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Jack Turner Jan 2012
I feel the fire, and it burns deep from the inside.
Our words fired with all the hate and anger
Of long hours made of days and weeks of pain
Pent up and held to the point of bursting.
This flood that we unleash upon each other,
One insult stinging always more painful than the last,
Has been in the making from the day our feelings became clear.
Our lives and lifestyle choices; at once so different,
Yet our hearts so star-crossedly aligned that
The Gods above must surely laugh at our plight.

The words that you spit and the tone you use
Drive venom deep in my veins as any fang could,
And that iridescent pain blooms beneath my skin.
In return I barb my own voice with similar poisons,
If nothing else hoping to hit you with spite
To try and assuage the ruin you have made of my heart - and pride -
Though I know down inside that I am at fault
Just as much if not more than you,
But at this moment I find myself unwilling
To admit such thought as anywhere near true.

And when all is said and done I would regress if I could,
But the words have been said and our course is set.
We have cast our nets fashioned of anger and spite
Out upon the waters, now we must deal with our catch.
Nothing to be done but continue upon our path
As I see no possible route to digress,
And return to our days when the only three words
That mattered in this world between us were
"I love you".
Written partly from my own experiences and thoughts, this is also built upon the relationship between Phedre no Delaunay de Montreve and Joscelin Verreuil from the Kusheline series by author Jacqueline Carey.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
We the people,
One for all and all for none,
Adrift after four score and seven years,
Are left gone with the wind.
As it happens to be
Or not to be, one nation
Under me,
Under the sea,
Down where its better,
Down where its wetter,
Christine, take it from me.
That Lady and the *****,
Hell it gets damp
Under her lead.
I have a dream,
And it is to see
what we can make of you and me.
I've seen your purple mountains majesty.
They've got me on my knees to plead the fifth,
But I've got to say it now
Or forever hold my peace,
Icht ein Berliner
Isn't the truth at all,
When I'm a lover not a fighter,
So its off to Venice I go,
The City of Lovers,
Its only Beauty and the Beast,
Because frankly, my dear, I don't give a ****.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
I sit here, it's late at night.
I know I should be asleep but I have a need - I am compelled to write.
I spent all day being hungover, avoidng homework and being useless
So it's necessary for me to burn the midnight oil
In order to create something fruitful out of this lost day.

I also need to push forward now and
Guide the pen across the page
To maintain and foster the habit,
To help it grow and develop,
So that in the end I am a better writer.

There are times when I'm not feeling the words and I fumble awkwardly,
Or that I am too busy to be bothered to pause for a scribble,
But my goal is to make this time of writing and therapy
A daily habit.

If I am honest in my wish to be the crafter of words I envision,
I first must show the drive and determination, the dedication.
For the novice, words will forever remain words,
Only the truly gifted ever form sentences.
Jack Turner Dec 2012
The day before the trip is one where I'm up early - like today.
I've got to go get my oil changed and have the fluids checked.
Next up is to gas up and fill the tires up to *****.

Take a break to relax and smell the coffee - medium roast - and a bagel with cream cheese.

Back at it withe the planning and the finding:
     A hotel to stay in
     The chains for the tires
     The clothes needed...
     The clothes I will sleep in.

It's all there and packed up, stacked up by the door.
Time to load up the car.
Tomorrow we're headed for the snow.

Empty the car first of all my junk and trash.
I can't believe how much has piled up and been left.
Maybe let's take out the floor mats and lets definitely use the shop-vac.
Spray in some Febreeze... a couple extra squeezes...
And then squeeze the Windex and wipe all the glass and surfaces clean.

