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Sep 2013 · 707
It's Getting Dark
AJ Sep 2013
I have been tired,
For a long time.
And I'm just about ready
To go to sleep for good.
Sep 2013 · 869
I'm Stuck
AJ Sep 2013
I feel genuinely not okay
On a daily basis.
It is a sincere struggle to pry myself out of bed,
Or take a shower,
Or go outside.
So I am baffled at the thought
Of having to do work
And look presentable all the time.
I can barely breath right now.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Moja Miłość
AJ Sep 2013
The unkempt cluster of hair piled on the top of her head
The little wispy curls on the back of her neck.
That grey over sized, off the shoulder Tshirt.
Her slightly crooked glasses
That obtained that characteristic
When she not so gracefully sat on them.
The squeal she makes when I play that one song.
The smile she makes when I pull away from a kiss.
The eyes that actually show you another world.
Where the sky is silver, and the water is green, and the earth is blue.
And I can fly.
Sep 2013 · 784
AJ Sep 2013
Collin had a bit of a melt down a few minutes ago
He is in time out now.
You can't just spill juice on the floor, Collin.
No ghost tricks without my permission.
Four year olds are the biggest handfuls.
I am ignoring his constant attempts to get my attention.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Sana Mehaidli
AJ Sep 2013
You look at me like I created the oceans,
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's just too bad that you set my pedestal to self destruct,
So that I'd feel like a suicide bomber.
Sep 2013 · 663
Półowa i półowa
AJ Sep 2013
I purged three times today.
This is the ******* life.
I hate it.

On the other hand

I showed my self control three times today.
I'm getting back on track.
I love it.
Sep 2013 · 768
Get Out of My Place
AJ Sep 2013
I was literally *****
Over four years ago,
And I'm not over it yet.
I feel so ******* defeated.
And I've neer stop thinking
"I might as well just **** myself now,
Because this is pretty ******* pathetic."
But I'm still here.
And I think I regret the decision
To stay in this world.
But I'm not sure.
I'm just so ******* defeated.
And I know it's up to me to fix my problems
And be my own hero
And put positivity into my life.
But I tried
And I can't
And I'm weak.
And I realize it's supposed to be hard.
But I actually can't do it.
I hate him.
And I hate you.
And I hate who I am.
And I hate
I hate
I hate.
AJ Sep 2013
I am anxiously awaiting the day when
I am not afraid of
I am not obsessed with
I am not stressed over
I am not anxious thinking about
I am not sick because of

But at the same time....

I just crave the days where
I would have two bites of a pancake all day long,
And rewarded myself with not having
To down half a loaf of bread,
Or purge everything up.

The days where I'd have more than 300 calories
And want to slit my ******* wrists,
But my slashes it got me to get rid of those calories.

The days when I felt empty
And empty felt full
And full felt clean
And clean felt light
And light felt healthy
And healthy felt thin.

My teeth can rot.
My muscles can ache.
My legs can bleed.
I just want to go back to that.

