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thats what i want
feel the warmth
of my own blood
leaking out of my own body
knowing i went out
the way i wanted
sounds good
but thats just it
it sounds good
i could go with my wrists
id fell my blood
driping down my hands
i could paint a pice of art
let it happen slow
that sounds good
or my neck
i could choke on my own blood
drown in it
fell it fill my lungs
choking me slowly
but thats what life is right
it just chokes you
up untill that day
you give out
thats the day im waiting for
thats the day we all wait for
so should i cut my wrists
paint a beutiful picture
in my own blood
feel myself slowly slip away
or cut my neck
and drown in my own blood
so witch will it be?
i just want to die
but really
nobody gives a ****
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
Thank you for turning me into one of those cold hearted person. Thank you for bullying me,kicking me,punching me,giving me hates,making me believe that my life and my existence were a ******* joke. I really thank you for bruising my body,making me bleed,giving me black eyes,and just basically hurting me physically and mentally. If it weren't for you guys,I'd probably still cry about the littlest thing.

I've changed now. My heart is ****** cold. I don't cry anymore and I won't.

Maybe it's a good thing and maybe it's not but like I said,this is a thank you message.
You guys almost made me **** myself but I kept my head up and I stayed strong. So don't ******* blame me if I'm insensitive now because guess what? I'm not gonna let anyone step on me again. I've lost some of my feelings and I literally mean it. So thank you,for turning me into a cold person. Thank you for saving me.
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
chaste pecks from the super-sonic youth
numb lips flutter to the hollowed cheeks of normality
no longer the hand-prints on the guide book to hostility
a pamphlet of rudimentary teachings;
the principles of tolerance and rebellion and acceptance of human beings
a concoction of suppressed psychotic behavior, quick wit, and center of satirical tease
constantly moving with heavy footsteps and heavier hearts
their minds and bodies plagued with actions from a deserted youth
soul lusting over the naivety of people before self-actualization; how crude
do they call it an existential crisis or the daily life of a agoraphobic nobody
shouts from the depths of caged fears that scrape the oblivious flesh in their brain; a bit gaudy
mother, sister, brother, father how your words crush the knots of comfort that line my internal organs
bleeding from the pores of my screams; streams of moon-beams shooting out my eyes; oh, not again!
stomping our metaphorically spiked toenails against the idealism of pop culture
oh, my, how adolescence is the worst kind of torture
cherry slushies lined with cigarettes to create a whirl-pool of nostalgia
recreational drugs and ironic situations to ease our instinctual sense of proverbial nausea
loud-mouthed demons spawned out of clothes-hangers and emotional turmoil
show up in our nightmares that we nick-name ‘a good place to contemplate suicide’
repeated imagery stacked like flap-jacks in the mouths of blissed-out sociopaths
too self-indulgent to include us in to their personal stories so we can observe, record, and assess
i don’t perceive doctors to be particularly and predominantly just and true
but i one time met a doctor who told me ‘being a teenager is perhaps the hardest thing you could ever do’
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
your arms-the thorns of my body so strategically placed;
protecting my vulnerable frame
your lips akin to petals; kiss tender 'n eager
every breath's aura so congenial
your support resembling stem to strengthen and meddle me straight,
yet staying amply meek
your faith is purely fervent and keeps you veraciously planted- just as strong roots
your charming quirks protrude similar to leaves
distributed throughout; nothing shy of perfect
your bold personae is exclusive;
a risqué hue of disposition-
solely invaluable
my darling rose
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
 Nov 2013 izzat haziq
Tell the world
That it was never fair
Tell the world
That sometimes it does not follows you
Tell the world
That it would always be cruel

Like the night
Where it was suppose to be fun
And laughter
But why,
Why did it end up with a frown?

Two souls yearning
Yearning for the person they love
To notice
How painful it was
To stare
To hope
But to break into pieces
Once they're alone.

Such sweet love story,he said the other soul
What sweet love story? It never happened, she said to the other soul
"She's your everything?" she said to the other soul
"She is. But to bad, luck is not on my side." He said to the other soul

What else to describe the frown we held onto last night?
The sun awakens
And i do too
Should i study today?
Or just hulla boo?
Need to finish my syllabus
But it is so monotonous
To learn it word by word
I'd rather eat ****.
 Oct 2013 izzat haziq
Lucky Queue
I've never liked hospital room flowers
Their plastic, chemical smell mixed with the scent of disinfectant
Fake yellow, greens, pinks and whites
All the colors of pastel
No reds or blues, why's there never blue?
Sometimes they come with squeaky foil balloons
Brightly touting phrases like, "get well soon!"
And "we miss you!"
Cheerfully shouting the words to eternity
To everyone, but no one listens
But what's the purpose of flowers?
All they've ever done to me is cause depression
They stare you down as they slowly droop and decay
Wilting, they seem as if to say, "look, look at us"
"Like us, you are dying, slouching, falling into mortality"
Then when their rank water is cast aside
Soggy limp flowers and leaves tossed in trash
You're sickened by the task, rub your hands in disgust
Feeling as slimy as the cold ooze on the stems
What's the purpose of hospital flowers?
I've never liked them
All they've ever done to me is cause depression
Bad association with my dad's accident-caused hospital stay a couple years ago, and flowers in vases... *shudders*
 Oct 2013 izzat haziq
Lucky Queue
Beauty queens on the Hollywood scene
Plastic surgery before the age of fifteen
Striving to look like somebody else
Not happy with life nor even themselves

Riding 'round Beverly hill with Porsches, and Mercedes too
Strutting their stuff with brand new Jimmy Choos
Tiny lap dogs wearing diamond studded collars
Designer clothes costing many a pretty dollar

Watching the sun set over Beverly Hills
As the man on the corner passes out ****** pills
Life is unreal on both sides of the ditch
No matter how much you have, life's still a *****

And as you inhale the intoxicating clean air
Think: your vault might empty, and quickly be bare
But you'll still have family and friends and old fashioned love
(Though to be honest, you're never as free as The Dove)

The dove that flew off so long ago
Leaving the filth of it all far down below
In search of brighter days and bluer skies
Leaving Hollywood to deal with their own web of lies

This dove we speak of, he was truly free
Flew away so he could find his own special tree
No more worries of blank eyed starlet's destruction
No more worries of the wicked red-eyed Hollywood corruption
Fun little collab done with mike hauser. 5.27.13
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