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 May 2015 IvyB Xx
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
I don't want to hurt you.
But my instincts..
The claws I've kept hidden are coming out.
Its natural when you've been
Kicked around,
Stuck in the corner.
I am so close to hurting you because I don't want to be hurt anymore, its getting so hard to restrain myself.
You're not the same.
I can't believe I'm still doing **** for you and always thinking of you. Crying for you just from the conversations..
I miss you.
(****** I'm so masochistic.)
You're not even an ******* anymore. You know that? You're getting to the point where you're about to jump into thr deep end, past *******, into a point of no return.
Thanks a lot.

No song.
Just my wails.
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
Every night,
she stood outside
the devil's door,
desperately clutching onto
all the hands,
all the souls not ready to depart yet,
still clawing at the door frame.
She stands there,
tears streaming down her face,
still reaching out,
grabbing hands and
straining, pulling
taking them back to where they should be,

But no matter how much she does this,
no matter how long she stays,
trying to save everyone,
she can never save everyone.
trying to write things out but its not working.

how to save a life
by the fray
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
Don't you dare
Forget this smile.
This is the real me,
Flying through colors of ecstasy,
Like a little airplane
Floating through the air
Little packets of happiness down to the ground.
I hope someone opens these packages.
Idk I'm just so psyched and happy ^^ my family isn't fighting for once and I somewhat got all my **** together :)
I literally can't stop smiling and I can't write jackshit but I tried I guess lol

Don't stop me now
By queen
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
I cut myself open for you,
Let you look at all my disgusting insides,
Just don't leave me hanging,
Help me pack and clean everything up.
Spilled my guts out to my friend today after months of keeping it all in.

By karen o
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