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William D Hearns Aug 2019
I spent all day driving to places. To relax I went for a drive.
William D Hearns Aug 2019
Five hundred texts a day
Take the hearts away
After your name
Just “name” in my phone
How can a phone contact
Be a ghost
Can a text be in a poem??? Cool
William D Hearns Aug 2019
How can two people love each other
And be the most
Important things
To each otherforages
And the next day
Be complete
I think so
William D Hearns Jul 2019
Imagine if light was
The speed(-+) of
Fog rolling along a dewy grass hill.
If you turned on a flashl
And the light
jiggled out with a
plop like
(COndensed) chicken soup from a can? Or if
Light was like a Bright yellow cloud of poison gasthat wasnt poison( and smelled like butterscotch
Imagine turning on the hose
And spraying thick jets of
Heavy light wouldyou drink light?
i dont knownif i would id probably get around to it one day
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