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Jan 2015 · 238
Expression of Emotion
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I want to hold you.
You and I together are belonging.
That's right, you see the light.
You make my life bright.
Every night you make it alright.
You are my knight.
So charming & polite.
Think of people to invite.
Be my guest.
To my invitation say "yes".
Excited & delighted. Joy is ignited.
Ending the night we fighted.
Anger is always misguided.
The peanut brittle I bited.
You are out of sight.
Remember your rights.
Height can be a fright.
I need to write, review, revise, & recite.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 183
Haiku 2013
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Fat brother mama's boy

Don't use my mouthwash. Buy your own & pay the cost. Why do u lie when I asked if you used it? Because you know I will throw a fit.

My Precious Angel

Ariel I'm sorry I left your side. An evil forced us separate & divide. A distance that's long & wide. I wish we could run away & hide.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 811
Pig Sty With Butter & Rye
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Mildew, mold, cobwebs, rust, stench, trash, dead grass, window screens with holes & ****.
Not things you'd find at buckingham palace.
Only in a home of bums.
Not a dream to last.
I want to move, I want to run.

Colorful Colorado....7 years Bad Luck

Snowflakes, frozen lakes, shoveling snow.
A cold for all to know.
I will never go back.
My ex boyfriend would strike & attack.
It was I he tried to choke out & ****.
From 2006 to 2012.
Thinking of him makes me ILL.
Summer of elves.

Unloved & Taken for Granted. Raved & Ranted.

A haiku with thoughts of you.
I don't feel lucky with us two.
We never hold hands or embrace.
We never kiss each other's face
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I love my cat.
I love my daughter.
I loved my father.
I hate my mother & my brother.
There is no other.
Love & don't need to wonder.
******* prevails angering the thunder.

Past to Present

Emotional train wreck, delusional, a spasm, dumb b*tch, & basket case.
I have been called all those things.
By guys who never gave me a wedding ring. People at my work when they see me they start to sing. I say "hi" to everyone.
I am fast, friendly, & fun.
So harmony Follows and tracks me.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 1000
Kindred Spirits
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Haiku -
Ariel is my angel.
Kindred spirits.
Escape our cursed fate.
Our future together has been an 8 year courthouse debate.
The kidnapper belongs in a 6 feet underground crate.
A date she need not be late.
When are we supposed to be reunited?
At heaven's gate?
This world I hate.
Our souls it what it ate.

-Model -
Acrylic french tip nails, highlighted streaked hair. Glamourous vanity.
Thin as a rail.
Fabulous flair. New fashion to wear.
In admiration all eyes stare.
Posing for ******* is too transparent & bare.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 335
Mutual Desire
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015

Morning glories....boring stories.
Nightmares about strangers who stare.
Dreams of moonbeams, rivers, & streams.
Money I will never again lend.
That's the alternate end.
Not again your promises bend.
Your word is a lie.
Soon I hope you will die.
It's karma so don't wonder why.
The truth you wouldn't know if you tried.
Misery of being broke makes you cry.

- Haiku-
Hawaii, Ireland, and France, three places I would want to go.
*** belly piggies, chipmunks, & baby lambs I want to know.
Vacations & new pets, and working cars that don't get towed.
What will destiny, karma, trinity, infinity, & fate have bestowed?
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 440
Ripped Off & Copied
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I have noticed a lot of my poem's words, ideas, & titles,
Are being inserted, reused, & recycled In other people's poetry on this website.
Can't people form there own original ideas & plots?
Without re-wording other's to make it sound new?