Finally time now to lean the back seat down.
Toss in one bag and then the next.
Stack it, stack it, stack.
One more, two more, there's the last.
Close up the door, lock it, it's time for one more rest.
Tomorrow we're headed for the snow.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Once upon a time
Is something so easy to rhyme
I can even throw in a lime
Funny enough it only cost a dime
Here I sit in my prime
Silent as a yelling mime
Turn up the volume times nine
Twirling around so high
Riding a little trike
No knowledge of spite
Around which to bind
Life stays bright
Do not let it slide
Take it for a ride
Watch the incoming tide
Our worlds collide
We both come inside
Relinquish our pride
Give up the fight
'Fess up to the lies
A moment to reconcile
Then we begin to smile
And laughing all the while
Once upon a time
Jack Turner Jun 2010
Tomorrow is too long
Tonight is monotony
Tomorrow night looks to be a place called Perfect
Or at least 'til it rolls on by
And when it does
Things will shake out
Events will come to pass
- Or they may not -
But either way
Tomorrow night will form my actions
And shape my being
For how far in the future who knows
And it all goes down tomorrow night
I'll be there
Will you
Jack Turner Dec 2012
It's been long since I've last seen snow,
Something near a full two years or more.
I've still got an assortment of gloves, jackets, pants and gear
But there's still the tingle of a nervous fear.
Then again, that's there at the beginning of any trip.

Last time was a trip at night up the lifts under the lights -
My first time ever and so far my last.
Let's see what I remember and how I do.
If I remember -  as all men do - I did pretty **** good for a beginner.
So we've got to pick up right there
Ad get even better.

This trip up looks to last a little longer
Than that one evening that was spent out in the white.
We'll get a hotel, or maybe sleep in the car,
And spend a few days up on the mountain.
Get away from this SoCal brown and sand
For some much needed R&R;
In a white winter wonderland.

I've never been big on the cold, but I love snow.
It's weird, I know.
But this time I plan to try and enjoy it all.
To go spend time in the purifying white,
To go scour my lungs clean in the clear, frigid air,
And most of all spike my body from the lack of adrenaline
By flying up and down the mountain.

I'm ready for the snow. I'm ready for the white.
I'm ready to get away from everything that's been going on down here.
I'm ready to let go.
Jack Turner Nov 2010
How strange it it to awake
To the sounds of life
Streaming right by

It felt like a lifetime
Being held under your spell
And I can finally breathe again

I thought the colors more vivid with you
Each and everyday more special than before
Though the moments sped by unable to slow

And then I came to realize
What life with you was truly like
And what it did to me

As those days passed
The colors dimmed
But I didn't notice the change

And in those last days
I finally began to see
My color palate was only whites, blacks, and grays

So in that first breath
That I took in
The color came back to my skin

And then I said
Goodbye, but I didn't say
I hope you burn like the hell
of the life you really have.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
Torn this way and that
Not knowing which way to go,
Having no way back
To that connection so strong,
For courage to fail in those crucial seconds.

How to live in that fine balance of scales,
Never too far one way and not the other.
Sticking to the center to avoid any mishap.
How can I live like that?
None of which is me?
How could I have gone so far astray?

I need to rediscover my identity
To enable me to break free to the surface,
And draw in the fresh air of life -
To find out who and where I'm supposed to be.
This stagnation has to go
For me the rediscover myself complete.
Jack Turner Nov 2010
I cannot detach
These circumstance that ****
From that which I feel
Towards you who I love

Despite what you do
And how I feel
How you treat me
I cannot make the obvious cut

A simple small incision
Between you and my life
Surgically separating
The breath from my life

But never fear
For I can hold my breath
Long enough
To catch another somewhere out there
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I think of you and in rushes the longing,
But I know I shouldn't have you - I can't have you.
I would only treat you all wrong again,
So I plan for my fall.
I plan to fight the urge through
And in the fire, be born again.

We blend the lines between right and wrong,
After a time we stop knowing
And in that moment we begin living.

I've loved you one time,
Don't let me sweep you off your feet again.
Brace yourself and awaken to the light.
In time these memories will fade,
No longer remembering those days we never made.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
dont hurt for me as
I have hurt for you
thats like someone else
exacting revenge for me
that I did not want to
put upon you

the future is bright
and in time
we can make these blemishes fade
though they will still remain
with the shine off our present
things can and will be
better than we've ever known
hiding what you and I
have done to We
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I try to figure out
And puzzle through
Though it never quite works as planned.

The simple appearance,
Such breath-taking exterior...
I never could have imagined
The incomprehensible mire underneath

The effort given towards untangling
Is absorbed and breeds new snares.
Hours of though, and more of lost sleep
Gains no ground in deciphering the code.

Its been said,
"They're all the same."
But from my eyes and experience,
Snowflakes are easily more alike,
And all finger prints
One and the same.

With their mention,
My mind merges onto an endless roundabout.
And if ever it manages escape,
I am left with more questions
Than Socrates himself.

