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AJ Sep 2017
I'm trying, I promise
I promise, I'm trying.

Twisting and turning
And turning the tides.

I'm trying to run,
I can't run, but I can hide.
AJ Jul 2013
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
Cigarettes, nail biting, and *****.
Bad habits die so much harder than I do.
I bought some sheets today,
And some bowls,
And a power strip.
And that made me think of a power trip,
And how I wish I was on one.
I have wrinkles under my eyes, you know?
I'm not sure when they happened,
But I know why.
Maybe if I ******* ate something....
They're not as dark as the scars on my thighs,
But still.
I am too old for this masochistic *******.
The days where I was fourteen,
And the school counselor would call my parents
Are over.
There is no poor little ****** senior boy who wants to save me.
Kiss my scars,
And mend my heart.
Force me to eat,
And fix me.
It's not cute anymore.
It's just annoying.
I'm just annoying.
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
AJ Aug 2014
I guess it's hard to pity
Some drunk girl whose not very pretty.
AJ Jun 2015
Oh no honey,
You don't understand.
It doesn't matter to me,
How you play the game.

I'm not even playing,
With my own money.

Tragedy and loss are dull,
The pain that comes from them,
Isn't even that sharp.

You know what is sharp?
Witt and skill and success.
Particularly mine.
So watch out.
I can hear you tiptoeing.
It's not working for you,
Is it?
AJ Jun 2013
I feel like ****.
Screaming doesn't make it better.
Crying doesn't make it better.
Take a walk and clear my mind.
Smoke a cigarette.
Nothing feels any better.
It's that feeling of desperation that clings to you,
Like wet clothes after a down pour.
It will only get better if I change my clothes.
But in order to do that I must get naked first,
And that could quite possibly be worse.
So I will sit here crying,
Waiting for them to dry.
But you forgot to tell me to get out of the rain first.
AJ Oct 2013
"Do it for the children", you say.
And then I hear the tiny giggles,
And I see the fireworks that never seem to leave their eyes.
How did those get there?
Did we put them there?
It's beautiful.
My heart always explodes
In tiny Ooo's and Aah's.
Anyway, I understand.
Do it for the children.
AJ Nov 2013
Maybe if I drown myself
In black coffee and expensive cigarettes,
I can forget that I am destined
To always be trash.
If I strive high enough,
One day I might even make it to average.
Even that is just a pipe dream, though.
AJ Nov 2013
I don't know what I'm doing.  
Going back to my parent's house to look through
Childhood photos and high school yearbooks.
It's not working.
I can't stop spinning.
Everyone always says childhood is the best time of your life
Then high school,
Then your twenties.
Which time is the best?
A lot of it has already past.
I didn't do it right, did I?
Where am I?
Too many drugs, too little time.
What is happening?
My golden years where more like sterling silver.
AJ Jun 2013
Today I slept till noon.
I never do this and it scared me a lot.
The whole day was gone.
I have felt empty ever since.

Today I cooked some pasta.
It didn't stick and tasted very good.
I ate way too much.
I have felt sick ever since.

Today I had a breakdown.
I screamed and cried and threw a fit.
I broke a picture frame.
I've felt tragic ever since.
AJ Dec 2013
Running out
Of alcohol.
AJ Sep 2013
Way to be so annoying.
I know that you have time to talk to me.
You just don't.
And I really don't mind,
As long as I get a ******* goodbye.
You started this.
End it.
Man up.
AJ Jul 2020
The kind of person who always calls out the first rain drop.

Escaping fatality,
In reality,
On a technicality.

Feeling lost at the expense of being honest.
Paid six hundred dollars, tipped with a promise.

Transaction complete.
No receipt.
Please remove your card.
AJ Sep 2013
White walls
White walls
Brick walls
Small walls.
Don't be fooled.
They can hear you screaming.
They just don't care.
AJ Jan 2015
It all used to be really simple.
And I'm not talking about
Crayons and sandboxes simple.
I mean,
These people will take care of you,
And these people will love you,
Everything is familiar
And soothing
And unified
And simple.

I'm just a casualty of a war that happened miles away.
I'm not sure of any of the details.
And the aftermath is foggy as well.
I just don't know what happened.
Just that everyone is gone.
Every one who used to love and take care of me.
And who I loved and took care of.