Will I get one last supper?
Pass the bread.
A prayer before slumber.
Busy with bible study you read.
Walk on water?
Hailing brimstones...
Confessions to a father.
Spying ghomes.
Sacred wishes, granted.
Class dismissed go home.
Written lies slanted.
Evil curses & spells chanted.
Bad nurses banned from a paradise enchanted.
Blessed is he who is with me.
Bring me an angel.
Their name was cupid.
Love created what he did.
Goddess of love sent from above.
Granted me a solid connection.
With a united ressurrection.
Formed to perfection.
A true delight shining like a prism bright.
Deflecting sin, reflecting next of kin. Metallic rainbows will win.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 956
Search Engines
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Take a look at my facebook.
Myspace seems to have been erased. has potential, coincidential.
Deleting websites is mental. Disneyland, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, & Scotland are all countries I want to travel but know I never will
even though it seems chill?
Expand horizons in real life or online.
Remain no one's wife, and be fine.
Write poems that make sense & rhyme.
When people shoot others for no reason.
Is the water they drank polluted.
Or is it just the wrong place & the wrong season.
Or are they just mentally deluted?
A confusion, a delusion, a hallucagin, or persecution?
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 889
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Essence of Hibiscius

A Sweet smell of serenity.
An aroma that's plenty.
Caramel coffee with blueberry oats bars.
Gourmet toffee & latte at starbucks.
Jamba juice affordable.
But not a rolex.

Ancient Bones

Wizards with magic lizards casting spells.
Moon & stars.
A Private hell with a mini bars.
Waving their magic wands.
Setting free by Unleashing their shackles & bonds.
Fossils trapped in tar pits. Archaelogical digs discoverying something big.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 487
The Past Doesn't Last
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
The past doesn't last.

The mole stole a bread roll & ran down the tunnel hole.
A giraffe poked a can of coke.
The defiant giant roared.
The bird landed a ****.
A joke for a poor bloke.
The troll dropped his bowl on the bed like lead.

Then came the blame....who ate my baklavas?

Candy apples & fruit cakes.
Gingerbread man & fortune cookies.
Food that's adaptable.
Goodies to bake.
Eat it because you can.
Snacks for rookies. Taste the treats.
Don't waste in a haste.
I bet of that you'd regret.
Pink frosting in the sink.
When you drink *** you act dumb.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Palm trees wrapped with barbed wire.
I like gingerbread cookies of pillsbury dough, of that you already know.
Frappuccinos without whipped.
Like a dream


Rollerblading the past is fading.
Summer camps horseback riding, rock climbing, arts & crafts.
Friends confiding, connections binding, lots of laughs.
Swimming, smores, canouing, & row boats.

Gemini Loved Scorpio

Solar system of a higher altitude.
Astrology to set the mood.
A date which is charming & not rude. Greek or mexican? My favorite food.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 172
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Fragmented fossils scattered & tousled.
Destroyed uncontrollable elements.
Unfortunate Tragedy was sent.
Replicated skeletons displayed.
Fragile & frayed.
An unearthed discovery.
Arranged for everyone to see.
Hell beast creatures?
Museums main feature.

Will it be a cold day in hell?
Before I hear my own wedding bells?
When pigs fly?
Children might ask why.
As sure as mortals all die.
When justice isn't even tried.
When bribes are buyed.
When victims cry.
When nobody ever says "hi".
Who's child was taken?
It was I.
Everyone has their own lie.
They all want a piece of my birthday pie.
Never is forever.
Phone calls & even letters.
A stubborn end, to no beginning.
Evil sin, & selfish greed winning.
They wish innocence to cry & just die.
An end of joy for every girl & boy.
An end to happiness & love.
Hell below & heaven above
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Green eyes & seductive stare.
Words which never lie.
Everyday about me he cares.
Buys me a latte of chai.
His arms around mine.
An endless love through time.
His kiss on my face.
A loving embrace.
In 1996, through the doorway his arms around my waist.
A memory time can't erase.
His greenish eyes see all the naked parts of me.
His only woman I want to be.
A true love set free.
A person to cherish.
A love never to perish.
Perfect lips, unbroken hips,
freckled hands, untraveled lands.
Seductive mouth, forbidden south,
a gentle caress,
love made best,
Faithfulness put to the test,
insecurities that never rest.
His thoughts that count.
Unpaid debts that mount,
Red hair that glows, a loving heart that knows.
A generous mind, in him I find.
Unlocked treasures.
Nobody else could measure.
My Best Friend
A smart man, his biggest fan.
His baby head asleep on my lap.
A face he would never slap.
He likes fishing.
Together forever is what I'm wishing.
Being alone I am not missing.
His face I want to be kissing.
Just being a friend.
Needs to end.
I want more.
Then to just be a *****.
He says I am a chore.
I grew up poor.
I used to sleep on a floor.
I hate to be ignored.
I don't know what's in store.
I haven't been given the grand tour.
I want to be his girl. I want to be his world. With him I fell in love. He was sent from heaven above. He is who I adore. He makes my spirit soar. He is part of what I live for. I feel it in my core. I just need stability & commitment more.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

