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AJ Jun 2013
You are my beautiful, nagging wife.
We have been married for fifty-one years,
Seven months,
And eleven days, exactly.
You are the most annoying person I have ever come across,
And my best friend.
It can be simplified into vanilla coke,
Ginger ships,
And savior by Rise Against.
You are my secret jar.
You are my rain.
You are my better half.
We are two halves of one old and demented, crazy cat lady.
Self destruction and all.
Destroy my reassurance,
And reassure my destruction,
But I love you more than I hate tomatoes,
And I'll never ask for a divorce.
AJ Feb 2014
I cant even feel one of my arms.
I think I hear a fan.
I'm not sure anymore.
About anything.
AJ Jul 2014
If only you could high jack my blood stream
And do an immediate landing.
Because I am flying so high.

If the sun wants to play
Who am I to turn her away?
AJ Jan 2015
It's better to feel pain,
Than nothing at all.
But it's much better
To feel a multitude of other things.

Don't go slamming any screen doors,
Yelling about how I've always been the one.
This is not a country song.
Too misogynistic for my taste.

I wish I belonged to you.
You'd be too cold here.
And I'd be too hot there.
AJ Sep 2014
I don't think you know
What it's like to hold a million broken pieces
Of the brightest star of the universe
In your arms at eight in the morning
On the streets of New York City
Outside a woman's clinic.

She needed everything
And he just gave her
Four hundred ninety-eight dollars
And Sixteen sense.
That didn't absolve him from any responsibility.
A combo of a real life experience and The Front Bottoms' song Lone Star.
AJ Jul 2016
It's late enough that it's quiet
But not enough that is silent,
And I hate that.
The dogs are lying at my feet.
They feel like gargoyles,
But maybe more menacing.
I'm just waiting for midnight to roll around,
So that I can steal my silent hours.
Sleep is not the only way to recharge.
I guess the song in the title doesn't really fit the poem,
But maybe it's fitting my mood?

See you later alligator.
To początek, wschód słońc
I drżenie w kącikach ust
Wielkie oczy ma strach
Palcem pogrożę mu
AJ Aug 2015
That awkward moment
When your ****** gets a girl pregnant
And gets engaged.

And your just sitting drunk,
And ****** up,
On the floor of your old bedroom
In your parent’s house.
Listening to Avril Lavigne and Iron and Wine.

Just ****** up.
AJ Jul 2013
So I will tell you a story,
Of a little party girl.
Who created her own world.
And in that world,
She was religion.
She was a goddess.
Her body was everyone's temple.
They prayed to her.
They prayed on her.
Her word was gold.
She ****** like a high class *******.
She could never figure out why they all loved her so much.
Stargazing, naked, on the roof, with a bottle of tequila.
Falling in love with a magical mouse girl.
She felt like Lenny from Of Mice and Men.
She practically snapped her in two.
How can she be so powerful, yet such a mess at the same time?
AJ Feb 2014
You're drunk.
I'm on pills.
It's like we have the same disease.
AJ Jul 2013
If you treat me like dirt,
I will become dirt
And I will lay there.
And I will not move until you move me.
Then you'll feel how "insignificant" I really am.
I've always been banging my head into walls,
Started at age two.
It has gotten me a lot farther than you think.
Saying your name brings me so much exhaustion
That I could faint by the time
The first syllable exists my lips.
If I ever start to make sense,
Let me know.
It means I'm starting to lose it,
Well actually,
Starting to find it.
Tragically I fear my subconscious has been looking for "it"
On my days off.
I believe you taught it to do that?
**** you.
AJ Jun 2013
I keep putting myself into a smaller box,
And then complain that I feel claustrophobic.
And I make the walls thicker,
And I make them sound proof,
And I make the doors increasingly harder to open.
And then I complain.
Because I put myself in a room with pictures,
But no windows.
I do it so that I can't see the present,
And I can't see the future coming.
All I can see is the past.
All I can see are pictures of my old boxes,
The bigger boxes.
Boxes that I could get out of.
I'm in one without a door right now.
I'm going to stay here for a very long time.
AJ Apr 2014
Children pinch there skin
And think that they are looking
At the dinner they finished six minutes ago.
And they hate themselves.
They hate there bodies for needing food.
They hate their parent's for feeding them.
They hate themselves
For their cute pink pinch able cheeks, and full bellies.
They hate everyone who's ever said
"Someone must have been hungry."

And they never grow out of it.

