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Smiling liars, Laughing tyrants, Suppliers
Of the drug that keeps us spinning
The web of deceit for our precious
Exploiters of production, masters of destruction,
They can always spare a little time,
To turn their noses down at you.

Understanding Uncle Samson,
Receding hairlines never seemed so cruel.
Steady diets, Miracle migrants,
Poised and ready
To deliver the solution to you.

Glorified Ignorance, Celebrated Apathy,
The mixture slowly brought to brew
Industrialized dreams streamed directly,
Born of seduction and designed for consumption
Your ideas no longer belong to you.

The Answer is hidden, at the end
Of a sentence
The link to extinction will surely
Be mentioned
As hope rests
While peace detests
Those souls
Were they well intentioned?

Chemically altered, biology falters,
Murdering the sacred sphere
Who to trust?
The reason we must
Purge the demigods with spears

Beyond the philosophies
Man believes the falsities
The angry mob taught him
To enslave himself with
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Create an Environment!
Create an environment!
I implore you, try it
make it a peaceful existence for all,
none divided

The image you get
is the tyranny you'd beset
on another,
if you decided to try it

We have no rights to the mind of man,
To process it, stamp it, and file it
To mold it into shape
To draw the lines that divide it

Maybe there will come a day
in the future, on the horizon
when we won't feel the need
to yoke the mule
instead, we'll work beside it
Mar 2012 · 890
Delirium breeds clarity...
We were never as beautiful as we are today. Every moment, every whisper that passes from the lips of time to the center of our heart cleanses us, makes us new again, if only we allow it. This is not fanciful philosophy, but beautiful truth.

Outer beauty can be seen with the eye and is, at it's very best, a mere reflection of light; each transmission dead before it leaves for it's final destination.

Inner beauty is felt by all who encounter it; and is, at the very least, a tiny vibration of perfect pitch in a world that is severely out of tune. At best, it is an eternal representation of why we continue the struggle; an understanding of the human condition to be passed from heart to heart and mind to mind until the end of hate and judgement is upon us.

Choose love, be fearless today.
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
The Lady in the Blindfold
Well, it begins again.
Just like it did before.
And Did you notice,
That it's rich versus poor?

If your share is growing,
Well, it's okay keep score.
But if you're struggling,
You better work more!

If greed wins again,
it's another century,
of ****** war

Kids, if she lives again,
then what did we die for?

Now we sin again,
such a disgusting chore
But we only wanted,
just a little more

The paper is so good,
Ummm, something to die for!
If you ain't got it,
They'll string your noose boy!

So here we stand again,
another fascist century,
of ****** war!

Now they're pimping Liberty
A ****** nose
Her clothes all torn!
Mar 2012 · 1.4k
She turned away
Never really looked my way
Oh, what we could've had!
She's gonna miss me one day.
She could've kept her stupid lies

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
I've got a reason to believe that there's a reason to believe in
I've got a reason to believe that there's a reason to be leaving
She's not the only one, she's just one of the ones that I sin with

We looked away
No game that those eyes didn't play
She looked at me and said:
I never really loved you anyway
Well the whole world could've died from those

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
I've got a reason to believe, that there's a reason to believe in
I've got a reason to believe, that there's a reason to be leaving
She is the only one, she's not just one of the ones that I sin with

Some other day
The sun may burn as cool as the shade
It'd still warm your frozen heart
I never really loved you anyway
Or the disaster that we had, it was

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
Now I've got no reason to believe that there's a reason to believe in
Now I've got two reasons to believe that there's a reason to be leaving
I'm not the only one, I'm just one of the ones that I sin with
You silly little fashionistas,
so concerned with your reflection!
Art is a humble endeavor,
a self dissection.

****** for money,
or ****** for fame,
when you really take a look at it
it's exactly the same.

Wallow in your pit of self-delusion,
slap the hand of kindness and bruise it.
You think you love,
but it's just an exchange of excuses

Blow my ego and I'll blow yours
and we'll just be the best of lovers
Until there's a bitter discord.
Well, now you're just useless!

