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Infamous one Oct 2023
They looked down on him when he was broke. He said one day he'll make good money and be more successful than them. His hard work and dedication was paying, which made him happy.
Saying one day he'll be someone because they made him feel like a nobody. Like he wasn't good enough. It made him strong and tougher than the rest.
He didn't expect a handout, or want others to invest in him. He had to invest himself work harder to get closer to his dream. Push through crazy to get closer to achieving his goals. Sad he lost people along the way, if they were true, and loyal they wouldn't of gone anywhere.
He was always loving and supportive happy for others because he seen them as people; who made it, but it was never enough for them.
The day he turned his back was the day he couldn't take the criticism anymore. They insulted him by thinking their way was the right way when he believed in God's way and plan because he failed and made many mistakes doing things his way.
Why would he trust their way some success, and material possessions didn't make them better people, or accomplished. It's about how you treat and help others that made a difference. Trying to be the person he needed growing up.
Infamous one Oct 2023
He was free from their death grip. They had joined say or control over his life. He was isolated and ignored. He expected nothing from them and gave them nothing to cling onto since they tried to bad mouth him slander his name.
The truth came out on them so they'll got quiet real quick. He didn't care what they did or said. He just wanted his name cleared
He was never a follower, or going to fall into place. Health conditions or not He was always going to be himself. They could never take that away from him He resisted rather than try to understand they tried to make him out to be the compilacated one.
It bugged him but knew they had a it coming back to them. If people believed the lies it was only a matter of time till the truth came. They tried to break his spirit and silence him. He was quiet while feeding his spirit with the word.
He was open to change and listen while their ignorance got the best of them. He made moves and wasn't apologizing for pursuing his goals and dreams.
They called him delusional, but they took and used the people they bad mouth. He was glad to be doing his own thing. All the talk no one felt bad for them and cared because of all the corruption they caused.
Infamous one Oct 2023
Vick was ready to BBQ, once he got his liver transplant. He wanted to eat and celebrate with everyone that supported and believed in him.
Show them love back because he never felt worthy. The right people loved and accepted him. He gave it to God feeling blessed.
Always fighting to exist to be heard. It was hard growing up, always grateful and thankful. He spoke up made a face, waiting for a reaction. Someone was always mad or easily offend.
He wasn't sensitive that tough skin made him grow. Be able to eat good food without worrying his liver would fail or die watching what he consumed. He wanted to be normal tired of being the outcast, the outsider looking in.
Infamous one Oct 2023
He got in his car hit the road music loud, the wind blowing away all his troubles and worries. Wanting to leave and starting over in a new world a whole new life. Leave the old life for the new place to call home He never felt like he belonged or fit in anywhere.
He was not going to **** up, or compromise himself to fit in. He made that mistake in his last relationship. He was over his past weighing him down. Tired of carrying those burdens trying to make wrongs right when it was all pointless there was no point because it was all one sided.
No longer bothered by his rivals because they didn't talk to him what more damage could they do. Ignore him it was already the normal; why expect, or want anything different. Already the bad guy living up to the standards making it easier. They didn't care about him why should he care what they think. They didn't care, how he felt why should he care what those Haters think.
Infamous one Oct 2023
Greg spent the week in the hospital learning to slow down put his health first. As much as he loved his job,  it was a distraction from life. He wanted to see and do so many things. Scared to do it alone, but sometimes in life; that's how it goes.
He would ask "what else is out there" annoy with some people because he'd invite; tell them it was going to happen, after being ignored. They would comment on a picture, or post he found it insulting. Since they did get an invite, but didn't take it serious, or care enough to respond.
Thankful things that are bugging him have been brought to the light. People are rude on the internet but don't have the stones to say it to the person. Thats how cowardly people have become. Greg spoke up and seen as complicated over reacting.
Infamous one Oct 2023
Douglas was getting older he learned to appreciate life, after a few bad relationships. Never put your happiness in the hands of others That's your responsibility that's what he told himself. He loved people who didn't love themselves and they would mess with his mind making him hate himself because there was nothing he could do to please or make them happy.
Eventually he went cold turkey and walked away from these people that would make him doubt himself and his judgment. The friends he had would bad mouth him but this bad boy rep did him some good more than damage.
Also learning friends, don't talk about you behind your back. He respected them enough to say it to their face. His honesty would **** people off but it was out of love because he cared.
Infamous one Oct 2023
Going against the family is the worst because you feel like you let everyone down. The family doesn't realize they let you down on many occasions but turned a blind eye wiped away tears. Stay strong because showing weakness got you stepped on or pushed around.
Family uses humor to insult you but when you use the same tactic they aren't to happy with what's being said especially when it's the truth. Jokes turn into talking **** all of a sudden. Some can't take a joke so they try to get physical or try to insult you with lies making things personal.
Lots of respect for a person who calls you on your ****. It might be tough but it's nice to know someone is paying attention. While some talk and do nothing about it just talk wasting everyone's time.
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