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4.4k · Jul 2013
Oxymoron nostalgia
hello Jul 2013
Nostalgia that I feel
as though I subconsciously
long for
is a clangorous boom
inside my head

Consciously I don't want the past,
never ever again

Somebody told me to
"Help myself
While others are helping too"
This opened my eyes
As realization dawned on me:
I can ask for help
But not give myself any
In return
I can help others
But leave myself
When I'm feeling alone

I've seen that it is important
To learn and love yourself
Because in the end
You'll be the only one

Lifelong trip
Longing for spirituality
Sense of self as well
You embark as soon
As you breathe
2.5k · Aug 2013
Fuck you, Nick!
hello Aug 2013
You threw around the word love
like one of your
**** hockey pucks

and i guess you thought
i was the goal
you wanted
(but only because time was running out
and you obviously wanted to impress someone)

you picked up 'im sorry'
as a continuous re-bound
sadly to say,
i always accepted those

but now
take a seat on the bench
because you didn't show up
in time for the game
depressingly, i thought
you always had to be
the goalie
and help stop others
from stealing me

so **** the game
you used as a guideline
to be
read the bold from bottom to top
2.0k · May 2013
hello May 2013
You're as underrated as a ****
People see you as something
To pick out the ground
And toss over their shoulders
Like its nothing
You're considered ugly
A bother
But in reality these people
Aren't actually looking at you
They aren't observing you
Taking in all your fragile
The way your tiny petals
Stretch towards the sun
The way your stem carries
You so effortlessly
When you dance in summer wind
I wish to be a ****
Like you
1.9k · Apr 2013
hello Apr 2013
I am the stormy cloud
That shades the pretty sun
When you want to tan
I am the pencil shavings
That you blew off
Your desk
Because you didn't
Want me there
I am all the rips
In your favorite
I am your math book
Hibernating in
The bottom of your locker
You never take me
To class
Because you forget me
I am the petals
You pick off the
While you chant
"She loves me,
She loves me not"
You'll never know if I do
You always pluck me off
And throw me on
The ground
I am the shadows
In your room at night
You get afraid
And turn the other
1.6k · Jul 2013
hello Jul 2013
life is an elevator going up sometimes

with the occasional person who pushes all of the buttons

soon it's a never ending ride

of ups and downs
1.6k · May 2013
Part of my DNA
hello May 2013
Fingerprints last a long time
As do hair particles
And skin particles
They all last as long as some
Memories do
So really
It's like you never left me
Your microscopic self can
be reached
through the part
Of my brain
Where those memories reside
You can be seen under a lens
Deep in the ridges
of my skin
1.5k · Aug 2013
hello Aug 2013
I still feel the honeymoon feeling
When you asked me to be yours
And the way your hands trembled
And the way your lips formed my name
1.4k · Apr 2013
Luna girl
hello Apr 2013
Does the moon look down
At us humans
And shed a tear because
We are always writing about
How she shines
And not her being or
How she resides in the sky?
It's similar to a story about
A girl with a pretty face
We always hear about her lovely
Her lovely eyes
And how lovely her face shines
But we don't look into her
We are blind to her way of life
She wants us to notice her soul
But it's floating away
Towards the moon
And they can cry
1.4k · Oct 2013
hello Oct 2013
to you: never a dull moment
to me: ive lived this before
im stuck in quick sand
but instead of sinking me
its ******* the life out of my head.
always went in that way
like you had some sort of list
etched into your dna
and you are doomed to repeat that forever
(at least with me)
mature/not even/insults/sarcasm
you say i joke to much
yet are so insensitive to my problems
when i am always here
for you
gossip and lies
your tongue has no taste buds
so you yearn for those