They skip more than just dessert,
They cut more than construction paper,
They ingest more pills than food.
They hate it. They hate it. They hate everything.
They hate themselves.

You can't just come back from something like that.
They'll leave home one day,
And with no one telling them to eat,
They won't.
With no one to watch them,
They'll bleed dry.

You can't just come back from something like that.
AJ Jun 2013
It's days like this where I listen to sad songs about fathers abandoning their children and kneel on the big chair by the window, and look outside like I'm seven years old.
I didn't like seven years old.
I hated the first day of it.
I cried all of April twenty-forth that year.
I knelt on the big chair by the front window and felt the wind that I could see the trees felt.
The swayed and shimmered as if they could hear the music too.
Why didn't I sway and shimmer when the wind hit me?
I only got cold and determined.
Seven was the last time I thought that thought until now.
It took me long over a decade to answer that question.
I wish it was something lyrical, majestic, and deep.
It's not.
It's just science.
Sometimes science is sadder than fathers abandoning their children.
AJ Jan 2014
Long Over a Decade
It's days like this where I listen to sad songs about fathers abandoning their children and kneel on the big chair by the window, and look outside like I'm seven years old.
I didn't like seven years old.
I hated the first day of it.
I cried all of April twenty-forth that year.
I knelt on the big chair by the front window and felt the wind that I could see the trees felt.
The swayed and shimmered as if they could hear the music too.
Why didn't I sway and shimmer when the wind hit me?
I only got cold and determined.
Seven was the last time I thought that thought until now.
It took me long over a decade to answer that question.
I wish it was something lyrical, majestic, and deep.
It's not.
It's just science.
Sometimes science is sadder than fathers abandoning their children.
AJ Aug 2014
I'm not even allowed to be upset anymore.
This is some 1984 *******.

You used to be the only shape I prayed to.

In addition to a song I wrote last year, "I Need To Use Both Hands". Inspired by Iron&Wine;.
AJ Aug 2016
I'm rotten I know.

Broken AC.
Hornets without a nest.
What a mess.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Wet hair and blank stairs.

Simultaneously too bitter and too sweet.
AJ Jan 2014
Get away from me,
My evil twin is just around the corner.
You see,
She's very protective.
You need to leave,
She is not going to be merciful.
You see,
She wasn't born this defective.
A boy she thought was man
Told her she had a pretty face,
And she lost her footing on this cliff,
Trying to kiss the space bellow his eye and above his cheek.
"Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone I could save"
AJ May 2016
Television static nightmares.
Drowning in serotonin.
Melodramatics and acrobatics.
Punctured lungs and monkey bars.
AJ Jan 2014
Tell me
That I'm beautiful anyway.
AJ Jan 2015
Well, you know me.
I'd hate to miss an opportunity.
But it's just too good
Not to pass up.
AJ Aug 2013
Literally the strongest person I know.
And in this moment I am using the word "literally"
With the correct definition.
You are a complete klutz,
But the way you live your life is much more graceful than you let on.
You're the masterpiece the gods have waited for.
Little miss independent.
AJ Oct 2013
Kicking and screaming.
Just leave me be.
Please stop.
Take my innocence.
I don't care anymore.
Just go away.

Now I'm Kicking and screaming
Just leave me be.
Let me die.
Forget me and move on.
I can't do it anymore.
Just let me die.
White Walls
White Thoughts
Close Your Eyes
But Don't Get Caught
AJ May 2015
Rain falling while
The sun is shining
Is strange.
And those optical illusion things,
Those are strange too.
And how if you drink lemonade
After eating pancakes,
It tastes very very sour,
That is extremely strange.

And I just can't
Figure any of it out.
But why
Oh why
Oh why
Oh why
Can't I not just try?
AJ Nov 2013
Just checking in.
Not much has changed.
And I'm still miserable.
Probably by choice.
No one really knows by now.
I tried to be nice and creative and responsible.
But we all know how I like to fail.
I'm sorry, guys.
AJ May 2016
I hate the sun.
I like the rain.
I am the rain.

I am cold,
I am needed
And I'm often times annoying.

I love singing in the rain.
I love walking in the rain.
I love driving in the rain.
I am calm.
The rain is calm.

I follow the rain.
I hate climbing hills and paths.
I am always going down,
Sometimes trickling along,
Sometimes I am a force that takes the surrounding earth by storm.

Everything seems brighter after it rains.
Greener greens and grayer grays.

