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Jul 2017 · 601
Jade Ivy Jul 2017
Extended family
Slowly rocking on the porch of ******* Barrel
I smile and laugh, rocking with the flow of conversation

My wife refuses to take ambien now
After she woke up one night
and found me with a huge grin on my face

Keep rocking
Keep smiling
Small chuckles from my family around me

She never would've noticed!

I'm sure that's not the first time
she's slept through that

Well, as long as she didn't say "no"

The smile slips from my lips
Keep rocking
Eyes down, unable to look to my father's face
In case he is also laughing

I fall into myself
Cross my legs
~My subconscious defense~

Keep rocking
Digging my fingernails into my left arm
Right above the four dots inked into my wrist
Marking my skin to convince me
That I have control over my body
That past violations don't define me

Keep rocking
Uncles laughing
Still clenching my teeth
Drawing small crescents of blood
Beneath my chipped nails
Anything to distract from the images
Flashing behind my averted eyes

I loosen my grip
Raise my head
To see that not
Has noticed my internal plea

The fear in my eyes
The tension between my thighs

Keep rocking
Keep rocking

Blood doesn't mean you're family
Family doesn't mean you're safe
Apr 2017 · 520
Your Acidity
Jade Ivy Apr 2017
I took this semester to study abroad
I couldn't be on that campus anymore
The one where your prestige follows you
Even after you've been found guilty
But even here
In a medical classroom in the heart of São Paulo
It finds me
Your legacy, your good character
Your side of the story
It creeps in the shadows behind me
Startling me
Sending cold, damp shivers down my back
And burning black anger and fear behind my eyes
I exit the lecture and walk to the bathroom
Flexing my freshly polished fingers
Until they reach the back of my throat
And *****
Apr 2017 · 402
Golden Gate
Jade Ivy Apr 2017
I blocked you on LinkedIn today
I can't believe it's gotten to this
That it is so unbearable to see your face or your success anywhere
Before I permanently removed the last remnant I had of you
I looked at your profile
You've moved to San Fransisco
I felt a pang in my chest
A hollow pinch
That I didn't know about this move before
Because for some reason
I still want to know every part of your life
Or at least the big things
The way that I used to
Whatever this is
This Stockholm syndrome of sorts
Has me deeply nestled in the palm of its hand
Beneath bony white fingers
That'll never unfurl
Dec 2015 · 514
Jade Ivy Dec 2015
Many people spend their lives battling with demons
The past
My father, he battled alcohol
And my mother, well, she battled him

She fought with her life to give me mine
As he beat her down
And beat her up
He held my life in his hands
Clenched in his fists

She stood at the top of our staircase
Somehow never afraid of this man she loved
He was filled with delusions
Fueled by liquor
As he drunkenly climbed the stairs
Toward where she stood
Screaming obscenities
About her infidelity
He knew why she had done it
He had chosen drinking over his family
And so she had chosen another man
But there they both stood
My mother with her hand on her swollen stomach
And my father with his hand through the plaster wall
Until his head became so clouded
That his hands reached my mother
The poison pulsed through his veins
And the venom became blows to her body

She shielded her abdomen
As his hands made contact
Rattling the quiet, liquid world that I lived in
With my twin
The war was waged against us
Because we did not belong to him
Because we did not belong
To him.

He fought himself
By attacking his mistakes
Not cognizant that we
—innocent and unknowing—
Would be unable to fix his pain
But he fought anyways
To destroy us
As if our disappearance
Would erase his fault

Exhausted from fighting
He fell to knees
As tears fell down my mother’s face
And blood dripped down her inner thigh

Sometimes I wonder if it’s possible to feel loss
Before you feel existence
Sometimes I wonder if I knew
That my life could have been taken away
As easily as my twin’s
That my life was at the mercy of a man
Before my heart beat on its own
But I remained
And the strength of my mother
Granted me access into this world
This world where men fight their demons
And women fight for their voices
Not realizing that their own demons
Rest their heads on the pillow next to them
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Jade Ivy Jun 2014
For a long while I lay next to you
Sheltering myself from your fan
And listening to you breathe
I touched your face
But you refused to wake
So I grabbed my things
And stole a kiss before I left
The only one I had received that night
And like so many times before
I snuck out the back
And trekked to my car in the dark
I didn't realize I had left
Until I was halfway home
Choking out lyrics to a CD
That I will never be able to listen to
Without thinking of you
After so many times
You would think I'd be used to you
But each time it's the same
Taking the downtown exit
With blurred sight
Only able to make out light
And color
Apr 2014 · 672
Jade Ivy Apr 2014
Before I see the break of dawn
I see your face behind my lids
And keep my eyes shut untill you're gone