Titled because of the time my dashboard you punched on my Geo Metro in 2012. You only ever kissed me when you were drunk. You only ever called me when you needed a ride for 3 years. All you do is play video games. I am 37 i have been looking for a man a husband for 20 years all I find are boys who never grew up at 37 who still live with their mom.
Jan 2015 · 312
Passionate Destiny
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Nothing is not something to be.
Broke & unemployed, for a year that was me.
Any friend who cares can see.
A mutual connection to give that part of me.
I envision a stable happiness of harmony.
A peace that is free.
A trusting love that's true that is he.
Big hearts & thoughtful minds that is we.
No secrets to find, no mysteries to untwine.
No regrets to rewind.
No promises to bind.
Nothing to hide.
Open book. Open wide.
A friend to confess & confide.
A journey & path to guide.
Prayers answered.
Whispered desires.
Untamed flames & passionate fires.
No untold lies.
Friends money can't buy.
No unanswered Questions of why.
No broken hearts that cry.
All that is true & fair.
Nothing pursued or dared.
Someone real to care.
A meaningful stare.
A loving heart, an honest feeling, a true passion.
A faithful promise.
A heart felt respect.
No one needs to correct.
An erased debt.
A winning bet. A reunion met. A commitment to get. A destiny & fate to let. A loving loyal pet. A plan to set.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 730
Misery Loves Company
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Broken poor trash which degrades & defiles.
You lied to the courts, judge, mediator, minor's counsel, & district attorney.
A backstabber, 2 faced, hypocrite, who commited perjury.
A hunchback hammertoed hefer who gets fatter.
You live in a hoarded ***** stenched sty.
Quality is not something you search to buy.
You settle for **** bit by bit.
On your fat *** you sit.
Your ***** sag.
Your a decripid old hag with saddle bags.
You destroy relationships.
You can't form your own friendships.
Your a judgmental, prejudice, anti-social, psychotic, hermit crab.
Your a heartless blackheart who back stabs.
You take what's not yours.
By manipulation, cheating, stealing & lying.
You want my child motherless.
Your an evil diease.
Your thoughtless, your lies don't put me as ease.
You divorced my dad.
You took all I had.
You can't control your bladder.
What I want to you does'nt matter.
Greed you sought.
Your lies I fought.
You spread hate in your old lady disguise.
You believe your so clever, deceitful, & wise.
You have cellulite, verocross veins, & cottage cheese thighs.
A meat loving satanic caravore.
Who slams the door.
Pees on herself & the floor.
Has a greed for more. Always settles for poor. Vendictive evil without a cure. My life is smeared a blur from everything I am & once were.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

