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Soulless and selfish
Prove me otherwise
Unconditional love
Under dirt, in a box
 Feb 2014 JC Lucas
 Feb 2014 JC Lucas
Full of senselessness.
he seeps

Arts and crafts for the soul.
forming thoughts out of visuals and sounds.

a basketful
of images to save in my memory bank ...

Occasionally documenting the silence.

itching and aching
raw and anxious
red and sticky.

a candle is meant to melt
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
I cannot find the common time
To realize these eyes died that night.
My brights dulled dark and yet still sparked
The burning breath to break my heart.
I swear I'll tear myself apart
Just to go too far.

Destroy this world that I've created.
Am I jaded or just faded?
Hated those words left unstated.
Grace did make it appreciated.
Grateful to be gone away,
I'd rather run then have to stay.
Who's to say it matters, anyway?
It hurts, but I bleed gray.

So who cares if there's nothing there?
A barren land may seem unfair,
But I would dare to breath the air-
To fill my lungs up with despair,
Just to cool the flaming flair.
Stop the coughing up gray blood,
Forget regret and leave my love-
To die away and turn to dust
Just to break the trust.

So I seem so lost and cold.
Gave up blood and glinting gold,
Sold my soul to growing old
*Just to die alone.
Written January 19th, 2011
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
The walls feathered, and everything loosened and stood out
No body questioned anything, none stood to strike a shout.
Oh how the calm of paranoia hushed through the day-
That is to say, maybe the air there was too thick anyway.
Grace had not started in, and there was no thought of creation.
It all makes you wonder...

*Does any of this exist?
Written October 5th, 2010
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
Everything tastes like a distant blue-
As I inhale a scent swimming in pools of gray.
The back of my mind crackles  and flickers
Within a dim flame of black and white.
The air is restricted to catch it's warm breath.
There is  hesitance and reluctant dissonance
Which is sweet like clean dirt.

Nothing to believe, nothing to be still, no one to bury me.
A quiet cold confronts quite disgruntled complications,
And contradicts a subtle faded thought.
All my brights and dulls caress my body
Leaving a film of dust and desolation to shelter my mind.
Ripples of confronted perfection penetrate my chest,
And life grows distant as I become colorblind.

There is no serenity in slumber.
I'm begging somebody to shatter me.
All of me is captivated in confusion, and summer's sun has set.
I'm steady staring at a world on fast-forward,
Standing still with eyelids stitched open, and lips sewn shut.
Nothing forgives or gives in, and
All that is symptomatic is synthetic and systematically copesetic-
Like the lackluster of lament which lingers  lethargically above me.

But when breath stops short and suspends in the air,
And nothing is to beckon or call it back home,
One finds themself empty, and free-
*And nothing matters anymore.
Written August 30th, 2010
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
Smoke smoldering holding the heat in
Hot skin unfolding steam
Controlling the pulsing thump in your chest.
Sweat collects and shimmers settle.
The wetness of ***
Bathes my soul in serenity.
So don't just touch me,
Feel me.
Caress the concept of my breath on your neck.
Explore every pore, lusting, begging for more.
Let me lick your fingertips
Then feel them slip down my hips
Trick me into tickling temptations every wish.
Then just kiss me tipsy
Teasing my breathing, I'm dizzy.
I'm thinking this feeling is instinct.
Instant magic- making it's beauty.
Believe the ease of self release
Then just take me,
Make me,
Feed your needs baby.
My body is burning for your energy.
Know I want you, and want you to want me.
You only can hold me
And hear the harmony.
Written February 2nd, 2011
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
A pretty vs vicious
Sometimes inconspicuously meaningless
Infinite means of comprehending communication.
Someone once said
That what's felt in our heads
Wasn't meant to be let out
For have no doubt,
Nobody will ever understand you.
In attempt to sum my thoughts up
I got stuck in a wasteland
Of dismal debris
Leaving me to dissipate through the fabrics of existence.
Look what I have left
An abyss of familiar frigid distantness.
This is meaningless though,
It's getting older
I've spent too much time without respect for order.
Left to float here in between atmospheres
Creating cosmic desturbancess
Throughout desolate universes.
This curse is my burden
Burning me deeper with each breath
Just to check if I'm dead yet.
But don't bet it.
I don't stress it, anymore,
Still not sure if there's anything out there at all.
But inside there lies light living,
Burning just bright enough
To keep the bag of faded gray dust
Slightly a-glow.
Just know, I cannot explain this
With a *word.
Written February 4th, 2011
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Sade LK
Want to write my thoughts down
In a clever, beautiful way.
Poetry should be graceful.
But creation is not a guarantee.
And it shouldn't be limited to wit and ease.
Who's to say where true beauty lies-
Behind the eyes of a soulmate,
Or maybe just in a forgotten smile on a sad lonely face.
There are just so many words,
And infinite possibilities.
Need to create to keep it real.
Because, who's to say what's real?
How can we even know if anything is ever original?
That's why I have to make art-
Just to prove to at least myself that there IS something
Throughout this void of oblivion that beckons truth.
And that truth- that real art-
That's music.
My music.
I am music.
Everything- if anything exists, is only pure music.
And that's all I can bet on,
When the chips are down.
I will be singing until my last breath ceases.
And music is the only real beauty that can save my soul,
Bring me peace, and
Carry me home.
Written December 25th, 2010
 Jan 2014 JC Lucas
Kiss me like it'll be the last time
Because it might be
Hold me in your arms like I'm already slipping
Because I am
Find me in these bottomless depths
Because I'm lost
Show me a reason to live
Because I can't find one
Look into my eyes for as long as stars are old
Because the light is dying
Pick up the pieces of me I left behind
Because I don't know where they are
Plaster a smile onto my face
Because I want to feel how I look
Wipe the tears from my eyes
Because I can't see anymore
Tell me everything will be okay
Because I honestly want to believe it
What happened to me?
Who am I?
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