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Jack Nov 2014

Closer yet still far away
my heart does feel your beat
Tempting as a summer’s days
or something quite as sweet

Over valleys long and true
I long for but your touch
Just the very thought of you
does make my world so much

Reaching at a beacon strong
on the horizon’s line
Waking from an evening long
in hopes that your are mine

Falling quick upon my knees
gazing to the skies above
In this world that all do see
please send to me her love

Stars surround my every dream
in solitude to know
Cast off by a tiny beam
this evening’s moon does glow

As it washes on my face
the peace I feel so deep
Memories I can’t erase
forever I shall keep

Touch me from this distance far
and bring my smile to feel
Softness of the way you are
in love it feels so real

Break from this which you do hold
and cast these feelings true
I’m waiting on this moonlit night
for but the love of you
Jack Nov 2014

I cast my eyes towards the sun,
beyond the darkened fence, the fielded midnight thoughts,
watching, through clouded images, knowing eventually
I will witness the birth of a new day

I reach with my smile in a curved line
seeking a destiny still unknown but written
in verses of future phrases,
which will come to pass…in multi-colored inks of affection

I send my heart on waves of scented mist,
collected from the corners of my world,
flowing free from silent words and favored gestures
of desire’s endless intentions

I hand my love to nature, freely, willingly…
so that it may be delivered amidst
blooming jasmine and truer promises…to you,
before another dawn’s light finds your beauty and you awake

I cast my eyes towards the sun…yet I seek not its light,
nor its warmth…for all I seek is you
Jack Nov 2014

A whisper in the darkness,
so soft and yet so clear
Quiet words to let you know
that I am always near
Sending you affection,
a love that shall endure
From one who truly cares for you
*and will forever more
  Nov 2014 Jack
SG Holter
I wish the rest of my life
was a long, long weekend.
I'd spend it with you.
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