With persistence enough to even bother them,
I reach into their depths,
Like a probe from outer space,
If only to become more comfortable
In those foreign surroundings.
New, enlightening information is hard to come by.

They are a perplexing breed.
Unlike, and more wonderful, than an I will ever know.
Most would give up,
But just trying to understand is fun enough for me.

One thing women try to cover up,
And they do a better job than I manage,
- That I know for fact -
Is that however confusing the seem to me,
I am just as mystifying,
And just as, if not more,
Frustrating to them.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I am the cover-up
Hiding your wrinkles and disguising the lines
On those who live like you,
And you are the RedBull and ***** on the rocks,
Giving nights on the run and mornings straight from hell,
To those who live like me.

Days crumble like the burning of your bridges
That you had precariously built upon nights
Full from the first sip to the last drops
Before the strange beds you awaken in.
Sleeping and slaving away by day
So that you can reign as Queen upon the Knight.

But, in time you will awake to find
That I am not there by your side,
And as you stumble to the mirror,
Your reflection without me has become something you despise.
So go from guy to disguise and know
You'll never find another as good to you as me.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
Ive said all that I can say
That isnt repetitive
I dont know what you want of me
If its to leave your life in peace
And quiet, Ill quit
Id just like to hear
It, so I know Im not mistook

And if its to stay, then let me stay
And if its just as a friend
Then please let me know
Because breaking my heart
Against the rock of your walls
And the defenses you have built
Makes it hurt twice as much

As being told to rid your heart-felt
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I miss you so much
Thinking about us
The distance between us makes
My heart crack and break
Not seeing your face
Or going to your place
It hurts everywhere
When I think of you not being here
My heart's gone cold
Wishing for the days of old
I hate that you had to leave
And all of this situation
I gave you my heart
And this is what's become of it
Now to try and live with this
I want your love back
Back in my life
For my heart is not full without it
I love you more
Than anyone ever before
And not having you near
Is nearly unbearable
I hope that you come back one day
And say how crazy things were
That you're ready for me
Because nothing feels right without you
I go out of my mind thinking about you
As I wait for that day
The one where you come home
As my stomach is filled
By a sickening hollow
With all that I've put up with
All because of you
I'm verging on saintly
And you haven't even taken a second
To realize how that is so true
And how much more can you put me through
Before I crack and burst
From all this "someday"
****** "someday"
"Someday" in the "near and clear future"
But to me, everyday is a "someday"
And there are only so many "someday"'s
That can pass before we run out of days
I can't wait forever.
As you told me
All those months ago
To "not waste your time"
Now I'm asking you
"Please don't wast mine"
I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always
Those are my words.
And that's how I'm trying to be.
The circumstances aren't making it easy.
I'd just like to ask for some help, so
Love, would you help me?
Pretty please?
And a cherry on top.
Because being in love with you
Is something I never want to stop.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I feel that last warm trickle, and
I feel that last warm breeze.
Its crawls across my skin
And it runs through my veins.
The last of Summer kisses the land.
No more trips to be had
As we watch the colors fade,
My Winter is now at hand.

What was once sun-kissed burned
Has now gone cold,
And what once bloomed Summer foliage full
Is now Winter's fare skeletal.

Mother Mary comes, Mother Mary Springs in time,
But in Mother Mary comes time,
Because it's frosty Father Time
That allows Spring to blossom in her,
Time, Time and Time again,
Year in and year out, he is spent.

So as Spring comes, so do I,
Doing my best to beware of Father Time,
Watching the colors bloom to Summer's trip
With the bee's sting to inject sweet toxicity,
Freed from this state of mind again
Until I feel the next Summer Ending's breeze.
Jack Turner Oct 2011
When I look at you,
I see nothing but your eyes -
Those beautiful brown orbs -
And I hear your voice in song,
Singing as if only to me
From above on your stage.

What I feel is another story,
Of another genre entirely.
As I go beneath that creamy skin,
All the pain begins to resonate in a way
Your guitar can only imagine -
Every note from you contained within.

Are we talking the mental or the physical,
When the scars all stay the same
Whether they're tears shed
Or more drops bled by and by?
I see that false ecstasy
Overlaying that torment hidden within.