I don't long for sandboxes and crayon simplicity.
Just a time where things were....
When we all were.....
When I knew what the **** was going on.
AJ Nov 2014
My mind, my memories, and my nostalgia
Resemble into one of those
Boards they make when a crime is committed.

Cork boards with crumpled family photos
Pinned helpless with a rusty push pin.

Profiles of everyone who I loved
And everyone who loved me.

Lines drawn in blood connecting all of the events.
Everything chronological.

The gory, ******, close ups.
From when all of these scars were in the making.

Maps with X's and O's.
Like holiday cards from my grandmother.

Sporadic, confusing, and painful for anyone to look at.
Grusem and misleading.
Can't be fixed.
Can't be helped.
Can't be solved.

Soon to be a cold case file.
AJ Jan 2014
Don't tell me that I am the one who crossed a line,
When you're hiding out here with your illegitimate baby and your lost mind.
I don't care how many times you pray
With your grandmother's broken rosary.
You ****** a many, you took his money, and you blew his brains out.
Your not even sorry, your apologies don't count.
Asking Jesus to die for you again
Because you have way too many sins.

I crossed a line.
AJ Jun 2013
Once upon a time there was a girl.
In the summer she'd hold her breath underwater in the three foot pool. 47 seconds.
In the fall she'd look at the trees from the car window and wonder why she didn't change color with them.
In the winter her boots would get stuck in the snow just like the cat and she'd laugh.
In the spring she'd make potions with leaves, seeds, and sandbox rain water.

Once upon a time the girl was a little bit older.
In the summer the pool would be too small, she'd be too tall.
In the fall she'd become enthralled with girls and wouldn't think of the leaves again.
In the winter she'd realize not all children were hit and hated at home.
In the spring she'd fill herself with alcoholic potions the leaves and rain water couldn't touch.

Once upon a time the girl aged even more.
In the summer she'd throw her last scrap of childhood to the big bad wolf. He gave her a token.
In the fall she'd change like the leaves, but then the magic would leave. She'd lose the token.
In the winter she'd fall in the gravel infested snow. She wouldn't laugh.
In the spring she'd try to end it all with a potion of sleep and cool metal. It wouldn't work.

Once upon a time it was right about now.
I'm changing like the leaves, stuck in the snow, taking too many "potions". The whole time I've been holding my breath. 571,501,629 seconds.
AJ Dec 2013
It feels like feet migraines.
That's what I called them
When I was little.
When you put your feet into the ocean
At 47 degrees.
And your feet ache from the cold.
But even when you run back,
Avoiding the waves,
It still hurts.
"It's like a headache, but in my feet."

That's how everything feels now.
Every day.
Even my heart,
And my dragon eyes,
And my loud tongue.
AJ Jun 2016
Caterpillars drowning in the rain.
Not your typical sundance romance situation.
Financial calculators,
Homemade ice cream cake,
Oil change 3 months overdue,
One of those museums made up of an old town where people dress is 19th century clothing,
***** martinis.
AJ Jun 2013
I went for a run,
And listened to the sweet stylings of Eminem and Pink.
I enjoy the puns while my lungs are giving out due to my exertion of energy.
After an hour I jumped into the pond,
And I watched the fish swim around me.
And they looked to peaceful,
And they wished their fish wishes.
And it reminded me of an effortless cloud.
And that reminded me of my favorite childhood poem.
It was from Winnie The Pooh.
"How sweet to be a Cloud
Floating in the Blue!
It makes him very proud
To be a little cloud."
And I thought about how much has changed since I first heard that poem.
Now I love poems about suicide, ***, and self deprivation,
But I still wish I was a cloud,
And I do not love that poem any less.
AJ Oct 2015
I can't seem to stop asserting my dominance.
Some people don't mind, though.

Spike my drink with a little realism, love bug.
AJ Sep 2015
I had no idea,
That you wanted to be a disaster
Quite this badly.
AJ Jan 2015
Your smile is the sun
That every once in a while
Peaks from behind the clouds.
But most of the time,
I'm out here rocking a midst this wicked storm,
That no god would be cruel enough
To dream up for a sailor like me.