It's not as easy as I remember
Getting back into the habit.
I know once I'm there
It's smooth sailing.
It's killing me either way.
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
AJ Sep 2013
How can I be so tired?
I want to get out of here.
I want to sleep.
I want to get out of here.
Mary Had a Little Lamb for Dinner
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Son XI
AJ Sep 2013
This week I have been teaching my little ghost to read.
We have started with, of course,
Cat in the Hat.
His favorite letter is C.
Because it's in his name,
And it's in chocolate.
And it's shaped like a cookie with a bite taken out of it.
Those are his words not mine.
He is very good at this.
I am so proud of my little Collin.
His new nickname is "mostly ghostly".
He learned it from his new friend Jordan.
Baby **** life.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Sep 2013 · 583
AJ Sep 2013
Way to be so annoying.
I know that you have time to talk to me.
You just don't.
And I really don't mind,
As long as I get a ******* goodbye.
You started this.
End it.
Man up.
Sep 2013 · 665
AJ Sep 2013
I cannot begin to describe
The thoughts that go through my mind
When  I think of you.
You make me think of things
I haven't thought about since I was six,
And it's like you know what
Thoughts I will think tomorrow.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
White Lace Dress
AJ Sep 2013
Albany Rosaline Smith.
On Mondays Albany went down to the store to get milk.
Her mother always gave her twenty five cents.
Twenty for the milk,
And five for some candy.
All the boys she passed along the way would tell her how she was
Genuinly beautiful.
And she knew it.
Albany was gorgeous.
On her sixteenth birthday she let Bobby Fisher
**** her under the oak tree
Out back in the feild behind the pond.
"You're something special there, Albany,"
He told her.
She knew it was true,
But it was a nice gesture,
So she let him **** her from behind this time.
Albany became Misses Fisher two years later,
Three weeks after graduation.
It was just the thing to do back then.
They had four kids,
And she was a good mom.
Mathilda, Lizabeth, Marcus, and Temprance.
Three of which were Bobby's.
One of which was the town physician's.
Bobby never knew.
He was a mill worker.
He was not very bright.
But Albany was.
Bright and Beautiful.
She died at the age of forty-two.
She was ***** an killed by the doctor.
He was also the mortician,
So no one questioned it.
It was a small town.
Sep 2013 · 939
Elemeno P
AJ Sep 2013
White walls
White walls
Brick walls
Small walls.
Don't be fooled.
They can hear you screaming.
They just don't care.
Sep 2013 · 3.5k
AJ Sep 2013
It's four o clock in the ******* morning,
And I'm making coffee,
And binge eating vegan chili from a can,
And charcoal-ing naked women,
And getting ******* emotional over Kardashian reruns.
How did this even become my life?
******* it.
I am so unsettled right now.
I miss my man.
Sep 2013 · 826
Son X
AJ Sep 2013
Collin has developed a new love for salads.
I could not be more pleased.
He does have to cover them in cheese,
But ghosts can't really become obese...
So I will take what I can get.
There is another ghost boy in our building.
His name is Jordan,
He is five and he has lived here for two years.
They play together when I'm busy.
Jordan is very tough,
So I have been teaching Collin to hold his own.
No one will push my baby around.
He's too special for that.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Son IX
AJ Sep 2013
My little ghost baby Collin and I moved the other day.
We were in the car for about five hours.
Unfortunately he did not sleep.
He was going through boxes and singing loud songs.
He was excited though.
I had been sick,
I still am.
Collin had a stuffy nose last night.
I made him stay in bed all day,
And eat some ghost soup.
I did not start unpacking one thing until today.
All the basics are put away.
We don't have much.
We have a lot of spoons though.
Collin is making me read him this right now.
He wants me to tell you all that he likes spoons.
Silly silly baby.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
The One That Got Away
AJ Sep 2013
My fishy seems to have swam away,
Which is very odd because he lived in a bowl
In the suburbs.
How did this happen?
Here fishy fishy.
I don't want to have to get a new one.
This fishy came pretrained,
And could already do tricks,
The other fishies bore me.
Where's the flattery?
Here fishy fishy.
Sep 2013 · 464
Oh miesko.
AJ Sep 2013
You have
A lot of
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
I Wish I Was A Bunny Rabbit
