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Nothing can compare to life when two distincts become one.
One virtue, one goal, and yet, still individual.
Working the gears of objective to make a harmonious sun.
Nothing can compare to love when all the brilliance encourages future.
Two souls akin to burning for ever.
Holding each other in the walks of footsteps embracing "he is mine" and "I'll never lose her".
Nothing can compare to a wild imagination.
One thought that can set the course to death
Created in the depths of loyalty, mistrust, and loss affection.
Nothing can compare to a broken heart
One beat. Slow and still weak
The heart that seems to haunt us forever since emerging from the dark.
Those ripples we create within ourselves track the coordinates of our presence.
Those ripples we may feel. Eternally.
What is that makes one man pure and another a monster?
Is it simply a predisposition or does one need to develop longer?
How can one give in to their primitive dark temptations?
While the other is chained to their morals and holy aspersions?
How can one gain pleasure from lies and desertion?
When another gains pleasure from helping and self correction?
How can utter evil exist in one mans blackened heart,
While one can be pure mind, body and soul from the start?
If we could answer this mystery we could heal what tears us apart.
So sigh a T.
I've been waiting for the city  to rebuild itself.
So sigh a T.
Reaching out to those with no help.
So sigh a T.
How we dance the dance of an unhealthy conundrum.
So sigh a T.
Living for death with no regard to the sound of its hum.
So sigh a T.
I've seen you weak I've seen you tall I've seen you peak.
So sigh a T.
I've seen you great reaching out for everything.
So sight a T.
But where are your arms now?
So sigh a T.
Where did your warmth Go?
So sigh a T.
But where did your love go?
So sigh a T.
The world has given up on you because you were meant to be their martyr.
It is our duty as human beings to inspire
To spark in others an undying desire
So let us pick up our pens and pencils
Our paints, chisels, and stencils
Our microphones, drums, and musical tools
And our books, beakers, and new found rules.
Let us make a path for greatness to follow
So we can make a much berighter tomorrow.
Love is a merely a fable of fairy tales
A simple mistruth that propels our wishful sails
We invest ourselves in this lie
To convince us that we won't be alone when we die
We think of love as some heavily bliss
Something to be cherished and missed
But it is just a tale to keep us warm at night
It's better to give up now than loose an unwinnable fight.
The color red is dead
A made up primary that came from our heads.
An evil marking of false trust
Not of love, just of lust
It consumes our thoughts and our hearts
Bringing us together and tearing us apart
It brings us no where,
But back to the start.
Deception, just a common misconception
A virus rooted in our psyche
A habit that's much to likely
Its the best friend of weakness
Breeding falsity and bleakness

Those who know it's stinging kiss
Are the ones who reap this
Maybe one day we can live with out
Until then this is what our society's all about
She's coy and passive, but I don't underestimate her.
A statement would be to say that she's methodical.
A bolder statement would be to say that this is all

Why be terse when my words are plentiful?
After all, the coffee you hold
was bought by me with a motive.
I did not buy you a coffee,
but your conversation.

An empty cup speaks
two volumes.
Some left to be discarded.
The others wait
for change.
When the emergency room
is at maximum occupancy,
the nurses will lay down
their clipboards and utensils,
clear their throats, and ask for
women and children
to approach the desk first.
To ensure proper care,
forms still must be completed promptly,
and as patiently as possible for the
patient to be processed.

There's the occasional backwards R.
But all is acceptable with a
signature by the X.
Adrenaline coursing
through veins may perhaps lead
the cause of instability,
some instances coarse skin.
A child with the heart of a lion,
shell of a turtle, will always overcome;
rest assured, an insured child,
prints their name with the
unmistakable yet
innocent backwards R still
knows that words are as powerful
as excruciating pain.
Sticks and stones and words alone
have been known to break through bone.

With the twitch of a finger
even Danny Torrance made
the word "Redrum" seem
like a word to reflect on,
if not only a feeling
of constant déjà vu.

Intensive care is a surgeon
not leaving a wristwatch
inside of a patient,
if not a cadaver
whose time ran out.
I lay on this old dying ground
Knowing my final moments
Are to come
No memoirs to write of a life story...
Just only regret
It’s so hard to forget
No longer attached
To my body
My mind spends time pondering &
Wondering about a glorious story
That fell from grace
Only to be soiled by
Life’s temptations
And love
Beware that the gods forbid
To which I declared war
I fought strongly, but lost disgracefully
I do not have a soul to call myself a human, nor do I have the morals & ethics to call myself a man
My body is an empty vessel
Only to be consumed by creatures
That lived like me
Only known to the bitter taste
Of the Murky world we live in
Never to know the true taste of beauty
My time is up
I can hear my voice
Fading away
Echoing away into the unknown
Slowly leaving what’s left of me
Possibly living in nothing
Awaiting suffering
Being forgotten
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