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 Dec 2013 Calvero
Nothing will last.
And eventually one of you will leave.
Because no matter how much
you wanted to save someone from drowning,
you will always be busy
trying to save yourself from the flood.
 Dec 2013 Calvero
You laid your eyes on me and beamed. Oh gosh I can feel my stomach flutter! 
You walked away. I turned away. Maybe he doesn’t want to see me.
Someone is calling someone and suddenly I hear someone calling my name.
That voice, the voice I wanted to hear everyday,
The same voice I dream to have conversations with.

I missed that voice. The voice I used to hear singing me songs.
The voice I used to hear saying my name, sweetly.
That voice that sent shivers through my spine.
The same voice that I hear even when I’m dreaming.
Your voice who told me those two big words, “Trust me.”

I glance back and saw you, nearer. As if you wanted to talk to me.
That hair, your messy hair that goes beyond perfect with your looks.
Those dimples, your five ******* dimples that will only be visible when you smile.
And yet I’m seeing that smile, as if it was made for me, only for me to see.
Those eyes, those brown smoky eyes that lit up my soul whenever I look at it.

But I instantly pushed those thoughts away. Maybe he’ll going to ask me why I’m here.
“Why are you here?” Watching you. I’m watching you from afar. That’s the truth!
“I just want to talk to her.” To you! It’s you that I want to talk to, always.
    ⎯ “I need to ask her something.” What’s wrong with my mouth? It says clashing words from what I really wanted to say. It’s like it’s have it’s own life that I can’t control. Or maybe,
I’m just afraid to reveal my feelings in view of the fact that you might not feel the same.

“Oh, I thought you’re wat⎯” you murmur, “never mind. It’s nothing.” You walked away.
And as your body walk off with mine, you brought my heart but never left yours with mine.
Most of the times it confuse me, why are we afraid?
Here we go again… Afraid to say the words worth saying, and not risking anything.
And maybe, I’ll **** that someone who introduce us the phrase, “Prevention is better than cure.”
As it is harder to prevent someone you love, when you know that it’s them who can cure you.
 Dec 2013 Calvero
Liam Kleinberg
i lay awake at night
listen to the sound the rain makes.
it spatters onto the ground with such purpose
that i can not help but feel jealousy in the pit
of my empty stomach.
the rain knows where its going and where its been.
i wander, confused at who i am and who i'm going to be.
i crave the feeling of certainty.
to know if i'm going to pull the string attached to my lips
and pull it into another forced smile another day.
i lay awake at night and
wish to be a drop of rain.
 Dec 2013 Calvero
Gabrielle Ayoub
In this world of pure immensity
United we were in a wonderful serendipity
In this madness where I don't belong
The only thing that keeps me strong
Is the sparkle of your eyes
You must be the devil in disguise

I can feel your heartbeat
I'm holding on to every dream
Yes, I feel your heartbeat
Pumping though my veins, so extreme

With us, nothing is impossible
You see, our love is invincible
I just need to hold you tonight
So that I can die in your arms, holding you tight
my bed
is far
too vast
with out
you laying
right next
to me
 Dec 2013 Calvero
The Truth
You're the sweetest person I’ve ever met and I’ve only known you for a short while.
Nothing like a carefree person (which you are) to make me blow away.
I admire you...only a child who’s smarter than he looks
My undeniable love for you can’t ever be enough
When were hand in hand I smile and so do you
I cant find a bigger, stronger word to say how much I love you
And though  your small now, you’ll get bigger soon
My darling child, just want you to know my undeniable love
Is how much I care for you.

Your brown skin is way to soft
And I’m sure those girls will target you
When you smile, the worlds happy
And when you frown it makes me wanna cry
I still haven’t found the right words...not yet
Still haven’t found the right feeling...not yet
Still haven’t found the right hugs to give you...not just yet
But I know I've found the love for you when I held you in my arms
I was scared because you were fragile
Because you were small
Because you were precious...more precious than the stars
And since your growing now I just want you to know
I love you .

Dedicated to: Jacob
 Dec 2013 Calvero
When we're little, we believe the place to go is up, up, and away
We get a little older, and we want to know what's down there
In the deep
The beauties, or the beasts?

One day we'll be adults
Too tired to try and fly
We'll just climb
Working to the best of our abilities for a good reputation
Polishing our shoes, straightening our ties
And one day, it's all gone
You wonder how it all could have happened so fast
Well, at some point, you turned around
And started rolling downhill

Then you realize
The best thing about all this is that the ride down never ends
It's as infinite as space
You see that everything can always be worst
You can always fall a little deeper
Which is why even the ones everyone call "freaks", are beautiful

But this hill has nothing to do with actions
Just thoughts
It's why the famed have a spotlight
They're in too deep
Deep in greed they count their cash
Only to waste it on yet another mask

This is why I can't admire the rich
Their power comes from what the masks of deception bring them

They try to drag down those of us free from their evil gravity
But we don't give in
Hell, we win
We don't just barely make it out with bruises and black eyes
We dance away with grace
To the top of the hill
We don't dance to escape the monstrous underworld
We dance to stick it to those that made us believe the surface wasn't beautiful
I have no clue as to how I came up with this.
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