you say i overact
but i am just bringing
this to your attention
you have two blind eyes
ears that distort things
and lips that don't stop moving.
1.3k · May 2013
hello May 2013
You strut around
with your head held
at a dangerously high level
and its getting fatter
by the second
i wonder when
you'll pop
1.3k · May 2013
hello May 2013
Tell me I'm crazy with your lips
sewed tightly shut
cover my eyes with dead
leaves from a newborn tree
assure me that my roots
can be adjusted to your
high standards
cut me off from anything
even the things I stray from
draw pictures of you
spanking the clouds
comparing my tears to
the sudden outburst of drops
tell me I'm ****
surprise me with those lilacs
you stole
wrap me up like a present
mail me to yourself
forget me on your porch
even though there is a reminder
on the box that states
1.3k · Sep 2013
not the flu
hello Sep 2013
wake up in the morning sighing
today i'll have a good day
today i'm gonna be happy

but the thing i can't get across
is the sighing.
i don't say it like i really want it
even though i really do
being sad 24/7 is starting to take
a toll on my body.
and you!
why do i ******* miss you so much
when all you did
was **** me and hurt me
when all you did was say you love me
just to touch me
and why the hell
did i fall for that?
i still don't know the answer.
you throw our glass in the air
and it smashes on the floor
and you think you can just take
tape and make it okay again
by saying how good you'll make me feel
or how dumb you are for
letting me go.
why are you realizing this now?
if you really felt this way,
you would've confronted me
with your worries so we can work them out together
as a **** couple
but instead you decided
that one mistake and i was done for
even though i forgave you
so many times
i gave you so many ******* chances
way too many
i only heard one small thank you
that probably wasn't even sincere.
so i'm done asking nicely.
get the **** out of my head.
stop trying to come back
because right now
i am too weak to push you away
i loved our memories
i loved your lies
this sickening disease is
1.2k · Apr 2013
Confused yet?
hello Apr 2013
He's an introvert
Yet an extrovert at its finest times
He's optimistic
And a pessimist
He is the heart of a hurricane
And the floor of the calm ocean
He fixes things
Says he is broken
He contradicts himself
But acts as though he will never
Be wrong
I love how upside down
He is
I love this boy because
Of his backwardness
And his tendency to make up
And places
I love this boy because
He follows the rules
But also breaks them
He is the ultimate roller coaster
I feel daring and unbuckle
My seatbelt
The drops the dips the spins
The curves
My body is thrown off
I bonk my head on the ground of his
He doesn't make sense
But he does
At the same time
1.2k · Aug 2013
non-alphabetical dictionary
hello Aug 2013
I am derived from the word lonely
i am the prefix of sadness
as well as every synonym to happy
(maybe even elated at a few times)
you could never time me
on how fast i change emotions
because sometimes, it is a slow process
and others
a fast blur
wherever i derive from
i'm a walking dictionary
being every single one of those words
at least once in my life
i've reached numb and i am glad
that i have passed
the n words
but this does not mean
i can't go back a few pages
and re-read
1.2k · Oct 2013
hello Oct 2013
A size zero

Is all I'll ever let myself be
Funny how much
A number defines my personality

Zero hope
Zero life
Zero want
Zero zero zero zero

Tiny waist
More like I'm wasting away

Wrist bones are prominent and cold

All I want to see is
My collarbones

And my brain likes to argue
With itself

you better eat or you'll go back to hell

I guess I haven't comprehended my surroundings
Because I'm already here

Heaven is a tiny hole on the roof of my hell
Light shines through rarely

She inhabits me
I am gone

The wind doesn't even miss me
1.2k · Jul 2013
house grave
hello Jul 2013
flirting with death

