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855 · Jul 2013
A little more
Ira Blossom Jul 2013
Through the high tide I assumed
I could touch the moon
The tide turned low
I realized where I stood.

Longing for rains
I missed its beauty
The floods tagged along
I realized life has all the tastes
not just sweety.

What man desires,
may not always be what he requires.
The urge for more never ceases.
there is more to life
Than what meets the eyes

Is not the horizon beautiful?
Where the waters meet the skies.
Ira Blossom Apr 2015
Barren land
Where life stands no chance
Hungry souls
Clinging to hopes
Hopes seem endlessly tall.

There comes the hero
With a grace so grand
Relaxes the soul
Barren turns into fertile land.

People realize
He bought nothing new
All was present there
Everything was present except his kind of view.

Situations may appear tough
A step may appear a cliff
Alter your thoughts
Change your perspective
Keep your calm
Achieve his charm.

Barren land shall no longer exist
Keep your soul happy
Change you should not resist.
Enrich yourself
Live the life
Take that plunge climb up new heights!
611 · Aug 2013
Your Love I Desire...
Ira Blossom Aug 2013
Your love I desire
My soul I promise to share.
Keep me in your arms forever
I give you my life my dear.

Trust me when I say
You my life
Are My moon and my day.

Youmay not express in Words
But your eyes can really speak.
So many times they shared
About how much you Love me
And your caring streak

You showed me,
Love is not about money or gifts
It is making someone feel special
When everything appears bleak.

With you I rose in love
Took a dive in life
Travelled Through the waves
Learnt to live through the tides.

Stay mine forever
Is all I ask.
Your love I desire
In its warmth I wish to bask.
537 · Jul 2013
My precious
Ira Blossom Jul 2013
All my worries and sadness
Just strays away .
When in my lap my baby, you lay.

You are my soul
My precious little gem.
You my angel are God sent.
Your smile makes my world glow
Your tears add to my sorrows.

My love for you will never fade
no matter how far you go.
If ever you need me again
I will be just a call away.
531 · Jul 2013
Time, Life and Love
Ira Blossom Jul 2013
Standing on the edge of life
Looking back I realized
Time waits for none.
Over a period mountains too
turn into plains.

When life is flowing
Boulder seems pebble
As the flow slows down,
A pebble makes life tremble.

Home is not bricks alone,
Gems not adorned are mere stones.
Live with your loved ones
Do not just exist.
Living is sharing the tragedy and joys.
Sitting together silently or making noise.

Bring some change around you
Make happiness your goal.
Live your present
tomorrow nobody knows.
470 · Sep 2013
Love is...
Ira Blossom Sep 2013
Stories unfold
Reveal feelings untold
Ice Yet to thaw
trapped in the past
She resists the flow.

The life wishes to flow with the breeze
soul desires a dance with the flowers.
confined  in the dungeon of her fate
she fails to recognize her bait.

He who rescued her many times
fate took his due, hiding his signs
unaware of his presence
ignorant about his intentions
She waited for those three words.

Words mean nothing
when the deeds show
Little did she understand
what feelings his heart unfold.

Love is not what you see
It is what keeps you calm
it is happiness in tears
Solace in his arms.
Ira Blossom Aug 2013
This was the last time
Now, I call quits
I realized it earlier too
Still, wanted to stick.

You have your peace
I will keep mine
I do not believe in destiny
this is just not my time .

When the skies become clear
Masks worn will get torn
When You will realize my worth
I will be gone.

I am not precious for you
I know.
Still, who says Simple things need
no Love and care.

Love is not touch alone
Love is not singing songs
Love is all about we
Love needs no eyes but only a heart to see.
Love is understanding without words
If life is sea, love is its shore.

This is love for me
What it means to you
I am not sure.

— The End —