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 Aug 2013 rueben
Mike Taylor
2 AM
 Aug 2013 rueben
Mike Taylor
It's 2 AM, yet I am awake
body dormant, but brain running wild
What I think of now won't matter tomorrow
a jumbled mess of insanity compiled

My mind keeps running, faster, faster
I can't even follow my own train of thought
Every second is like a new chapter
A new one begins as the last is forgot

Deeper thoughts are protruding surface
Predators of the night, they refuse to be silenced
Regrets and hardships thrown into a furnace
Crafting a weapon, a mind of defiance

I finally believe I may drift off to sleep
Yet floodgates have broken, a wave of mistakes
I let out a sigh, a breath of defeat
It's 2 AM, yet I am awake
They tell me I’m experiencing a loss

they expect me to move on

it hasnt even been a month

If I knew that was the last hug

I would’ve held on for dear life

You should still be here

they can’t put me at ease

they say anything they can

to save themselves

not admit their faults

I’ve had enough

You’re gone

she’s still around

doesn’t anyone see what’s wrong?

does someone care?

I was told to speak up

now that I am

its falling on deaf ears

If I knew what I know now

I would’ve saw you that day

I would’ve worked through the pain

Getting weaker by the day

don’t really care

about anything anymore

I never thought

I’d ever be back to square one

all I know is I’m done
 Aug 2013 rueben
 Aug 2013 rueben
if you take time to think about it -
water has many different personalities.
it will burn you, unapologetically, if it's boiled
but it can be so cold that it chills you to the bone.
water can flow freely, or be stagnant.
water can be clear, completely transparent -
or clouded & dark, all depending on where you find it.
water is life-giving; it will save you if you're dying of thirst,
but it can also be a poison - if not properly treated, before taking a drink.
it's powerful enough to destroy entire cities,
but gentle enough to bring life to flowers.
water can hold up a ship- but it will still slip through your fingers.

(water - was the color of your eyes,
  and ever since the day you left -
it's all that seems to come from mine.)
 Aug 2013 rueben
maybella snow
a life was lost to love
                     why love when hearts are so fragile?
       i covered my arm with the ink of my pen
       rather than the usual blood with a blade
                              love is lost in the world, i'm just a grain of sand
where'd all the
beauty of the
world go?
i think it
died when
you did
                                  dreams and reality are all nightmares in the end
 Aug 2013 rueben
maybella snow
bogeymen are                                                         its hard to
no longer hiding                     where'd                        remember
in your cupboards                 all the                     that i'm alive
or under your beds                   beauty                           some days
they're hidden in                       go?                         because i feel
the depths of                                                         so dead
your dark mind                                                        on the                                i want to replace
ready to jump out                                                        inside                        the blood in my veins
and cause the                            a lonely poetess                                                with ink
self hate that ends                   sits in a pool of blood
in blood covered
many different fragments, read by font, not line
 Aug 2013 rueben
his sun
 Aug 2013 rueben
she is his sun, brightening his days, giving him warmth. he doesn't remember a time when he was without her, and doubts he could make it anyway.

she is his world, his universe, he revolves around her. she's been there from the start and he's depended on her ever since.

they both have come a long way, each constantly going through their own changes and metamorphoses. soon they won't recognize each other at all.

his sun is losing her grip on him. all this time she has held him in place, she has kept him in orbit. but what about her? she is slowly but surely burning out and neither of them notice.

they are drifting and his sun is burning out. she is losing herself and he is losing her and they are losing a battle that no one could win. his sun is draining him and her and he can't help.

his sun is expanding, emotions are running rampant. she is not as she used to be, she has consumed him and left nothing but fragments of broken pieces in her wake. his sun has ruined him and is ruining her, too. she explodes. she is nothing more than a white dwarf of a girl, emitting what little light she has left before it disappears forever.

it is cold and dark. his sun is but a fragment of her former self and there is no way of getting her back.
They came again, last night – those women in black suit contrasting the sheet on my back.

One of them was holding a tray; the other was pushing a cart. All in all there were three women, one with a tray and one with a cart. The sight of the clattered metal made me shudder; the coldness crawled from my neck down to my spine. It was rusty and ****** and somber in that dimness of the endless corridor outside.

I, however, cannot tell those things inside the cart. I wouldn’t want to. No one will believe me. If I do so, they will hurl me in that room then wrap a cold, unfeeling machine round my head and fire indiscriminate gunshots. No. I will not. I cannot. They wouldn’t believe me. They will chain me, call me mad and electrify me while guaranteeing nonsense.

But it happened, really. It happened. They pushed my blanket down and my robe up, its edge touching the base of my chin. And it was very cold, and very rough, and very sharp, that metal the woman dragged on my chest, on my skin.

It was very rough.
And very cold.
And very sharp.

And she was too strong, the other woman in black. Her left hand covering my mouth I could barely breathe, her right keeping my arms at bay while she dragged the metal on my chest, creating this curve and that slice.

And my skin burned that kind of thin burning consuming not just a tree but the entire forest with all its silent secrets.
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 Aug 2013 rueben
maybella snow
stop posting
  videos of
mostly naked
           or simply
just naked
         how do you
expect anyone
           to respect you?
if you don't
                respect yourself
enough to
keep your
clothes on
in front of
the camera
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