The pain of seeing boy after boy
Playing the game to gain
What you always know they want,
Hoping time and again that it's not.
Morning lies rise with the sun to wake you,
Acting as if you never knew.

When you get home,
Sitting in your room, curtains drawn
- The darkness a close friend -
Contemplating your railroad track arms,
Wondering how it got you from no to Yak to Smack;
How to catch the mainline to noon?

You arrive on time every time.
Climb aboard as you lay back,
Finding your secret ecstasy in this life of misery,
Wishing it didn't have to be this way,
Wondering why you let it get this far -
How do you find time for more?

But this time, from the dark of your room,
As you watch your stop come and go,
You take it one stop too far.
Keep to your seat and let the dice roll.
You've always known it to take the toll:
Seeing your feet submerge in the tar.

That beautiful white hue turns ice blue,
a color that has always become you.
Breathing slows and falls in line,
Same as the rest it knows best -
This drowning has been long time coming -
And it's not scary as you thought it could be.

So now you climb to the front of the bus,
Driver says, "Sorry, ***, they're no return trips",
But as the door opens, the light blinds in.
Sirens blare and voices begin,
Surging into motion returning you to withdrawl reality.
Voices from Angels of men, giving you one last chance to live again.
Jack Turner Apr 2011
You stand at the crossroads,
You thought you had it all.
Now that you've been brought low
You see the story's whole.
Left with your heart - no soul -
Wasted time while you've grown old.

Your whole world is face based.
Whatever you hoped to gain
And all that you've laid to waste,
Is due to the fact that
You thought you could get by with a pretty face.

Now since it's the path you chose,
Please, don't let me disabuse you,
As you enjoy the cause and effect.
Be it the pleasantries
Or if it's all the pain.

You made your way through life,
You did it all.
Men, money, mansions, more -
You had no wants,
You had the world on hold
While you held your court.

Riding around, one guy to another
From rags to riches, and then back to rags.
Riding your fortunes as a swell on the seas.
Walking the streets for money,
And sitting sweet on Daddy's dollar.

In time, the years wore on:
The parties went, a storied song,
The nights were long with drinks aplenty,
Debauchery and fun, so was your motto,
And when the party was over,
You, the only, not left sober.

Left to feel your pain,
Left with all you squandered
As you wear that eye-shadow - I believe the color is called regret,
Something that is so unbecoming on you,
Only eclipsed by that scowl,
Remembering days when you were stunning.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
The pain in me
From everything I see
And everything I hear
To me it seems
That your time with me
Is drawing near
The end

All of your words
And all of those phrases
That you murmured and moaned
Into my ear as our bodies
Were well drawn near
Look to be coming to none

One day in the future
Now appears
That is all it will ever be
And that you will never
Want to be only with
Jack Turner Mar 2012
Do you remember it like I do?
All the way back to the first time I met you -
Who is that girl across the party?
And what can I do to get her to talk to me?

I approach and say "hi", and that's how we began the night.
Fast-forward to the end as we said "goodbye".
You turn to leave from my arms
And turn back to give me a quick kiss.
From that night on I was lost.

Jump ahead a few weeks in time,
And you, my love, you had become mine,
You and those Bright Eyes.
Never in my life had I felt so alive
As I did during my time with you.

Bring sweet summer's sorrow,
When I had to part from you,
But it came with this pain,
And I began to realize that I couldn't bear to be without you,
That I began to realize that -
                    I Love You

I loved you with the airy, silken touches of Heaven,
And I love you with the seven fiery passions of Hell.
Soft and gentle like the wind;
Reckless and the raging of my devils within,
And I love you still.

How could I not with all we've been?
How we grew to know each other?
In the end all that matters
Is that I look back and smile at you,
Thinking of the happiness we shared together.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I scream, I write and yell as you sing along,
But no matter what I say, you never ever catch on,
So I have to sing my heart out as I bleed on
For you to realize how your actions treat me wrong.

My dear love, why can't you see what you do to me?
And why do you cut deeper with every word you say?
Despite all that I've told you what you've done to me,
And with how crazy you've said I've become recently.

Heart, burn.
And, Heart, break me.
But from now on,
Ihave to sing to thee
In order that you truly hear me,
And all of the poetry

That I've written for you.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I've never seen anyone, nor felt anyone, who made me feel the way you do.

