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Aug 2014 · 808
Counting Calories (10W)
Jack Aug 2014

I'm just curious...
do they make
sugar free sweet dreams?
Aug 2014 · 564
Your ways (tes façons)
Jack Aug 2014
Your ways
( tes façons )

“Shadows grow so long before my eyes”

In silhouettes of dreams past and present
Deep within my desperate heart,
as I yearn for your love, reaching for my pen,
digging through postage stamps and paperclips

“And they’re moving, across the page”

Producing odd shapes on striped paper,
outlines of shaded emotions and verses
Calling out your name in bold ink
and rhyming stanzas of affection

“Suddenly the day turns into night”

Twilight steps over the horizon
as tree top edges touch newly glowing stars
Peering through curtains of cosmic lace
and flickering candlelight with soft breezes

“Far away, from the city”

Miles counted by minutes can be
a daunting task if I hesitate, yet footsteps in the dark
follow paths illumined by your eyes,
as my need grows for your love…I just can’t wait

*“Mon bébé, J'aime tes façons”
Written with a little help from Peter Frampton
Mon bébé, J'aime tes façons - translation - My baby, I love your ways
Aug 2014 · 616
Raining down (10w)
Jack Aug 2014

If my love were rain,
would you carry an umbrella?
Aug 2014 · 2.8k
Two Flowers
Jack Aug 2014

There is a happy flower
As proud as he can be
Living In a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Sunny skies of blue
What he loves to see
There is a happy flower
Growing wild and free
There is a happy flower
As cute as she can be
Living in a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Birds of every color
What she loves to see
There is a happy flower
Blooming beautifully
A funny thing did happen
Deep beneath the ground
In amongst the dirt and worms
Where darkness can be found
Roots began to travel
One set to the west
The other moving eastward
A very lengthy quest
Till one day it happened
The roots began to touch
They really loved the feeling
They loved it oh so much
These roots they grew connected
Locked together tight
Hoping that the other
Wishing that they might
Would know the others feelings
Soon become as one
Living life together
Underneath the sun
They’ll hold on for forever
Or till the end of time
Roots of his and roots of hers
Living intertwined
There are two happy flowers
Blooming Beautifully
In two different gardens
Beneath two different trees
Their roots to stay connected
Until eternity
Two happy little flowers
In love as they can be
Aug 2014 · 439
Forever I fall ~ in love
Jack Aug 2014

Upon this land of powers be,
lone of seeded desperate aching
formed in shadows of lattice’d phrase
Poetic pleasures a’cast the trees
as your voice it sings to me
Angelic sighs float
on wings of enchanted dragonflies
gently soaring to my heart
Melodies of effervescent glow,
accompanied by strings of spiders web,
and dew drop whispers harmonized
Within this endless dream
forever I
fall ~

*in love
Aug 2014 · 695
Jack Aug 2014

Though still I hold stiff to my words
The shaded lane did holler
Aghast, I found it hard to breath
Adjusting at my collar

O’ thee of little faith, she scorned
I know of what I'm talking
I stopped in time with where I stood
An end to sorrowed walking

Indeed fair maiden dark of frown
Lest none be more the wiser
To take these words of which I write
In verse as the advisor

Oh little man with eyes of coal
Yon raven on your shoulder
You offer up these thoughts of truth
In breaths much more the colder

For this you see of where you stand
My grave with headstone calling
I pray you flee with quickened haste
Or lest thy soul be falling

Then fall it shall for this you see
My heart of shattered fraying
If thou art dead, than so am I
*Forevermore now staying
I saw a picture of Poe this morning and decided to write a collaboration with myself. Okay, weird...but it happens.
Aug 2014 · 539
Beneath the Midnight Moon
Jack Aug 2014

As we gaze upon the light
Of shimmering desire
Silhouettes a’ play this night
In shadows they retire

Here upon this hillside dream
We watch the great expanse
Far beneath the midnight moon
Does bloom a found romance

As the silent valley sleeps
Lingering the skies
Reflections of a moonbeam kiss
Now glow upon your eyes

O’ to spend this evening pure
Alone just me and you
Here beneath the midnight moon
*As dreams do all come true
Aug 2014 · 339
Sepia Dreams
Jack Aug 2014

