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Infamous one Apr 2021
He was tired another fight wasn't the same over all the physical and mental pain. Taking a time out changing it up. Making the most of the moment and situation.
So much change doing it all over not the same. Feels like a lost cause made it have value now it's worthless. Always looking in from the outside. once on the inside he wanted out. Never going to change he was stripped down not himself with anyone. So many made him out to be someone he's not.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He wasn't one to judge anyone, he was trying to better his situation. Fix himself since He seen and been through stuff. He didn't use or take advantage of anyone to get there. He was always working for his learning to say what he wanted. He got tired of going with the flow because it never ended well. In the end felt robbed and cheated by everything. Provoked by people he valued that made him feel worthless.
Came up short on those effort. Tried and did more since no one else cared or put forth any effort.
Once he spoke up or called them on their action they would try to blame or give an attitude because they got caught. He might've looked busy but did observe the situation.
Infamous one Apr 2021
Everything came to a halt now he's helping family. Not use to being home always working doing something. Writing helped maintain insanity put things in to perspective dhe to a series of unfortunate events.
Never about money and treated people. Always doing favors never expecting anything in return the moment you aren't able to, they treat you different. Act like you've never been there the whole time. Its the worse feeling after helping them and never took a cent.
Made time to be there to help them now they put you on the outside looking in. Waited on deck to claim the wrong make it right. Moved on now they try to tell you when they wanted nothing to do with you.
Thinking they care but only when its at their own selfish benefit. Then send you packing.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He couldn't grasp it and it didn't make sense he was working hard getting by while others are given everything and ungrateful. It was eating at him all the hatred and disrespect that came his way. He minded his mouth most of all his business.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He love training who knew the kid he trained didn't want to do it. He felt heart broken and felt he lost it all. Everything taken away hitting rock bottom. Thinking of a plan how to bounce back. Open to learn grow so many detours and setback.
He put others first don't always know what to do with himself. Writing was all he had it numbed him took his pain and anxiety away.
He stepped up when no one else would. Always trying to do and be better while coming up short.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He wasn't scared he didn't care what they did. All they did was ignore him try to make him do and be someone he was not. When he spoke up stood his ground they hated him.
When he went along part of him died inside and he hated himself because he wasn't like then, all the lowering to be like and accepted it all gor old. They never changed most of all never be happy for him. Family hit hard hurt him the most with silly standards they weren't even living up to. He wasn't two faced to pick and choose when to care.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He always put others first once he talked about making moves and moving on they'd turn on him. He did what they wanted but needed to do it his way. It always led to conflict and fall outs because of conflict of interest. He was use to being the bad guy because everyone has to be right never admitting their wrongs.
He was done always for them they shook him down. If he ever asked for help or a favor they'd treat him like a nobody after. Made him feel useless and invisible. While they sponged and leeched doing all the things they told him not to do.
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