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Helen Oct 2014
What a hearts thinks?

What it really feels?

** L O V E
Helen Oct 2014
Where I sit is an empty place
a space full of no meaning
a seat that is reserved for one
devoid of any feeling
Where I sit is a lofty stoop
characterized in concrete
just a single placed chair
a place to put two feet
Planted upon unforgiving ground
and rumored to be true
where I sit is a lonely place
but could be shared, by two
really feels unfinished but... who cares?
  Oct 2014 Helen
Paddy Martin
Did you see the poet?
Did he pass this way?
Did the poet speak to you?,
What did the poet say?

The poet said to dream,
'tis dreams that make you strong,
The poet said to admit your faults,
whenever you are wrong.

The poet said to stand together,
yet apart enough for each to grow,
love and trust your children,
enough to finally let them go.

The poet said wear life loosely,
share with others what you own,
learn to laugh at troubles,
and you will never be alone.

The poet said to live life fully,
don't run to deaths embrace,
the poet said he loves us,
and you could see it on his face.

(c) 09/04/2010
Helen Oct 2014
took a phone call today
please come and talk to me
got in the car, drove to you
and you said to me

I'm not right, I feel it in my head
I've got no one else, I've got no friends
I can't talk to you, I don't know where to begin
please, just talk to me

I talk about nothing as I watch your tears
I speak about idiocies and unrelenting fears
I whispers entreaties that drive me insane
I sit and silently know... I'm to blame

each revelation, besides the last
leaves me gasping, struggling to breathe
each time you say I can't talk about it
gives me another reason to believe


this is my shame

my horror is I walked away
knowing you were on your own
you sent me away
like a dog with a bone

with no meat on it

I don't have a clue
whats really eating you

except I could only say
*whatever you are thinking
Suicide is NOT the way
actual events today... I'm terrified and weepy and just, ****...!
Helen Sep 2014

Your work may be there too :( I hope not, it's so soul destroying)

From the above Facebook Page

Sincere Apologies posted August 22 belongs to Brittney Anne

Loving  You of Loving Me posted August 15 belongs to Teema

Her Mothers Perfume Resembles Her Anger posted August 14 belongs to Abbey Cole

and there are more from here...

Just Ask A Good Woman She Knows Pain Beyond Limits posted August 11 belongs to Jeffrey Conyer

and I could go on and on but it seems everything they have posted and claimed for their own comes from this site...

Just had to file a DMCA takedown with Facebook because this person removed all my comments but not my poem!!!

All their work is stolen from here so make sure you go and have a look to make sure your work is not there!!!

I ******* HATE these parasitic people!!!!
Helen Sep 2014
we all sing
a different tune
some rock out
while others croon
some sing about
someone did them wrong
just like those country songs
the love song sung
with only piano strains
or the murderous thrill
of metallic chains
some warble
in operatic overtures
others sing the blues
not just words
upon a screen
songs of our heart
and in our dreams
Helen Sep 2014
he walks softly down the hall
pausing only long enough to stare
at the empty piece of wall
and pictures no longer there

he traces his hands softly
gently stroking an invisible face
that he had memorised so fondly
but disappeared without a trace

he ghosts down to the bedroom
tripping over spectres of the past
as one might perhaps presume
he takes each step as his last

it still all looks the same
nothing has been touched
trails of nothing refuse a name
inelegantly scribbled in the dust

stepping back, not turning around
ghosting past the missing frames
on a wall as empty as broken ground
just waiting for the remains
dedicated to I Only Worship Absolutes
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