“Let me take from this, your kiss, the taste of you my lips shall miss”

So long since I held you
X’s on the calendar days…pattern’d of my missing
Promises made on long distant lines
and letters sent, penned of love’s smiles on sleepless nights

“My heart it finds the lonely view of all my days away from you”

Loneliness the common as passing time mounts,
your kiss my mind imagines in the haze of life
Duty calls, yet my heart is not in it,
for on that day I released it to you

“While on this journey’s winding path my love held in a photograph”

Sepia dreams in brilliant colors,
to hold that goodbye kiss in my hands,
lingering in my tear splashed eyes…
I hold my breath until the time

*“When once again of destined charms, I hold you tightly in my arms”
Aug 2014 · 716
You deserve much better Sye
Jack Aug 2014

So happy that you listened
My words they weren’t so deep
But you deserve much better
Than that little whiny creep

Your talent shines like moon beams
Your smile like the sun
No use in wasting any time
With someone who’s a ***

He’s nothing but a little punk
Who thinks he is so grand
Has such a hard time writing
With something in his hand

So send this loser packing
Tell him to get lost
Pay someone to kick his ***
Regardless of the cost

He is but a cockroach
Running from the light
To afraid to hang around
Stand up to the fight

So once again I’m happy
You listened to me Sye
So many people love you here
You don’t need this guy
Our beautiful Sye is being harrased by some punk kid and I am writing this to let her know we all stand behind her and will do whatever we can to protect her.
Jack Aug 2014

I try, I swear I try,
but you are always there,
touching my thoughts with wonder,
bringing desires to my mind
on endless wishes
cast upon continuous ripples,
rapidly forming with every breath I take
Morning brings the sunrise
in multicolored shades of how I feel
Reaching for that lost love,
floating like indigo butterflies
just beyond my grasp, though
I still want, with every ounce,
every movement, every hope
I have been told
I long for what I can not have,
that elusive bloom
at the peak of the arbor,
radiant beauty washing down upon me,
fragrant reminders of a time before,
when your petals gathered at my heart
And try as I like it is of no use,
my mind holds you, desperately dreaming
in echoed whispers and twilight shadows
which never seem to end
For as long as there are butterflies,
honeysuckle breezes and poetry...
*there will be you
Aug 2014 · 409
Not often enough (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
Often I open my mouth,
often I know I shouldn't
Aug 2014 · 397
A Bloom is Not Forgotten
Jack Aug 2014

A bloom is not forgotten for its fragrance lingers on
Captured in the morning dew that plays upon the lawn
Delicate the petals when no longer we do find
Still its beauty follows us forever in our mind

The melodies of nightingales within the trees do sing
Until the time they wander off, the wind beneath their wings
When off into the distance finds these birds no longer near
Still their song it plays its tune that we shall always hear

On the beach we build a castle very tall and fine
Made of tiny grains of sand this summer day we find
And even when the tide does wash away our grand surprise
Still we find the magic it does play upon our eyes

When the sun is setting out along the western shore
The warmth upon our skin we felt, we come to want once more
Now as the darkness falls and this new day does turn to night
Still we can remember that the sun was shining bright

As we turn the pages in the brand new book we read
Every new found place into our minds we slowly feed
Coming to the last page and “The End” the words do say
Still we find the story it shall never go away

A bloom is not forgotten for its fragrance lingers on
Captured in the morning dew that plays upon the lawn
But like its beauty this I see when you come into view
I can’t forget a blossom that’s as perfect as are you
Jack Aug 2014
Chock full of empty
Leaning on a friend
Whispering a secret
Looking for the mend

Caught up in your secrets
Releasing all your lies
You'll know the mend is near
When you feel it in her sighs

Then tell me why this feeling
Keeps storming in my mind
Telling me to take a hike
Find somewhere else to climb

Just send a little whisper
To the woman down below
Sit and wait patiently, old man
As you wait for love's echo.

Okay, well here goes nothing
I'm calling out her name
I really hope she hears it
If not I'll shout again

Dear man, why are you shouting?
There's no one there to hear
Hurry quick and catch the ship
Before it leaves the pier.

But I forgot my passport
I left it in the drawer
Where I keep all the love notes
I wrote to her before

I see the ship has sailed
Already you're too late
I find you rather fetching
Perhaps I might be your date.