We're chasing things we don't understand
Looking for lights with our heads in the sand
Starting fights wherever we can,
for a little paper, or a pat on the head.

What silliness!
Mar 2012 · 578
Dogs Barking
My Dear,
We know!
Your perfect cover is blown
I fear,
you'll go and teach the angered souls

My Dear,
I've grown!
I've been bent and whipped into a son of Rome
Am I clear?
Do you know? Your aura penetrates my soul

Just a human controlled by the fear
We will not always be here
One more forgotten mistake
The insanity of history remains

My Dear,
Let's go!
I'll hold your hand, so come on
You steer, I'll row
Eventually, we will get home,
My dear
Mar 2012 · 654
On Masters and Slaves...
There’s a place, deep inside our minds
Where we create; then we send it into space
Just a trace, a thread slithering through time
No face, just tales of our beautiful kind

But, for now we’re spinning around
These same old towns
Just looking for a place to try again

We go round, and round, and round
We try up, we try down
And now we’re lost again

But that’s okay…

It’s a shame; yeah it’s a downright crime
The human shape, once considered divine
Just a crate, to contain the master’s time
No face, just a couple dollar signs

So, for now we’re spinning around
These same old towns
Just looking for a place to die again

They spin us round, and round, and round
We look forward, we look back
And now we’re lost again

But that’s okay…for now
Mar 2012 · 1.7k
I am a robot, I like what I see
You humans are beginning to act just like me
I am a robot, my number is three
Just a coincidence, no trinity

We are all robots, we work for free
Trading labor for paper, so desperately
I met a human, it takes care of me
I get all the ones and the zeros I can read

I am a human, I like what I see
You robots are beginning to act just like me
I am a human, my number is five
Just a coincidence, I’m not alive

I am a human, remember me?
I have a soul and I won’t sell it cheap
You are a human, never forget
No matter what those ****** robots
Threaten you with
Mar 2012 · 643
Sunday Morning Suicide
My little mind is slipping,
Ripping, and tearing
Exposing the soul
That I shouldn't be sharing

My heart is in pieces
For thousands of reasons
And though I am older
The embers still smolder

My father, he left me
My mother, she blames me
My world, it tried to enslave me
The son of Three

Who could ever be free?

So, I'm out here all alone
Too bad, we never had a home
What a shame,
I would've made a very good dog

The spirit was strong,
Its intentions, wrong?

The sweet water still flowing
Saturating drowning lungs
Washing the hurt away
Towards the shallow graves I've dug
Oh, Little Bird, you've made my day!

The laugh that we had
I'll carry it with me
Through all my journeys
Even past my grave

I know you'll remember
The laugh that we laughed
When that drop of water
dripped down from above

And splashed directly on your head!

At first you were stunned
As if you'd never expected it
Then your little head shook violently
And tiny beads flew in every direction

You flapped your blue wings
And stuck out your round belly
Then you stamped your left foot
As if to tell me, you'd had enough

What a mood you were in!

I'm sure you noticed my eyes as they narrowed
And how my lips bore that ridiculous grin
And how I laughed, and laughed, and laughed
At the situation we found ourselves in

It was then that you realized
What had happened wasn't so bad
Then you laughed the laugh that birds laugh
And flew off to visit the wind

Goodbye, Little Bird!