AJ Sep 2013
Your name should not even have the
To be uttered from my lips.
Every syllable that comes out
Is like a tiny pinprick
On the ball of my foot.
It's disgusting.
You're annoying.
I thought I was playing you,
But I guess you were playing me too,
And I'm really confused right now
Over how I'm even caring about this.
Is going on here?
AJ Aug 2013
I never saw the shadow of a tree,
And thought it was a person.
This is quite a letdown to me.
The closest I got was thinking
That my boot was actually my cat.
I wish I could find away to tell myself I'm beautiful.
I didn't know it then,
But I did self harming before I knew what it was.
Back when I was six or seven.
I started bruising myself when my house got loud
With swearing and yelling and
The occasional smack across the face,
And the loud drunken verbal lashings.
I'd sit behind my door,
And hold myself really tight
And pinch my rib cage all over.
Till I couldn't stand it.
It was a nice distraction.
Aug 2013 · 709
AJ Aug 2013
I'm done.
So done.
AJ Aug 2013
I think one of the saddest feelings in the world,
Is when the house you spent your whole life in,
The house you took your first steps in,
The house you grew up in from age 0 to now,
No longer feels like yours.
Your room feels like a hotel room.
And you could never fall asleep in any other bed,
But this bed no longer feels like yours.
And you have to get out,
And you know when you're getting out,
And it doesn't seem fast enough,
But you don't want to leave.
You grew up and SOMEHOW
Became an adult while no one was watching,
But you weren't watching either.
And no one was recording it.
And you're not too certain when the exact moment was.
But suddenly you see the world isn't outside the walls of your town.
The world is your town,
And the rest of the world is actually the universe,
And the universe is actually just a town.
And that is terrifying.
"A girl with a bird she found in the snow
Then flew up her gown and that's how she knows
If God made her eyes for crying at birth
Then left the ground to circle the earth."
Aug 2013 · 865
AJ Aug 2013
Today Collin disappeared.
He was not around when I woke up,
He was not around when I got back from picking up my car,
He was not around when I got home from running errands.
I would have called the police,
If there was any such thing as a Casper Alert.
Oh, what a horrid thing to lose a little ghost boy.
Who can help you?
He finally came back at dinner time,
Only because I had made mac n cheese.
He had gone to the park all ******* day long.
Collin is only four,
This is unacceptable.
He had me running ragged.
He is not allowed to go out for three weeks now.
And he is not leaving my sight for those three weeks.
Especially since we are moving Monday.
I have to pack his ghost clothes,
And his little translucent ghost toys.
Dear god, Collin,
You scared me.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
AJ Aug 2013
You were told this was perfection.
But isn't it ironic
How that man did not create the universe in seven days,
And you were not born without original sin?
And after that night in the basement
You are definitely no ******.
An attempt at a shotgun wedding
Ends up with a shotgun in your daddy's hand,
A lot of tears,
A few screaming last words,
And the secession from the union.
If I'm being over dramatic you may tell me to stop.
You got an old apartment
Where the thermostat doesn't control anything.
You're crying over the stretch marks,
And he's telling you it's just a permanent reminder
That she was once inside you,
And you guys were one person.
He is giving you a false sense of hope.
He leaves three weeks after Amelia is born,
He runs away with the waitress down at the diner.
She's pregnant too.
It's a boy.
You raise her to the best of your ability,
She is mentally *******.
You do not have the money to take care of her
The way she needs to be taken care of.
You start doing heroine,
You did ******* before you were pregnant.
You end up hitting Amelia every day,
She is only seven.
Your landlord hears you
Screaming at her
When he comes to collect the rent on a saturday morning.
Amelia is taken away.
You are now in the corner.
You're not even crying,
You have drank yourself into a coma.
You are not waking up.
It's ironic because your ******* name is Mary.
******* it.
Aug 2013 · 651
Zamknij się
AJ Aug 2013
Maybe I'm just tired,
But 3 am
Brings some really appealing thoughts to mind.
AJ Aug 2013
If I close my eyes,
And I count to five,
Will your god come down,
And make me feel alive?
If I watch the clock
That's ticking away,
Will I find relief?
Is that safe to say?