What took so long, I wonder
Sweet beauty that I see
You're just what I've been waiting for
The perfect one for me
My sweet friend Ana Sophia and I were just having a little poetic fun on a Friday afternoon.
Jack Aug 2014

Sultry this morning with temperatures rising
Nary a breeze whispers soft, ever slow
Tempting the flavor of love as I taste you
Drenched in your essence, above and below
Softly you sigh as my mouth finds your nectar
Coating my lips now a glisten with sheen
Maundering tender this garden of longing
Caressing the petals so moist in between
There in your eyes as if heaven is pleading
High over head rests a smile now endless
Thighs at my neck of a satin-like feeling
Hands follow curves as they wander so free
Clutching my hair with the passion of sunrise
Fragrance alluring of fresh dawning dew
Willows still weep as I’m drawn ever deeper
Consuming the fruits ripened sweet of the view
Moans seem to echo as breaths leave me falling
Lost in the ecstasy found in a dream
Calling my name in a desperate fashion
Little temptations now lead to a scream
Warm flowing syrup of a maple trees blushing
Pouring of love ever pure from the vine
Fill me with you as my hunger is needing
Every ounce of this moment divine
Aug 2014 · 584
Piled on
Jack Aug 2014
Piled on, like sauce on pasta
Each day it bends a little more
Weak knees tremble
and muscles ache
Mind’s folly drifts left of center
Dancing becomes labored

Music fades like old jeans,
just not as comfortable
Desires leak in puddles
wiped up before
thoughts can breathe

And then it breaks…it breaks in two
The shattering hurts,
and it screams,
Questions, questions, questions,
I don’t want the answers to,
not wanting anything
just the end….

even if I am afraid of the dark
Aug 2014 · 953
Can’t listen anymore
Jack Aug 2014

How is it I think I find what’s real within your eyes
But from your mouth comes words comprised of endless counted lies
Falling at my feet just like a charm without a chain
Tarnishing the wisdom that shall never be the same
Whisperings of darkness slowly selling off the proof
Scribbles on a sidewalk as a chalk line alters truth
There upon a billboard with its message loud and clear
Written in graffiti is a clue that you are near
Still you fight the reason that our worlds have come to be
Hidden in the sentences your voice it sends to me
Tell me if you kindly will, what I have done to you
That brings about this wrath I feel has jumbled up the view
When all I really needed was directions to your heart
And now I see that hell is at the place you said to start
Once I did believe in every tear drop that you cried
Sitting on the cushion fighting off your fears inside
Now I wonder if your ears can hear this slamming door
Because my ears have heard enough, can’t listen anymore
Okay...who can relate????????
Aug 2014 · 438
Jack Aug 2014
How can I be happy
and then become so sad
Look at everything as good
and then find it as bad
Stare out at the world today
and show a smiling face
Then look in the mirror and
I can not find a trace
How can so much joy I see
just disappear so fast
Maybe I’ll just go to sleep
and hope that this will pass
Just messing with some rhymes
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
A Meaningful Glance
Jack Aug 2014

Pristine of visions the world it might be
In colors afforded the eye
Waterfall vistas forever to see
Underneath violet skies

Roses a’ bloom in the gardens of spring
Pebbles awash on the shore
Bluebirds of summer, the songs that they sing
Valleys of green ever pure

Oceans majestic in aqua marine
Mountaintops capped white with snow
Slowly meandering crystal clear streams
All through our life they do flow

Still they lie pale in accordance to truth
Fragrant the scent of romance
Deep in your eyes is where I find the proof
All in a meaningful glance
Jack Aug 2014
I once met a leaf of a brilliant green
Waving at me as I walked to the gate
I wanted to stop and chat for a while
But didn’t have time, it was getting late

Springtime had passed, summer was blazing
There was that leaf looking wilted and tired
I wanted to stop and chat for a while
Heading to work, didn’t want to get fired

Autumn had come, the weather much cooler
That little green leaf was beginning to change
I wanted to stop and chat for a while
But a meeting was coming I had to arrange

Winter was here with a blustery welcome
I noticed the leaf on the ground in a pile
I said, “Sorry Joe, it was so nice to meet you”
Maybe next spring we can chat for a while
No, I'm not young, but I am a big kid.  :)
Aug 2014 · 728
Every Incision
Jack Aug 2014

