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 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh

If you're attacked by a Lion
Find fresh underpants to try on
Lay on the ground quite still
Pretend you are very ill
Keep like that day after day
Perhaps the lion will go away
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
I love her
At one point
She did love me
At this time
She no longer does

I can't get over her
She's moving on
I cry and weep
She becomes happy

My world crumbles
As her's grows
My foundation withers
Her's blossoms beautifully

I love her still
She no longer does
I see the beauty in her
She sees the ugly in me

I will always love her
She will never return
I'll remember her
She will forget Me

I love her
She loves me not
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
You asked
I helped you
I asked
You declined

You cried
When you're alone
I wiped those tears away
Held you so you wouldn't be

I cried
When I was alone
You looked at Me
Only to say "Sorry"

Yet you still ask
I helped you
I asked you
You decline

Tell Me
What you want
What you desire
I will give

You continue to ask
I continue to give
I stopped asking
I only listen

When you need someone
I'll be there for you
When I need someone
I'll be alone

You want
I gave
I want
I get nothing

You want
I gave all I could
What I want
You give to another

Yet you still ask
Yet I still give
I am your tool
Use Me as you see fit
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
You're there when no one else is
You've helped Me up
When I fell down
You helped lick My wounds
You wiped My tears away
You made Me smile
When things were hard
You held Me
The way I always wanted to be held
You're playful
When I needed to cheer up
You have a warm tender heart
It understands what My heart is
The state that it is in
Without knowing it
You've become the great bonfire
In this cold dark world of Mine
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
It starts with "Hi"
We then talked
As time passed by
We knew each other
Inside and out

We went out together
Did things together
Shared our secrets
Our strengths
Our weakness

We confessed our love
We said "Yes" to each other
We fell deeper
Together we smiled more
Then we have ever had before

Our first kiss
Tears of joy flowed
I held you in My arms
You felt safe there
Our hearts synced

We embraced
Felt each others bodies
Caressed one another
Explored each other

We then became one
Hand in hand
Lips to lips
Our body embraced closer
We lusted for one another

We proposed to each other
We both said "I do" happily
We've became even more
We looked to our future
Together forever

Time passes
We slowly fell apart
We fought more
We loved less
We cried

Here we are now
You're no longer here
I'm no longer there
You moved on
I haven't

You found a new life
I'm trapped in the pass
You're happy now
I miserable now
We ended it with "Bye"
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
I want to say "Thank you"
You pulled Me out of the pits
You talked to Me when I was alone
You noticed Me when no one else did
You held Me when I was falling
You helped Me close the chapters that made Me cry
You supported Me even when I couldn't
You helped Me succeed and avoid failure
You loved Me when I couldn't
You stopped Me when I wanted to go
You fed Me when I was hungry
You sheltered Me when I had no home
You made Me smile when it was hard
You accepted all the flaws I had
You opened My mind to things unknown to Me
You scold Me when I did wrong
You forgave Me when I hurt you
You understood My heart like no one else
You know My story and didn't judge it
You never criticize Me for who I am
You became My brother
You became My sister
You became My father
You became My Mother
You became family to Me
You taught Me how to love
You loved Me as I loved you
So thank you all for being My friend
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
Woke up this morning
Like any other day
Check My phone
No messages

I messaged a few friends
They messaged back
I didnt feel so lonely
The morning was good

This afternoon
I'm still talking to My friends
One of which is getting closer
I begining to develop feelings

Talked more and more
We cuddled close as we talked
Night draws near
This afternoon was fair

Night comes
We become tired
The conversations slows down
We get ready to retire

The close friend goes to sleep
I'm alone now
I get a message from the past
Tonight will be uneventful
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
Once upon a time
The end
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