Dedicated to mummy "dearest".
Jan 2015 · 272
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Talent should never go to waste.
Everyone who don't have success, wealth, & fame should get a taste.
No good person should remain a lifeless shell.
They can kiss & tell.
Scream & yell.
To cheat is to be cheated.
To beat is to be beated.
To express anger is to receive it.
Insanity has no boundaries.
Rages has no borders.
****'s have no power or order.
Self control is a whole.
Hermits shy away & shut-in's like moles.
Evil takes many forms.
They can look completely normal or hideously deformed.
Crazy minds aren't always seen on the outside.
No one can hide their true selfs.
Everything is discovered eventually.
Whether through fate, circumstance, karma, or consicous.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 574
I am ......I'm Not
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I am a vegetarian
like a humanitarian.
I am pro-life.
I am nobody's wife.
I graduated high school.
I never had friends, I wasn't cool.
I have a driver's license.
I have no credit or finances.
I am not a voter. I am a pet devoter.
I am not a drinker.
I am more of a thinker.
I am not a smoker.
I am more of a joker.
I am not an addict or fanatic.
I am not erratic.
Or a manic.
I don't panic.
I am not a stalker,
Or a street walker.
Sometimes I am a big talker.
I am not a **** or a nut.
I am not alone.
I am not a ghome.
I have a friend.
Loneliness he can mend.
I am no longer in a rut.
I don't have a big ****.
I am not married.
When I die I don't want to be buried.
I want to be frozen.
That's what I've chosen.
I don't cook or clean.
I just look but I'm not mean.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 371
Soul Mates or Casual Dates?
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I love myself.
Even though I have no wealth.
I am morally strong.
I don't do wrong.
I do belong.
I love this song.
I have no ambitious goals.
I have been with some trolls.
I am not a morning person.
My day's can't much worsen.
My life is no longer cursed.
I have been through the worse.
I may not always be first.
I hate when your super late.
Alone on a date.
Do you care what I ate?
You know what I like & what I hate.
I got the nerve accept what I deserve.
How do you rate the food on your plate?
Was it just good or was it great?
Do you antisipate another long wait?
Or will we be greeted & immediately seated?
What is the fate for our next date?
I better not just be the bait.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 546
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Someday together we can play.
But not tomorrow or today.
Someday we will reunite.
Our lives will continue to take flight.
Getting taken wasn't right.
Bossy people like to bicker & fight.
Someday I will see. You again.
But the real question is, when?
You have all my love.
We have moral values we are above.
Someday each other we will find.
Commitment & honor that binds.
Someday you will get your mom back.
That is a crucial fact.
The old lady will try to attack.
She will peel & crack.
Our lives will stay on track.
Kidnappers got no common sense.
It's something they lack.
Our suitcases need to be packed.
The justice system is so wack.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Sacred Spirits Divided
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A ghost doesn't always need a host.
Hidden messages they can post.
Finding children who are missing & lost.
Whatever the cost.
Ariel is the boss.
We suffered a severing loss.
She is still in charge.
We ain't living that large.
She is motherless.
I am childless.
Our sacred bond was forced broken.
Bitterness & scorn is choking.
Ireland we can run.
A vacation would be fun.
Ariel is a magnificant star.
The target of a custodial war.
She is gifted & talented.
A spirit that's been lifted.
She joined my life.
She is still Fatherless & I not yet a wife.
A celestial being which I am seeing.
She has always been the plan.
I am her biggest fan.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 802
Pedofile Profiles
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A special place in hell.
Child ***** they sell.
Pedofiles have no style.
They destroy, hurt, & defile.
They deserve no glory.
We need to all end their story.
They should be castrated & executed.
Blinded, deafened, & muted.
Probation should'nt even be disputed.
Paralyzed until they've realized.
True suffering.
Revenge with no wondering.
A hell on earth for them.
Their life should have never been birthed.
Their evil essence was unearthed.
A soul-less existence with no worth.
An entity that's cursed.
They walk among us.
Blending in so diverse.
Havoc & chaos they resurrect is worse.
They belong in a coffin in a hearst.
Heartless & the unpureist.
I wish them all dead.
To stay out of children's beds.
My words you saw & read.
From justice they fled.
Fugitives of crime.
Sentenced to death in time. Bounty hunters hear their thunder. Watch your back. They will attack.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

All them them should be catastrated & killed. Execution style.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A two faced, backstabbing, hunchbacked, hammertoed,
Bedpissing, 77 year old, my child she stole,
Perjury committing, pedofile loving, meat eatting, lazy,

