find a new me
So much time lost trying to be free
Instead of living
Jackie May 2013
One morning I opened my locker
A piece of paper fell out
I picked it up and read it
To my surprise it said
No one likes a ***
My first response was to read it again
To make sure I didn't get the words wrong
I hadn't
My second response was pure rage
I said to myself
Well this is a great way to start my day
I threw the hateful message in the trash can
Went into the bathroom to wash my hands
As the hate spew down the sink
The pain was still in my heart
Who would write such a thing
This happened about a week after I came out
I felt so free
Only to find out that someone didn't approve of me
I can't explain how it felt to read that note
I couldn't tell a single soul
I didn't want to be that one gay kid
Who tried to stop bullying with just one swing
Even thought this wasn't some little thing
If you think this is no big deal
Try walking in my shoes
What would you do
Find the kid and beat him up
You can't stop hate by using hate
I put a smile on my face and held my head high
Knowing that the kid who did this could be near by
But although there was a smile on my face
Those words on the paper burned a hole in my heart
If you don't believe me
Take a look at my scars
Jackie May 2013
When I was young it was all about finding the perfect guy
Homosexuality never came to mind
And looking back
I wonder if I knew the signs
Catholic teachings
What I thought was love
But really teaching lies
You see I always thought I was normal
Until these feelings grew
Not so formal
I used all the excuses
It's a phase
I'll grow out of it
I know who I am
I know what I was taught
Hiding behind all the fears
Wondering if people could tell
Wondering if they could see what I feel
Hiding behind what everyone considered normal
I mean look
Look at these people
I can't be one of them
I know my religion
I kept hiding behind what everyone considered normal
Until I realized
Normal does not mean straight
And weird does not mean gay
And just because that's how you feel
Doesn't make it right
Even though I would rather want to be weird than normal
Because your idea of normal
Just. Isn't. Me.
And if you don't like that
Well... I'm not sorry
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