by smoking my life away

throwing it down the toilet

starving my self of lifes good fortune

literally am waiting for

the grim reaper to
knock knock

on my door with a pretty grave

and a comforting hand

but if i had the chance

to re-think it all

i wouldn't give in just yet

feeling the simplest things

like the breeze on my face

a breath of fresh air after

being consumed by so many

and the moments where you feel

like everything will be

but then here i am

flirting with death

leading it on

with words of want

only to shoot it down

with the buts and maybes
and what ifs

death is a one time thing

life isn't always here to stay

so if we are born to die

do deadly things to feel alive

what is the real path

we are taking

if it all just feels like a
big circle?
1.1k · Jun 2013
hello Jun 2013
The fuel you used to pulse in
My veins
Has left and I've gone super cold
Like a snake you slithered out
Just as quickly as you slithered in
You took my thoughts
Threw them out the window
Hoping someday I would bury them
And love you
Suspiciously you're feelings
Have changed from loving me
To not being sure
You were glad when I walked away
You asked to still be friends
When I looked back for a much
Longer time than I hoped to
So don't come back with those
Brown eyes that used to represent
My clear skies
And don't come back with that
**** smile
Getting me hooked all over again
You ripped my wings and made me
Convince myself that I truly
Loved you
I have no idea if you truly loved me
Or just wanted to **** me
Until you fell so fast you were
Unsure of the time but so sure
Of me
1.1k · Jun 2013
12 hour life span
hello Jun 2013
I've learned how fast
Life flies by
How these moments now
Will soon become distant
People from the past
Have grown older now
See how different things
See how people
Grow up
Relationships get
Watered down because of
The time we've spent away
From each other
Hopefully we can reconnect
Like the good old days
No matter how many years
We've spent apart
I will always remember
The people who touch my life
So beautifully
hello Apr 2013
i'm sorry that those demons
worked their way out of your head
to control your hands and fingers
i know it wasn't really you
while you were making that noose
i know it wasn't really you
while you counted those pills
making sure you took many
i know it wasn't you at all
when you sliced your pretty wrists
it was you at the hospital
that day you told me you were so sad
it was you that day in my room
when i held you and let you cry
i'm sorry that those demons
traveled to your heart
those demons blocked your eardrums
they wouldn't let you listen
when i told you i was here for you
they sewed your lips tight
you couldn't cry for help
i'm sorry that i stain this poem
with my tears
i hope you will reach out your grave
and sleep with it
six feet under the stars.
1.0k · Mar 2014
both of these months
hello Mar 2014
i think ive been wallowing
in self pity long enough
so dont be suprised when
i dont say i miss you back
im not unrequited
just looking ahead
you ask to meet again
and i understand
because i used to need that
type of closure
needed to see
you mouth goodbye
even if we made out
and i decided i wanted
to stay
nothing is dedicated
to you anymore
your pictures join the ashes
and ill dive into a blunt
instead of listing
your old habits
in a few months
traces of you
will literally be
i dont plan
with you in mind
im never grasping
to call you mine
my bed is warm
because ive layered the blankets
ive realized you left it colder
1.0k · Oct 2013
hello Oct 2013
It's insane how one
One little thing
Can set me off

Guess this just shows
How much of a fuse I am
How much I am filled to
The very top
How I can not
Take anything
1.0k · Nov 2013
pearly smile
hello Nov 2013
it's almost funny how you can control your own thoughts and your own feelings. it's almost funny that it was this easy. but i dont think about this as often anymore because i am so happy. not ecstatic not elated. just happy. i am not eternally sad or mad or frustrated. just happy. i have not bathed myself in ***** water for weeks now and i have used soap in all the right places and made sure my taste buds were scrubbed. i feed myself with respect and i cuddle myself with people who make me laugh so hard i **** myself and they are the ones who make me think how i ever got bad. i reevaluate the things i say i regret doing, and now i do not regret doing or saying or feeling any of those things. they happened for a reason and now i am here. just happy.
1.0k · Jun 2013
Cloud vs sun
hello Jun 2013
The clouds and the sun are always
competing to be noticed
Flying fast in front of each other
to block light or
make it look
much more fancier
Clouds are scattered everywhere
Moving across the ceiling
And the sun
There is only one
But it can be seen all over the world
At one time
Even though in some places
It's asleep
No one really wins
But their competitiveness
Makes me notice both of them
A little more
936 · Sep 2013
Chipped bed frame
hello Sep 2013
I've had the epiphany
Of all epiphanies