And I swear, on sight of you, words fail, and writing dries up, 'til I'm left with nothing to tell you.

Only how I feel.

So, in lieu of that, I will combine the two,
That which I wish I could say about you, and all I wish I could write to describe you,
Into which I will sing about you,
Because I hope that maybe one day you will hear this song I sing,
Written about you, and only you,

And then maybe one day you will realize
Just how much you meant to me.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I do believe you've captured my attention,
Though whether or not that was you intention you've yet to decide.
Hearing you name on my lips,
Sounding your voice in my ears
Again and again, replaying those moments,
Clinging to those seconds we lived in,
Afraid to let them pass,
Fearing that those will be the last
I ever get to share with you.

I'm lost, my eyes grow haunted,
Focus crushed, hunger slows - abated,
As I hunger for your touch, be it:
Your voice on my skin,
Your body unto my eyes,
Your heartbeat within my head.
This desire is sickening.

Moments pass and I'm thinking of you, again.
Your voice sounds upon my lips, again,
As I remember the sound of mine on yours -
No, that wasn't a Freudian slip,
But I can make it one if you want.

I can't stop as my brain talks.
Despite how I try, ever it goes on.

And there you are.

Sleep, please help me.
Jack Turner Oct 2012
Is it wrong of me to be and to want to be
Faithful to this girl when we're just starting out?
When we've really yet to begin?

Is it strange? Is there really something so wrong with me?
Have past relationships so scarred me?
Have Pop Culture, media, and trends
Really fought that hard to warp my grasp on reality?
Have they truly convinced me that the way I see
Isn't the way I should be living?
Or is it just blurred vision,
Some social distortion?

I just want to do the right thing, or so I think,
And all I want to do is treat her fair and care
For her the way I believe.
Yet all I see on the TV screen tells me
That - as a male especially - I need to
"Not Put All Of My Eggs In One Basket",
That I SHOULD do this and NOT that
At the same time while I
Talk to this girl and try for that one because...
Because, well... I'm a male,
And that its not right if I'm NOT doing these things,
That there must be something wrong if I'm not, because
If not exactly socially accepted, it seems widely expected.

But that's not me. It's not me.
All it is is social distortion.
I tried it once but it wasn't a fit.
I had too much of a conscience
And I really didn't have the stomach for it.
I left that path feeling ***** and depressed -
Let down for having let my morals down.
I was raised better than that.

All I want to be to this woman is
An upstanding and caring man who
Shows her a never ending flow of loyalty and passion,
Someone she knows will always tell her the truth.
I long to be the one she'll never question except
In rare moments of self-consciousness and doubt,
Caught wondering, "Why does he care for me so much?"
To which I would say -

"Have you ever paused to see
That I adore the ground beneath your feet?
And for all that you don't like being only 5'1" tall,
Let cliche ring, but I find you perfect as you are.
Your nervous little laugh,
The way your cheeks rise,
The shape they make your smile,
And the way that smile reaches and lights
Your brown eyes
When you laugh at something silly I've done."

"It's in the way you hold yourself,
It's in the way you stand,
It's in the way you feel in my arms when we dance.
It's in the way we interact,
The enjoyability when we sit and talk, when we chat.
I could lose myself for days locked in those moments,
Drowning myself in every word you have to say
And in the chance to drink in your eyes.
What you need to hear me say, 'I am a man taken'."

So with all of that said,
Is it so wrong of me to want and to be
Faithful and unstraying from her when
We're just starting out and things have really yet to begin?
Is it really wrong
Or is this just social distortion?
Jack Turner Aug 2010
The Girl who owns my Heart
You are Busy with a new Start
Adjusting to life
And the new times
But now and again
You just seem distracted
As the clock strikes 11 and again 11
I call your name
To which no reply comes
My eyes pry for you
But no matter how I spy for you
No image of you is near
And it begins to ring clear
That I will never be
Free of you
Who I love with
Everything I am and
Ever will be
You are my life
And you are my good times
Who I one day hope
Will even share with me
Those of the bad
Which might come our way
That is the love
And before was the melancholy
But that's how it happens to go
When you are away from me
Life gets put on hold
And it passes so slow, devastatingly
Live your life
And be who you are meant to be
And promise me
That you won't let me
Get in the way of all your
Big Dreams
Jack Turner Dec 2011
Make the most of the time you've got girl,
for before you know it
Life will have passed you by.
There you will stand,
Having lost even the chance to wave goodbye
To those days you knew as your prime.