This wooden ship is sinking,
I wish it were iron.
I never did get enough iron
Probably because I'm a vegetarian.
If my dreams can keep this ship alive
Just for three or four more days
Maybe a beautiful siren,
Or mermaid
Will grant me the mercy and compassion
Of luring me to my death.
I've set out to sea,
On a boat that's just too small.
But on board there's only me.
A captain with no shots to call.
AJ Jul 2013
OH MY ******* GOD.
I need a night out.
I need to drink.
I need to do lines of snow.
I need to dance.
I need to go crazy.
Swim in a heated pool at three am.
Throw a bottle of ***** in a wood chipper.
Scream at the top of my lungs.
Turn a few girls gay.
And walk around like I own every
******* person in the room.
Someone take me out.
I'm bored.
I need a power trip.
AJ Dec 2013
Its 3am and I'd rather be somewhere else.
I  made a veggie burger.
And ate a jar of pickles.
And thought about crying,
But I didn't want to exert the energy.
AJ May 2014
When I first met you,
You has this smile on your face.
And I swear to god
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
But if you looked at the ground
The way you looked at me,
I promise you
At least four dozen flowers
Would have sprouted right up from the ground.
You were that magical.

But three months in,
And a bottle and a half of *****,
You hit me so hard,
That you left bite marks in my mind,
And scars on my heart composed of your fingerprints.

All the flowers have died.
AJ Jul 2013
This is killing me.
You are killing me.
You sick little ****.
I'm not going to answer your calls.
It is making me feel like I'm in a baracade.
And you have opened fire.
You're trying to luer me out
With ****** voicemails
"Baby I wanna *******".
"I love it when you scream no".
"Make me a sandwhich doll face".
"Let me ******* to death".
I will rip out my own heart before I answer.
Before I leave my bunker.
******* you sadist pig.
AJ Aug 2014
I'm not sure anymore.
But does it matter.
I'm a cat that curiosity has yet to ****.
And I need a new mouse to play my games.

The old one ran away.

Text me a ****.
Send me a song.
Tell me your newest theory on life.

