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my mother pass away today please keep me in your prayers
She's the smart, popular type
The one that everyone likes
Sadly that includes me
And I know i never had a chance
Cause when I asked "Do you want to hold hands?"
She just laughed and slapped my hand away
Cause she doesn't take me seriously

I say I want to talk to you about my problems
You say sure lets talk, lets get this over and done with
But when all's said and done
You're the one having fun
I'm the one who's in tears
Cause you don't care about my fears
So I guess you don't take me seriously

I went to a doctor,  she said "You're not sick"
I talked to my friends,  they said "Stop being such a ****"
I spoke to my parents,  they said "You're such an arrogant *****"
I asked all my relatives, they said "Just stay where you belong"
I questioned my teachers, they said "We've never gotten along"
I screamed at the mirror "What did I do that was so wrong"?!
Cause no one takes me seriously
Sorry  its not happier.
And remember negative feedback is always accepted. Except when it isn't. But in this case it is.
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