Feel the collapse of the long winded losers
Drained of the passion your smirk stood to steal
Chained in a prison of little use answers
Merely a rock or a hammer reveal

Damp now the floor on the footprints of acid
Claiming a prize in the soil below
Putrid decisions are spit forth as matter
Nothing so big that your eyes wouldn’t know

Echoes of pain ring the doorway with shadows
Sad this existence of life over death
Tearing my skin with your nails painted ruby
Pushing the edge of my last smoke filled breath

Mocking the screams as the blade enters slowly
One of the many you wear on your belt
Kiss me goodbye so my taste may remember
Every incision my heart it has felt
I was introduced to a Jill Tracy song by a friend, "Haunted by the thought of you" and it inspired this poem. Not so much the lyrics but the feeling the melody presented to my mind.
Aug 2014 · 354
R.I.P Lauren Bacall (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
Always above par,
so she ended up with a Bogie
Jack Aug 2014

Come float with me on velvet sound
As music floats the evening air
With melodies of hope now found
And timeless days we both shall share

The setting sun of curtains bright
So full of life and amber glow
Does dance the heavens curtained light
Brought forth in this, its daily show

To walk this course, the songs we sing
That lovers feel and hearts do shine
As harmonies of dusk now ring
In rhythms which are set to time

For dreams you see are cast in gold
With linings shimmering the sky
Till twilight lends its somber soul
Of silhouettes to pass us by

Where shadows play a subtle game
To win but only heart's desire
And passions form the poet's flame
In words that you alone require

Of patterns pure on violet skies
Enlightened as the moon beams pass
To see your face before my eyes
And feel your touch does come at last

For it is always what I dream
In lasting sound of lyrics true
To lay before this twilight scene
And sing the song of love to you
For my sweet friend Calpurnia Mockingbird...may you smile always shine.
Jack Aug 2014

Take my hand, I’ll lead the way
Through oatmeal frosted cookie fields
The two of us will run and play
Enjoying all this vision yields
Candy coated pebble lanes
Lined with chocolate butter creams
Fence line melted sugar cane
Here among our wildest dreams
So much love I have for you
As we stroll this paradise
Whipped cream sea foam as our view
And your beauty, very nice
Hold me close as now we lay
Neath strawberry pudding skies
Kiss me once more on this day
As I gaze into your eyes
Spearmint gumdrop pines they sing
Melodies we love to hear
Through red velvet clouds to bring
All we see so crystal clear
Marshmallow whips and jelly beans
Lemon drops from up above
Life is more than what it seems
*When it’s shared with one you love
Wonderful poet, beautiful friend...I just love writing with her
Aug 2014 · 600
Targeted Dreams (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
Life is a long shot,
make sure you aim true
Aug 2014 · 762
Jack Aug 2014

Brushes filled with perfumed lace
Splash across the horizon
Dazzling daylight dreamers
with cotton candy echoes

Daisy delusions sing
Melodious wishes on sweet breezes
Harmonizing breathlessly
Within my feathered heart

Moon beam sonatas
Dance among comet visions
Encasing my eyes
With the beauty that is you

For of this night
And those before and after
I long for only the feel
Of your heartbeat, mingling with my own

As we count stars and moments
Pick wildflowers and chase fireflies
Collect wishes in clover leaf patterns
Together as one…in everlasting love
Aug 2014 · 437
Jack Aug 2014

Laughing, only to hide the tears,
now gathering in the corners of my mouth,
drowning me…(I should be so lucky)

staring at a reflection in the protective glass,
not someone I recognize at this convenience store counter,
even if it is me

When facing a fool, as I often do,
I close my eyes as to not see the sorrowed face,
yet I know…I have been warned

“Don’t reach for what you can not have…
No hands in the cookie jar,
it’ll spoil your appetite”

But I don’t listen, I hear, but…I am hungry,
she can’t mean me? Not me,
not the dancing clown that brings smiles

Watch me juggle, my heart, my love, my soul,
spotlights transition my lenses
and the stage goes dark

The minimum wage clerk is not amused,
wiping his nose with his hand,
then extending it as if requesting payment