Persuasive tongues
Pleasure filled hours
Of memorizing the colors
Of your sheets
And how you sighed
In dim lighting;
Was all a scam

I felt love
Whilst you felt lust

Feeling love on my neck
Lust scratches all over your back

Now it's over though
My brain responded
To your pressures
Your eyes that only saw
Under my clothes

Yet you never wanted
To venture into
My undressed mind
900 · May 2013
6th period
hello May 2013
sitting and watching things about the stars
whilst flirting subtly with you across the room
reminds me that i'll always have a little butterfly
saved for you
to inhabit my stomach
and make me blush
899 · Jun 2013
hello Jun 2013
Translucent is my skull and the fluid surrounding my brain
You can poke and ****
At all the films
Flying through my mind
Dust off the caves deep inside
I like to say I'm illimitable
But you are sublime
We're sapid when it comes
To the deepest depth of
Introspection and
Atypical ways of life
Representing us is
A picture of a tree in each
Our limbs naked one moment
And filled the next
Fragility hasn't just become
An adjective to describe us
It's become part of our
And when you're away
I'll have to sway alone
Missing you
Even when the sun is shining
The clouds are raining
Or isolating us
In snow
893 · Oct 2013
hello Oct 2013
i'll have to accept
myself and my previous
for what i did
is so expensive
how could you
not feel
even a smudge of guilt?
you gave me you
i gave you me
for the first time
i gasped
and for the first time
i stayed with you
for more than a night
i asked
do you love me
your reply was what i expected
a yes
but it was so dark
i couldn't see
your true response.
884 · May 2013
hello May 2013
there are no holes in my mind
there are small dents
in my words and feelings
time won't be able to heal them
because they're not broken
just slightly forgotten
in my conscious  
yet if you look
into my subconscious
you'll see all the skyscrapers
that aren't visible to me
so please tell me
if i'm as beautiful as
the alphabet formed
into worthy poetry
868 · Apr 2013
hello Apr 2013
I'm trying to love
These demon things
I may never
Reach my goal
Of admiring my
848 · Apr 2013
Simply put: I miss you
hello Apr 2013
12:00 pm
Midnight is when the breeze flows
Through my slightly cracked window
And ruffles my curtains
12:30 pm
I want to sleep but you keep crawling
Back into my brain
Dusting off abandoned corners of my memories
I never wanted to touch those again
The cobwebs frightened me
1:00 pm
Now I'm crying
It's a low wail
The time on my clock shows
All the thoughts I am wasting
On you
5:00 am
It's been a few hours
I think I've cried out all my tears
My body goes limp into an
Unstatisfiyng sleep
I know that when I wake up
You will not be next to me
Like how you always used to be
11:00 am
I've slept and I was right
You are not here
The puddles on my pillow collect
Into my hair
You haven't kissed me gently to
Wake me up
You haven't stroked my hair to the side
To peck my cheek and say
"Good morning"
7:00 pm
I have spent the day
Mourning over you
I wonder what you are doing
I wonder where you have gone
12:00 pm
Midnight is when I repeat the cycle
Of missing you.
837 · Jan 2014
hello Jan 2014
Lips be the knife
Because your arms
Are scarred enough
And words the sting
**** them and let them bleed
Resort to your tongue
The voice you were blessed with
Money flying out of your parents pockets
They work and live and cry because
Who knows where you are
Even when you're just in your bedroom
Therapist voice is the only thing you hear
In nightmares and through earbuds
You are deaf to music and compliments
I am the Positive Influence
You agree when I say things will be okay
But have you heard me hurl my dinner
Into the toliet lately?
The only thing I'm influencing is a heavy mind
You don't use what you've learned
That is your fault
And when we are laying
Next to one another
I hear you breathe I wish I never met you
And when the sun shakes us
You kiss me.
827 · Apr 2013
hello Apr 2013
I really like hands
They show how much a person
Has been through
How old they are.
When you hold hands
You feel love
When you fidget your hands
You feel nervousness
When someone plays with your
Hands or fingers
It's a crush.
Soft hands
Old hands.
You make music with hands
And touch people with hands
Like how eyes are the windows
To the soul,
Hands are the connectors
To our inner self.
822 · Sep 2013
hello Sep 2013
Forever be your silhouette
A frame instead
Of the picture
A clock with no time
Be the fall leaves that
Linger just before
The first snow
And breaths on shoulders
Not necks
Something that represents
Much more than a simple
Or sum of its parts.
A single ray of
Lamp light
That you would say is
Synonymous to unnoticeable
But I notice how much
Darkness is needed
To see the stars
Or people who are
Falling backwards
With eyelashes glued
To cheeks.
You aren't a **** nor rose
I would never want
To think of you as something
That's slowly dying
life dies and thrives
And every year
We pass the unknown
Anniversary to Our Deaths
Yet go to bed
Dreading the next day.
So inspect the grass,
Dust bunnies in our heads
Cover the calendars
All the clocks
Walk as if you're blind
And see what road
You wind up on.
Because gravel
Can be many miles
But don't forget
The paved
809 · May 2013
not really
hello May 2013
i haven't thought about anything lately and i kinda like not thinking
i'm not thinking because i'm with you and when i'm with you
it's impossible for me to think
usually it's just a bunch of words jerking at the walls of my brain
one million mph
and sometimes we check our horoscopes
and most of the time we think together
so it's not only me thinking and not thinking
it's you
and sometimes you play the guitar for me
and sometimes i join in on my ukulele
sometimes we make up songs together
we sit in silence a lot
this is fine with me because i'm comfortable
being quiet with you
784 · Jul 2013
decision challenged
hello Jul 2013
it is shocking that
you think it is not
muttering regrets
to me
saying you have none
to everyone else

