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 Jan 2014 J Broca
jeffrey conyers
Don't submit your guilt by admitting your guilt.
Than you will be guilty.

Don't deny your truth when the obvious is know.
For others know your falsehood.

Don't say you love, if you never been touched by love.
For then you must seek it.

There are so many don't of the don't that we barely know.
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Atlas Rover
I know not whether you came to me or I to you.
Perhaps it was the former,
for goddesses may descend on earth,
but a shadow can never reach the stars.
Not whether it was a dream, asleep or awake.
Perhaps it was both, a special dream,
unrestrained by the bonds of sleep,
So pure, so powerful, that it spilled into the realms of reality.
I am lost in the darkness of a downcast heart.
Forever alone, never lonely.
A life much like a solitary desert,
with sands shifting in union with the sands of time.
Dream or reality. Let it be decided tonight,
Midst the sweet fragrance of your skin,
and the honeyed tastes of your lips.
Let the dark passions of this night take over.
As we weave forbidden magic...
But for now, I am scarcely mortal.
But for now, you are surely a goddess.
Perhaps you are to me, like a flame to a moth,
But it matters little to me, if I'm burnt in your embrace.
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Geno Cattouse
To the river then he said
To the wash.To salvations song he cried.
To the river then he whispered,as he withered deep inside.

To the river where the water rushes all our sins aside.

To the river then without delay
To the river by and by.
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Desert Rose
So especially ****** up he
Probably doesn't
Even care that I need him
Countless memories of hurt
In my head
All make me feel
Like I'm so **** special
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Atlas Rover
The cities of man are filled with senselessly cruel and harsh words,
Never more, that voice which was hushed and washed away,
Transgressed and mutiliated, given no rights of its own.
A brutality of the past taking form in the pages of modern day.
The streets were grounds for carnage and blood,
Unheld rage and lust were predator,
Never more, that voice was hushed and washed away,
In memory of your spirit, we take this pledge.
It's time to say goodbye to this casual everyday life,
Our days of sunshine were lost in the wake of dark brutality.
This drizzling fog hides the sun and steals the light.
I was lost, with nothing left to believe in, but.
In the wake of darkness, I cannot forsake the light.
Never more, no matter how dark the days get,
I know the ones who keep the light alive are not alone.
I'll find it, the most precious thing I lost.
Never more, it's as if I can hear your voice - it's guiding me.
Its forcing me to forsake the monster I once was.
Yet how can I forgot all the blood I bathed in?
The burden of my sins is greater than I could have borne alone.
I used to believe in foolish ideals when I was young,
but before I knew it I'd forgotten those most important words.
I searched and sought all through this restless world,
and at last I found them in the depths of my heart.
If I keep riding the tides of my life and time,
I feel like we shall never meet again.
Although I assure you, even amid all the confusion, if you'll call out to me, I'll pay you heed,
I'll believe in your smile and the bonds between us. Never more, no matter how far, your heart will reach me.
These travels of mine, their only destination may be endless sleep.
Grant me this wish, I ask you, grant me a corner in your memory,
I'll be there. I'll believe in you and start walking.
Toward the beat of your heart, and the warm glow of your smile.
I shall never forget the stain of our days together.
Never more; no matter how dark it gets, I know I'm not alone.
I'll find it, the most precious thing I lost.
Never more, it's as if I can hear your voice - it's guiding me.
Even now I still remember
The night when I touched you, still
A beautiful memory
I'll always remember
 Jan 2014 J Broca
late night
 Jan 2014 J Broca
and I guess I wonder if you stay up at night thinking about if I'm awake with a cup of ice coffee in my hands because that's the only thing that keeps me calm besides the whisky that I ran out of long ago.
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Atlas Rover
I stand at crossroads, I am sure of that.
Surrounds me a lush green meadow, perhaps The Garden Of Eden on a better day,
But for today, a grey sky looms over me, the clouds ashen and grey.
Rain falls mercilessly, trampling the land, attempting to deluge all in its way.
I remember this land. It was once my realm, my universe.
But no more, it is now a savage and broken world,
one which tries to grab onto my essence in an attempt to recover.
But I know that this realm, the reflection of my heart, is beyond all help.
I wonder, though I know the answer, who is responsible?
And then I see you. Nervously, I dare not meet your eyes; dare not call out to you,
Lest you disappear, fading away again.
How is this possible? I wonder, gazing at you by the corner of my eye.
How can it be that the Prince of stories, the master of dreams, fall so low?
How can a mortal, no matter how divine, ensnare the heart of an evil eternal?
I suspect Desire’s sweet hand, perhaps the arrows of Cupid, but I let it pass.
Never before have I felt such a sweet pain, such a pleasing torment.
You, who draws me close, like a siren’s call, are the one from whom I must run away.
For every second with you is heaven, a visit to Delirium’s realm,
but sadly, each moment with you, makes me mortal as well.
Each second away from you, I grow stronger, yet a part of me wonders.
What joy does power hold for me, which I cannot find in your sweet voice?
What happiness would I find even in eternity, which I cannot share with your twinkling amber eyes?
But I know the laws, the ancient treaties.
No matter how strong my feelings, they should never reach you.
I am the lord of dreams, and I know I never appear in yours.
Sadly, our worlds do not meet. Even if they did,
I am but a trespasser.
So as I watch my realm dissolve, as I see it fade into yours,
I swear on the First Circle, the sphere of dreams, on the hanging Sword and Shield,
That I shall always be here for you.
Like following a shining thread time flows on its course.
Your smile holds the warmth which melts my heart.
Like a faint dream, beautiful in its wake, I shall always treasure it.
Though our paths will not merge, our destinies are intertwined.
I can only walk through your time, being a protective shadow,
Even if fate, blowing blindly, estranges us, I shall still be there for you.
Like the earth yearning for the sky, I yearn for you, realizing that we must never meet.
While I wander, like an aimless sparkle, a fleeting illusion,
Even if the darkness takes hold of the light, and my past catches up with me.
I will be there for you, a dream lord captive to you.
 Jan 2014 J Broca
Atlas Rover
Abraham took Isaac's hand and led him to the lonesome hill.
The hill which stood solemn and ominously, with vultures and coyotes keeping guard,
While his daughter hid and watched,
She dare not breathe, she was so still.
Just as an angel cried for the slaughter,
Abraham's daughter raised her voice,
"How can thee father of mine, spill thy blood?
Doth thee forget the fate of Cain?
Why this blind faith in an absent God?"
The angel hearing this, unfurled his wings, and took out his angel blade,
And asked her what her name was,
She said unfazed, "I have none."
Then he asked, "How can this be?
For you are thy name, just as the Lord is who he is,
It is the fate of all mankind to be limited by the confines of their names"
"My father never gave me one."
In divine rage, the angel cried,
"Insolence, Heresy, Sin. Today Abraham the heavenly host leaves thee,
Lest thy daughter mend her fault,
Both thee and thy son shall fall"
Seeing all mankind raised for slaughter,
The daughter stole the angel's blade,
"If that is what thee wants,
I shall erase myself from time itself,
Yet today paradise is lost,
Remember carefully the words of the Daughter of Eve"
And so history forgets her name,
Much as sense wins over faith.
Is that what you planned,
O God of Rage, ruling over a land of hate?
 Jan 2014 J Broca
 Jan 2014 J Broca
A old man walked up to me without a cane.
He told me "You'll be able to walk in this world without any help"
Years later I am a old woman
He was right
I don't have any help
I lived in this world bitter and loveless
No one swept into my life
You simply crawl on your own and you walk on your own
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