Days sweep endlessly by
And the wind sweeps the trees.
The rain drips on down
Until the sky lets up,
Until the clouds bow out
Leaving a bright night sky.

So take your chance, take it now.
Make your stand, make it proud.
Love life, live strong, never hesitate,
The best and worst will be gone
By the time you move again.

Take your chances when they come
And bow out with your sun,
Leaving with a setting that puts all in awe.
Make the most of life girl
Before you've left it wasted and gone.
Jack Turner Dec 2010
Most Masterful Self-Centered Queen Who Doesn't Care,
I am at a loss for what to say... and for what you don't say.

My most beloved girl, I fear
That all the words I have for you
Will fall upon deaf ears.

I always thought this moment would scare
Me, but now that it's here,
All my worries seem to disappear.

My emotional landscape is bare.
You've left me with nothing here,
But the cobwebs and outlines in the dust
Of the reasons I held you dear.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
I thought I was long over you
And any thoughts of you and I
Were so far passed by
Until I saw your face
Framed in a photograph
And all my pretenses were shattered
The old Love, the old longing
Came running back
To strike vengeance on my start

Now my life is reeling
And I don't know what to believe
The fine line between fact
And all of my fiction
Has been removed, repealed
Plunging me back down
Into what appeared long lost
Still stuck foundering
Is found again

And I know what you said before
That once lost cannot be bound
Again, And yet for all the world
I see there still is what you once saw
And with time and a little effort
Could renew, make and mend
Bring back to life that full fire
Hearts once rent
Shall be seen whole again
Jack Turner Feb 2012
Its in the way you stand,
The way your feet hit the ground.
Its everything in your pose:
Its your squared hips,
The power and electricity that ripples down,
Its there in that hint of skin,
Your brightness is dazzling to my eye,
Its in you waist and the slight arch of you back,
Telling me, "Baby, you don't know it but you're out of your league",
I see it sliding up your chest to the hold of your shoulders,
Confidence brimming in every motion,
Its in the fine curve of your neck up to your chin,
That faint hint of a smile at the corner of your lips,
That fiery energy lighting up your face,
And its that passion intensifying in your eyes,
To the top and a graceful fall of hair back to your shoulders,
Gliding smooth skin down your arms,
Fingers dying to entwine mine in.

Its everything you are and its how I see it
From here where I stand.
Its everything you do and its how I see see you move
From here where I stand.
Its everything that has captivated me born
From the way you stand.
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I don't know
What it is to be perfect
And yet in love
I go out and subject others
To that which I don't know
How fair does that seem
To many a good girl
That I pass on by
Because she cannot live
Up to that unreachable bar

I am not perfect
But I constantly look
For this trait in others

Such hypocrisy
And somehow I don't care
It is very repulsing
And I live on, better and better
Jack Turner Jun 2010
I am done, **** it.
I've been here before, and
I am back down that road now.
Let me say my piece
and go live in my Hell.
Take my piece
and wear it well.
Your time will come.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I thought I saw you as a friend
But that seems a point you contend
I never thought it'd come to this
But it seems like something you won't miss
I'll try one more time
And then to my past you will be consigned
You don't want anything to do with me
So I won't try and salvage friendship for you
Jack Turner Sep 2010
A fool and a coward are no match for a man's game
I feel like a great shame in my very bones
Knowing I have claimed to play the game better than many
When in truth, frozen solid is the way I mostly play
The goal is chosen out
The perfect line is set
And when it comes time to throw
I do not even chance to let the dice go

To clear my name of such deceptions
I must make words into my ways
And add even more to that
Day nor night will stop me
From removing the taint from my name
Even if I am the only to see it
Failure cannot be my ally this time
Or it shall be for the rest of my living days
Jack Turner Apr 2011
Another step, another second,
And we go on with the show.
A chance, an opportunity,
And we strike off down the road,
Never turning back, never looking back.
These are the choices,
There's no room for regret,
Only looking onward, only looking up.
It's got to be, it's the only way to the top.
To be the best, I have to never stop.
Jack Turner Aug 2010
despite it all
and the truth I try to repel
I am still stuck under your spell