It doesn't matter.
AJ Jun 2013
Sometimes I whisper my secrets to the ceiling.
Only when the lights are off,
And the fan is spinning.
The fan is very nosey.
I think he is a German spy.
Or maybe I'm the German spy,
And that's what my secrets are all about.
No one will ever know.
Of course,
For the ceiling.
AJ Sep 2013
I was literally *****
Over four years ago,
And I'm not over it yet.
I feel so ******* defeated.
And I've neer stop thinking
"I might as well just **** myself now,
Because this is pretty ******* pathetic."
But I'm still here.
And I think I regret the decision
To stay in this world.
But I'm not sure.
I'm just so ******* defeated.
And I know it's up to me to fix my problems
And be my own hero
And put positivity into my life.
But I tried
And I can't
And I'm weak.
And I realize it's supposed to be hard.
But I actually can't do it.
I hate him.
And I hate you.
And I hate who I am.
And I hate
I hate
I hate.
AJ Aug 2013
The kind of treatment I need can no longer come from a bottle.
I need to wander around the city late at night.
I need to spend all day drinking coffee and looking around a second hand book store.
I need to exchange life stories with a stranger, and then never see them again.
I need some space for the time in my head to justify itself.
I need to tour an art museum.
I need to go to the beach and sit in one spot all day.
I need to go 24 hours without any form of human contact.
I need to sing, and cry, and scream loudly in my car, speeding down the highway.
I need to go to the movie theater for a triple feature all by myself.
And lastly I need to get a big bottle of gin,
And a bigger bottle of pills,
And have a nice big meal with the two,
And take a nice long nap.
Because the kind of treatment I need,
Sorry about that.
AJ Jul 2013
When I was little
I read Goodnight moon every night.
And I'd goodnight kiss my bed.
And my door.
And my rocking chair.
And the floor.
And then I'd set up four little stuffed animal guards,
Back to back,
To watch the four walls of my room.
So that all the demons couldn't get to me.
They were my troops.
If I closed my eyes,
The ceiling was made of raindrops,
Frozen still.
But they weren't cold.
If I layed flat on my back,
I could hear the sound of my guards talking.
Mutiny they said.
They were going to over throw me.
They had secretly been the demons the whole time.
Those sneaky little *******.
So I crushed them under the weight of my toys,
That very second.
And the next day I pierced all their ears with a bidazler.
And I drew them tattoos.
I made them the thugs they wanted to be.
They didn't like it.
Repented for their sins.
But I used no crayola.
Punishment is a sharpie,
I had told them that before.
And that was the night I realized
I'm so much stronger than the demons.
I do not need a guard.
Goodnight moon.
AJ Jun 2013
Today I tried to eat an apple.
It was green and shiny,
And did not contain one of those worm holes.
You know,
The ones you see in the cartoons.
It was a very nice apple,
But, you see,  no matter how hard I tried,
I could not enjoy it.
I do not like green apples,
And the apple cannot change that.
No matter how nice and shiny it is.
Only I can change that,
And I do not want to.
I do not like green apples.
AJ Mar 2017
I feel like a child unable to give up hope.
Come inside.
It will probably start to rain soon.
I know I'm not the best shelter.
AJ Jun 2013
The sun makes me feel like a failure.
I do not know why.
I have no stories about it,
Or metaphors to give you.
I do not like to be warm.
I do not like things dry.
I do not like things bright.
I like the rain because it actually touches you
It doesn't just tempt you like the sun.
If the sun touched you,
You would die.
The sun is homicidal.
It just doesn't commit the murders.
I have yet to decide if that is out of laziness,
Or compassion.
Maybe it is both.
I'll go with both.
AJ Jun 2013
My eyes hurt.
I don't know if it's because I'm tired
Or sad
Or I got shampoo in them,
And didn't realize it.
None the less they burn,
And I feel dizzy,
And sick,
And a bit like a fallen child actor.
AJ Jun 2013
Lying in the grass at two in the morning,
Smoking some Marlboro 27s,
With a bottle of Sobieski by my side.
I'm staring into the completely blank sky,
And the clouds have gypped me again.
My stomach feels warm,
My head feels heavy.
The clouds where too ominous.
I should have remembered foreshadowing from my childhood.
The one vocab used every ******* year ,
From ages 10 to 18.
I knew it was going to rain.
By this point I don't have enough sobriety stored up to care.
Or to leave.
If the rain wants to get in my hair, and my mouth, and my clothes, and my soul,
It'll be closer than I want anyone else to be at this moment.
AJ Dec 2014
I don't know
My stomach is in knots tonight
And I need someone to help untie them.
And kiss my forehead
Or something.
Please love me.
I'm not desperate, I'm drunk.
I'm shivvering and very upset and very cute.
Love me.
AJ Aug 2013
You would think that the breathing would come easier by now.
If you thought that,
You are just so wrong.
Just so ******* wrong.
I'm stuck writing a song
That was only meant to be heard by the deaf,
And the lyrics read by the blind,
Sung by the mute.
They said it will be just fine.
But if words
Could come
Then life would lose
A bit
Of the fear factor.
But there's no way to describe how it feels
When you realize you parents are actually people,
And the only reason that you're ****** up is yourself,
And it's nobody else's problem.
You can write out the emotion behind
Losing all that you've confided in,
When you lose your other half,
And it wasn't your fault
And you can't stop them all.
You can't fix what you didn't break,
You can only take the fall.
I'm always too hot or too cold,
It's not because I'm getting old.
I've just been overcompensating for the heat that's down here
In the hell I put myself in.
We're all our own Satan.
AJ Jun 2013
Could you be a little quieter? I don't want you to over hear yourself.
Could you be a little less confident? You forget your wings and I think you fell.
Was it from hell?
Where did you get that vile sense of knowing who you're not?
Don't get caught dreaming
About the seemingly impossible.
Not everything is plausible,
Some things are just impossible.

I'm sorry but you're under arrest for impersonation
There will be confiscation
Of your soul.
Which seems to have been sold my dear.
Why didn't I hear of this?
I'm sorry but the story you call your life seems to be a lie,
So don't even try to change it.
Looks to me like a hit and run.
You hit yourself, my dear, well done.