I hate the sun,
And I feel like  you would have loved it.
My beautiful boy.
And I'm sorry that you never got to see it.
I wish I could have carried you to it.
I'm sorry you only got to feel my rain.
I hope it was enough for you.
AJ Oct 2014
One day Bravery climbed all the way to the moon.
Yes, his name was Bravery.
And his middle name was Reagan.
And he was seven and three fourths.
But anyway, please pay attention to the actual story.
One day Bravery climber all the way to the moon.
He drew himself a staircase,
And he ran all the way.
He had to stop a few times
To catch his breath and take a drink of water,
You must stay hydrated.
But oh boy did he get there.

He was never "shooting for" the moon in the stars.
Bravery believes in strict gun control laws.
Plus he's only seven and three fourths.
AJ Sep 2013
The unkempt cluster of hair piled on the top of her head
The little wispy curls on the back of her neck.
That grey over sized, off the shoulder Tshirt.
Her slightly crooked glasses
That obtained that characteristic
When she not so gracefully sat on them.
The squeal she makes when I play that one song.
The smile she makes when I pull away from a kiss.
The eyes that actually show you another world.
Where the sky is silver, and the water is green, and the earth is blue.
And I can fly.
AJ Oct 2013
It's three in the morning,
And I am so tired.
But the thought of having to wake up
Is keeping me from falling asleep.
AJ Jul 2013
"There's nothing you can do that I haven't already done to myself."
I can dance naked to MSI if I really want to.
I really do want to.
That song awakens my inner stripper.
I'm making a tattoo appointment for this week.
Going to get a semicolon on my suicide scar so I never forget,
That I was once a dumb teenager
Who had more courage than I do right this second.
It makes me panic to think that they don't call english muffins
English muffins in England.
Two types of muffins?
Who would've thought?
It gives me anxiety.
My computer keeps translating all my pages into Polish.
Nie wiem nic.
Strange thing, but I don't mind.
I need more coffee,
Possibly *****,
But most likely coffee.
Jacob is going through a new phase,
And I will wonder if it'll last a few more months,
Till he turns four.
"You can't do that"
"Aaaaactually..... I can."
Aaaaaactually you can't munchkin.
But you keep reminding me you're not a munchkin,
You're a boy.
Silly boy.
Silly me.
AJ Jul 2013
Awh honey,
You didn't do it again did you?
Don't fall for me.
I already told you I was broken.
I'm a warrior.
I've been to battle.
I created the battles.
I shot myself.
I'm like a siren.
My bad.
Awh honey,
Just stop.
AJ Jun 2013
The first snow
When it just starts to stick to the ground
Around nine o clock,
And the snow dances in the streetlights.
And the first thing you think of when you wake up
Is getting to walk in it's beauty.
That's her smile.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The first time a hug meant something.
You feel their arms,
Their shoulders,
Their warmth,
The tickle of their breath on the bottom of the left side of your neck,
And the last moment when they tighten around you
Into a solid, comforting fortress before they pull away.
That's the air she exhales.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The most devastating thunder storm.
When the rain is sad,
And not peaceful or light hearted,
And the echo of the cracks of thunder sting your ears.
And the lightening stops getting interesting,
The lightening looks worried.
It looks like suicidal tendencies.
That's what it's like to see her cry.
But she doesn't think it's beautiful.

Battle fields.
Soiled with distraught courage,
Limp hopes,
And dying bravery.
Yet somehow holding the promise of a victory
That will effect hundreds of nations.
Those are her scars.
Yet she doesn't think it's beautiful.

The most perfect day on the beach.
Sandwiches without the sand,
Waves that kiss your toes,
Sun that blankets you with the feeling of security,
And a sunset so perfect
That you wonder if it's real,
Or just a calender's picture for the month of August.
That's her.
But she doesn't think she's beautiful.
AJ Jun 2013
Once there was a little girl,
With long curly hair,
And big blue eyes.
She sang before she could talk,
And ran before she could walk.
When she was young all she wanted to do was fly,
When she grew up all she did was cry,
And hope that when she grew up more,
She would die.
AJ Jun 2013
You used to have conversations with the beach.
"How are you this year?"
"I am getting older, and I do not think I like it."
"Just feel my waves, it will make you feel better."
And it did make you feel better.
No one else ever reached out to comfort you.
Even drowning is a nice hug.
Not too cool, but not warm at all.
The little boy trying to fly a kite
With no wind in sight
Never gives up
His hope of its flight.
The beach was your best friend.
AJ Nov 2014
I'm so scared
I just don't know it yet.
Spin me around
The vertigo is comforting.
Constant movement and changing
Is good sometimes.
AJ Jun 2013
My first name is Amanda,
Like the song by the band Boston.
"I'm gonna say it like a man and make you understand, Amanda, I love you".
My middle name is Rose,
Like my mother's middle name,
Like my favorite flower.
My third name is Charolet,
Like the book about the pig and the spider.
The spider died, and I missed her.
My last name will be Goodness,
Like the man who kisses the tip of my nose.
Like the man who can't cook a burger by himself.
AJ Oct 2013
I would say my heart beats
Like the ticking of the clock.

