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 Nov 2013 hlof
Simply Carla
 Nov 2013 hlof
Simply Carla
There is true art in words
Past the arguments & debates between worlds.
More meaningful than the daily gossip, wide spread news between groups of girls.
Deeper than the pictures painted, for those who can not see.
Communication without words, resulting in generations acting primitively
More commonly misunderstood, no guidelines to follow
Not even a bible to read, the fruit for uplifting our souls spiritually  
No narratives to relate to, or even songs to sing  
The expression of one's character, minimized as far as only sight can see.    
Even those who can not hear, use words to speak.                  Swift movement of their hands, body language and gestures
All used to forms words ya see.
Men say women use them to much, women say men don't use them enough
Both parties using them the same, most with intentions of relaying true love
No hobby or passion untouched by its beauty
There is true art words, without them... where would we be? ...
Quick word mesh
 Nov 2013 hlof
X-Ray El gato
Her presence possessed  a quiet elegance
Her mind a fire of disastrous wreckage
She bloomed from the internal chaos that possessed her
A simple manifestation of the dichotomy of chaos and order
She was beautiful to watch
Like a plane crash into a house of cards
I would die in that fire.
 Nov 2013 hlof
The reflection of stars dusts your pupils.
Photons of quantum light are what I see
when look into your eyes.
I find that pretty amazing.
The distance of our gazing
flowing off into infinity.
With a trinity of futures
our souls are always glowing.
But the hypostases with you
are the only ones worth knowing.

*I bless the day I met you,
I bless the universe for making you,
and I worship you to the very core
of every atom in your body.
 Nov 2013 hlof
Emily Dickinson

The Past is such a curious Creature
To look her in the Face
A Transport may receipt us
Or a Disgrace—

Unarmed if any meet her
I charge him fly
Her faded Ammunition
Might yet reply.
 Nov 2013 hlof
Sharina Saad
Drowning in the world of lies
Truth hurts they say
Sweet are the lies told...
Pretending to be safe and sound
Hiding, disguising in the world of hypocrisy
When truth always hurt..
Lies can be sweet...
When is a lie ever so sweet?

By Rina
 Nov 2013 hlof
Jorge Love
And what in this cruel world is wickeder than love?
With its fiendish teeth sunk into its prey it injects a poison called happiness
And one can assume that it is pleasant for the time being but oh how it bites!
Joy shatters and what lies behind it is the black velvet drape that is despair.
Nothing pains us more, neither death, nor wounds of the flesh, nor affliction of the body
But the insufferable , unbearable stab to the heart that is love’s loss.
It leaves us utterly broken and yet completely whole.
Love is a fool’s game but in that time, a happy fool I was.
The scars of the heart make it hold together more heartily though it heals ever so slowly.
I will be willingly ensnared by this wicked love once more and I hope that once caught it will consume me completely.
 Nov 2013 hlof
Bilal Kaci
I can almost hear snow hit the bare pavement
I can even hear the trees creak, Swaying naked
But I’m listening to my thoughts
And their deafening hum
Flowing at the rhythm of my heart
Beating numb.
And I’ve only just realized;
That there is no such thing as silence.
*Only inner peace
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
 Nov 2013 hlof
the boy
 Nov 2013 hlof
there was a boy, with a name like a superhero
and hair like the ocean
i think he knew he was special,
from the way he dressed to how he didn't give half a ****,
he knew he wasn't like the rest of us
he's out of this world,
alienated, quick, loud
he was floating on clouds
and he never came down.
don't ask me if i loved him,
because i didn't.
don't ask me if i thought he was perfect,
because you know i did.
and his eyes are deep as the sea,
begging me to come out to shore, come out to play
in the depths of the waters
and i stared into his eyes in the middle of the crowds
and watched the tears appear in his eyes
and disappear just as quickly, because he can cry on demand.
his brother is gay and his father is on the board
and his hugs make me feel warm.
i know this boy
and he colors outside of the lines
and he breaks the crayon in half,
and finds another way to express himself.

— The End —