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 Aug 2013 rueben
 Aug 2013 rueben
I am usually
Pretty stupid.
I don't do it intentionally.
But it happens a lot.
So please forgive me my idiocy.
 Aug 2013 rueben
Life's a Beach
I've just seen you
New you
Old you is gone
Lost in the melody of the
Song which once ours
"I'm no superman, I
Hope you like me as I am"
Pity that songs aren't always true.
Old me misses the old you.
But new me can see,
That you and I were never meant to be.

When you saw me I saw no shock
Not even a hit on the lock of your heart
Which I so longed never to part with.
I was so innocent then
That was back when, I was pure
And demure
And sure that none could ever want me
Unaware of the power of the stare
Upon me bare
Unaware of the care I should have kept with me there
In your sights
Every part of me convinced you were about to take flight
Leaving me with only ragged feathers
To clutch in the night of my terrors
And pray and wish it wasn't true
That I had lost my only purity:
 Aug 2013 rueben
Hunter Beck
 Aug 2013 rueben
Hunter Beck
love is like the season fall

it starts with colorful leaves that are bright and beautiful

but ends with dead leaves falling off of trees

 Aug 2013 rueben
 Aug 2013 rueben
I read your words
Combinations of
Combinations of words
In a way that is uniquely
I find it awe-inspiring
You make me want to
When I hear your feelings
Expressed so beautifully.
Your worries
So sincere.
It makes me worry
Which makes me stop worrying
Because it shows me that I
Still care.
 Aug 2013 rueben
Amanda Jolley
I have to admit that as of late I have been in want of things,
Not just superfluous items I’ll use once or twice.
The things that I want of are beyond me even.
Not trinkets or baubles or anything really.
Its unbearable this longing, not really knowing, exactly.
What am I wanting?

I want to be wanted,
To be missed
I want to feel the sun on my face,
To live without fear of living to much!
I want to dance in the rain,
To love without doubt.
I want to taste the air!
To fear no man,

I want to read every book there is,
To give courage to those afraid to want and dream,
and smile.

These things I want one can give me....
I search for them
However I never seem to be able to hold on
to the rush of the things that I want.
I think if I only found someone to want them with me,
to search and reach and help me,
Then I could keep those things.
I could want all I want.
I would try.
Try hard to keep what it is that I want.
I guess I could say I know what I’m wanting.
I'm only in want of your love.
Slumped in the backseat
Feel the light shine and pass across closed eyelids
Electricity sizzlez and pops against brain tissue
I want to end so I can be everything

Help reaches out in the form of tiny eyes and a few off-handed comments
Lets go play outside with masks on
Be careful, after years of work these walls are still fragile
Poision seeps, I left a stain on your bed

We brought reminders of home
Coffee smudged against the tile floor
Renovations needed made
Asleep against the wheel going seventy

— The End —