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 Jun 2016 Jennifer
The noise we make
the shrieks remain timeless
forever ringing my ears
the silence is deafening

The skin we shred
nails tearing into flesh
breaking it into clay
for a new birth

The world we destroyed
drowning our eyes
killing our reflections
breaking our coiled nature

The love we had
I want all our pieces together
I want us to burn ourselves
wear the earths ashes as crowns

The heaven we created
the sand dunes of hell
will know your name
as I extinguish it with your memory
 Jun 2016 Jennifer
 Jun 2016 Jennifer
My love,

There is a grief so heavy
If I spoke about it
The wind would howl your name
I cannot bear the silence
The solitude of life without you

When I found you
I learned how to breathe
Now you're gone
All the air has vanished
Yet I am cursed to live
To walk this unreal plain

Today I write
A poem
That does not come
from the pen of a poet
I write with
a withered smile
Weathered face
Battered tongue

I've learned how to engage
In human constructs
Laugh, smile and cry
At the right occasions
All parlance and fraud
The only thing real is you
To be loved is one thing
To be one is another
I shall walk this earth
Wishing for death
I shall die with my eyes wide open
Waiting for you
 May 2013 Jennifer
NATO confiscated my calculator as a weapon of math destruction


Matches to a pyrotechnic cartographer are weapons of map destruction


Moth eggs in the wardrobe are weapons of mac destruction


Nuclear bombs used in warfare are weapons of mans destruction
Three comical one serious
I love you broken doll
for I am the puzzle master
so, many parts no long working like they should
I'm not afraid to fashion you with
something different to make you seem whole
though you stay fractured

Something tells me
you destroyed yourself
and hid away
the most important parts

I love you broken doll
for I am the puzzle master
they hate to play with you
they don't give you what you need
I have all the replacements
to see you as complete
Cradled in my heart

Ignore those that speak
a mistake
an accident or reckless behavior
To me
Nothing about you is flawed
You belong
making life is magic
Living it is the Miracle

Stay safely held in loves embrace
 May 2013 Jennifer
She is the serrated edge
of the broken
wine glass
carving up my face
leaving open wounds
where she touched
all that remains of us
painful memories
and the scars
of moments past.
Don't ask
 May 2013 Jennifer
*** in the movies...

often offends those

behind you.

Couples finding their own entertainment in the dark lol
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