you have a big tendency
of being the biggest
paradox i have ever encountered

i won't be waiting
for the day you realize
what you actually had said
i ask for all the strength
to push you away
when you barge in for more

payback is sometimes
the only language you speak
as well as apologies
and accusations

you look too close
don't breathe enough of it
before acting on it

you push on concrete
hoping somehow
you will have the strength
to shatter it
and when and if you do
you take all the cement
to fix it
only to break it again

back and forth
always a never ending game
(like ping pong)

except you always have
to be the winner
and when you are not
your language comes creeping

later on though
you will regret it

but this time i will not
care of your regrets
you're wishy washy
a hopeless romantic
(not the good kind)

little brain is racing
for all these things
to say

you want someone
when you cant even
be that yourself

you are your own version
of Pandora's Box
locked away

sooner or later
someone will come along
and unlock you
just like how i did

now it is my turn
to regret

i am tired of restarting
but instead of
picking it back up again
never stopping
i will leave it

run away to the closest
state of mind where you
do not
782 · Jul 2013
hello Jul 2013
Taking a moment to
Really breathe and realize
And reflect on everything
Is a moment I love to take

Sometimes it slips my mind
All the things I have
Have done
Or have yet to experience
Or hold dearly

All the people
That have stared into my eyes
And I returned that action
For a tiny while
Only to turn away
And wish I said something.