But I have not purchased, I have only looked,
watched her walk to another, thumbing her nose in my direction
as if hitch hiking on her face

Still I reach for an empty wallet
filled with past due receipts and plastic poison,
fattening the faux leather Fossil with I.D. holder

Another swipe of the card, slowly as directed,
magnetic strip inward…

Aug 2014 · 1.5k
In whatever way...
Jack Aug 2014

We all breathe the same
In whatever way we choose
Dancing to the beats
Of drummers, different in most cases
But breathe just the same

Sometimes we talk
Different mouths, different voices
Still it can ring badly on another’s ears
Complaining, questioning, whining
When all we want is to be understood

Often we fall, hard to the ground
Hardly at all to those passing by
Staring at this writhing body
On the sidewalk of broken dreams
Just waiting to be kicked once more

At times we love
Perhaps too much it seems
Different hearts, different beats, different drummers (again)
Brandishing hope as that marching band
With the new drum major breaks our will

Then we die
Not unlike other’s before us
Lying in a wooden box
Mourners stare exhaling sadly or happily
As they still breathe…in whatever way they choose
Aug 2014 · 527
R.I.P Mork (10W)
Jack Aug 2014

Where once was laughter
now is silence,

the curtain falls
Aug 2014 · 362
Jack Aug 2014


My heart forever blooms
within the fragrance*
of your rose petal smile
As I wander in your beauty,
where love surrenders
to each glorious sunrise
and butterflies dance
among the cool shade
caressing the ground,
I know this is where
I want to be ~
Aug 2014 · 403
Missing Sye (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
I could miss you more,
but I wouldn't know how
Nothing bad, she is on vacation
Aug 2014 · 426
With each new day
Jack Aug 2014

The night is silent
as evening drapes her cloth
above all that is seen
and shadows sit wondering…
what shapes will find them

Thoughts invade these hours
while fireflies sift through
evergreens now still,
seeking only but a soft breeze
whispering sweet dreams on feathered branches

And I sit here on the lawn,
counting minutes, feeling the emptiness
the midnight skies seep,
longing for what will come
on the eastern horizon

For that is where I shall find you,
glowing in tangerine ribbons,
painting pink clouds in dawn’s blushing brush strokes,
igniting a new day in effervescent colors…
as the sun rises and I smile

As once again we converse,
drinking coffee and loving life, enjoying
what comes from the awareness
that friendship truly does exist
with each new day we face
For my good friend Ana Sophia. Thank you for bringing sunlight to my days.
Aug 2014 · 509
Alive within
Jack Aug 2014

Above the alabaster clouds,
and ever changing canvas skies
Along a stream of golden pearls,
encased in dreams and wayward sighs

Of glowing share and sunset cues,
where fate does fold on satin sheet
Beside the ripples carved in time
with effervescent moments sweet

There waits for you in splendored joy
that which you seek on endless days
To light the way of darkened shore
a path through oleander haze

Where held so tight with fingers pure
in crimson robe of pristine style
By one who lives within your heart
*alive within your precious smile
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
And the earth weeps
Jack Aug 2014

Posy petal’d tear drops
on saffron colored morns
fall deep in the shadows
where sunshine is only a reflection
of the beauty once shared
Clouded days sing dreary sonnets
and all other butterflies are sad,
for those cherished wings
of brilliant colors
are gone from this field
Now a misty shade of gray
lingering in the thoughts
of one so missed…
finds the garden gates locked,
never to open again
Where rainbows once painted blue hydrangea skies
and daffodil promises carried our smiles,
sorrow now gathers in shapeless corners,
missing this butterfly
all had so come to adore
*and the earth weeps…
Today is one of the saddest days in a good friend's life. I wrote this poem for her. My heart breaks for you.
Aug 2014 · 363
A.S. (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
It's hot here in Texas,  
but even hotter up north.

