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Infamous one Oct 2020
Staying out of it
Minding my mouth
Most of all my business
That's your decision
Not mine already did it
Made the same mistakes
Learned those lessons
Did dumb stuff too
Not one to judge
Waste lots of time
Energy holding a gridge
Infamous one Oct 2020
How you don't talk to so and so
We aren't friends departed
Talking behind my back being two faced
Respect you more if you said it straight up
You do your thing doing mine
Doing my own thing
Never been about material possessions
But live life to the fullest
Both have our own plans
Our own life praying for you
Just because we don't talk
We don't see eye to eye
Infamous one Oct 2020
Growing within seeking purpose
Heart desires more cant keep settling
Something isn't right something is missing
Trying to fill this hole to feel whole
Another mindset in a different time period
Not that person sharing a testimony
The life of... Some chapters are great
Others shouldn't be read out loud
Hard to take in but moments that passed
Infamous one Oct 2020
He was scared of success
He did love his family
Why would he be the one
Taking care of everyone
If he made it to the next level
If he made they'd love him
If he failed they'd look down on him
In the end he was never seen the same
He rebelled drifted off his course
Always held to a different standard
From the rest he gave it was never enough
They expected more
He always felt like a failure
They were quick punk
And push him around
Talking big but didn't do anything
Infamous one Oct 2020
Around miserable cousins
Who don't do anything
Telling yourself to not be like them
Feels like you are maybe worse
They day you returned from college
Everyone worked and miserable
No time for fun but responsible
With some freedom no kids and single
But that wild life style
The act was running thin
He was sobering up getting clean
From detached to trying to reconnect
Anything he did was unnoticed
He had to start over yet again
Always on the outside looking in
Once inside he realized it wasn't worth it
Denying himself and giving up what he liked
He loved himself being an individual more
Everyone was two faced
Backstabbing one another
Only a matter of time till he was next
Infamous one Oct 2020
Where to start
The end is near
Time to start pursue new
Let this heart grow
The soul grows and glows
Praying for strength
Overcome the fear
Shared feelings and emotions
Became an awkward silence
The intensity wasn't reassuring
Made others uncomfortable
Infamous one Oct 2020
Love family always
Some have it easy
But like to complicate things
Some demand respect
While being disrespectful
When you care they don't
If you don't think it's a big deal
All of a sudden it's a problem
They compare you to people with material possessions
You've always been an individual
Being a good person
Doing what's right stand for good
No one cared when you did it
When others do any little thing
It becomes a huge spectacle
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