Could you be a little more clear? I don't think you know just who you are.
Could you please stop convincing yourself what you think you need? You won't go far.
You're no shooting star.
Your attitude will get you killed here by midnight just so you know.
No where to go.
Just get out of your head right now please.
You fall to your knees as I tell you

I'm sorry but you're under arrest for impersonation
there will be confiscation
of your soul.
Which seems to have been sold my dear.
Why didn't I hear of this?
I'm sorry but the story you call your life seems to be a lie,
So don't even try to change it.
Looks to me like a hit and run.
You hit yourself, my dear, well done.
AJ Jul 2013
I'm only interesting when my pain is fresh.
It has festered now,
And I just feel repetitive and bitter.
Like a green apple,
I hate green apples.
AJ Apr 2023
One day I will finally turn back and look at her.
I can’t look back just yet.
I don’t want to see her.
I don’t want her to see me.
I don’t want them to see me.
When I finally escaped, I did not believe the first step.
I was running in place behind a closed door.
And now I’m miles away, out of danger, but I cannot stop running.
I cannot slow down.
I cannot look back.
One day I will turn back and look at her,
And I will take her with me.
And I will slow down for her.
“You remember too much, my mother said to me recently. Why hold onto all that?

And I said,
Where do I put it down?”
-Anne Carson
AJ Jul 2013
Some people are madly in love with me,
And it makes me so sad.
I know some of you might not think of much me,
But I regret to inform you that I'm a real heartbreaker.
The way I walk around this earth,
With my high heeled attitute, my mermade hair, and my blue dragon eyes.
"She'll save me,
She's magic."
It's completely false.
And completely tragic.
I can only reflect what you're putting into me.
I try not to use you all,
I really do.
I didn't want to be your first time baby girl,
I didn't want him to give me his heart on a silver platter.
It didn't matter.
I was only playing a stupid little game.
I can't quite remember the name.
But it's all I know to do.
I'm sorry I'm such a good ****.
I'm sorry I'm so **** cute when I'm high.
I'm sorry I have the voice of an angel.
I'm sorry I can read you so well.
I'm sorry every time I say one of your names there's an electric current
Running from your stomach,
To you fingertips,
And back.
I'm sorry every slip up is precisely planned.
I'm sorry I have you in my hand.
I can't tell if it's a conscience effort or not.
I guess I forgot.
I'm just an alcoholic nympomaniac.
But the real problem with that,
Is that I am unbelievably brilliant.
And I am unbelievably sorry
That you all ran head on into the little web I forgot to unspin.
AJ Jul 2013
Can I make a sandwich at midnight?
Yes I can, actually.
Shut your
I like to ****.
I like to eat sandwiches at midnight.
I like to smoke.
I like to write poetry.
And make out in elevators.
And be young.
And I will **** **** if I want to,
And I will be  **** if I want to.
Try and stop me?
AJ Oct 2014
It's 10:51
My Philosophy of Science class
Wasn't supposed to end until 11:15.
There is 39 minutes until Accounting.
I don't like this.
Because the cafe will be too full
It would cause a bad attack.
Because I was dumb and didn't take
My anti anxiety meds.
So I have to sit down on a bench in the hallway.
Stairs are a wreck.
My knees just shake.
I took too much of my friend's adderall
Because I never went to sleep.
And I needed to do all of these assignments
And exams
And papers
And swap tragic life stories with Becca
And I only picked at a piece of watermelon for breakfast
And now I have the shakes.
And I'm either really ******* hot
Or really ******* cold.
And I don't know which one.
So I'm just wearing a really warm sweatshirt.
Isn't this great
AJ Jan 2015
It's not a physical regret.
Nothing physical to regret.

I let you do things that I don't like.
My back is all scraped up.
Because I am guilty
So I let you use me.
Because I let him use me.
Well, he didn't get to use me.
Nothing physical.

Nervous ticks and cigarette smoke.
Empty hotel rooms,
Waiting for my phone to light up.
To go off.
To make a sound.
Nothing physical.

I'm sorry I 'm so good looking.
And that I'll please anyone
Who caters to my needs
And gives me constant compliments.
Too bad it wasn't physical.
Just being young.
AJ Feb 2017
It’s the little things that are scaring me. About my OCD, my depression, my anxiety, my PTSD, my eating disorder. I feel like if I write this down it will make sense. That she will read it (even though I know she won’t).

There are things that I got past, left behind, and haven’t thought about in a while. Things that are coming back to me, and they feel like an uninvited guest that is overstaying their welcome. Someone I used to spend a lot of time with. But now I have no desire to see her.

No matter how many oils I diffuse, how many mason jars I buy, how many times a day I do yoga, how many bottles of organic apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and raw honey I buy

She isn’t leaving.

