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A Henslo Nov 2018

Ik durf nauwelijks te kijken naar
de vrouw die strompelt over
de stoep, gedrongen adagio

steunend —
er is zoveel angst
ik zou een schema kunnen schetsen

van het grote verval
we zijn weldra allemaal
van vroeger-weet-je-nog.

De bruiloft is voorbij,
de zomer afgelopen.
Leven, leg dat maar eens uit.

Dit boek is bijna halverwege.
Daar zijn geen pillen tegen,
zei mijn arts.
English Dutch transposition by A.Henslo
Original poem by Deborah Landau, 2015

I Don’t Have a Pill for That

It scares me to watch
a woman hobble along
the sidewalk, hunched adagio

leaning on —
there’s so much fear
I could draw you a diagram

of the great reduction
all of us will soon
be way-back-when.

The wedding is over.
Summer is over.
Life please explain.

This book is nearly halfway read.
I don’t have a pill for that,
the doctor said.
A Henslo Oct 2018
Are you happy?
someone asked me
of late at just
the right

I hesitated
What exactly is
Not wealth
or fame

It is not
to be found
in dopamine
or dancing
through life

or contentment
But it surely feels like

an approximation of a
certain moment of bliss
that even now
I cannot fully

AH 2018
Dedicated to Roos
A Henslo Sep 2018
Should I
this month
aware or unaware
with or without intent
have failed to insult you
or exasperate you
in any other way
then I humbly
offer you my
A Henslo Aug 2018
A matin en septembre
A familiar fragrance fills my chambre
Le parfum de la boulangère

Flaky at times
Scarcely ever any whines
My favorite breakfast partenaire

I vow to resist you not
if you come with something hot
You embody what I want

Your soft giving bite
Un double express' on the side
My morning croissant
AH 2017

Le jour se lève (adaptation Française)

Un matin en septembre
L'arôme connu remplit ma chambre
Le parfum de la boulangère

Elle gagne sa croûte
Sans un moment de doute
Ma préférence comme partenaire

Je m'acquitterai de mon boulot
si tu joindras mon option chaud
Tu es mon plaisir malin

Une douce bouchée
Un double express' à coté
Mon croissant de matin
A Henslo Jul 2018
Early this morning, barely awake
I noticed a tiny pencil picture
on the screen of Facebook messenger
next to the profile pic of my daughter
As if there was a message

Not much later
when my vision became clear
I found it was a mayfly –
Ephemera expectans
AH 2013
A Henslo Jun 2018
The first cicada
and a glass of Côtes du Rhône –
Summer is here
A Henslo Jun 2018
Poursuivi par les rafales
les cyprès se penchent au soleil –
AH 2016
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