Meeting the Maker

  Matvei Andreivich Stolovsky stood there, eyes glaring, completely slack-jawed; his entire being unable to absorb the reality of the event he'd just witnessed. 'It couldn't happen. Impossible.' he thought to himself, unable to speak. He'd seen the flash from across the street and almost instantly, he felt himself choking on a ******'s seven millimeter bullet.
He felt the sticky warmth slither down his neck; his hands began to tremble. Next, it was his knees. Less than a half second later, the tunnel vision came. Finally, the darkness of oblivion took complete possession of him.
  His limp body crashed into a tangled pile next to the American made leather chair he'd spent so many evenings in, planning, plotting, scheming, scraping, scratching, clawing, losing sleep at night, wondering if he'd done everything within his power to avoid this very occurrence. Now, here it was, the end. One by one, each of Stolovsky's hopes, dreams, and aspirations flowed freely from his body, exiting through the **** left by the ******'s bullet. All was lost; all of his work and worry, in vain; or, so it seemed.
  'I, I'm not...,' the words spun through his dying mind. He ceased to notice reality; he no longer felt the choking sensation in his throat; instead reality became the written words, 'I, I'm not...,' actually spinning inside his mind; which, at the present time, for an unknown reason, was colored as a cloud would be, with a pinkish-orange haze. These words, currently soaring effortlessly through Stolovsky's perception of consciousness, were balloon like in appearance, each and every color represented in some way, shape, or form; each pixel doing it's part to reproduce the amazingly beautiful, but horrifying images, revealing the true nature of humanity against the infinite pinkish-orange haze that never began, and never ends.
  I, I'm, the two commas, not, and even the ellipsis, who was there as well, shot up and down, spinning and swirling in every direction, flashing and snapping as they traversed the endless expanse of Stolovsky's new found purgatory.
  A few moments later, Stolovsky realized he was actually viewing this spectacle, the inside of his mind, as we've chosen to call it, in the third person. He watched what appeared to be himself floating through space towards his current vantage point. Matvei squinted his dark brown eyes to try and get a better look. 'Is that me?' he asked himself. 'I can't be in a good way there,' he continued; 'that is almost certainly bad.'
  As he made his observations, a cold northern wind began blowing violently, chilling what would've been his nose. 'Is it there?' Stolovsky thought to himself, startled. 'Could it be? Here and there, all at once?'
Then, without warning, the pinkish-orange haze oozed a deep, dreary red; and the written words, that so violently shared the truth of mans nature with Matvei, transmuted into a pack of ravenous dogs; howling and wailing, foaming at the mouth, as they began to tear each other to shreds. The flesh and blood flew in all directions; painful yelps, angry, threatening growls, and the sound of tissue being torn from the bone filled the air.
  The violence of the atrocity dripped from the mouths of the dead dogs and ran flowing across the expanse; the river of life unleashed, meandering through the empty vacuum until it began to swirl and pool at the feet of Matvei's double.
Stolovsky felt the sickness of the act wash over him, striking his presence in much same way as an angry ocean wave, bitter from it's long journey, unleashes it's pent up fury on the piling of an unfortunate fishing pier.
  Matvei's double was bound by his hands and feet; he was bleeding from the corner of his right eye. Stolovsky noticed how the double's crows feet dispersed a briskly flowing river of la sangre into thin streams of liquid ruby; some of them traveled over and into his ear, others ran flowing down his cheek before becoming nutrient, consumed by the roots of his tangled black beard. His shirt was tattered; the gaping holes revealed hideous wounds, partially obscured by the ***** blue linen still loosely draped around the double's upper-body. It was a nice sweater once, but no longer.
  The double screamed frantically, wrestling his wrists in a futile effort to free his hands of the burdensome chains fastened tightly around them. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Stolovsky's twin began laughing the laugh of a mad child; a child who has just seen something that no one else could ever know. Matvei felt the scent of freshly cut lilac drift through him; then, as suddenly as all it began, everything stopped.

  A woman's voice filled the air from every direction.