I dream of when we were kids
When kissing was only spelt in songs
Allowing what my mind usually forbids

But it does not cloak, it only prolongs
Waking up to a bright morning and empty bed
A vacant shadow where your body belongs

Filled with longing and words unsaid
To me, I wish to bring you home
Wiping my eyes, I turn my head

Imagine the scent of your cologne
Born from a depth so deep
I momentarily forget that I'm alone

You may not be mine to keep
But I'll see you when I fall asleep
Mar 2014 · 861
Jade Ivy Mar 2014
I know I've hurt you
But I am not emotionless in this mess
I am filled with guilt
And the sting of your rejection
This can't really be it
....can it?
I haven't shed more than a single tear
In a few weeks now
And anytime something happens
I wait for my inevitable break down
But it is still yet to come
Taunting me
I'm lonely
And upset
And heartsick
But my body won't let me release those feelings
Meticulously torturing me
So I turn to drugs
To alcohol
To ensure that I feel nothing
And although my head is filled with fog
I can feel his hand behind my back
My fingers behind his head
And I can see your image behind my eyes
Taste your name behind my teeth  
But it is poison to my tongue now
And I must swallow it away
Before it escapes my lips
And betrays my composure
Disguising self-preservation
Mar 2014 · 525
Out of the Blue
Jade Ivy Mar 2014
Driving back from a numbing weekend
Distracted with liquor, drugs, sunshine, and company
I opened my first college acceptance letter
It was unexpected
And although I was beyond happy
Filled to the brim with emotions
That had been locked up for weeks
I still couldn't cry
I was happy while I was in shock
But inevitably my mind went straight to you
I was accepted to the school closest to where you are
And although I'm going to go where I want to go
I've always associated going there with us
And I couldn't even share my happiness with you
It's a great school, but you were a huge part
Of why I applied
And there I was
Trying to numb myself to your memory
But college acceptance
No matter how happy it can make you
Never fails to remind you of everything
Left behind
Mar 2014 · 586
Mother Dearest
Jade Ivy Mar 2014
I don't go out much
More than I used to, but still not much
Because I hate coming home
To unlocked doors
And both sides of her bed turned down
The angel that lives upstairs
Hides dark secrets in and under her bed
It's nothing that should concern me
Yet it is everything
It took me years to forgive her
For conceiving me with a man
Who wasn't her husband
Even though I now understand
And have forgiven her
But she has no excuse for kissing married men
Who come to fix our TV
Or sleeping with her accountant
When she is oh so in love with her perfect boyfriend
I can't help but be upset by it
I know I've committed my fair share of sins
But I'm still learning
And I think what angers me most
Is that she is the woman I've looked up to
My whole life
Despite her poisoning my memories of my father who's not my dad
Despite pitying her childhood and taking it out on me
Despite her nonexistent self-confidence that leaves her bedroom door open
And in all honesty,
I didn't have anyone else
I know she is a strong, compassionate woman
But deep down I wonder
If all my insecurities
All my inabilities to happily be in love
All the things ****** up in my head
Stemmed from the only role model
I've ever had
Feb 2014 · 535
Believe Me
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
I know you're angry
And hurt
And you have every right to be
But please don't doubt that I'm doing this
For us
I loved you enough for the both of us
Believe what you will, but that is the truth
I know sometimes it's been hard to tell
I was careless, paranoid, insecure, immature
And I'm sorry for that
Those are my faults
You know them well
But you are not spotless, either
Neither one of us was ready
Ready for this kind of love
This kind of passion
This kind of vulnerability
But it came anyways
When we didn't ask for it
And as a result, we didn't work
Not because we were not right for eachother
But because timing and circumstances
Wouldn't allow for it
Don't you dare think
That means you don't cross my mind
Every second of every day
Don't you dare think
That I am not hurting and aching
To be with you
I think about you constantly
Miss you constantly
I miss the sound of your voice
The way you held me
Your eyes
Your arms
Your scruff
Your love
I want that all back
But I know I can't get
What I want right now
So please, promise me
That despite everything
If you are ever courageous enough
To settle down
And show off your love
And if I am ever courageous enough
To trust
We will find each other

