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 Aug 2014 Haruka
James Sebastian
That night in
your car with
the windows steamed
up maybe because
for the first time
in months I
had felt warm
and as the light
slowly melted away
I did not notice
it was the start of
something beautiful
but beauty fades
glory fades
and now you're
fading and I'm left
wondering if it was
ever beautiful
at all
 Aug 2014 Haruka
Poppy Johnson
this is who we are:
we are seven billion
lonely souls
wandering this earth
trying to free
ourselves from this
heavy feeling
in our  chests.
 Jul 2014 Haruka
Poppy Johnson
I've been trying to write what I feel
for such a long time
but the paper stays blank.
I've only just realised
that the blank paper
describes my feelings
more than words ever could.
 Jul 2014 Haruka
 Jul 2014 Haruka
have you ever
just looked at someone
and thought,
my ******* god i adore you
i adore every ******* ounce.
i adore your bones and your soul.
but I’m a loser, who just doesn't wanna lose you.
*i can lose ******* everything, but not you. oh god. not you.
not a poem. just a spur of the moment thought...
 Jul 2014 Haruka
circus clown
not likable

words so warm always turn cold
the moment they touch the air around us

not sure if i regret them when i hear them out loud
or when i see them register in ****** expressions

i can’t relate
i hope you don’t mind the space
i feel so detached from everything around me
 Jul 2014 Haruka
circus clown
i've never been to
a confessional but i
told you i loved  you
while you held me in a
dark bedroom and i
think that's close
 Jul 2014 Haruka
Poppy Johnson
stars are tiny holes
in Heaven's carpet
and they say that
humans are made
from the dust
that falls
through them
and can't get back home.
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