Yes you. Now someone has. ..   ;)
Aug 2014 · 951
Forever True
Jack Aug 2014

Fragile petals
saffron sighs
blushing sunsets
silver tea cups
piano keys
songs we played
whispered wishes
morning dew
twilight kisses
thoughts of you
butter creams
beating hearts
midnight dreams
phrases rhymed
words of love
skies of blue
you and me
*forever true
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Jack Aug 2014
In my every dream
there is beauty


In my every dream
there is you
Aug 2014 · 488
And still I sit (Repost)
Jack Aug 2014

Wood grain suspenders on beams of unattractive thought
grasp paper cups holding the morning’s coffee just outside of
smudged glass reflecting off of these prison walls
in the heart of the shopping district,
where everything is on sale
and yet nothing is to be sold

as shoppers take advantage of nap time…and still I sit

Clinging to every hope a mind can cling to,
shadowed by my beliefs that it doesn’t matter when
grays pull years out of youthful smiles wearing ties,
for no good reason and
wasted breaths fall from hapless dreams caving in on the summit
where asphalt spills and curb side deliveries melt

rolling down the window to nothing…and still I sit

Limestone pillars stand guard in fours,
Cozying up to attached railings painted to match, but don’t where
empty tissue boxes wear a gaping mouth of perforated edges,
yawning with all of the enthusiasm of an Japanese translator
at a Metallica concert trying to sing opera in verses…
Collected but unseen or spoken of in black and white words

flickering and waiting a review…and still I sit
Poetry gathers in corners like food crumbs beneath the fridge,
hidden in the dark until the tile floor is replaced as
small piles of words are sifted through but not taken
for the sunlight changes everything
and this is not as cloudy a day as was forecasted,
though the gloom still exists

scribbling non-stop while leaving… and still I sit
Aug 2014 · 331
That's my subject (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
You said Greek Mythology?
I thought you said Geek Mythology
Aug 2014 · 705
Sinking Ships (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
Hey, got any duct tape?
My lip zipper just broke
Gosh, I've got to learn to keep my big mouth shut.  :)
Aug 2014 · 575
Heart String Sorrows
Jack Aug 2014
Heart String Sorrows

Sadness plays my heart strings

With a bow of rosin’d guilt

Tear drops stain the notes upon the page

Sorrowed cello whispers

Of a soundless worry wilt

Harmonies distorted in this rage

Out of tune concertos

Fall as fractured cymbals blare

Steady as the beat of gathered pain

Broken mirror rhythms

Sit upon the favored chair

Misery in musical refrain

Violin’d distractions*

Born of melodies so thin

Echoing performed apologies

A cappella opus

In a prelude to the hymn

*Composed for you in all sincerity
I once hurt a friend who I adored. The guilt almost destroyed me. I wrote this poem about this mis-deed I had done. It was a while ago so I thought I would share it with you here. Though, it still tears me up that I could be so stupid.
Aug 2014 · 655
Dusty Leather Laces
Jack Aug 2014

Dusty leather laces
Knots of endless fraying
Caustic on the ribbons of a heart now in the shade

Promises are broken
Thin ice on the river
Postcards tossed into the trash so long ago displayed

Darkness finds the corner
Shadows hold the meaning
Does the world still spin when every other place is spared

Tight along the border
Guards embrace the fence line
Lost along the boundaries of love no longer shared

Knees are feeling weaker
Tears now find their falling
Puddles drench the wingtips neatly polished on the strand

There outside the window
Sunlight streams the valley
Teaching us the woman doesn’t always make the man

Sometimes she breaks the man…
Before you jump to conclusions. This was written for a friend who was having some relationship problems.
Jack Aug 2014

Ensorcelled in effervescent lingerings
sifting through moonlit seams
Soft flavored drippings of ecstasy
melting slowly within the fever
dancing across my skin
as your fingers trace
the outline of my deepest secrets,
mysteries lodged in seductive breaths

Your love my ******, addictive enchantment
Stimulated senses heightened
Sundrenched moans, silver lined
adrift on satin sighs
Floating delirious within
hallucinogenic eyes,
seducing my mind in eternal desires

Trance infused emotions
cling to each nuance of mesmeric longings
Swirling smoke ringlets
penetrate whispering decolletage,
culminating in lustful motives
atop gilded sheets
drenched of our rapture,
etched in euphoria
Two silhouettes saturated
*in this dream called passion
Aug 2014 · 714
This ain't confetti...
Jack Aug 2014
Tiptoeing in the shadows,
hiding behind a crusted keyboard
spewing raw threats in freak speak
dug up from the shallow realm
of which they are formed