I am not giving up
I never did
I am just salvaging what we have left
So that maybe we can put it back together
When we're both ready for it
When timing and circumstances will allow it
Good night, darling
Feb 2014 · 355
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
And all this time
Maybe I had been the one
Pouring salt in my own wounds

...I've always had a heavy hand...
Feb 2014 · 407
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
Two years ago
You told me that if
You didn't have a girlfriend
When the day came
I would be your valentine
You would bring me flowers
And I would feel special

But that never happened
Because when that day came
You had a girlfriend

And it wasn't me
Feb 2014 · 342
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
Two years too long
Two weeks too late
Feb 2014 · 335
Release Me
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
I know you loved her
And I know you lied
About everything
I just want you to stop being a coward
Be a man
And tell me the truth
About everything
So I can move past this hate
And let go of it all.
Feb 2014 · 431
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
And to think of all the nights
That I cried myself to sleep
While you were probably out
Drinking a beer at some **** bar
Not thinking a single thought about me
But I guess that's how it's been
All these past two years
Feb 2014 · 388
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
I know that in a matter of time
I will find a man that deserves me
A man that appreciates me
And I will look back on our relationship
And laugh
At how foolish it was
At how foolish I was
And I might even mourn
The wasted time
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
You're going to find a girl that's better for you
If you haven't already

Maybe someone who's prettier
Better in bed
More like you

But I can promise
That you will never find a girl
As devoted to you as I was
But that doesn't matter now
Because that's not what you were looking for
Feb 2014 · 442
Before My Last Breath
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
Sometimes I wonder what would happen
If I grew deathly ill
Would you come see me?
Who would tell you?
I imagine that you would come
And I think about how I would spend the last bit of our time together
I don't have a clue what I would say
But I've concluded that I would lure you close enough
And strike you in the face
And if you stayed through that
I know I would want to kiss you
Just one last time
Feb 2014 · 470
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
You took your jacket back when you left for college
That should've been a sign
That you never leave anything behind
You don't let people or places have pieces of yourself
You're too afraid
Or stubborn
Or whatever
And now I look back on that time
Over a year ago
And wish I had seen it for what it was then
The only thing you left behind
Was me
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Jade Ivy Feb 2014
My period is nine days late
And I still hate myself for having loved you
I guess this is just my luck
I should have noticed sooner
But I was so overwhelmed with grief
That I couldn't see past the emptiness I felt
It's ironic how my body is no longer empty
And I am no longer alone
You caused those feelings
And with no intention of doing it yourself
A part of you reversed them
I'm sure you're having fun
With your great girl
And your great life
Not thinking a single thought about me
While any chance I had of getting over you
Disappeared within an instant
And now I must make a decision
Whether I hate or love
This piece of you inside me
God knows
I'd hate to bring a child
Into this world
With a father
As wicked as mine was.
Jan 2014 · 846
The Other
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I hate love
Because everyone I love
Loves somebody else
My father is happy
With his new wife
and his three beautiful daughters
I was never taken into account
When he fell in love
And forgot about me
The man that I loved
Found happiness with someone else
I guess I was never that girl
Never the one to make him happy
Otherwise he would've loved me, too
My bestfriend doesn't care
She is head over heels
For a boy she met four weeks ago
So our seven year friendship
Now means nothing
Compared to the promise of love

I can't keep being nothing
To the people I make priorities
I feel worthless
I just want to be the one for somebody
For anybody
Because I feel like the sidelines
Have been my home
For the past eighteen years
And it's times like these
That make me want to break down
And call you
I know I shouldn't
But maybe, just maybe
You would make me feel loved
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I'm done writing love poems about you
you don't deserve them
you don't need the extra confidence boost
and I'm tired of feeding your already oversized ego
Don't look for them anymore
Don't look for me anymore