She won’t let me listen to playlists on shuffle, it’s to chaotic for her. It makes her anxious when she doesn’t know what song is going to come on next. She cleans her ears with Qtips three times a day. Three Qtips each time.  She has to knock on something made of wood or paper 3 times every time she thinks a jinxing thought. If more than 30 seconds passes without doing so, she starts to panic. She can’t fall asleep without her queue filled, her clothes laid out, her bag packed and triple checked, the door lock checked three times, and lotion applied to her hands and feet three times. It makes me nervous and I want to help her.

She’s always tired. She does everything from her bed. It takes her 3 hours to prepare for a thirty minute trip to the grocery store. Another hour to prepare for a shower. She doesn’t care about anything. She goes to class, gets in bed, goes to work, gets in bed. I hate her. She’s so ******* lazy. She stares at her scars, and wishes she had more. She wishes they were deeper. She isn’t going to do anything about it, I assure you, but she can’t get it off her mind. The dog scratched her leg last week, and she’s become obsessed with the new scar. It’s sickening. I want to, but I can’t help her.

She is always calculating and recalculating things in her mind, money and time and schedules down to a T. Always crunching numbers. Calculating how much each minute of a college semester costs, and adjusting for every new factor that comes to mind. She can’t take it when anything throws things off by a single minute or cent. She can’t deal with changes in plans, or cancellations. Even if nothing is wrong. She’ll start over thinking, thoughts rapidly increasing their pace as they violently force their way through her brain. She has to ring her hands or pinch her thighs just to catch her breath. It’s painful to see, and I can’t help her.

She used to have small flashbacks during the day, easy to cope with, more like a day dream. And it’s been four years since they’ve been a regular thing. But now they keep her up at night as she tries to fall asleep. She’s in another place. She can feel it on her skin, she can hear it in her ears, she can smell it around her. She keeps getting lost in this world, and I can’t get her out of it. I can see her trying to fight back, but it takes her forever to shake them. She comes out of it, dissociated with her head spinning, and she has to turn the light on and stair at objects and count tiles or walk around to make sense of things again.  I feel like I’m watching her doing all of this and I can’t help her.

I buy all of this food and cook all these healthy meals, and she throws it all away. She just binge eats yogurt, boiled eggs, fast food and cereal. And I always hear her throwing up after. It makes me sick. She keeps putting boxes of multi grain cheerios in the shopping cart, and then putting them back on the shelf. Every week. She used to eat exactly 1 cup of that a day for about a year, and nothing else (at least nothing else that she doesn’t throw up). Don’t get me wrong, it was an amazing diet for her, but I can’t stand the sight of them anymore. I can’t help her.

I just want to help her move on. Get out of this place. I don’t want to see her anymore. We’ve been friends since I was a kid. Her family is friends with my family. Some of my friends have friends like her, and some have no idea what I mean if I mention her. She doesn’t like to be around anyone, and no on likes to be around her. So I hide her. I can’t shake her. I can’t help her. I get her out of bed every day. I brush her teeth and help her to the shower. I get her out of the house most days. I help her write her emails, do her course work, make her coffee, and clean he room. But it’s too much. She’s a mess and I can’t help her.

I can't help her.
AJ Jul 2013
I'm sorry you are jealous.
I'm sorry you are falling in love with me.
I'm sorry you want someone to fall in love with.
I'm sorry you feel unfulfilled.
I'm sorry you feel trapped.
I'm sorry you can't open up for extended periods of time without feeling annoying.
I'm sorry you make me feel annoying if I do.
I'm sorry if you feel you're a twenty-something wreck.
I'm sorry I'm a young, talented, heart breaker.
I'm sorry because I like you.
I'm sorry I'm not in love with you.
AJ Oct 2015
I know that time is an illusion,
A man made concept,
And anything else
That terrified and pretentious philosophers
Say to make themselves feel better.

But there is no ******* reason,
That four days with you,
Feels like two hours.
And two hours away,
Feels like half a century.

No ******* reason.
AJ Jul 2015
My body's mechanism for keeping me warm isn't working.
I'm shivering.
But I am cold.
I am cold.
I am cold.
I am tired.
And I am working.
And I am tired of working.
And I am tired of being cold.

But I can't step out into the sun yet.
Stop ruining our chances of warmth,
You pushed both of us into our separate caves.
We didn't have to be isolated.
I can't help you.
I am cold.

I need a ******* ******* drink,
And a ******* ******* cigarette,
And a ******* ******* blanket.
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