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4.7k · Nov 2014
Small Town America
Hunter Miles Nov 2014
Protesters loot and riot
In the name of peace and quiet
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Tanks roll down the street
As people beg for food to eat
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Tear gas fills the air
Bodies lay everywhere
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Innocent people dying
Uncle Sam keeps crying
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Lady Liberty passes out
The Eagle decides to bail out
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

America has gone to Hell
Politicians say "Oh well"
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

America is burning
Why can't we stop the hurting?
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Freedom dies
As a nation cries
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?
1.2k · Nov 2014
Onward and Onward
Hunter Miles Nov 2014
Onward and onward they march
These automatons of flesh and bone
Seeking whom they may devour
Upon this ungodly hour

Onward and onward they march
This army of rakshasa
United not by flag or ideals
But by the monster within

Onward and onward they march
This new dominant species
Humanity's bones break beneath
The decaying feet of the ******

Onward and onward they march
These bearers of immortality
Time, thier greatest ally
Ignorance, their greatest enemy

Onward and onward they march
These ignorant beasts of burden
Infect and feed, infect and feed
Programmed into their minds

Onward and onward they march
Into the great unknown
Knowing not what they do
Knowing not where they go
324 · Dec 2018
Hunter Miles Dec 2018
We are born to love
Just like the peaceful Dove
But Johnny learns to hate
At the impressionable age of eight

He sees that Trump refuses to be peaceful
Those Nazis are "some very fine people"
Wonder why Trump gets so bitter
When compared to Adolf ******

His Momma supports the President
"He's the best guy you've ever met"
She says he's an example of good behavior
Much better than that towel head neighbor

His Papa has a ******* on his arm
"Let's do them filthy Jews some harm"
Says he's so very proud to be white
And he beats his wife at night

He sees people pass the homeless on the street
"Can I please get some food to eat"
He hears them call him a slob
And tell em to just get a job

Johnny hears you fake Christians too
"Homosexuals will burn, I promise you"
Jesus would be so ashamed
You use his words to maim

So Johnny learns to hate
At the impressionable age of eight
Where is all the love
What happened to that peaceful Dove
206 · Apr 2024
Hunter Miles Apr 2024
God looks down
From his high horse
To watch the clown
***** some ******
182 · Mar 2019
White Boy
Hunter Miles Mar 2019
White Boy
Think you're better than your fellow man
Cause your skin is pale and not tan
You despise cause the colour of skin
Cant you see we are all kin

White Boy
Think those swastikas make you cool
You're nothing but a **** fool
Who can't help but go red if they a see a Jew
But if anyone's the animal it's you

White Boy
You march down the street
Spouting hate at everyone's feet
You follow groups like the Brotherhood and ****
Skinhead trash you aren't a man

White Boy
You have freedom of speech
To spread the trash you teach
We have that freedom too
We just have to talk louder than you

White Boy
They tell me love must be silent
And I dont want to be violent
But you are getting ready for war
You're not welcome here anymore

— The End —