Old, packrat hoarding, ******, liar.
I wouldn't care if she was on fire.
Troublemaker of scorn.
Rotting rags is always what she's worn.
A pointy edge in my side like a thorn.
Lies under oath she sworn.
From my arms my baby she torn.
Nutty as an acorn.
A devil with horns.
Her death I would'nt mourn.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 307
Rest in Peace Dad
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Don't fear the unknown atomsphere.
Who birthed thee earth?
The devil or god's work?
A mental nervous breakdown of complete beserk.
A heart unwilling to be broken.
Refuse to get choken.
Second hand smoking.
Forever always hoping.
You were a scholar of wisdom.
Mom thought you were a ***.
Just because money you didn't have none.
She is stupid, blind, deaf, & dumb.
Dad your absence made me sad.
Each other's company we no longer had.
Her divorcing you was wrong & bad.
It made me angry & mad.
The old bitter hag is glad.
You were a good man.
You used to drive a white van.
The old crone kicked you out, & had you banned.
She still screams & shouts.
She is the one who should've been banished.
To disappear & vanish.
You didn't own your own land.
But you were always willing to lend a helping hand.
He never had many plans.
Arizona was where you ran.
I guess the she is both someone we couldn't stand.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
My dad, butterball, & yoshi.
All found dead on the floor.
They answered the knock at death's door. Traumatized by the image.
It wasn't assault.
It was no one's fault.
It was just like my dead goldfish.
Death is not usually a wish.
Aquatic life is just as precious.
It left a haunting message.
Maybe there is not a better place.
A hollow bottomless pit you can't trace.
Hidden realms with experiences which overwhelm.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

When things you love die. My dad in 2009. My cat in 2010. My other cat in 2013.
Jan 2015 · 669
Stupid Old Hag
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
With an evil grin.
She expresses disgusting sin.
Her tricks will make you sick.
Are angels of destruction,
A careful divine construction?
A child misplaced.
A truth you never faced.
Placed in the wrong class.
Deception as transparent as glass.
Incompetent & prejudice.
Not someone I trust.

Heartless & uncreditable.
Brainless & judgmental.
Self centered greed.
An undeserved need.
A mind that's lame.
Insanity untamed.
Like a sneaky flame.
Not a distressed dame.
More like a hunchback from notre dame.
A false declaration she claimed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

Dedicated to "mother".
Jan 2015 · 201
I'll Think of You When
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I'll think of you when I see a rainbow.
I'll think of you when the sun glows.
I'll think of you when the sky snows.
I'll think of you even if no one knows.
I'll think of you when the rain flows.
I'll think of you when the wind blows.
I'll think of you when I am low.
I'll think of you when the lawn is mowed.
I'll think of you when boats are rowed.
I'll think of you when bitterness is stowed.
I'll think of you when my cars get towed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 193
My Real Dad
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
You used to walk me to school.
When you left us I felt like a fool.
I miss your hugs & kisses.
Nothing came true from my wishes.
I always thought you'd come back.
One day your things you'd pack.
I have a cat now.
I want to save all the chickens, pigs, & cows.
I haven't eatten meat for 20 years.
I never drink alcohol not even beer.
I don't do drugs or smoke.
All I've said is no joke .

