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Infamous one Feb 24
Sleep deprived, waking up early to go fishing.
Wearing layers because it was a cold wet morning.
Using the fishing rods that were gifted by a coworker
Out by the lake taking in the scenery
The sun would shine nice and bright
Making the day feel right almost perfect
Hoping the fish would bite the hook
Not sure what bait best for the catch
Well prepared with variety
Casting in the line loaded with bait
Reel in to reduce the slack
Wait for the fish to bite tug on the line
Reel in the fish as they resist
Trying to escape the line breaks
The fish bite steal the bait swim away
Reeling in the fish the rod begins to bend
The fish wiggles being brought in closer
Lifted out of the water by the line grabbing the net to secure instead of dropping the catch back in the water
Infamous one Feb 24
Have you ever gone back to a place that was home. Somewhere safe but it's changed so much no longer the same. With age so much change hard to accept. Becoming the seniority by default. The mentors; who trained you, retiring. Those regular faces replaced by new ones.
Something that was normal feels awkward now uncomfortable.
Trained in the circuit while others used family to move up. Know for my hard work while others us nepotism to advance.
There's no going back once you do. Everyone has moved on, no reason to go back. Everything that had meaning treasures by the heart no longer hold value in reality.
Infamous one Feb 22
Tables turned numb not showing emotions
Against all the odds standing tall not backing down
Not friends only coworkers making a living
Going forward no longer looking back
Took a step forward got ignored
Waited long enough invested my time
Came up short what a waste
Onto the next meant for better
Infamous one Feb 5
Woke up early it's still dark
The fog around the lake
Moisture making it sweater weather
Making the air cold with every inhale
Rushed to the ER given blood thinners
Staying clear of stress away from toxic
Moving up can't stay down forever
Bouncing back going hard determines
Infamous one Feb 1
Breaking free from this fake person's crap
Gave then too much power going numb
Showing no emotions blocked it out
No longer empowering what hurts
Finding strength else where able to feel
Going where it's worthy as a whole
The emotional time blocking it out
Valued by peers that have more going on
Changing how things get done
Never the same rid of this draining pain
Made it fun once again with a smile
Made it to the end mild achievement
Infamous one Feb 1
Being disconnected *****
Taking a time out because the people who wronged you
Got on your last nerve you give up everything
You didn't do anything wrong just trying not to be petty and not make it worse
Hated for being truthful while others praised for being fake
Pondering a new plan an escape route to come up with something better
Trying to get back on track with what's been on the back burner
The fear of no time and it's running out
Slowing down is hard when you're always all gas and no brakes
Thought your hard work would be rewarded after being ******* over the days have been gray.
Hard to trust from a lead role to being left behind the scenes
Deep thoughts of more older now all the side track need to get back on the fast track
Infamous one Jan 30
Once they ***** you over never again
Chose a kiss *** over the hard worker
Gave everything gained nothing
Detached emotional no longer invested
Not one to run quick to square up
Called out liars got a stuttering response
Told the truth made out to be the bad guy
The betrayer did wrong pretending to be noble
A blank stare no emotions among peers
Blocking out the whining lazy bastsrds
Zoned out focused on the task
Looking for new something more
Physically burnt out focused on health
Mental health writing scenarios
Emotionally silent saving energy
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