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 Dec 2013 izzat haziq
 Dec 2013 izzat haziq
She was only sixteen,

Yet her mind wandered about the galaxies like no other beings can do. She recognized every little details on the fireballs and the faraway stars when no other beings can. She carved the rocks and shaped them like the stars of the milky way. With different kind of hues coloured the atmosphere, she breathed in them all.
She danced her way around Jupiter and hopped on the rings of Saturn and danced like it was her first dance with her groom on her wedding day. She shined like how any other stars would shine. With all her might she pushed herself back to earth like a falling star.And just at the balcony of the house on the corner of that street,
                  a little boy wished upon her.
He wished upon a wishing star. He looked up to her. He told her his worries.

She was only sixteen,

but her heart felt every little emotions any hearts can and can't feel. She felt things that could forever scar her heart. She felt despair,rage,embarrassed,annoyed,betrayed,hurt,
                 ­      but also she was inspired,she felt joy,proud,strong and she loved.
The miseries she felt upon being neglect, she dig a hole and found a little dusty emotion in the corner of her heart....hope. She hold onto it,treat it like a child and there faith came up to her and fall in love with hope. She's stronger than any other beings can be as faith and hope unites.

She was only sixteen,

yet she shut her eyes and flee to Neverland with Peter Pan.
                             "Give me your hands" he whispered.
           "The second star to the right,and straight 'till morning" he said. He held her hands and off they went with fairy dusts from Tinker Bell stuck on their icy cold lashes.
To join him and the lost boys.
To be the first lost girl.
To never grow up as the world gets more beastly by minutes.
To forever have a childlike mind and a childlike body.
To escape from the harsh reality and enter the world of immortality where fairies and wisps flew by like it's a normal day for grocery shopping.

She was only sixteen,

but she had hurdled through life with things that the beings in The Wizard of Oz lacks. She tricked manipulators with her wisdom,she showed her betrayers how huge of a heart she has.
She forgives,
       She forgets.
She braved herself through all the horrendous obstacles she had to face. Life hit her,hard and just when she got up it kicked her in the stomach and let her bleed. But she saw things differently. She accepted the kick and let all the negativity in her lungs escaped and let all the positive vibes entered her.
With hands as small as an elf's,she opened it and let everything get caught in her hands. Like the net of a fisherman,not everything great gets trapped. But when he's blessed with a huge fortune,big fishes came to him.
           The thorns,the sadness,the euphoria...
She accepted everything and smiled. "Thank you" she said everytime.

She was only sixteen,

but she's already a beautiful aurora herself.
-writings for a precious friend-
 Dec 2013 izzat haziq
When the moon takes over the Sun's throne
When the Earth turned its back to the Sun
I have felt the audacity to like you
Like something new just happened
But when Sun is taking its throne back
When the Earth captured the light again
Every limb in me tells me
"You are nothing."
The world shows with lackadaisically
That I am the fool
For having feelings.
 Dec 2013 izzat haziq
Dearest Therapist:
There is nothing wrong with me. I don’t see what you see. I feel fine today… it must have been a dream. I don’t know why I ever told you anything at all. I have no problems, there’s nothing wrong with me. How could there possibly be? I am the perfect girl. Things like that don’t happen to girls like me. I have the perfect life, with the perfect kids, the perfect friends, the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect smile. There is no way I could have ever suffered something like that. I am not pathetic and sorry. Girls like me don’t have problems. Girls like me don’t feel pain. Girls like me have everything anyone could possibly wish for, and then some. There is nothing I cannot achieve. I am so sorry for wasting your time.*

I am not that perfect girl. My heart and soul have third degree burns that cannot be repaired. It hurts so much inside that at times it is unbearable and I cannot remain here, housed in this body. I hide behind a smile because all I have left is a small amount of pride and a whole bushel of stubborn will. My life is one big lie. No one will see me with my head in the toilet or the scars on my arms that were once covered with blood. No one will ever know that the perfect girl is not real. The reality of it all is way too difficult to divulge and much less complicated to conceal. Tonight I cry alone but when tomorrow comes I will once again live that ‘perfect life’… the life of no pain, the life of no shame, and the life with no fear. And you will never know that when the darkness falls, and I am once again alone, I will feel the pain I push away all day long. And I will lock myself in the bathroom and I will sob on the cold tile floor. But I will do it in the silence of my bathroom, alone, in the darkness.

**You will never know….because I will not speak...I am not allowed to speak.
I don’t have a problem. I am sorry I said anything at all. Look at me and you can tell…there is nothing wrong here. I am the perfect girl, living the perfect life.
 Dec 2013 izzat haziq
Gary Muir
as the last drop of you thins in my veins,
I find I’ve forgotten how to hold a pencil
don’t remember the syntax of a sentence
this page would be better used for kindling
can’t write a poem with a pen that’s been emptied of its passion

no more nights of tangled limbs and cool-air conversation
no more days of light laughter, shy smiles, and a flower
growing in my gut -  you made a garden out of me

dipped your paintbrush in my pigments
the portrait you painted I hung in front of my mirror
for you made me the man I’d always wanted to be

that portrait still hangs in its place
I’m too afraid to see what now lies behind

no longer star-light bright
my eyes reflect ghost ship lanterns
fading in a sea of memory

I sink, wishing time would turn back
or at least hurry forward -
just stop standing so still.

I sit, waiting until I’m struck again
but knowing hope is no course of action.
If I could craft a diamond
from a single tear
set it softly in a ring

your hand dare...

adorn such pain

offering me love...

me comfort

I set these tears
to sparkle in mine eyes
that you

wipe them away
by thy hand

and wear upon your flesh
my pain
openly and without shame

as promise ring

you will always

Love me.
The people that sit in the back of the room,
that don't want to be known.
The people that wear long sleeves,
that don't want she scars the be shown.
The people that sit alone at lunch,
that looks down and mess with their phone.
The people that get lost in their thoughts,
that sit there and groan.
The people that want to be skinny,
that want to nothing but skin and bones.
The people that worry about their body,
that want to be that 'perfect tone'.
The people that cry and want to die,
that no one can put them in their happy zone.

 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
i realize that this can be very disrespectful, but do you realize that i do not give a ****. (god please don't be mad at me.)
2.18 AM

The couple next door are shouting and throwing things, the cries of children can be heard
I'm awake from my uncomfortable sleep

A middle-aged lady is sobbing on the bench, palms over her face
Thinking why is love so cheap

Almost unconscious, the brown eyed girl stares at her wrist on the bathroom floor
Maybe she have cut too deep

The heartbroken freshman stood at the border of a mountain *****
Not caring that it is steep

As her phone lights up, she buries herself in the blanket
Ignoring the beep

2.19 AM

I'm lost in my thoughts, wondering
Why can't people just be happy for a second?
Usually I only write stories so this is basically my first try in poetry x
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