  “Well, now you've gone and done it, haven't you?” she spat. The voice was surprisingly present, though there was no apparent source. “Haven't you, you fool?” she continued.
Neither Stolovsky felt compelled to answer, so both remained silent. The auditory assault continued, “Answer me while you still have the pleasure of a tongue, Matvei!” The venomous sounds came as an echo, rippling up Stolovsky's spine in thunderous waves that seemed to penetrate to his very core, making what would've been the tiny black hairs on what would have been his thin, serpent-like neck, stand on edge.He knew not what to say to this invisible creature, so he maintained his silent vigil, hoping no further harm would come to him; his double followed suit.
  Stolovsky watched as his twin continued wrestling with his chains, apparently completely befuddled by all that he was experiencing. Who could blame him for being confused? This wasn't the type of situation folks typically find themselves in.
  The silence prevailed for a few more moments, until Matvei felt the smooth, cool, silk of her flowing robe as it danced on the cold wind of the north, lashing out every so often to lick him behind the ear or slither across the back of his neck. The vibration of the silk flowing through crisp, cool, air sent shivers bounding outwards across the landscape, causing poor Stolovsky to feel as though the very particles holding him together were being stretched to point of separation, then snapped back into place with a brutality that simply can't be captured with words.
  Matvei was petrified by these goings-on, and refused to even consider what unwholesome outcome may transpire should he turn to face this unholy presence; instead, he focused his attention to his double, who was staring back towards the image. Matvei struggled to read himself; his double appeared dumbstruck, like a man who has just realized that his whole heart belongs to an evil that terrifies him, yet simultaneously, it fills him with an unshakable love; the unrequited love that an unfortunate slave feels for it's tyrant.
There are three rubber bands
That hold this reality together
One for the Alpha
The other two for Sierra

They exist as a muddy haze
Another solution-less dilemma
Seems as if the pie has gotten
A bit soggy in the center

You should go to the place
You went from, young child
To meet your vicious mate
The famous lynch mob of Ellgotton

Gulping drunkenly from their jugs of hate!

Sierra stands by waiting
As a lady often does
Biting back a mother's violent rage
As her alley ways fill with blood

She watches her children get gobbled up
And chained to the ground by their necks!
Killed and captured one by one
As if cursed by the Alpha’s hex

Now Alpha sees they’re not strong enough
He knows this is the chance to strike
It’s better to **** with the velvet hand of deceit
Than to wound with the iron fist of might!
Mar 2012 · 758
Pesky Cat!
Pesky Cat!
Fur bold as fire
Cold as wire

What a disgrace!
Screams the Goddess of race


You got to get yourself together
Your mind is floating like a feather
Through the games we used to play
And the songs we used to sing

Now come on down!

Pesky Cat!
Claws hard as diamonds
Sharpened nicely

What did you do to your face?
Sings the Goddess of Hate

Jebediah woke up, fixed himself a stiff drink
And he thought everything was fine
Then he found Matt’s feet, covered up in red ink
Lucifer’d caught him in the night

But, he ain’t no fool
He knows Pharmacy Ted

Julie Ann suffers from a stress disorder
That keeps her awake all the time
Freak out, rip the sheets, play a game of tiddlywinks
That chick does it all the time…

She’d rather drink whiskey than wine!

Well, she’s sleeping now
And there’s pills by the bed

She's sleeping sound
She knew Pharmacy Ted
Hello Lady,

I don't live there anymore
The drum you beat about my head
I don't hear it anymore
The sickle you stuck in my throat
I don't feel it anymore

Just like the doubt in your eyes
Doesn't get me high anymore

Goodbye Lady,

I'm right next door
I've moved myself from the bed to the floor
Your soul crushing comfort
I won't need it anymore
Because the games are over
And there never was a score

I'll just take my place, floating through space
'Till there's only ashes left to mourn

Hello Lady,

How have you been?
It's so great to see you again!
I've been doing well, I'm so glad you asked
Life is the oyster and I'm in the shell
I've spent a lot of time avoiding hell
Repenting my sins, you do it so well!

So well that I can repeat our beautiful mistakes
For how long? Only time will tell

Goodbye Lady,

I'm feeling better again
The waves in my brain
Are all tuned to zen
Silly me!
You, a friend?
Oh, the places that demented mind has been

I'd mistaken your grave
For the one I'd be in!
A single drop of crimson scarred the collar of Ishmyre's freshly dry-cleaned muni-suit. He eyed it in disbelief, his brow twisted like that of a madman. He knew that if any of The Superiors found out that he had so carelessly ruined the only garment he'd been issued, he would have to go back. “I'm not going back in there,” he mumbled to himself. “I'll cut myself down where I stand before I let them put me back in that hole!”