Beneath a pink umbrella
where cowards lounge
Shivering like babes in snow banks,
tossing stones, targeting hearts
inflicting pain…expecting a laugh

Stand up, be a man (if you can)
Allow me my aim
Dance about if you like in your tutu,
pirouette in your disgust,
my hand is steady

Unlike yours...moving up and down
staring at a screen, pretending
someone actually gives a crap
about something like you…

I’ll find this circus
where tents are pitched,
cotton candy stains the sawdust
and you climb out of that tiny car
with a fake smile painted on your face

And when you feel it you will know
this ain’t confetti,
as you fall in your own stench, and the audience…
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…
My friends, I want to apologize to all of you for this rant, but there is someone who has been attacking a good friend of mine, hiding behind false names and fake accounts, on this site. This person is a worthless and cowardice human being (I use that term loosely) and he or she needs to be stopped. When someone does something like this there is not much we can do except stand behind the one who is feeling the wrath of this individual. This piece of writing is directed at that person…pick on someone your own size…I am here and I ready…come after me if you have this need to hurt people.  Or better yet, have someone put the lid back on the trash can so you can not get out again.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Please? (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
If war is the answer,
quit asking the **** question!
Aug 2014 · 426
And so it goes
Jack Aug 2014

And so it goes…
another sun, another day

Lost to the horizon’s constant appetite
for all that this sky above may hold
Thin and straight, never-ending, swallowing the beauty
that waits for us as we look up
only to follow the minutes
ticking away as fast as the journey

I have come to determine
one night sitting on the front porch
counting fireflies and missing you,
(tearing up for my impending daily loss)
that this place, this narrow slice at the end of this earth
must surely consist of multi-colored liquid

For the splash made by the sun
is more vibrant than anything I have ever witnessed
Staining the western heavens
with pastel swashes of glowing patterns
until the wash fills with shade and is
hidden by a new moon glow

and so it goes
another moon, another night…without you
Aug 2014 · 499
Days overdue
Jack Aug 2014

Dreams may find us where we sleep
Wrapped up for the night
Safely in our chambers dark
Neath our covers tight

Drowsy under moon beam glow
Comforting the feel
Born within a fantasy
Something close to real

Far beyond the deepest stare
Vanilla coated skies
Rolling hills to anywhere
Breaths of passion’d sighs

Sunset laughter, twilight seams
Footprints in the sand
Leading to our every wish
Strolling hand in hand

Yet often we may find a dream
Waiting at our door
When the sun is shining bright
Brighter than before

One who sends a perfect view
On a summer breeze
Blooming through the countryside
Echoing the trees

You I find are such a dream
Before my eyes to see
Bumblebees and butterflies
Fragrance flowing free

Mountain streams of aqua blue
Clouds of whispered white
Daffodils and lavender
Enchanting is the sight

As each day does start anew
Dew drop clover sings
Melodies of what you are
All your smile brings

Proving now that as I sleep
My days are overdue
For when I wake, if you I see
My dreams have all come true
Aug 2014 · 501
Perfect Day
Jack Aug 2014
Perfect Day

In endless charm of fruited vine
Along a winding path to see
As morning sun in skies arise
Of all that you do mean to me

Where Jasmine bloom and fireflies
Bring on the light of cherished view
For on a perfect day as this
*I send my love to only you
Aug 2014 · 759
Mockingbird (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
Because you have wings,
doesn’t mean you have to fly
Aug 2014 · 270
Pinned (10W)
Jack Aug 2014
On the mat,
wrestling with the pain
in my heart
Aug 2014 · 951
Mesmeric Rapture
Jack Aug 2014

Take this, my needful heart, Sorceress
Break my sweat from swollen pores
Shake that bead’d desperate desire
Simmered sighs of sweltered stew
Tie me down in ribbon’d faire
Infernos blaze deeply below
Cast your spell, incantation’d bliss
Stick inky pins, pointed seduction
Rag doll dances interpreted
Hypnotize me with roguery
Mesmerizing fragrance kisses
Enchanted eternal hocus pocus
Command me spirit’d
Tease me with feathery phantasm
Paint'd black magic aphrodisiac
Stirring with elixir’d lips
Fashion’d to a perfect fit
Tattooed illusion’d obedience
Witch-Crafted to be your man
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