All the sunsets I've watched
From a car window
Or my bed
Or laying on the couch
With my mother
Just having a nice

Watching everyone I've ever loved
Memorizing the way they
React to things
Not react to things
The way they breathe
And blink
And the way their mouth
Turns upside down
Or up right into the most
Beautiful smile
Way more worthy
Than a model on the cover
Of Vogue

Even the way I notice
How I have etched some
Of my ways into a dear friend
Or cousin
Or someone younger than I am
Seeing how they may think
Some of the same things
Or recite the same things
I have said
As if they are quoting
The most famous poet

Or feeling a smile creep up
When someone cute agrees
With what you have came up with
Or likes the same things you do
Having a rush when
A cute he or she comes up
And says hello

receiving a simple compliment
From a total stranger
Even if it is
"I love your shoes"
Even though you only wore them
Because you didn't have anything
And you really didn't like them
But this compliment makes you feel
Better about them
779 · Nov 2013
out of the hat
hello Nov 2013
I am a magician
as well as the box
it's contents are my organs
and I try to pull them out
show them off
on a happy display
echos of ooo's
im doing well
but everyone knows
magic is created
where the heart lives
and where little kids wander
off to the woods
fairy tales i wish i was still
a part of
the routine is fake
like the smile;
it is used for assurance
for others well being
certainly not my own
magic is a placebo
for how I really feel
I get asked
how'd you do it?
but telling will put me back
to the beginning
white coats running everywhere
machines beeping
disinfectant being sprayed
contraptions shoving air
back into my lungs
men with heavy accents
deciphering and diagnosing
and i will wish
magic was in my hands
so one quick flick
and i'd be
776 · May 2013
hello May 2013
Slowly creeping back is the girl i thought i tossed away long ago
she stares at me through earths lenses
she points out whats wrong whats horrible
thats too fat
look it jiggles too much
you're disgusting
i cant handle her anymore
when i said i was done
i meant it
i got help
i locked her away
but the mistake i made
was keeping the key
right next to and open hole
in the door
she probably got her sick
little fingers
through that hole
unlocked herself out
and now shes going through
those horrible memories
and placing them
in front of
my eyes
775 · Oct 2013
hello Oct 2013
Everyone's nice until the ******* in their brain starts coming out their mouth
764 · Sep 2013
hello Sep 2013
I don't understand why I miss you so much when the majority of your actions towards me were hurtful
760 · Aug 2013
hello Aug 2013
Deeper than the ocean could not explain how I feel on these dreary days and as light as a cloud could never express how much I want to weigh. Dip me in radioactive waste, hoping I get a taste of what I am doing to myself; maybe I will retrieve with powers that make me more invisible than I already perceive myself to be. Depression is an old sleepy dog inside my mind. It gets excited and stays longer when I sulk around in my own depths of self pity. I want to put this dog down, sadly I can't seem to give it up. I'm still waiting for the day my eye doctor asks what drugs I have been taking because I always am bloodshot but you can't see it unless you wish to investigate me further (no one wants to).  I want the weather to speak for me; starting pouring when I want to and start thundering when I want to scream, but, I do not control the Earth and she does not control me. I'd like to think I am related to Pluto because I have been forgotten and downgraded from my own species of human life. In a hopeful haze of waiting. Waiting for my petals to finally bloom and the right person to come along and pluck me out the ground just to see what's up. For now on though, I am dry grass. I'm only used to be set on fire for your own personal warmth.
757 · Jul 2013
December July
hello Jul 2013
I feel the snowflakes
In early July
Covering the streets
Shading my eyes in
It's sleet

Snowflakes and sun
Beating down on bare backs
Beaches filled with
Laughing bodies

Still there is a corner
Where a small pale girl
Looks out onto the ocean
Wishing to feel the sun
To feel the warmth
Of anything

