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May 2014 · 414
Idea of Love
Iman Rashid May 2014
I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of having someone who cares,
Someone who will feel the need to wrap their arm around you,
Even if you’re not cold at all.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of sugar sweet touches,
As gentle as a rose,
And as soft as silk.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of butterflies in your stomach,
And blush in your cheeks,
Of smiling without a reason.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of stolen moments,
Between classes,
And thoughts that lead nowhere.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of moonlight pouring through your window,
And talking for hours on the phone,
Of shyly saying I miss you.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of the timid looks toward him,
And noticing he’s already looking,
Of a smile shared in secret.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of seeing the world in brighter colours,
And seeing love in the oddest places,
Of an endless supply of happiness.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of not wanting to say bye,
And wishing for a goodnight kiss,
From his sweet angelic lips.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of him loving my flaws,
And all my insecurities,
Of his hand tracing circles on my back.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of tender kisses,
Placed on my forehead,
And letters passed between lovers.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of sharing a bond,
Over sappy love stories,
And singing badly to make the other smile.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of long nights,
Spent awake,
Thinking of him.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of sitting together,
Watching chick flicks,
And simply holding hands.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of cuddling together,
While watching the rain,
And falling asleep on the couch.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of watching his lips,
Curl into a smile,
And melting into it.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of hearing his laugh,
Like bells ringing,
Of feeling tranquil and content.

I am in love with the idea of being in love,
Of walking in the forest,
And having comfortable silence,
Envelope us both.

I am in love with the idea of being in love.
May 2014 · 373
Give In
Iman Rashid May 2014
Lets give in to blissful death,
And never see this day again,
Let's give in to faithful lies,
And smile as we die.

Lets give in to raining eyes,
And be buried under dark skies,
Lets give in to a goodbye kiss,
One that we won't miss.

Lets give in to smiles,
Walking in the sun for miles,
Lets give in to ocean waves,
And count the blue warm days.

Lets give in to soft skin,
And meet lips with sweet sin,
Lets give in to death looks,
And hide with in lost books.

Lets give in to shadowed faces,
And run away to far off places,
Lets give in to mountain cliffs,
And jump into water riffs.

Lets give in to bottles of sand,
And sit on blood soaked land,
Lets give in to trees so green,
And starve to get bodies of lean.

Lets give in to blossoming seeds,
And live without any need,
Lets give in to songs of love,
And embrace that we'll have none.

Lets give in to beds of rock,
And hide in cabins with locks,
Lets give in please I beg,
I don't want to live again.

Lets give in to words of fake,
And drown in dark cold lakes,
Lets give in to moonlight skies,
And accept our fate to die.

Lets give in to child's laughter,
And go to the hereafter,
Lets give in to stopping our breaths,
And finally lay completely dead.
May 2014 · 365
Iman Rashid May 2014
You look in the mirror,
With tears falling down,
You choke out “I’m beautiful”,
With your lips turned in a frown.

Your wrists,
Are covered in scars,
Your face,
Is caked in make up.

You use it to conceal you,
To hide you from the world,
You wear it like a mask,
To bury what’s underneath.

You chant out,
In a hysterical voice,
Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?

Your fist comes up,
And shatters the glass,
You watch as pieces of you,
Fall to the ground.

Your friends tell you,
That you’re gorgeous,
But you refuse to listen,
You believe your not.

You cry yourself to sleep,
Every night of every week,
Hidden under the covers,
You think no one hears.

You believe no one cares,
That no one loves you,
That you’re worthless,
That you’re better off dead.

You pick up a broken,
Shard of the mirror,
And press it to your skin,
A second later a scarlet line appears.

You feel nothing though,
You’re cold and numb,
Inside and out,
You feel no pain.

You do feel sadness still,
You feel the neglect,
You feel the streaks your tears leave,
You still feel the heartbreak.

Even if love,
Didn’t cause this,
You still blame it,
You decide not to love.

You block everyone out,
Your family,
Your friends,

But is it that easy?
To just put a wall up?
To cut yourself off,
From the only people that loved you?

You don’t know what to do,
You’re trying to forget,
But you can’t forget,
Those words still echo in your head.

The same words over and over,
Ugly, worthless, useless,
A waste of life, unloved, forgotten,
How can you forget them?

You feel hurt,
You feel missing,
Like you’re left out in the dark,
Like no one understands.

And they don’t,
How could they?
They haven’t felt this way before,
Have they?

Will anyone ever notice,,
My tear soaked face?
The scars that adorn my body,
The make me who I don’t want to be?

When will they see,
That I became a monster,
My only purpose now is to hurt myself,
I deserve it anyway.

Why should I love myself,
If no one else does?
Why should I care,
If all I get in return is pain?

The only way now to stop this,
Is to end the problem,
And maybe if I die,
I will finally be loved.

— The End —