I love you
Each and every day
Like you were my life blood
I wish to set free

But that isn't me
As I try to keep you near to me

I love you
Heart and soul
Mind and all
Focused on you
without a break
and no escape

I'm yours until I decide to die
And I hope that one day
You can be mine
Jack Turner Sep 2010
who is this woman
and why is she speaking
slightly increasing my knowledge
but really giving names to the subconsciously known
she talks of things already used in my poems
all these stuffed inside my head
and all I have to do is go in
grab them for use by my pen
Jack Turner Aug 2010
This little seahorse necklace
Missing Penelope
Is the symbol of my subservient existence
In your absence
My dearest little baby

Off my neck you will not see
A second, a moment, A Wrinkle In Time
As my pledge to you
Of an undying love
And thoughts towards better days
Jack Turner Mar 2012
I sit here trying to write about you,
Wishing I had the words for how you make me feel,
But those feelings are so tough to grasp, evasive and surreal.
I'm pulling at words to put on paper to find each cliche,
Down to each and every overused phrase,
And even the words I want to use to
Describe what I believe to be you
Are weak and without power, presence, and meaning.

The emotions I want to say are much of the same,
But its not about the beauty that most perceive -
I wish I had the ability to write about what I see inside,
That bright, shining glow that I see emanating from you
Whenever I glance in your direction,
Of your thoughts and your actions,
Of all the minor details of your personality.

The truth and honesty bared when I look into your eyes,
That unabashed inner strength that will never hide
Is awe-inspiring in its unfailingness,  each and everyday,
And I am filled with an unspoken pride
As I feel the pressure build in me forcing out a smile.
No resisting this urge that fills me,
Only wish that every being
Could be blessed as me to have one such as you in their life.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I've got to write the poetry
Because it expresses the best of me
... and the worst...
And every emotion in between.

I'm compelled to sing
Because it allows me to say,
In such a way,
All that I've ever wanted to say
So that you can't help but understand their meaning
Despite your feigned ignorance,
And the way that you ignore me,
And every ******* word I've said.
When I sing these words I've written for you,
You'll be listening so intently
You'd think your ears might bleed
As you are deafened by my lips' whispering.
Jack Turner Dec 2010
When you come back,
Let's go down to the water.
We'll walk by its side.

We don't have to talk
- let our feet go wander -
Just smile inside,
Our heart's grown fonder.

Fingers interlaced,
Thinking of the future
When we'll reminisce
About when we were younger.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
It has happened
quite uncommon.
I've fallen
All too hard.
I slipped
Then fell.
Then jumped into the deep blue ocean.
I do my best to keep you from being taken,
Your best at heart,
I am there
To save you from sinking.
Every time.
For you.
Its me.
I am sacrificing.
A response
Jack Turner Nov 2010
Remember all of our great plans?
The wondrous plans for summer -
Those of love and passion.
Remember our plans of two hearts becoming one soul,
Those of being together come December?

What happened to those days,
And why did you have to move away?

I still have plans on being together,
And if I have to wait forever
To be with you in December,
I'll hold my tongue
And keep walking on
Until I reach that day
I can take you away.

That day where two Hearts become one,
And two hands hold
As feet leave tracks in the sand
- little images of love -
Until the waves wash them away.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
It's always so funny how much I miss surfing.
I get away from it so much and for goodly lengths of time,
But when I finally get back to it,
It's true love all over again.

That pure, child-like jubilation at simply being back in the ocean
Combines with the euphoria and rush, the exuberance that comes with riding a wave.
It's a trip better than any drug,
A high more thrilling than anything else,
And the addiction always leaves me coming back.

I love it - simple as that.
Surfing: it's how life is meant to be.
Nothing else compares.
Jack Turner Oct 2013
The danger, the thrills, the risk, the chills,
It all combines in wave riding to build
The most euphoric experience around.

It doesn't matter whether it's ten-foot or two-foot,
Nor whether I'm body surfing, bodyboarding, nor surfing - longboard or short.
Hell, even a stand-up board will do the trick... if you know how to use it.
Whatever you've got to use to gain that thrill
That comes with harnessing Mother Nature, even against her will.