Snow tends to pile up
Rain can make it more

Haven't felt the safeness
Of the only light
In the sky
For quite some time

It worries me to know
That even if it is
80 degrees

I'm neck deep

In ice crystals
748 · May 2013
Laughing hours
hello May 2013
I'm passing through
The atmosphere
Shouting out unrequited
I love you's
Vomiting smiles
Like its my favorite past time
I am a mannequin
Do you see all the drills
I have made in my
Sometimes the real me
pokes out
Unacceptable actions
Are in your book
Every little detail
Of every mistake
You can drag it out
For a million pages
Tears made
Of sweet and spice
And everything
Way better than nice
You've molded me
Into a clay sculpture
Perfectly put together
Place me in the kiln
Set the temperature to
A few thousand degrees
Good riddance to my
Hello to a hard shell
It will take more time
Then there could ever
Be on a clock
To crack me open
Just a tiny
739 · Jun 2013
hello Jun 2013
Now I'm just more angry then I ever thought I could be at you because when you exploded I stayed calm and when you doubted I reassured and when you were feeling down I was there to pick you up or at least try and listen. I've realized our whole relationship was just a really bad run-on sentence and I've realized you're the one who chose to put in the semicolon and I decided to put the comma and later on the period.
738 · Apr 2013
Impossibly possible
hello Apr 2013
Charisma is embedded into
Your DNA and the blood
That flows in all your arteries
Fascinates me
Your long pale limbs
Shimmer in winters sun
And sway in falls leaves
Eyes hold so much vastness
So when I tell you I get lost them
I really mean it
Counting all the times you blink
Envying the lashes that sometimes
Kiss your cheeks  
You're like a title
To a speechless piece
You can not cram so many
Emotions and feelings
Into a few little words
You are the cups of water
I drink first thing in the morning
feel you travel down
My esophagus
Giving me goosebumps
Every time you look my way
I wonder how someone could be
That beautiful
724 · Sep 2013
literature hour
hello Sep 2013
Contrition never washed
your brown eyes
you always set them
in slits
yet saw so much
breath never rustled
already caught it
because you never ran.
  apologies sounded like Greek and
was a personal room
in your brain cells
  don't mind me bringing
these to your attention
i'll go mute through
your ears
shifting your captivation
on something else
  you say Nobel prize
i say mirror

                                 even though you spend far too much time
in front of that
693 · Aug 2013
Key hole window
hello Aug 2013
Why can't I just
Move on completely
Without this yearning closure
That's as clangorous as
A gun shot

You've seem to have split me
Into two
I miss you tattooed,
Moved on etched into
My still veins

My nerves are failing
My feet move
Yet my brain is frozen
All I see is you

The night is suicidal upon
My mind
Threatening to only leave me
With this body
Hands betray me
I've stopped trusting them
Long ago
When all they wanted to touch
Was you

Time has deceived me
You only seem to sulk around
When it is late;
my mind is barren
As well as solemn

I've realized I can live without you
My organs are still pumping;
But I'm drowning in a sea
Of conflicted and unrequited
I miss you's,
Yet my head sometimes comes
To surface and I can admire
The moon
But not as much as
I admire you

I've apologized
To the night
(Also to you)
Sparkling stars are
Synonymous to their
While your silence shouts louder
Than anything I've ever heard

So I can run a few miles
But I'm panting for breath
At the end
Don't be surprised
If I go into
Cardiac arrest!

Because my book continues
But the ink is wearing thin
The next chapter is
So far away

So I will make my world a window
See you when I wish to
And seal the blinds
Once I have fulfilled the want
For closure

All my doors have been bolted
So please visit
But do not
Come in.
691 · Apr 2013
hello Apr 2013
it's like a math problem
that i struggle with for hours
trying to comprehend
my confusion makes me cry
and all i want is to understand
understand why the numbers interact
with these numbers
why things change if you add or subtract
why the answer isn't always what
you thought it may be

we're just like all the possible problems
a teacher could present to us
i struggle to find our answer
682 · Apr 2013
Types of girls
hello Apr 2013
Types of girls: heavy rain drops sliding down your shoulder, customized license plates, smokey motel rooms, black nail polish, dead roses, empty cinemas, expired valentines chocolate.
660 · Apr 2013
Sad coffin
hello Apr 2013
Bury a phone in my coffin
loaded with
Voicemails from you
So I can listen to your voice
For those lonely times
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