If I feel the beats,
Of my heart in my throat,
Will I learn to sing
The most beautiful notes?
If I take one breath,
Strong as hurricanes,
Can I storm away,
Like the sideways rain?

If I take the hand
You graciously offer,
Will the nightmares end?
Please get him off her!
If I tap my foot,
Impatiently so,
How long will it take
For you to let go?
I wrote this to the beat of "The Boy With the Coin" by Iron & Wine
Aug 2013 · 559
The Atlantic
AJ Aug 2013
When I was little,
I spent my summers in Maine.
You could not pull me out of the ocean.
The ocean was practically my best friend.
We were very close.
And I had a boogie board that I named paul.
And we would spend the whole day in the water.
That's ******* weird.
AJ Aug 2013
You would think that the breathing would come easier by now.
If you thought that,
You are just so wrong.
Just so ******* wrong.
I'm stuck writing a song
That was only meant to be heard by the deaf,
And the lyrics read by the blind,
Sung by the mute.
They said it will be just fine.
But if words
Could come
Then life would lose
A bit
Of the fear factor.
But there's no way to describe how it feels
When you realize you parents are actually people,
And the only reason that you're ****** up is yourself,
And it's nobody else's problem.
You can write out the emotion behind
Losing all that you've confided in,
When you lose your other half,
And it wasn't your fault
And you can't stop them all.
You can't fix what you didn't break,
You can only take the fall.
I'm always too hot or too cold,
It's not because I'm getting old.
I've just been overcompensating for the heat that's down here
In the hell I put myself in.
We're all our own Satan.
Aug 2013 · 1.7k
Ciepły Kącik
AJ Aug 2013
There's more than one way to turn two bodies
Into one.
**** my soul till it's raw.
Fill me to the brim with your broken ego.
I'll dance my catastrophic tongue along your weak spot,
Your achilles heel.
Which, of course,
Is me breaking your ego.
I'll let you penetrate me with a silent stare,
Oh god,
Yes there.
Dive into my insecurities,
Call my bluff,
Put me on a pedestal,
Rigged to collapse into ruins.
I like when you push me.
Don't break me,
Ecstasy comes when I break myself,
Smash myself into over analyzed bits and sociopathic pieces.
Make it harder for me to figure you out,
Give me a challenge.
**** yes,
I love a challenge.
Reading an open book is easy,
Picking up a locked journel off an abandoned bookshelf,
Now that pushes me over the edge.
Let's change into a more comfortable position,
Where you ramble an incoherent childhood stories,
And I retort loudly in my native language,
And you storm off because no one is right,
And no one is wrong.
And you get off on the point that there is no point.
Just build it up.
Touch my mind.
Don't touch my heart,
No stop.
Yes there.
A little more.