Some might be snobbish and frown upon those
Who happen to ride only upon the foam,
But in actuality it doesn't really matter
So long as you're out there having fun, because in the end,
That's truly the one who wins.

And to tell you the truth, I believe that's me.
Scratch that. I know I am.
When I am out there I know I am having the most fun.
I'm whooping and hollering and exuding the raw exultation of being in the water -
Of being at harmony, of being one with Mother Nature.

That, that is what matters, and
That, that is what I embody.
Jack Turner Jul 2010
talk to me baby boo
thats what you need to do
I cant help but be hurt
when secrecy is what you call overt

talk to me and respect me
as a real human being
for thats how you solve and resolve
problems between the ones you love

I just want to know the truth
and then I wont hurt anymore
even if its not what I want to hear
thats a part of life

if its that youre going north
or getting back with him
let me in
and I wont be quite so abrasive

what is the truth between me and you
because I want to know
but my questions is
do you?
Jack Turner Nov 2013
Bland statements such as you are amazing
Don't ever qualify how much of a blessing
I find you to be upon me.

Simply being you makes me do everything I can
To better myself in an effort that maybe
I might one day deserve you and everything you do.

All we did was begin to talk again after a break in communication,
And I already find myself more engaged in school
And giving a more dedicated and focused effort on my papers and homework.

It's not even down to trying to build myself into someone who deserves you
But the possibility by doing everything within my capabilities
To become that someone you deserve in return -
That someone who will love you unreserved
And protect you from everything in this world.
Jack Turner Oct 2012
I simply think of you and it brings your face to mind.
I see your smile and the joy in your eyes.
I hear your laugh and feel your hug in my arms.
All of which makes me smile,
A real smile, a genuine smile -
And it's subtle too.

It comes from the inside, deep and hidden.
It shows in the slight upcurl at the sides of my mouth,
The lowering of my eyelids as
The eyes soften, warm, and light up -
Those day dreamy eyes.
The cheeks widen just a little, same as the mouth,
A faint lift that says -
My thoughts are nowhere near the here and now,
So please do not let anyone but you disturb.
Jack Turner Feb 2012
Keys into the ignition
and fire it up with a rev.
Feed it some gas,
letting it warm-up preshift.
First you've got to put it in reverse
as we back it up to pull out.

Isn't it a pretty thing when she growls,
the way she bites back when you jump the shift?
That's what love is, you see it,
and sometimes it isn't so bad.

The two of you are moving on,
feeling the tires warming up on the road,
and ever so slowly you take it into second from first.
The wheels perking up at the sense of your touch,
knowing you need the trained response,
reciprocated by delicately working into third.

Its a beautiful thing when she growls,
the way she fights back when you jump the shift.
That's what love is, I know you see it,
and sometimes special, it isn't so bad.

Out on the road and gathering steam, in the gathering speed,
that transition from third to fourth can go kind of fast.
The two of you thinking as one, becoming one,
and in this harmony on the fourth you're wed.
Two beasts to one accelerating on,
finding unity and resolution in fifth.

Its a thing of beauty when she growls,
the way she talks back, saying, "Wait for the shift".
That's what love is, that's the way I see it,
and in those moments it's never bad.

The two of you flying solo around the track
the way you were made for each other.
The competition might as well not exist,
each dedicated to the other in perfection,
breeding the future generations to lead,
to pass on these important lessons of love.

Its the most amazing thing when she growls,
her little clips as she corrects the shift.
That's what love is,
and its never bad.

Even after countless laps around the track,
after you're both gone and broken down,
it's enough to stay true to one another
and to reminisce about the good old days.
You're still her guy, and she's still your gal,
from the first time you opened the door, treat her well.
"You know it, you know I will".

If she happens to growl,
if she bites every now and again,
just know that's what love is,
strong through the good and the bad.
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I can't help but feel the power of music
As it pulls my soul between me and you
Its poetry being pure as can be
And its singing that means so much to me
Either or and there's no other way
That can express the depths of me
The meanings that try and come from me
Encompassed within me
But all that you have done
Has come out and killed me
And here I am left singing of you
Singing my heart where I know all is kept true
And I see through all the lies
You spread through my mind and life

To sing is what truly sets me free
And the write poetry makes me me
Without either I wouldn't tell you
Precisely what I think of how you've hurt me.
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