You were a talented artist.
At 13 I had a tumor.
It wasn't just a rumor.
A part of my childhood you missed.
My forehead you used to kiss.
I'll remember your laugh.
Without you I wasn't whole just a half.
When you were gone that's what I hated.
My life was degraded.
I wish you had been there.
I wish you could care.
I never had a real home.
I always feel alone.
Even though I am now grown.
Everything feels done & over.
Where does your ghost hover?
I'm sorry your dead.
All your letters I read.
Not enough was said.
Nobody made sure you got fed.
ed. Neither of us had our
own bed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 371
Rags to Rags
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
It was dark when I heard a dog bark.
The task is to get cast.
Have a career that will last.
Money spends fast.
Poverty doesn't stay in the past.
I can't stand this foul stench.
I have to climb this fence.
Drive a car to commute up the north route.
You won't get far in just your boots.
You can't sing if your mute.
Talent isn't here if you have none.
Stop this isn't fun.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 432
Low Class Vs. Middle Class
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I heard you just follow the herd.
What's the word?
That is absurd.
I told you it was cold.
Your too fat, ugly, & old. I fold.
I know I ain't made of gold.
Hold it, I know you sold it.
Take a look, see I told you I can't cook.
Just in case you forgot my face.
Look twice.
Remember it's nice.
I am still a lady even if I don't drive a mercedes.
Do you want to be my buddy?
Or marry me & be my hubby?
Adventure to capture.
Just because it's time for a change.
Doesn't make me mentally deranged.
I don't sob if I ain't got a job.
Only a poor slob be eatting corn on the cob.
I have a need to feed.
But it ain't greed.
If you wanna be a goof.
You need to just disappear & go ****.
But don't use the roof.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Put on a robe.
Your ****** don't need to be seen around the globe.
Just because I sparkle & glow,
don't make me a skanky ***.
Morals awaken, sin is forsaken.
It ain't love we will be making.
Nobody gets married anymore.
Most men just find a convient *****.
People with low standards, settle for less.
They may take a gander.
But they usually make a mess.
I'm not in the mood for anymore food.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 250
Over the Hill
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
It's not bad what we had.
Waiting is a drag.
I'll be a decrepid old hag.
I look ok now,
But I don't want to brag.
Can you see the moon from this room?
Use your brain so I don't have to stress & strain. Just because you gave and gave,
don't make me your life long slave.
Be brave, with your money try to save.
Don't squander & misbehave.
Don't live life in a cave.
Choose a path to pave.
See this is my "good bye" wave.
Who's is this phone number?
It's not mine.........******.
They stole my thunder.
Makes me wonder...
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
You were gone for so long.
Where do you belong?
Our relationship was all wrong.
You said you don't like my song.
You know the rule.
I ain't no fool.
I oppose even if you say it with a rose.
I haven't told lies about my size.
Take your best guess.
Stop with the flirt.
No I don't want dessert.
It's what I chose.
Who knows.
Empathy you can abstract.
What you lost you must subtract.
I want my money back.
That is a fact.
I kept track.
Your word you lack.
The plan was mapped.
Everyone clapped.
It was easily adapt.
The attack was a single slap.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 590
Destiny's Trinity
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
To know me is to respect me,
that is if you get me.
I am all about animal rights.
Ending wars & fights.
Giving a voice for equality between women, men, unborn babies, & slaughtered cattle.
An endless battle.
Life shouldn't be taken for granted.
Regardless of spells being chanted.
Blind, deaf & dumb.
Common sense they need to.
Get some.
Ignorance creates violence.
Abuse with silence. They never learn.
They won't get another turn.
Feeble people.
Unforgiven hatred.
Don't know how to cope.
Will never obtain any hope.
Sometimes when I sleep I dream.
When I'm awake children scream.
The neighbor's are annoying.
Sleep I can't be enjoying.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 461
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
In 1988 at lake murray we took a boat ride.
Our feelings we kept secret inside.
You didn't support me, you weren't by my side.
You moved away, and in 2009 you died.
I missed you & I cried.
Staying together couldn't be buyed.
Having fun without you was lied.
Divorce was a knot never untied.
A relationship that could'nt last.
Not since the curse was cast.
A love severed so fast.
Regrets & pain fill our past.
Ourselves, our lives & what made us who. Memories so far & few.
Why did you have to go to Sedona?
Why didn't you stay in California?
Instead you moved to Arizona.
I never believed you really would.
I didn't make the time I really should.
I guess we had a chance.
But it wasn't a simple dance.
At your photograph I often glance.
My thoughts of you are mostly sad.
I never really got to have you for a dad.
My past childhood makes me mad.
The few memories feel glad.
Things happen that are bad.
There's more things I wish we had.
Occasionally I get an awful feeling.
A need for a peculiar dealing.
I need closure with a sealing.
My spirit got cracked & has peeling. I guess I need soul healing. I used to have so much hope. I never could handle abandonment & cope.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Would you travel miles to see smiles?
Someone with morals.
From another portal.
Someone who don't eat meat.
That is polite whenever we meet.
Someone private & discreet.
Someone strong.
To belong.
That doesn't prey on the weak.
Who can stand on their own two feet.
Someone to take the heat.
Someone organized & neat.
Who people they would never beat.
Lover's who don't cheat.
Strength you can't defeat.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 284
No More Chances
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Don't become someone to hate.
Have a positive fate.
Cater your own plate.
A true heart never descrates.
A love that's holy.
Pure & whole.
With all my heart & soul.
Don't be twisted and diss.
Or your what & who I won't miss.
Go away & stay away is not my final wish.
I have to find my own bliss.
A new man to kiss.
It may be on my list.
I not okay when I'm ******.
Betrayed me.
Used me.
Fooled me.
Refused me.
You left me.
Never kept me.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 200
Someone will Vs. Me
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
You can't put me in a cage.
For having anger & rage.
When you commit crimes you do hard time. Someone will find me.
Someone will be kind to me.
Someone will love me.
Someone won't get enough of me.
Someone will care about me.
Someone will dare to be with me.
Someone will kiss me.
Someone will miss me.
Someone will hug me.
Someone will bug me.
Someone will choose me.
Someone will lose me.
Someone might leave me.
Someone might need me.
Someone will respect me.
Someone will get me.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
No place is safe.
Your path will be traced.
Your existence hollow.
Not somebody to follow.
If you can't guess.
Your not my mess.
Leave me alone, just go home.
If you don't have cash, you are jobless trash.
Looking lazy & mean has become your daily theme.
No I can't spare some change.
Maybe a job would hire you if you weren't so strange.

