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 Mar 2014 i wish
Rachel Mena
And then it hit me
I was still waiting
I was still waiting for an apology

I was waiting for a small
Sign of regret
Of repentance
Of realization
That you messed up.

It wasn’t until this occurred to me
That I realized this was what
was holding me back

this was what was
keeping me
from moving on
from growing up
and growing past you

But I do not need your apology
I do not need a sign from you
Of regret
Of guilt
I need you gone
I need you out
I need you to leave my mind
And to stop entering through the smallest spaces in my thoughts

When I can get past this
When I can leave you behind
Then I will grow
I will lead
Not only myself
But others
To happiness

When I stop waiting for your apology
I can become the bigger person

And I will.

— The End —