Ishmyre began to panic, his thoughts sloshed around in his head like water in a pitched fish bowl. An intense, paralyzing, fear gripped his heart causing it to fit and start. He took a deep breath and attempted to calm himself. No luck. The terrifying thoughts continued,

'They probably already know! The wash-bots, they've inspected it; they have to know! They've sent the report and The Superiors are on their way! Any minute...' His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the intercom's crackle,

“All Inferiors prepare for mandatory lock down! All deck doors will engage in T-minus 30, 29, 28...”

'****! They've gotten the report; they're coming now!'

The countdown droned on in the background, the monotonous robotic voice ascending and descending in perfect rhythm with Ishmyre's pounding heart. His mouth was as dry as a bone, his cracked lips stung and tasted like iron to his sticky tongue. His almond shaped, hazel eyes darted around the empty concrete room, searching for some hint of salvation. There was nothing to see; a mesh cot and a simple steel folding chair were the only items haunting Ishmyre's humble concrete bunk. His options were few and he needed to act quickly. This was no time to panic.

As he stared blankly at the items available, Ishmyre heard the sound of footsteps on the out-deck. They began as a faint rumble in the distance, growing louder and louder, closer and closer, until his heart began the short journey into his throat. His stomach churned and sunk so low it was as if he could feel it oozing out of his heels.

'Here they are, I'm finished!' His mind squeaked to itself in a frenzied, trembling voice.

The footsteps stopped. Ishmyre heard a heavy fist pounding on the door. He sat there naked, staring blankly at the blood stain on his collar. The countdown reached zero. The hiss of the air lock systems engaging snapped Ishmyre back into reality. His thoughts fell away like the dead leaves of autumns latest romance. He waited, paralyzed by fear and anticipation, until he heard an ear-splitting crash. He turned towards his door, expecting to see agents of The Superiors barreling in any second, but there were none.
Mar 2012 · 513
The End of a Beautiful Road
Well, I had to go
The future was looking grim
And there are a lot of folks
That would do it all again
They've got their own
Reasons to defy all the rules
And I don't know how to fight'em

But in the end, there's only one way out
Well, I hope we make some friends on the way down

So now the moon is full
The werewolves are freakin' out
And there's no place
We can run and hide
They've got control
It's too late to cry
I guess someone else had better start a fire!

'Cause in the end there is only one way out

Well, I had to know
'Cause I'm so sick and tired
Of these stupid *****
and their rules and their lies
They've got control
A thirst that can't be quenched
You better know your role
Or get crushed by the iron fist

In the end there is only one way out
And I hope we make some friends on our way down
Hiding behind corporate logos
and hijacked prose
Probably somewhere
a tattooed rose, weeping

The lamest in the game

You sell because you're for sale
Doesn't make those same old ideas
that aren't even yours
any less stale

What is it like to bite something
that's been chewed up, regurgitated, and re-eaten?
Does it taste like fire, or sound like Eden?


Then why do you repeat it!?

Because, all you know is what you're told
Fear keeps you clinging the mold
You hate yourself
so you pretend to be someone else

I've been there myself...

We are all ******* fakers.
Mar 2012 · 4.1k
What are we so afraid of?


Afraid of wanting, but not being wanted
Afraid of loving, but not being loved
Afraid of feeling, but not being felt
Afraid of asking and being denied

Why do we stay inside of our cages?


Have a look at my cage...

It's the one with the open door.

I rejected it.
Mar 2012 · 642
We Live in Space!
We live in Space
It was all for Science
We've been erased
For non-compliance

We came to Space
We hoped no one would find us here

Back then we lived in fear
Around here...
So we moved to Space

It was all for Science
We've been erased
No one can find us here
Pursued by the State
For non-compliance

So now we live in fear
Around here...
They came to Space

Can't believe they found us here!
This story contains a hidden message. There is a purpose for the message, so try to figure it out. It's nothing stupid, I promise. The key is fairly obvious. If you can figure it out, send the message back to me and I'll tell you what to do with it next. If you need extra clues, just ask.

