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 Jan 2014 Ink
Yasmein Yousif
Go out of bed you silly fool!
Get up right now case it is time for school
If you don't dress without a fuss
i'll throw you naked on the bus!

Oh mom, don't make me go today
i'm feeling worse than yesterday
you don't know what i am going through
i've got a strange case of flu

My body aches , my throat is soar
i am sure i'm knocking on death's door
you cant send me to school
cause everyone coul get it too!
 Jan 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
Join in
 Jan 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
I'm writing this from my phone
Winter forgot to wake up
So now the kids play in the streets
And it's one of those days
That attacks you with a smile
You can't quite shake
Give me your tears
And I'll make you a tall glass
Of half full
Excuse me ma'am
But your self esteem is showing
And it looks like you could use some more
I have an ego
Locked away in the basement
And occasionally I feed it
Smiles from pretty girls
And likes on my work
The car has no gas
I have barely enough dough
To pay the power bill
But everything's all Henry miller
Because I decided to start living in day dreams
So if you pull up next to me at a red
And find me laughing to myself
Feel free to join In
 Jan 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
The sound of clattering plates
as a voice in the kitchen yells
we gotta sailor walking in hot
and the waitresses walk around the place
always just beyond the breaking point
wearing voices which say
we hope you have a great night
the plates they clatter
as the men at the bar grow drunker
as the redskins lose yet another game
No sir,
we regret to inform you
that you can not take your beer home with you
in a kiddie sized to go cup
the plates clatter
as the bus boys and dish crew
bounce to Mexican hopping beats
bustling and jostling their way through the six tops
a cart full of leftovers and the crayon drawings of little kids
seven o’clock sees the dinner rush
come and go
and still that sound
the endless clattering of plates
as quitting time rolls around
and a hundred people throw a hundred exhausted punches
at the same juggernaut of a clock
as they always have and always will
outside fresh air smells chemical
and in the car
alone on the ride home save for the passing
of headlights: strangers navigating the same dark
you still think you can hear it
the clattering of plates
 Jan 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
The clocks all struck midnight
but that’s okay when you work nights
for a pocket full of singles
and a paycheck which never seems quite enough
come buy the painkiller
the rain won’t stop falling
until you do
and at times when grey cloud curtains
part to show you that
heaven isn’t
you’ll be glad for that liquid encouragement
and those knee pads
because this parking lot is gravel
and that small lot will never be a park
where kids can play without stepping on
the shards of broken hail mary prayers
for all the times the hands pass go
and collect their 2000 sea shells
not much has changed
 Jan 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
I first saw you walking down the street
I don’t know when you first saw me
maybe at home
in the mirror of your memory
maybe in the pages of the book
you were reading outside in the winter
at that cafe
You had me all smiles
and I had you
all similes
a pretty little thing
to stroke my pretty little thing against
You in your fashionista bombshell outfit
me in my childlike excitement
as I walked on past
and I wonder
if later that night
you were in your bedroom
which is just as messy as mine
I wonder if you thought to yourself
“well hot ****, that was one hot ****** guy”
if not that’s fine
my words are subjectively an object of your subject
Does that make sense?
I seem to do that a lot
rambling over myself and over myself
as if you caught me in a lie
I hadn’t yet told
I hold on to the belief
that You caught me in the corner of your eye
and decided to save me for later
It’s the only thing us passing strangers
have really got
 Jan 2014 Ink
Miranda Renea
I think you're the sea.
Your blue plaid shirt the waters and
My red plaid jacket the sunset,
Our hands are oars,
Yours tracing my fingertips-
My skin-
Arms, legs, and stomach,
Sending shivers down my spine,
Exploring my body like a ship
Sailing out into the horizon.

I hear your heart,
It beats in time with the tide,
Your breath a sweet ocean breeze
As it tousles my hair,
And I'm hyper aware of how
Deep your eyes are.
Not blue,
But brown like the ground of
The earth underneath the water.

Our kisses are dives,
Striving to reach the
Sunken treasure at the bottom
Of your ocean,
Of my ocean,
The pieces are scattered but
We'll find them and
Piece it back together.
Our hands intertwine to
Lock the chest but
I find I drown in your stare

Because seas are violent.
I'd forgotten that, but the thought
Seizes my mind as your waters
Grip my throat and I
Gasp for air but I find I can't
See anymore.

Your hands are cold against my body,
Like the tide of your heart casting me out
Onto the shore,
Naked and sure of indifference
Your breath a typhoon of ice
Hurled perfectly at my chest-
You used this sunset and
Left a storm in my eyes.
Painted a picture of sincerity but
Blue is the color of clarity and
Mine won't forget your
Murderous waves or
Mischievous ways and

Through you I've come to know
Some people aren't that lucky-
We cry alone.
Throw a rock, aim right at our chest,
Our hearts are stone.
We suffer in silence. And
If I could catch all the tears I've cried in a pitcher,
I would rain them down,
Drown a river in my sorrow.
Drown my sorrow in a river?
What's the difference? Life is only borrowed, anyways.
Second slam piece I've ever written.
 Jan 2014 Ink
Never Known Me
 Jan 2014 Ink
To The world I am a cruel being
For my frown
Is never meant to turn around
Or that is what they believe

It’s a little tragic
That after all this time
They still haven’t found the real me
The one which lives within

I am me
Truly happy with all that i am
I love my flaws
My cruel glare
and my rough skin
Really, i like my entire being

But they do not see this
Because they are blind
Since they will never see
See the real me

I may look like i care
But i really dont
You can call me whatever,
Blame me for the faults of whoever

but in the end
You really dont know me
So sit down and watch
Watch my frown never turn upside down
Since now, i believe too

That you will

 Jan 2014 Ink
The Idiots
 Jan 2014 Ink
Its said that the rich rule the world
That the poor are the week
It’s said that strength comes from within
That its not something given

I do not agree
For i am one of them;
The idiots

I question what im told
I dont give up on the old
I hold onto my past
As a reminder
That i went through it all and survived

I am not like those people
Who would **** for money
Instead, i enjoy the simple pleasures
Given by a loving family

In short
I am different
But truly when you question the majority
An idiot is all you can be

So, to my relief
An idiot
Is all ill ever be
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