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Infamous one Apr 2021
Tired of all the hazing the only one who toughed it out went through it all. Made more effort to be kept out feeling like, he didn't matter, or belong. Asking himself, "why did he stay," they obviously didn't like him, and he didn't always agree with how things were handled. Another made up standard to live up to when they didn't have it together.
He had another life before they crossed paths they can't take credit for him and all his efforts. They can't tell him, how to feel, or think.
They dk what's going on in his head. He may not argue, say much but refused to let them take advantage of his kindness. Once he spoke up that's when everyone kept him out. Before they'd taunt him, let him think, he could be one of them. He was okay and moved on. No reason to stay felt it wasn't worth it anymore.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He was annoyed he'd let them know to see if they were interested. No one seemed to care or show any interest. Then when he would do it they would try to lay a guilt trip.
He got upset with their antics because if it was a role switch he would've said yes or no. None of this making them feel like he was causing conflicts in their schedule. It wasn't his fault or fair with him they demanded answers after a while he got tired of explaining himself. Now they are trying to make him out to be the troublemaker before he embraced it now he walks away from it all.
Infamous one Apr 2021
Each punch thrown
Every kicked landed
All the chaos fades away
The white noise bring peace
Pushing through the insanity
Pushing yourself to be better
Bring out your best everytime
Bring out the best in others
All the personal growth a gain
The experience with rich lessons
Brings out confidence
Infamous one Apr 2021
Still working for it, doesn't mean, it's not going to happen. Would rather earn it than let it be given or handed out. Working for that promotion fixing the struggle within. Not arguing with people, who use judge and put forth no effort.
They try to cast a shadow but they can't full the light. They may have it all but no one owes them. Applauding their efforts don't knock everyone for trying to achieve their goals. Trying to make their dream a reality. No one needs your opinion to go through to make it to the next level.
Usually running on anger, but coped dealing with all this over being self destructive. Finding faith that's the only way even though it's tough a hard walk life style to live by. Praying trusting in God cant do this alone anymore physically and emotionally drained.
Infamous one Apr 2021
The worse part about positing is someone will think. I'm talking about them looking for ways to hold a grudge. Sorry they have a guilty conscience. The family is the worse trying to pick a fight they'll try to turn everyone against you.
For showing feelings having emotions getting older can't keep holding all that anger and frustration in. It all comes out eventually. Sad to deal with that but it helps you grow and gain to be a stronger person.
Infamous one Apr 2021
Learned to do what makes you happy so many double standards. Most expect results if you don't prove yourself; they don't care about what you feel or think. It's sad how they are quick to judge than understand. Your situation or what you've been through just to come out even by barely getting by.
After a while you stay away.
Infamous one Apr 2021
Fighting for change everything remains the same. So much struggle hard to gain. Always coming up short, don't care for the politics. Been focused on the work lost inside the project. Writing to stay sane so much injustice double standards seen and treated differently.
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