Aug 2013 · 602
AJ Aug 2013
Make it stop.
I wanna sleep.
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
AJ Aug 2013
It's three am
I hear him whisper
"Mommy, I'm scared."
Now 40% of my bed is taken up by a snoring ghost baby.
Goodnight Collin.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Aug 2013 · 1.8k
I Never Had A Tricycle
AJ Aug 2013
I don't even think there was a trigger this time.
I think it just became a very big relapse
Very very quickly.
Or it is just a big delayed reaction of
Of a certain act of
Now I cry through the bulimic tag every night
Like the stupidest ***** this side of the city.
And I fix my breathing with my beautiful ******* razors,
Inside my friend's bathrooms.
I'd rather feel empty,
You have to spend less money on alcohol that way.
A certain act of valor.
Not that I can blame the poor baby,
It was my own fault.
Masochistic you could say.
I don't want to die,
I just want to stop suffering.
I just want to suffer.
I just want to suffer until I make everything perfect.
Until I'm someone's prize possession.
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
AJ Aug 2013
Sometimes you're a drunken little brat.
Have fun with that.
Insult me all you want.
I'm the dealer,
You can't beat the house.
The house always wins.
AJ Aug 2013
I will not write happier poems because you enjoy them more.
If I force it I will hate it.
And if I hate what I write I will start to cry.
And we all know how messy that can be.
We all know how you hate that.
You have three emotions,
Witnessing any more than that makes you ill.
Aug 2013 · 649
Go Ahead, Roll Your Eyes
AJ Aug 2013
The kind of treatment I need can no longer come from a bottle.
I need to wander around the city late at night.
I need to spend all day drinking coffee and looking around a second hand book store.
I need to exchange life stories with a stranger, and then never see them again.
I need some space for the time in my head to justify itself.
I need to tour an art museum.
I need to go to the beach and sit in one spot all day.
I need to go 24 hours without any form of human contact.
I need to sing, and cry, and scream loudly in my car, speeding down the highway.
I need to go to the movie theater for a triple feature all by myself.
And lastly I need to get a big bottle of gin,
And a bigger bottle of pills,
And have a nice big meal with the two,
And take a nice long nap.
Because the kind of treatment I need,
Sorry about that.
Aug 2013 · 767
Nie Wiem
AJ Aug 2013
Co ja tutaj robię?
Aug 2013 · 560
Tragedy Shmagedy.
AJ Aug 2013
I can temporarily cure your depression with my tongue.
It is a science I have been studying for several years.
Close your ears and listen with your lungs instead.
Take a deep breath.
Experience the silence of the busy street.
Whatever you do,
Do not tell me I'm not Superwomen.
It's dangerous to wake a sleep-walker.
Aug 2013 · 995
Son VI
AJ Aug 2013
I love my little ghost boy.
Collin snuck up on me
As I was sleeping at my fiancee's house yesterday.
He wiggled his way into my arms.
I must say,
He was quite cold,
And it was quite unexpected.
He was playing so nicely in the crawl space.
I did not think he would get so tired.
I think something scared him,
My poor baby.
He woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep.
Mummy duties I guess.
Poor Collin.
He fell asleep though,
I bundled him up in the blankets,
And left him in the corner of the bed.
He slept for five hours.
Crazy little tired ghost baby.
Love you.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Aug 2013 · 841
AJ Aug 2013
Literally the strongest person I know.
And in this moment I am using the word "literally"
With the correct definition.
You are a complete klutz,
But the way you live your life is much more graceful than you let on.
You're the masterpiece the gods have waited for.
Little miss independent.
Aug 2013 · 971
Relapse Nation
AJ Aug 2013
I think my favorite person was me two or three years ago.
This is not a good thing,
I have been told.
I was really ill back then.
I ate very strangely.
I ate cheerios,
But everything else had to be thrown up.
I would only eat at 2 am when everyone was asleep,
And then I'd throw up and cry for ten minutes,
Only ten minutes,
And then I'd go back to sleep
I lost some weight back then,
About forty pounds in a year.
The doctors asked a lot of questions.
So did my therapist.
But looking back now,
I like how I looked back then.
My stomach was practically flat,
And I ran every day.
I did a lot of self harming,
I still do now,
But back then it was intense.
It took a lot of self control to do it,
And I would like to start all these habits again.
I tried to **** myself so many times back then,
But at least I was putting all my energy into something.
I broke hearts back then,
And I turned girls,
Which I liked to do.
It was a horrible, nasty habit.
I had some friends back then,
And I don't miss them,
But I miss going out and doing things,
And breaking laws,
And having fun.
I was a horrible, emotional wreck,
And no one gave a ****,
And neither did I,
And to be honest neither did you.