But now that everything is so digital,
I can honestly say
I haven't heard the ticking of a clock
In well over four months.

Which goes just about the same
For the beating of my heart.
AJ Aug 2013
I'm done.
So done.
AJ Jun 2013
The coffee maker is broken.
Cigarettes are over eight dollars a pack.
My cat is being moody.
I am out of avocados.
My glasses are cracked.
I cannot find any tape.
Nothing is wrong.
I am wrong.
I am tired.
My car is out of gas.
AJ Jan 2014
I don't have an idol.
I just idilize
The idea of
Being idolized.
AJ Mar 2015
This is a nonstop situation.
And you are not ready for a nonstop, yet.
We don't have time for you to stop
And catch your breath.

I pray to god that I'll have you for another day.
But you're losing.
Oh ******* it,
You're losing.
Could you please make it more subtle?
I'm starting to panic.
AJ Aug 2013
Co ja tutaj robię?
AJ Apr 2015
I don't know anymore,
Even the biggest waves crash.
AJ Aug 2013
Make it stop.
I wanna sleep.
AJ Mar 2016
It's unsettling.
The shape and form and texture.
The way that you have manifested yourself.
From a light lilac sky
To a deep purple abyss.
It's still purple,
AJ Aug 2014
You were a heartbreak.

Mothers in waiting rooms of the ER.
Fallen ice cream cones.

Didn't know whether to cradle you,
Or revolt.
I chose both.
AJ Dec 2018
I’m not quite sure what i should do.
I guess I’ll just lay here and wait for a storm
To pick me up and carry me away.
Maybe to the ocean?
We’ll sea.

If I’m drifting around, struggling to coast to a coast.
Will you send me a message in a bottle?
Not a map, just some encouraging words.

If you figure it out, please tell me before you tell everyone.
The weight of the world won’t wait.
An endless possibilty is a constraint.

There might be fire in my dragon eyes,
But it clouds my vision
With the smoke of an abandoned factory.
I’m seeing into the past
With restoration to when we thought this boom would last.
Success did not **** the life out of you,
You spit it out.

I said if you figured it out, please tell me before everyone.
That was supposed to be half the fun.
I’m not sure of the shore anymore.
AJ Jun 2013
Today I bought some cheap press powder
That makes my face smell like cinnamon and old people.
It was fifty percent off and I could not hold myself back.
I cashed another pay check today,
Money money money money.
Everyone is really annoying.
I liked it better when my worlds were separate.
They have all collided as of right now.
I just want everyone to unacquaint themselves,
And/or go **** themselves.
Because I cannot spare my feelings,
As well as all of yours
At the same time.
Tonight I went to Olive Garden,
I did not finish my mushroom ravioli.
Oh well.
Just another day in the life of a non-super hero.
AJ Jun 2013
I do not want to talk about "nothing".
I guarantee that you do not even know what significance nothing holds.
Nothing is so intimate.
Stories, and memories are just things that have happened to you,
they could have happened to anybody.
Nothing tells you exactly who I am,
And how I think,
How I react,
And my whole MO.
I could never be that vulnerable with something like you.
We can certainly NOT "talk about nothing"
This was inspired by a line from the song Dashboard by Modest Moues
"I told you about nothing, which was more than I wanted you to know."
AJ Mar 2018
Endless self indulgence,
And selflessness with an end.
I can't bring myself to be productive,
What a production.
Too old to be old enough for this.
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to be the villain.

I can dish it out,
But I can't take it.
You can tell me how vile,
I already know that I am.
AJ Feb 2015
I'm trying not to break,
And just fill in
The little pieces of me
That have chipped off.
But it's more like covering up
Than filling in.
Have you hear about that walnut trick?
You can rub it on scratched wood,
And it looks new again.
But I feel like it would be weird
Just to rub myself with a walnut.
Eventually I'll need to make some substantial repairs.
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