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Can you spare a job application for a homeless veteran?
Jan 2015 · 279
I'm Sorry
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
The universe may not be a curse.
Remember when you said I was your heart?
Back when you met me working at the mini mart.
You said we had a lasting love.
One that fit perfect like a glove.
I'm sorry for my insensitive comments.
Your words weren't actually compliments.
I'm sorry your brother died.
I'm sorry for the tears you cried.
I'm sorry for the words I lied.
I'm sorry for trying to buy your love.
I'm sorry I don't know why.
I'm sorry I can't fly.
I'm sorry your not the guy.
I'm sorry you never wanted to say "hi".
I'm sorry your wedding won't be with I.
I'm sorry I live in a sty.
I'm sorry you can't see it wasn't meant to be.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I am aware of your stare.
Breaking up isn't fair.
You had your chance.
There wasn't any romance.
You never wanted to dance.
Your always in a drunken trance.
I never had your baby.
You never treated me like a lady.
My heart & soul was bared.
You easily snared.
Feelings I no longer shared.
But you never cared.
An untrue heart you dared.
Your temper always flared.
Cheaters are paired.
Wars declared.
Broken hearts caused by broken minds.
Bulleye darts winning is divine.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 468
Scorned Vengeance is Born
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
When I tell people I don't consider meat edible. They be like "incredible".
My sanity is credible.
I am not a rebel.
I have morals.
Is forever something you could swallow?
A past story that isn't hollow.
A ghost that haunts & follows.
Contemplate your pleasure.
How does it measure?
Is it worth a treasure?
Do you ever doubt, about, what you need to shout?
Don't whine & pout.
Go if you want out.
I don't want your rose.
Love is not something your heart knows.
Mutual knowledge I suppose.
Only lies is what you proposed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 651
Silly but Witty
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Breaking rules never taught in schools.
A relationship long over due.
A real heart that's new.
You will be haunted by three ghosts.
Boo.......... You are who?
My child is my sweetie pie.
Our love will never die.
Don't ask me how or why.
I found the right guy. I always say "hi".
To say you don't love me would be a lie.
I am able that is no fable.
Have a seat at the table.
I have no label.
I don't got cable.
I have no price tag.
I am to big to put in a bag.
Horses don't belong in a stable.
To generate we must communicate.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 250
Angelic Souls
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
What will you find inside my mind?
My thoughts can never be bought.
My dreams are like moonbeams.
They glow really bright.
Being a mommy should'nt be a fight.
Taking a child from there mom isn't right.
My nightmares are not fair.
They can't care.
Images that haunt.
Bodies that flaunt.
My destiny is what is left of me.
A misery you see should not be.
Your thrills make me ill.
Promise not to laugh about anything from my past? It's unfortunate it didn't last.
A curse was cast.
My life was ruined fast.
The face had no mask.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 552
Survive, Live, & Be Alive
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Fantasy a chance to be.
A treasure you can't measure.
Ordinary magestic fairy.
I stopped eatting dairy.
Beautiful mermaids,
With gems they made.
With hearts scorned.
Holy vessels everyday born.
Backstabbing witches.
Two faced *******.
Ugly trolls with firebreathing dragons.
Hidden moles on wagons.
Angel voices & moral choices.