Here it is:

The sign said to beware, but Julie didn't listen. The girl stood before ancient symbols, of which she recognized three. “How beautiful! They're, they...are just magnificent! Look at the detail, so exquisite, nearly divine themselves!” They were only Five small pieces of rock. “Is that Isis? Where is the legendary ***** of her man, Osiris?” Oh, the naivety of youth! She admired the woman for a moment, until six tiny shadows fell across the caves entrance. A strange number of shadows, indeed. Indicative of the beast, destroyer of enlightenment, killer of divinity; the seven, it's immortal enemy. Obviously, the unholiest of all the number realm.

Julie, in awe of all she saw, absolute nirvana enveloping her being, didn't know of the danger that these Omens presented. The six things, growing, began to move and slither towards poor Julie. You would never want to know what these things are.

Love entered Julie's mind. Unaware humanity had deserted her, Julie is. Her last moment was love.
Mar 2012 · 697
Let them eat Paper!
They think they own the land!
They don't.
They think they own the water!
They don't.
They think they own the energy!
They don't.

They think they own you and I!
They don't.

A doomed aristocrat once said,
“Let them eat cake!”
As the poor starved in the street

Her head was sent to the basket

We the 99% stand up in reply,


We produce the goods
We work the fields
We run the grid
We police the streets
We create the wealth of the Earth
We destroy the greedy and self-serving
We can take care of ourselves

Mar 2012 · 992
The Deceiver...
I can't believe it
The deceiver you bow to
abdicates the throne
The devil you pray to
will carry you home!

The devil you pray to won't sell you your soul!

'Cause sometimes, it's easy
To distort the truth
and bury the bone
The devil you pray to
is on the phone!

May I take your order, you silly little pawn!?

Wake up, you fools!
What do you have to lose
to catch on?
The devil you pray to
will carry you home!

Fortune continues to favor the bold!

The light, enters
filling you full of
the Great Unknown
There is no truth that
will not be told

There is no truth that will not be told!
Mar 2012 · 636
Psalm for a Wounded Soul...
Well, I’m getting older now
I’m letting go of all the anger
That I should’ve dealt with
A long time ago

But still, I’m feeling down, my friend
I see the pain in your eyes
And I understand that
It starts again

So that old North wind is gonna keep right on blowin’
That old cold river is gonna keep right on flowin’
And where we live there won't be any yellow brick roads
To carry us home

So Girl, please don’t cry again
I won’t give up
And I promise that I would never leave you
Out there alone

So, if you ever need a friend
A kindred soul
That can see the light you radiate
Through this darkened world

We can hoist our sails and drift right on through the cold
We could escape the desert of our tired and wounded souls
Because where we’re going we won’t need any yellow brick roads
To carry us home
To carry you home
To carry we home
Mar 2012 · 837
The Recent Decay
There are those
They'll tell you it's always going to be this way!
Twenty to life
One way or another you're going into your cage...
Try to fight, try to resist
Boy, they'll whip you in shape...

Are you one of those that say, “Well, that's the way it goes...”?
If we listen to you then things will never change

The hatred sown, by the Master's own
Now do you understand the recent decay?

A family of Three. A people free!
They thought they were safe, so they fell asleep...
The Fascists won!
They got us on the run with their tricks of the trade!
So, you wanna fight?
Clean the slate for a brand new day!

We'll just put a stick in the spokes
Grab life by the throat
Then we'll drop our yokes and we can walk away...

To better days

Don't be one of those that say, “Well that's the way it goes.”
We can't listen to you because it's time to change...

If our souls can't change
If we can't learn to love
Then we'll remain the slaves...

There are those that say, “Well, that's the way it goes.”
Now do you understand the recent decay?

— The End —