I'm perfectly fine without you
I just never wanted to figure that out
Jan 2014 · 511
Give & Take
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
Loving someone
Is wanting them to never feel pain
But I can't help hoping that you suffer
I want you to miss me
I want you to feel lonely
I want you to be destroyed
So that maybe you will understand
So that maybe you will feel a fraction
Of what I'm feeling
The pain
The emptiness
The betrayal
Maybe if you knew
Exactly how all of this felt
You would change
And learn what it feels like
To really love someone
The way that I loved you
Jan 2014 · 430
Day 1
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I'm a bundled mess of anger and sorrow
But my lack of sleep left me with no energy
To feel emotions
Jan 2014 · 574
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
Life works in mysterious ways
Ending things exactly where they started
My favorite memory of us
Is now tainted by our end
You were in town
After a long time away
I was nervous at first
But I couldn't say why
We drove to a spot
Overlooking the water
That we had been to before
But it was never the view
That made an impression
You had your phone plugged in
Playing our favorite songs
As I sat on your lap
Facing you
We didn't speak
But mouthed the words
To Sheets
Slowly and carefully
As I traced my fingers
From your temple to your chin
And rested my thumb on your lips
You had one hand on my waist
The other resting gently by my side
And I wanted it to last forever
That moment before we kissed
When we only admired each other
And explored each other's features
Those were always my favorite times
When I felt my love for you most deeply
But that song came on today
The one that accompanies my favorite memory
And the words truly meant something this time
It was just a sad song before
It held no truth
But I felt the ache in every line
I related to every verse
And cried the whole song through
I can't tell if it was mostly because
The words cut so deeply
Now that they held meaning with me
Or if it was because
I could never again look on that memory
In it's innocence
It would always be tarnished
By the song's every aching word
Jan 2014 · 696
My Dying Wish
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I cried the whole way home
Gasping for air
Body overcome by sobs
I didn't see them coming
Until it was too late
I turned my head
And stared death in the face
I was stuck in time
As I watched the truck crush the driver side of my car
Killing me on contact
That last thing I felt was heartbreak
To the point that I was numb to the physical pain
And when they pulled my lifeless body out of the car
They could see my swollen face
And the tears dried upon my cheeks
And they could hear our song on repeat
It sure as hell wasn't the way I wanted to go
But you were the last thing on my mind
And the last name on my lips
Jan 2014 · 576
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I say that I am done
But I always leave a small part of me open
I don't mean to
But I can never seem to help it
I can't let go of the whisper inside of me
Suggesting that maybe something will change
Maybe you will do something to change my mind
Something that will prove anything
And every time
I am left disappointed
And more heartbroken than before
Because not only do I feel foolish
For the many years spent with you
But I feel foolish for continuing
To open my heart up to you
Even when I know that you are undeserving
And you prove that to me
With every lack of action
Every lack of effort
Still, I can't help but to give you infinite chances
Because I foster a love for you
So deeply inside of me
But each time that you make it clear
That you don't feel the same
That this means nothing to you
I begin to hate you
Just a little