But I was smaller,
And I didn't eat,
And I hurt myself every day,
And I was a heart breaker,
And I was a law breaker,
And I was a lone wolf,
And I was the biggest mess in the whole wide world that revolves around me.
But hey,
I was smaller.
And I think that's worth all the other things.
Aug 2013 · 463
AJ Aug 2013
What I was doing was smart,
It was a good idea.
I just shouldn't have been so weak.
Aug 2013 · 631
AJ Aug 2013
**** me.
Or I will.
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Bat Shit Crazy
AJ Aug 2013
I'm currenty somewhere between
Emotionally void
And too emotional.
It's not just OCD, or depression, or anxiety.
Or what everyone else thinks I have.
Just, you know,
It makes me laugh.
**** yourself.
I need therapy again,
And I'm so jealous of those who can afford it.
I need meds,
And I'm so angry at those who can get it.
I know I need help.
But when you act out or ask for help
And all you get is silenced
Because it means your parenting is week
Because you care how it affects someone else instead
Because it is too much for you too handle
Because you'd rather I fix you,
Then I'm not going to get better.
Do you know how I solve it alone?
Razors and safety pins to make it dull,
Nyquil and Tylenol PM to get some rest.
***** and **** to medicate the main problems,
And binging and vomitting to get the physique back.
Maybe I don't need help.
This seems to be working pretty.
Well, only if pretty well means not at all.
Aug 2013 · 6.5k
AJ Aug 2013
Confession time,
Where's my priest?
When I was little I had it all planned out.
"In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen.
It has been six months since my last confession and these are my sins."
I fought with my family.
I swore.
And I lied.
That is what I said for seven years.
I loved to throw a wrench in the machine.
When I was fourteen I added in a little tid bit to my routine.
"I am gay".
It was the longest pause I had ever heard.
And then it went completely ignored.
How rude of me to try and provoke you, father.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Pan Pan
AJ Aug 2013
How fun was it to watch the big men
In the very white suits
Drag away all of your lost boys?
You grabbed Tinker Bell and I,
And you flew away.
They shut down Neverland.
There were no adults to pay the rent.
You're twenty-*******-two, Peter.
Why didn't you pay the rent?
Where are you going to go now, Peter?
Do we get married,
You, Tink, and I?
Are we polygamists now?
You'd rip her to shreds,
She's the exact size of my foot.
She's a ****.
You love her more, I can tell.
And I don't care.
What do we do now, Peter?
I put all I had into your dreams,
I don't even my have dreams anymore.
Where do we go from here, Peter?
Captain Hook doesn't even care anymore.
This is pathetic.
Do we get desk jobs,
A house in the suburbs,
A dog named Spot,
A Mazda?
**** it Peter.
I trusted you.
I don't want a ******* Mazda.
You promised we wouldn't grow up.
You're twenty-*******-two.
.....So am I.
Aug 2013 · 2.9k
AJ Aug 2013
I was a twin,
Only my twin was a year and a half younger than me.
Her name was orange,
And she hated everyone.
She was also a cat,
But that is not important information.
I used to feed her yogurt.
And throw her down the slide with me.
We were real hood *******,
Manda and her kot.
We both had blue eyes, red hair, and devilish smiles.
We ruled the world from the top of the swing set,
But she froze to death in a snow storm when I was five.
Now I rule it by myself.
Aug 2013 · 2.2k
As of August
AJ Aug 2013
We're all walking cliche's,
So what's the big deal?
I can  wear a beanie and a gay pride tee shirt and moccasins,
And listen to Neutral Milk Hotel,
And talk about feminism and politics.
Do not kiss me with your mustang convertible and your ****** piercings.
I am a taken woman.
But I will take your free drugs.
Thank you very much.
Stop mourning me,
My arrogance should never have been a turn on.
Pretzel crisps, tattoos, and student loans.
It's hard walking down the boulevard of broken dreams,
And bumping into all the other lonely souls.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Son V
AJ Aug 2013
Collin got a little upset today.
I got two tattoos at a tattoo parlor today,
And he got scared.
I let him sleep in the backseat of the car,
And I let him eat some cookies,
Only because they weren't real.
They were ghost cookies,
There's only ghost sugar in them.
That does no harm at all.
He did steal a few sips of my coffee though,
That was an absolute nightmare.
Four year olds cannot handle coffee.
Such a handful.
Collin is on the ceiling.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
Son IV
AJ Jul 2013
Collin behaved very well today.
He went in the pool,
And learned to blow bubbles underwater.
It was easy for him though,
Ghosts never sink.
"I only float, mama.
Look at me floating."
He tells me.
Yes baby,
You only float.
You're doing great.
He ate pasta salad,
With no mayonnaise.
He is allergic to mayonnaise.
It gives him hives.
Oh Collin.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
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