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Ive been away for quite a while, seriously missing my new found family here at Hello Poetry...kind of going through some personal, professional and financial challenges as we all do...I've allowed those that dont mean me well the "temporary" victory...and even felt like giving up and throwing in the towel at one point (but not quite to the point of death)...but I feel that we all reach this point at least one time in a life time of many experiences whether good or bad. I haven't had the desire to write or express myself because I am stuck and wallowing in my own self pity and despair, depleted of strength. Some have caused me great malice, and up until this point I've resisted to the impulses and feelings to lash out...back, against them, but a person can only take so much and I know that violence only begats violence, and ignorance, ignorance, so please...can someone, anyone...revive me, resusitate me...and just breathe life into these dry bones that have become shallow and empty with thoughts of anger, frustration, doubt, procratination and guilt...just shoot me a few words of encouragement...lift me up...I will surely pay it forward when I regain my strength and confidence...for I AM NOT a quitter....selah

He looks with intent
as he stares beyond her eyes,
to the core of her being,
uniting with something within
her soul.

The face of love, her counterpart
Looks back at him
with anticipation
waiting for words to form,
speaking sounds of harmony;
His music playing distantly
within the depths of her heart.

His desire for her is coiled tightly around the
framework of her soul.
There is a secret place within her
where her adoration for him causes
the joints and the marrow to meet, and the
nucleus of their yearning divides
and reforms many times over
forging a stronger bond;
The spirit of Agape is born in the season of its place
beyond the dividing asunder.

The innocence of passion precedes His advancement towards her
and time takes a picture
capturing their beauty.
She tilts her head slightly to the left
as if she is rebalancing the motion of Jupiter’s axis
and here their lips embrace ,
and for a small moment,
they are trapped in the destiny of their
own eternity.

They speak secrets of intimacy
whispering in duality; two voices echoing;
¿Ven a pasar su vida con mi amor?
smiling from the inside out
and all of the components of their relationship
lay abreast arresting hope,  
sentencing their love to life.
I wrote this poem on a flight from Washington, DC. All I had was several napkins. I was desparate to capture this moment in time. It was all I had to write on. I was taken aback by two young lovers and the innocence of their intimacy. For a moment, I was envious of the love they displayed for each other as though something was missing from my life. Assuredly, I convinced myself that one day, I too, would find this same love. It was something beautiful. They sat in seat 28F.
In silence I sit not knowing
what to hear, feel, or say anymore.
My skin tingles
and the eyes of my mind
have become blind with numbness.
My heart is asleep,
waiting to be desensitized,
reborn, and
resuscitated with
new life,
self revived, born anew.
There is a variance and void playing hopscotch
along a traveled path
In my heart and mind
seemingly endless.


I have forgotten myself and
the meaning of my life is diluted with
self medicated thoughts and inhibitions.

I have missed my destination three times,
To the fourth power.

In self discovery, recovery is born and
I, momentarily, have stopped listening
to the malicious ridicule and flippant mockery of the many voices that
formerly apprehended me.

I am the earth inside myself, a genesis formed,
and as new light sheds away my former darkness,
I embrace the despotism of my soul, binding it's brokenness;
emancipating the heaviness of my vision so the he that is truly
in me, is able to
see and know his greatness.

The incarnate,
incarcerated inception brings life to procured thoughts
and in the imagination of my good self
I sit in silence waiting for the
final contraction to
me out
into my purpose
that was bred into
the fibers of
my soul, ages ago.

I have watched the sun rise and the moon set many seasons.
I have seen the sun creep through the valleys of my barrenness
casting an eclipse of validation on false evidence;
realities, appearing real,  

and the shadow of death
that has threatened to compromise my life,
many times over,
Its been a while since I last thoughts have been held captive by life's circumstances. My days have been dark, yet the light still shines. I pray someone will be encouraged by this scribe.

— The End —