But it adds up
Jan 2014 · 334
Name of the Game
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
It wasn't about me, was it?
It was about all of them
I was never the one
I was merely one of many
But just know that for me
It was always about you.
Jan 2014 · 586
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I never thought I would become
The kind of girl I hated
The type of girl who would derive happiness solely from a man
The type of girl who would change herself wholly for a man
Put a man before herself
Love a man more than herself
But here I am
I've been led through hell and back
Become the girl I hate for the man that I love
And look where it got me
Now I remember why I wanted to be different
From all those other girls
Why I wanted to be stronger
More independent
Because every time I give myself to someone
They convince me that I should never do it again
Jan 2014 · 533
Those Three Months are Gone
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I'm tired of settling
I'm tired of accepting less than I deserve
Because I've been so fixated on you
It's been you and only you
For years now
I can't tell if it's you that I loved so much
Or what I always hoped you could be
I loved you after the first three months
I loved every single thing that I learned about you
What you were interested in
What you wanted to be
What you would never fully tell me about your past
I was hooked
I thought you were everything I had ever wanted
But after those first three months
Every new thing I learned about you
Made me love you less
But I still held on to who I thought you were
In those first three months
But that was years ago
And I need to stop holding on
Because whatever I saw in you then
Is no longer there now
Jan 2014 · 2.7k
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
Everything seems to come full circle
Different ages, different people
But it's all the same
No one has "changed"
And I doubt anyone has tried
I'm as guilty as others
But I'm paying for it now
Only a couple years later
And I'm exactly in her position
I remember feeling pity for her
Pity that she had found out
Pity that she had fallen for it
And I was content
-- A little broken, but content --
Because I felt like the victor
With you as my prize
But who knows how long
That even lasted for
Here I am
I've fallen for it
I've fallen for you
Just to be right back where we started
But this time
I'll be the girl who loses
Jan 2014 · 843
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I'm eighteen years old
And I've seen the realities of the world
But I still believe in fairy tales
For what reason, I'm not sure
Maybe because I don't have a religion to give me faith
I only have myself
And my false dreams
Of what the world could be
I can't help but hope
To find a man that treats me like a queen
Parades me around and loves me endlessly
But that's only in books
In reality, people leave
Love fades
And I know because I've watched it all happen
I can't help but hope
That my father will respond
And make my family whole
Something I've never had
But he has a new family now
One that I'm not a part of
Two beautiful little girls
That will never know the toll
Of growing up without a dad
If life were a fairy tale,
I would be one of those little girls
But life is just life
And reality doesn't mix well with fantasy
So I can't understand
Why I dream about all those things at night
Jan 2014 · 768
...and the Other is Gold
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
I'm about to bring a new man into my life
And I think that's going to mean
Letting you go
I suffer so much pain and heartache with you
And I can't have that with my new man, too
There will be a lot of uncertainty with him
I already know that
But there can also be a lot of happiness
I already love you
But I have the chance at loving him
And that means everything to me right now
I just don't know if I can handle the stress
Of having both of you in my life
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Evolution of Man
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
Can people ever really change?
If something is a part of you at one time
Wouldn't it stay a part of you forever?
I'd like to think that people grow up
Grow wiser as they grow older
But who's to say what comes with age
I hope for the best
But deep down inside of me
I haven't forgotten
I had trust issues before you
And I had trust issues because of you
Maybe, just maybe... people can change
But people can never forget
You were awful to so many
You hurt so many
And maybe I'd be able to forgive that
If I weren't one of those many
That you knowingly hurt
And the worst part is
You were perfectly okay with it.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Grasping at Straws
Jade Ivy Jan 2014
When I found out about you
you became my second chance at normalcy
my second chance at being a kid
and having everything I always wanted
but never had
I knew there was no way to reverse time
and get all of those years back with you
but for the first time
there was hope
there was a chance
and as childish as it was
I couldn't let that go
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
I can see it in your eyes
The fear of getting too close
You hide it well
With your playful smile and gentle touches
You convince people that you’re okay
But I can see that you’re not
I can smell it
You shine like the sun
But the sun is destined to burn out, right?
You know it, too
You try and hold off your destruction
By shutting people out
But that won’t help
I know you’ve been hurt
Abandoned by the ones you love
Left to figure things out on your own
But don’t hide behind your strength
Let it define you
I know you’re afraid
That the blackness inside of you
Will scare everyone away
But the ones that stay
Are the ones that count
You’ve been left alone before, I know
But you can’t expect
Every new man in your life to do the same
Some will, I can’t deny that
But you will never find the man who will stick around
If you don’t allow yourself to see him
Lift your head up, sweetheart
Wipe your tears
Shed your fears
And let everyone see the light in you
I promise that it will outshine the darkness
What do I know, right?
I’m just a teenager
But don’t let outward appearances fool you