What will you find inside my mind?
My thoughts can never be bought.
My dreams are like moonbeams.
They glow really bright.
Being a mommy should'nt be a fight.
Taking a child from there mom isn't right.
My nightmares are not fair.
They can't care.
Images that haunt.
Bodies that flaunt.
My destiny is what is left of me.
A misery you see should not be.
Your thrills make me ill.
Promise not to laugh about anything from my past?
It's unfortunate it didn't last.
A curse was cast.
My life was ruined fast.
The face had no mask.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
If you believe it you can achieve it.
Visualize and it will materialize.
Thoughts are energy.
The truth can not pollute.
Potent lies are difficult to delute.
My story has no glory.
That is a fact I can't get my purity back.
I have good manners & high standards.
Don't establish bad habits.
Food puts me in the mood.
I use charm I am never rude.
I promise not to intrude.
I never sleep in the ****.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
What if I died?
What if you cried?
What if no one tried?
What if no one will hide.
What if we lied?
What if they drowned in the tide?
What will we confide?
What if you matched my stride?

A dark shadow.
A quiet meadow.
A depth that's shallow.
A log that's hollow.
A flower that's yellow.
A song that's mellow.
A fellow that says "hello".
A nice soft pillow.
A weeping willow.
A giggly piece of jell-o.

I was hoping your door would be open.
You blackmail & bribe.
But I do not hide.
I am aware of your obvious stare.
Do you care to make a wager?
That I can predict your nature.
You will make the first mistake.
A promise you will break.
A commitment you will fake.
A sin you will make.
You will go to a fire lake.
Die in a violent earthquake.
I can celebrate with cake.
For your sake a chance I won't take.
From a nightmare you won't wake.
I don't blame the rain.
I can't drain the pain.
I can't tame what remains. You are insane.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 547
Bizarre like an Avatar
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Do you wonder if it will rain or thunder?
How can you know when the sky will snow?
My daughter does'nt like the sun.
She will try to run. Do the stars seem far?
There will be a full blue moon soon.
Who do you blame for the hurricane?
Did the wizard cause the blizzard?
The flood make a lot of mud.
You can catch the hail in this here pail.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 870
Harmonious Dreams
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Rainbow a mystic glow.
A beautiful sign, for that moment in time.
Magestic and epic.
You can't rewind.
A creation uncredited.
A creator you can't find.
A memory for the mind.
An image that's kind.
Romantic chimes.
Harmony that binds.
A treasure to find.
A pretty sky for seagulls to fly.
Never say "good bye".
Mysterious when you don't know why.
Precious & sacred.
Priceless & holy created.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 358
Unanswered Questions
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Living on this Boulevard.
The struggle to survive off minimum wage is hard.
To prioritize the assembly of lies.
To patent an idea & prototype it exactly.
To be rich & successfully a dream of a  vision practically.
Take my picture.
Am image maintain.
An existence retained.
An experience arranged.
A desire deranged.
So I can document & record my figure.
Do you ever wonder why you can't have my #?
Care bests are always there.
Frost bitten paws frozen & unthawed.
Misunderstood thoughts forgotten & retaught.
Sapphire skies over the horizon.
Every fiber of my being.
Again my mind in overthinking.
These stone walls are solid.
Thinking of others & babies without mothers.
Subsides but does not last.

Pride smiles while envy laughs.
Creatures if habit adapt.
Lipstick lesbians on the back of butch ***** a Harley bike.
Fully clothed I am at the beach you loathe.
Mysterious & delirious.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Damnation is an evil creation.
A puzzling equation throughout the nation.
A crime of temptation.
A hateful sensation.
A fear when your near.
My words no one can hear.
Heartless and thoughtless.
No eternal bliss.
No One to miss. Hell is there granted wish.
A place to rot like an uneatten dish.
You never will go free.
Your confession will guarantee.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
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