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Sep 2021 · 103
message me please
m Sep 2021
this is not a poem someone give me drugs
Sep 2021 · 471
m Sep 2021
i love when you call me darling
but I know I'm not your only

the women hate them
but shes my lover

you arent special enough to be mine, and I don't think about you enough to write you a love poem

but your attention is enough to make me more than your friend
if I ever love you in a park id be scared

I don't want you enough for us to be

just stop talking
Sep 2021 · 67
m Sep 2021
if i blur my eyes i can see red yellow green blue
in my eyes
my iris absorbs the melancholy acid
its just light
but mixed with the salt
its burning
my eyes are burning
wet eyeliner
ink drops
in my eyes
in my eyes
you are filling my sences with you're pretty purple light
I'm addicted
Feb 2021 · 82
iced coffee
m Feb 2021
the ice cubes of malevolence drop into me.
when they do, everything I feel is dark
there is never happiness or joy, just feelings of spite and anger
I scream into plastic and cry violently
almost throwing up
filled with emotion
with every ice cube, i become silent
and nothing matters
as it cools my body from the inside out
I feel chilled, I'm empty but I can feel myself filling with the feeling of uneasiness, and now I'm on the verge of a relapse but then
I get the steaming hot liquid being poured into me
and start to feel happy and loved and hot
what will win? will the ice chill the hot drink or will the ice melt away with all that is good?
before I can find out, the sudden temperature hits, and pressure makes my glass casing explode.
i burn everyone around me.
May 2020 · 110
im sick of being sad
m May 2020
read the title *******
May 2020 · 116
m May 2020
roses are red
but in my dreams I'm blue
in my nightmares, you look yellow
in real life, I look purple
when you tell me I'm pretty I go white
but darling
i go pink when you smile
May 2020 · 118
i miss moon boy
m May 2020
it was a mistake.
i told moon boy he wasn't enough for me
since his star friends were being quite rude.
moon boy wasn't perfect, but at least he was mine

not anymore though. i guess I was just too young.
Nov 2019 · 166
mr. moon
m Nov 2019
mr moon. What can one say about mr moon? Like a Californian quill he shrills loud screams and hopes to make girls cry. Their ears bleeding as his loud shrill of a voice cuts their brains in half. Still moon boy is a descendent of a shy child crying and whispering to one day succeed more than his fellows.
hets omore
Nov 2019 · 85
m Nov 2019
It's ok that you made me cry. One day someone will take you and hold you. They will show you the love and gentleness that puts melted sugar on your tongue and all you will ever want to do is show the world that feeling
Be nice guys
Sep 2019 · 130
m Sep 2019
Sometimes it’s okay to go a little insane. We are human. I mean if you are. And if you aren’t then it’s still okay. Even my alien buddies need a break from thinking rationally sometimes.
Sep 2019 · 139
m Sep 2019
I’m going to be honest. When somebody hurt you. And I mean made you cry. And then their lives start to crumble. It makes me feel very good. I know it makes you feel good too. Because when we say “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy”

We are lying
Today someone’s life is going to **** and it makes me very glad
Sep 2019 · 130
I’m back
m Sep 2019
I’m not certain we were soul mates, not strangers either. Something between the soft whisper of lovers and the loud scream of family. We were just two magnetic souls clinging to each others lies and smiles.
May 2019 · 218
you. are. so. cute.
m May 2019
you are so cute
i look at you and i fall instantly
i think you are the best
my heart beats out of my chest
i wish it was just us
because your friends hate me
i want you to date me
you are so cute
Apr 2019 · 1.4k
happy is a lie
m Apr 2019
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
If orangutans become extinct then the co-existing species will also become extinct. This is because the orangutan is a keystone species and those co-existing species rely on the orangutans to live.
Apr 2019 · 742
c la v i c l e
m Apr 2019
the clavicle is my favorite bone
the clavicle is the greatest bone
turn off the tv // get off your phone
the clavicle is my favorite bone
femurs & fibulas // forget the rest
the clavicle is above your chest
the clavicle really is the best
the clavicle is my favorite bone
Feb 2019 · 354
$ ✞ ® α ŋ ₲ ε
m Feb 2019
no issues with the way the sky holds me like my orange loft
Feb 2019 · 115
exhausted *~^*
m Feb 2019
the more i do
the less i feel
my infatuation with education
and for what
for who
i wish i had gills
for this rain

welcome to the **** show
Jan 2019 · 163
m Jan 2019
it's funny how they say black dont crack
we minded our buisness and they came and beat us black and blue
put shackles on us
***** us
whipped us untill we couldn't walk ******* straight
while we were getting down, they were telling us to put our hands up.
4000 ******* years of being kicked and you tell us we dont crack.
youre right
you ******* shattered us and we'll never be fixed
black dont crack but you shatter our melanin like glass
Jan 2019 · 605
m Jan 2019
i dont know if im in love with you, or in love with love

i love the idea of love.
Jan 2019 · 103
m Jan 2019
one day this house will become so cold i will rip the matches against the box and never shiver again



T o o   b a d   y o u ' l l   n e v e r   n o t i c e
Nov 2018 · 203
m Nov 2018
the midnight takes the flower and whispers into it a song of tragedy.
the flower is not dead.
Nov 2018 · 196
rose pt.2
m Nov 2018
the rose and the tulip were best friends
the rose really loved the sun
she thought the sun loved her too
she realized it was unrealistic for anything to love her
so when the tulip asked to kiss the sun
she said it was fine
the rose was a waste of sun and gave it to the tulip
but now she is regretting her decisions
she is wilting
it's too late now
the sun and the tulip are now one
and the rose has died.
Oct 2018 · 121
m Oct 2018
i am ripping out my hair in horrible sobs . why cant I stand the sound of my own voice. shut up shut up shut up. all I do is lie. why is it always a lie.

— The End —