Because somewhere hidden
To the naked eye
Are the same secrets and scars
That you see branded on your skin
And if you take the chance
To look close enough
You’ll see mine, too
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
I'm used to being abandoned by the men in my life
But that never makes it any easier
I was always a dreamer
And a part of me still is
I let my hopes grow too big
Filled with hot air
Only for them to float away from me
Like everything else
Naturally I've built up a wall
But people always find a way to sneak in
And usually walk right out
Once I've opened the doors
You could say I have trust issues
But there's always a moment
When I open myself up
It scares the hell out of me
But I do it anyways
For the chance at something bigger than myself
The only problem
Is that I don't do well with vulnerability
I worry, I doubt
But only because
Having another man walk out of my life
-- Especially you --
Would be too much to bear.
Dec 2013 · 593
Behind Closed Eyes
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
Every time I close my eyes
I'm back in that bed
Nothing mattered but me & you
You curled me into you
Pushed my hair aside
And kissed me
Tenderly in the hollow of my neck
Everything about that moment was perfect
And I remember wishing it would never end
Having your arms around my waist
Your soft breath on my shoulder
I gave in to you entirely
And I didn't regret it
You made me feel beautiful
You made me feel loved
And I can't tell you how much
I needed that
How much I needed you
But now you're gone
And all I have left of that night
Exists only behind closed eyes
Dec 2013 · 378
Last Night
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
It was everything I've ever wanted
And desperately needed
All the men in my life have left
Killed themselves, forgotten about me, moved away
And I still carry all of that pain with me
Never able to let go of it
And I am terrified
Of what you might do
You're already so far away
And it's hard to convince myself
That despite the distance
You're still here
With me
I'm sorry
For everything
Just know that I need you
And that I wish last night
Could've lasted forever
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
As I lay here, crying over you
I can't help but wonder
if there's a twisted part of me
that enjoys this pain
I always seem to bring on grief
I know what's best for me
but I continue to put a toxic love first
and throw myself back into it
every time I try to escape
I don't allow myself to just walk away
I wait and see
What else you could have to say
What more harm can be done
and for some unexplainable reason
I always want more
It doesn't make me happy
but maybe there's some sick part of me
that enjoys the torment
of a broken heart.
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
I fell in love with what you could be
but never were
I loved the expectations I had for you
but reality knocked me down
too many times
And I can't keep wishing on stars
for things that aren't there
Dec 2013 · 667
Sleeping Pills
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
I took one
Because I desperately wanted to sleep
My dad took 300
Because he desperately wanted to never wake up.
Dec 2013 · 459
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
Everything happened at once
I didn't expect it to
And I didn't want it to
-- or atleast I convince myself
I didn't want it to --
But here we are
You don't know it yet
But both of our lives are going to change
In just another month
And I'm terrified
I should be happy
But I find myself crying
Everytime I'm alone
And I always thought that finding you
Would fill the hole inside of me
But I don't know if it will anymore
What if it's the opposite?
What if you don't want what I want?
You have already changed everything
And you've done nothing
I'm the one with the knowledge
With the choice
And yet I'm scared
I need so much right now
But I didn't know that the hope
Of loving you
Would make me question
The love I already have
Dec 2013 · 562
Jade Ivy Dec 2013
Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant
It was yours
And I was happy
I walked around with a cute round bump
Attached to the front of me
I was going to give birth that evening
To a baby who weighed 5 pounds 7 ounces
It was going to be premature
Like I was
I was dress shopping with my mother
Trying on gowns
Not for a wedding
But for an announcement of our child
I wanted to feel beautiful
But nothing fit over that cute round bump
I didn't get frustrated
I kept trying on dresses
Thinking about how happy you would be
With how I looked
Once our baby was born
But still with all of the extra weight
I hoped it was a boy
And I planned to name him Dennis
-- Even though it wasn't one of the names
I picked out long ago --
That's what he would be called
Because that was your middle name
And I wanted our baby
To always be a reminder of you
Even when I found a man
Who was willing to be the father
Nov 2013 · 335
Too Much
Jade Ivy Nov 2013
she didn't struggle
she didn't make a sound
she just

Nov 2013 · 565
Incubus (10w)
Jade Ivy Nov 2013
I woke up in a cold sweat on the floor
Nov 2013 · 549
Dad Got My Tongue
Jade Ivy Nov 2013
We sat down on the bench
And you saw it in my eyes
"What's wrong?"
You asked knowingly
I looked at you
But couldn't bring myself
To say anything
I laughed at my inability
Incapable of producing any other noise
You put your hand on my knee
Never breaking eye contact
And waited patiently
Until I had the courage
To speak
Afraid of the reality
That speaking these words aloud
Would bring to light
I ****** in a deep, reluctant breath
And exhaled
"I found my father"
Nov 2013 · 351
Better Not to Know
Jade Ivy Nov 2013
He's not the type of boy
To say I love you
Or maybe I'm just not the type of girl
He'd say it to
Oct 2013 · 742
If Only For A Little
Jade Ivy Oct 2013
You're here
And you say that you're mine
But I wonder what it would be like
To really have you
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
Jade Ivy Oct 2013
When two tormented souls fall in love
They destroy one another
Both wanting to help
But unable to fix the things
That they couldn't even fix in themselves
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